II. Place Names
II. Place Names Abydos (lbt), 49 Dendera, 86, 88, 123 -, funerary stelae from, 85 -, temple of Hathor, 84, 86, Aegyptus (province), 102 n. 34 -, zodiac in temple, 242 Ailourion (hamlet of), 51, 53 Dishna, library of, 226-227 Akhmim, see Panopolis Alexandria (Rakote), vii, 57, 96, 102 n. 34, 118, East bank, 56 120 n. 22, 141, 165-166, 181-184, 187-188, Edfa (ltou), 2 n. 5, 242 190-197 Edfu (Tho), -, Sabas church, 126 -, temple of Horus, 29, 83-84, 90 Antinoopolis, 123 -, library of monastery of St. Mercurius, 217, -, South Church, 119 219-220, 226 Apollonopolite (nome), 7 El Bagawat (necropolis of Hibis, Kharga Oasis), Arsinoite, 10 n. 27, 11 121-122, 129 Athens, 181 El Hawawish (necropolis), 45 n. 1, 47 n. 7, 84, -, temple of Athena, 159 235-236 Athribis, see Triphion El Salamuni, 46 n. 6,237, Atripe, see Triphion -, rock temple, 239 Awlad Azzaz, 237 -, zodiac tombs, 242 Ephesus, Council of, 97 n. 6, 154 Babylon, 23, 26 Erebe, monastery of St. Severus, 215 Bala'izah, library of monastery of Apa Apollo, 226 Esbon (Asfun el-Matana), Bassuna (Psonis), 48 -, monastery of Matthew the Poor / of the Potter Bir el-Ain (wadi), 55-56, 58, 67-68 (Deir el-Fakhuri), 137 -, graffiti of, 55-56, 58, 67-68 Esna (Latopolis, Sne, Isna), 87-88, 90, 136-137, Bompae, see West bank 142 Bosochis, see West bank -, temple of Khnum, 83, 91 Bucheum, 87 -, zodiac in temple, 242 Chalcedon, Council of, 96-97, 227 Fayum, 11, 46, 220 Chemmis, 56 -, monastery of St. Cosma, 216 Constantinople, 181, 183-184, 194, 197 -, Hagia Sophia, 116 Gebel Sheikh el-Haridi, Demotic graffiti, 80, 239 -, church of the Theotokos, 183 n.
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