October 1, 2001– September 30, 2002 LIGHT METAL AGE 517 Jacoby Street, Suite A San Rafael, California 94901-5343 415 457-3868 FAX 415 457-3871 Audit Period AUDIT REPORT FOR THE TWELVE MONTH PERIOD ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 Publication Publishing Company LIGHT METAL AGE Fellom Publishing Company Established 1943 170 South Spruce Avenue, Suite 120 South San Francisco, CA 94080 (650) 588 -8832 PHONE (650) 588 -0901 FAX
[email protected] Circulation Data FIELD SERVED/DEFINITION OF RECIPIENT QUALIFICATION LIGHT METAL AGE is published bi-monthly, serving worldwide primary and semi-fabrication metal plants that produce or semi-fabricate, process or manufacture the light metals aluminum, magnesium, titanium, beryllium, their alloys, and other non-ferrous metals. AVERAGE BI-MONTHLY CIRCULATION: October 1, 2001 – September 30, 2002 QUALIFIED CIRCULATION Non-Paid Paid Total Individual Subscriptions 1,349 1,173 2,522 Association/Group/Directory 2,501 - 2,501 TOTAL QUALIFIED CIRCULATION 3,850 1,173 5,023 NON-QUALIFIED CIRCULATION Non-Paid Paid Total Other 894 - 894 TOTAL NON-QUALIFIED CIRCULATION - - 894 TOTAL PRINTED - - 5,917 QUALIFIED CIRCULATION BY ISSUE ISSUE Total ISSUE Total October 2001 5,053 April 2002 5,028 December 2001 5,011 June 2002 5,010 February 2002 5,036 August 2002 5,000 6 month average 5,033 6 month average 5,012 12 month average 5,023 Please see the following pages for Geographical Distribution, Summary of the Readership Survey, Audit of Internal Records, Explanation, and Affidavit. Downloaded from www.verifiedaudit.com Copyright © 2002 Verified Audit Circulation October 1, 2001– September 30, 2002 LIGHT METAL AGE Based on August 2002 Issue Total Qualified Circulation: 5,000 Circulation Breakdown GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION REGION Total Percent REGION Total Percent Maine 5 Kentucky 91 New Hampshire 15 Tennessee 93 Vermont 8 Alabama 80 Massachusetts 78 Mississippi 33 Rhode Island 12 E.