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JANUARY 2009 OP SOCIETY NEWS ‘Adopt-a-Picture’ Appeal — The Carlo Vita-Finzi bequest of books and papers on early Italian

n July the Royal Aeronautical Weather Bureau. W.B.110: Reprinted ISociety Library was presented with from the ‘Monthly Weather Review’ a significant collection of material on beginning April 1896. (US Weather early Italian aeronautics by the Bureau. 1896). 135pp. Illustrated. grandsons of Col Carlo Vita-Finzi (1866-1923), an early Italian Tschudi Instruktion fur den pioneer and balloonist who was to Ballonfuhrer. (Berlin: Deutscher command Italy’s air platoon. The Verein fur Luftschiffahrt. 1901) collection includes a number of 121pp. important documents on early Italian A practical manual for and the military use of aeronauts which concludes with a aeronautics from some of its main table of useful phrases (in Dutch, proponents including Captain G.A. Danish, Swedish, Russian, Polish, Crocco and Guilio Douhet. The Hungarian, Bohemian, Romanian collection is summarised below: and Turkish) for the balloonist to have available on landing. Faccioli, A. Teoria del Volo e della Navigazione Aerea: Recherche Andre, M.H. Moteurs d’Aviation et Sperimentali Sulla Resistenza Forlanini F.2 ‘Citta di Milano’ semi-rrigid c.1913. de Dirigeables. (: Librairie des dell’Aria. Teoria dell’Elice e del Sciences et de l’Industrie. 1910) Timone. (Milan: Ulrico Hoepli. 1895) 194pp. Illustrated. 309pp. Illustrated. Illustrated throughout with many An early technical analysis of the ‘L’Industria’ Vol 23 Nos 46, 48 and 49. Guerra. 1913) 26pp. photographs and line diagrams, this possibilities of . (Milan: Tipografia deglia Operai (Soc. is an informative reference work on Cooperativa). 1910) 24pp. Panetti, M. and Burzio, F. Richerche early and airship engines Almerico da Schio La Possibilita in Sperimentali sulla Resistenza dell‘ arranged by manufacturer. Aeronautica: Conferenza tenuta alla De Maria, A. Navigazione Aerea Aria: Contro schermi piani, sottli, Associzione della Stampa in Roma la (Aviazone). (Milan: Ulrico Hoepli. rotanti. Extract from ‘Atti della Reale Due to a combination of age and sera del 12 Aprile 1902. (Rome: Uffico 1909) 338pp. Illustrated. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino’ Vol 50 usage some of this material is now in della Nuova Parola. 1902) 24pp. A well-illustrated contemporary 1914-1915 21 and 9 May need of conservation so that it can be history of the development of 1915. (Turin: Libreria Fratelli Bocca. preserved for current and future Almerico da Schio Verso la Prima aviation in Europe. 1915) pp 737-748; 1053-1066. generations of aviation historians. Aeronave — March 1904. (Stab L. The particular titles in mind include Fabris & C. 1904) 22pp. Illustrated. Primo Congresso Nazionale di La Polla, E. La Tecnica dell’ Aviatore. Teoria del Volo e della Navigazione Locomozione Aerea: Promosso dalla (Turin: S. Lattes & C., Editori. 1915) Aerea, Primo Congresso Nazionale di Almerico da Schio Dell’ Aeronave Societa Aviazione Torino, Toriono 16- 291pp. Illustrated. Locomozione Aerea, Fifth Congres ‘Italia’ — Relazione (Con Tre Tavole) - 19 Aprile 1910. Atti, Resconti, International d’Aeronautique and April 1905. (Schio: Tip-Lit. L. Marin. Memoirie pubblicati per cura del D’Amico, S. Bollettino delle Norme Moteurs d’Aviation et de Dirigeables. 