PROPERTY AND CASUALTY COMPANIES - ASSOCIATION EDITION *40266201920100101* QUARTERLY STATEMENT As of March 31, 2019 of the Condition and Affairs of the ARCH MORTGAGE INSURANCE COMPANY NAIC Group Code.....1279, 1279 NAIC Company Code..... 40266 Employer's ID Number..... 36-3105660 (Current Period) (Prior Period) Organized under the Laws of WI State of Domicile or Port of Entry WI Country of Domicile US Incorporated/Organized..... December 30, 1980 Commenced Business..... December 31, 1981 Statutory Home Office 33 East Main Street, Suite 900 .. Madison .. WI .. US .. 53703 (Street and Number) (City or Town, State, Country and Zip Code) Main Administrative Office 230 North Elm Street .. Greensboro .. NC .. US .. 27401 336-373-0232 (Street and Number) (City or Town, State, Country and Zip Code) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) Mail Address Post Office Box 20597 .. Greensboro .. NC .. US .. 27420 (Street and Number or P. O. Box) (City or Town, State, Country and Zip Code) Primary Location of Books and Records 230 North Elm Street .. Greensboro .. NC .. US .. 27401 336-373-0232 (Street and Number) (City or Town, State, Country and Zip Code) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) Internet Web Site Address Statutory Statement Contact Jeffrey Wayne Shaw 336-412-0800 (Name) (Area Code) (Telephone Number) (Extension)
[email protected] 336-217-4402 (E-Mail Address) (Fax Number) OFFICERS Name Title Name Title 1. Robert Michael Schmeiser # President & Chief Executive Officer 2. Sara Fitzgerald Millard Executive Vice President, General