Rthecharioteer a Review of Modern Greek Culture
rTheCHARIOTEER A Review of Modern Greek Culture NUMBERS 7 AND 8 1965 A DOUBLE ISSUE ... ¥. • ~· t• . "'~.. • •. ____ CYPRUS ITS POETRY, PROSE, AND ART from ancient times to the present ' Published by · Parnassos, Greek Cultural Sodety of New York $2.50 THE CHARIOTEER A REVIEW OF MODERN GREEK CULTURE Published by Parnassos, Greek Cultural Society of New York NUMBERS 7 AND 8 EDITORIAL STAFF Executive Editors Andonis Decavalles Bebe Spanos Managing Editor Katherine Hortis Art Editor Milton Marx Consulting Editor on Cyprus Issue Costas Proussis Copy Editors Howard and Penelope Black Representative in Greece Dr. Mortimer R. Proctor (Athens College) HONORARY BOARD C. MAURICE BowRA Warden ofWadham College, Oxford LAWRENCE DuRRELL poet, author of The Alexandria Quartet MosEs HADAS Jay Professor of Greek, Columbia University RicHMOND LATTIMORE Profossor of Classics, Bryn Mawr College JoHN MAVROGORDATO Retired Profossor ofByzantine and Modern Greek, Exeter College, Oxford THE CHARIOTEER is published by PARNASSOS, GREEK CULTURAL SOCIETY OF NEW YORK, a non-profit organization under the laws of the State of New York, Box 2928, Grand Central Station, New York 17, N.Y. 4-Number Subscription $6.oo; 8-Number Subscription $n.so; foreign countries, including Canada: 4-Number Subscription $7.00; 8-Number Subscription $IJ.so, U. S. currency. Distributor: H. DeBoer, 188 High Street, Nutley, N. ]. Copyright© 1965, by Pamassos. All rights reserved. Printed at The Thistle Press, New York. PARNASSOS EXECUTWE COUNCIL Honorary President Andonis Decavalles President Katherine Hartis Vice President Constantine Kollitus Secretary Penelope Vassilaros Treasurer Katherine Karayiannides Cultural Chairman Frances Dickinson Social Chairman Lola Gounaris Membership Chairman Tak:is Ganiaris Public Relations Fotine Nicholas Library Chairman Helene Pandelak:is Board of Directors Steve Aldi Nicholas Herzegovitch Babis Meliaressis .
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