1905) 34pp. Illustrated. Comitato ordinatore. (Turin: Societa per l’Accetazione ed il Collaudo dei Additional contemporary Italian Tipografico-Editrice Nazionale Materiali d’Aviazone: 2 Semstre 1916. aeronautical material held in the Crocco, A. Il Momento Aeronautico: [STEN]. 1910) 255pp. (Turin: Direzione Tecnica dell’ Society’s Library which now needs to Conferenza — Letta in Roma nel Aviazone Militare. 1916) 50pp. be rebound includes the journals Mese di Aprile 1906. Extract from Primo Annuario dell’ Aeronautica Illustrated. l’Aeronauta 1896-1899 (2 volumes) ‘Revista d’artigliera e genia’ Vol 2 1910. (Milan: Touring Club Italiano. Includes details of the early and Bollettino della Societa 1906. (Rome: Enrico Voghera. 1906). 1910) 456pp. Illustrated. manufacture of aircraft propellers. Aeronautica Italiana 1904-1909 (6 29pp. Illustrated. Records details of a number of the volumes). Reviews the development of aviation results of early aviation meetings, Panetti, M. Il Laboratario di The average cost of rebinding a from 1890-1905 focusing on the aero clubs, aeronautical journals and Aerodinamica del R. Politecnico di worn volume is about £30, researches of Ferber and the Wright technical summaries of a number of Torino: Extract from ‘Gironale dell’ depending on its size and condition. brothers. early aircraft, airships and aero Associazione Nazionale degli if any individual member, company engines. Ingegneri Italiani’ Vol 1 Nos-4, 5, and or organisation would like to ‘adopt’ Crocco, G.A. La verticale di consumo 6. (Milan: Societe Editrice Tecnico- one of these volumes, please contact: nei dirgibili: Extract from 'Bollettino Societa Aviazione Torino. Fifth Scientifica. 1920) 9pp. Illustrated. Brian Riddle, Librarian, Royal della Societa Aeronautica Italiana' Congres International Describes one of the earliest wind Aeronautical Society, 4 Hamilton No 12 1907. (Rome: Tipografia dell' d’Aeronautique: Proces-Verbaux, tunnels to be established in Italy. Place, London W1J 7BQ, UK. Tel: +44 Unione Cooperatavia Editrice. 1907) Rapports & Memoires par les soins (0)20 7670 4362. e-mail: 7pp. Illustrated. del a Commission permanente Douhet, G. Il Dominio dell’ Aria: [email protected]. Anyone Describes the aerodynamic design of internationale d’Aeronautique et de Saggio sull’ Arte della Guerra Aerea, who would like to contribute to the airship ballonets. la Societa Aviazione Torino, Turin, 25- con una Appendice Contentente rebinding costs of these particular 31 October 1911. (Turin: Tipografia Nozioni Elementari di Aeronautica. items from the Library’s unique Crocco, G.A. La Navigazione Aerea: Elzeviriana. 1912) 439pp. Illustrated. (Rome: Stabilimento Poligraphico per archive of the world's aeronautical Lecture presented at the Third l’Amministrazione della Guerra. heritage will have their donation Congresso della Societa Italiana per il Norme per lo Impiego degli 1921) 191pp. recorded on the bookplate placed progresso delle scienze, Padova, Aeroplani in Guerra: Istruzione inside the particular rebound September 1909. Extract from provvisoria. (Rome: Ministero della Marvin, C.F. Experiments at the volume.

10 The Aerospace Professional SOCIETY NEWS qÜÉ=k~íáçå~ä=^Éêçëé~ÅÉ=iáÄê~êó `Ü~êäÉë=dêÉÉå=éçëíÉêë

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NO The Aerospace Professional LORD VENTRY COLLECTION The Society’s Library — The Lord Ventry Airship Collection

ollowing the death of Lord Press Visit on Thursday, 28 FVentry [The Hon A.F. De November 1929. Air Ministry, Moleyns] (1898-1987) the Society’s London. 10pp. Library received a large quantity of material (including many hundreds HMA Inspection of Fins, of photographs) recording the Rudders, Elevators, Passenger development of airships over the Saloon, Corridors, Power and years. Much of this material was Control Cars — Analysis of indexed at the time but the Operations [Blueprint drawing]. collection has recently been added c.1929. to by the inclusion of a number of historically important arrangement File of papers and correspondence plans and other papers which were relating to the transatlantic previously uncatalogued. crossings of HMA R100 to Canada During its fourth trial flight on 24 August 1921 the R38 A former airship pilot and a and back. Aeronautical Inspection airship broke in two over the Humber estuary. The names of passionate advocate for the use of Directorate and Royal Airship the 32 Anglo-AAmerican crew who died in the accident are recorded on the R38 Memorial Tablet (designed by the Art airships, Lord Ventry was the editor Works, Cardington. 1930. and Crafts Movement artist John Paul Cooper) which was of The Airship journal from Vol 1 Includes various structural originally unveiled on 29 June 1925 by the American No 1 Spring 1934 — Vol 7 No 6 assessment reports and passenger Ambassador, Mr Alanson B. Houghton, in the Society’s Library Winter 1948/49 and co-author of and crew lists. when the Society’s offices were on the second floor of No 7 Jane’s Pocket Book of Airship Albermarle Street. It is currently on display outside the Development (London: Macdonald Airworthiness Investigation of Hawker Room on the first floor of Hamilton Place (right). & Jane's. 1976) and Airship Saga Airship (Unpublished Air (Poole: Blandford Press Ltd 1982). Ministry report — September 1929). diagrams for ‘Storm’ Type Kite Brochure, passenger list and Some of the ‘highlights’ of the [DRG No 02/900; 02/901-1-2; 02/902- luggage label relating to collection are summarised below: File of papers relating to the 1-2; 02/908; 02-1056-5; 02-4056] (six Hindenburg flight to South specification and design of the sheets). Air Ministry. 1940. America. Deutsche - Mooring Experiments carried out proposed new airship Reederei, Frankfurt am Main. 1936. with R26. T.L.M. Boothby. RN (‘Confidential’). Royal Airship 1/10 scale blueprint diagram of Airship Station — Experimental Works, Cardington. 1930. General Arrangement of AD500 Collection of various timetables, Department, Pulham. 1919. 27pp. Work on the R102 design was Gondola [Drawing No 1214-03-00]. publicity material and 10 postcards Illustrated. cancelled in the aftermath of the Airship Developments Ltd. 1980. for the airships LZ-127 Graf crash of the R101 near Zeppelin, LZ-129 Hindenburg and 1/125 scale drawing of HMA R33 Beauvais in France in the early Goodyear Aircraft. Allen, H. LZ-130 Graf Zeppelin II. Deutsche Development [DRG No 40/P]. hours of 5 October 1930. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co, Akron, Zeppelin-Reederei, Frankfurt am c.1919. OH. 1947. 162pp. Illustrated. Main. 1936-1937. Various papers relating to the The Machinery of HM Rigid siting, shed erection and hutting Consideration sur les Dirigeables D’Orcy’s Airship Manual: an Airships R33 and R34 constructed accommodation at the various Zeppelin, les Ballons rigides et les International Register with a by the Sunbeam Motor Car Co Airship Mooring-out Stations. Ballons souples. Capitaine Bois. Compendium of the Airship’s Limited, Moorfield Works, Admiralty. 1918. c.1913. 9pp. Elementary Mechanics. L. D’Orcy. Wolverhampton: Reprinted from Examines the contemporary The Century Co, New York. 1917. Engineering 2 and 16 April 1920. position and perceived future Report on a Visit to the United 232pp. Illustrated. Sunbeam-Coatelen Aircraft requirements of airship States and Canada to study Airship Engines. Harrison & Sons, London. storage, and includes detailed Development (Unpublished The Problems of Commercial 8pp + 1p. Illustrated. tables recording the airship station typescript). R.S. Booth. 1932. Operation of Airships: Statement allocation of the various types of 202pp. made to the Federal Aviation 1/200 scale blueprint drawing British military airships then in Commission at a Hearing, 29 showing comparative half-side and operation. The Development of Airship October 1934 [Typescript]. Dr Hugo front-view arrangement diagrams Construction: Paper read at the Eckener. 19pp. for L71, R38 and R36 [DRG No S33]. Various pages of comparative data Spring Meetings of the Sixtieth Air Ministry — Airship Research for French and Italian airships. Session of the Institution of Naval Lecture on Maintenance, Flying, Section. 1923. Admiralty. c.1919. Architects, 10 April 1919. C.I.R. and Operations of Airships. J.N. Campbell. 13pp. Fletcher. RAF Staff College, 1/200 scale R38 General Rigid Airship Trial Staff Notebook Cranwell. 1918. 50pp. Illustrated. Arrangement drawing [Blueprint [Confidential — February 1917]. Parc Aéronautique de Pau: drawing 609/38]. Royal Airship Admiralty Air Department. 123pp. Tourisme Aérien en Dirigeable a Comparative Weights of Airship Works, Cardington. 1920. bord dur Croiseur transaérien ‘Astra Planes. Frederick Sage and Co Ltd German Rigid Airships: Zeppelin 1 — Ville-de-Pau’. Compagnie — Aeronautical Department, Specification of New Designs of L33 Plans A-M. Admiralty War Staff Générale Transaérienne. c.1909. 4pp. London. 1918. 1pp. Rigid Airship 25L. 22 November — Intelligence Division. 1917. Illustrated. 1917. Ltd — Airship Dept, Germany’s Rigid Airships in June Barrow-in-Furness. 1917. 12pp. Proposed Allocation of Airships for The Balloon: a New and Original 1916: Intelligence Circular No 7. Home Waters. Admiralty and Royal Farcical Comedy in Three Acts. J.H. General Headquarters — Home Notes regarding airship R100 . 1918-1919. Darnley and G. Manville Fenn. Forces, London. 11pp. constructed at Howden, East Yorks, Samuel French Ltd, London. c.1925. by the Airship Guarantee Co, Ltd, Series of arrangement blueprint 56pp. Continued on p 12.

10 The Aerospace Professional LORD VENTRY COLLECTION

Goodyear Airships: and Rapport Technique d’Ascension — General arrangement blueprint Accessories. Goodyear Tire & Ballon Dirigeable ‘Clement Bayard drawing of Car of HMA SS Zero Rubber Company, Akron, OH. 1920. VII’ — (Ascent No 11 of 6 April [Drawing No S.S.Z. 500]. Royal 31pp. Illustrated. 1917). Capitaine P. Leroy. 1917. 5pp. Naval Airship Construction Station, On 7 the Clement Wormwood Scrubs. 1918. The Hindenburg Souvenir Book: Bayard VII airship General Meusnier Published to commemorate the crashed on coming down from an 1/2500 scale drawing of the layout inauguration of Transatlantic altitude test in France and was of RN Airship Station Pulham, Airship Transportation by the never delivered to the Imperial Norfolk [Pulham Drawing Office No Hindenburg. H. Houston. Official Russian Army. 343] and smaller blueprint Program Corporation, New York. drawing. 1918. 1936. 36pp. Illustrated. Organisation des Grands Centres de Dirigeables Allemande. Col P. Leroy. File of papers relating to the International Airship Limited — c.1920. 13pp. Illustrated. Investigation of Accommodation of Proposed Operations and Estimated Power Units within the Airship Hull Zeppelin-Reliefkarte Europa- Costs — Photographs and Structure. Royal Airship Works, Sudamerika 1:5 Millionen. Specifications by the courtesy of the Cardington. 1929. Goodyear Company (plus attached . Ludwig Ravenstein AG, Frankfurt. c.1936. correspondence). 1936. 10pp. Plan of Standard Airship Landing Modern Airships: Lecture delivered Party Formation [Drawing Office Un Dirigeable Militaire: Issue No 4927, 31.12.25]. Royal ‘L’Adjudant-Vincenot’ (1911-1916). at the House of Commons on 28 June 1920. E.M. Maitland. 14pp. Airship Works — Cardington. 1925. E. Joux. Blondel la Rougery, Paris. From Société Zodiac catalogue c.1910. 1931. 48pp. Illustrated. Description du Dirigeable Zeppelin Der Luftschiffbau Schutte-Lanz IV LZ-16. Capitaine Martinot- 1909-1925. J. Schutte. Druck und Design Details of the Goodyear Lagarde. c.1913. 24pp. Verlag von R. Oldenbourg, . Model K Airship Parts 1-3. C.V.S. 1926. 152pp. Illustrated. Knox. Aeronautical Digest Leaves from my Logbook: Record Arrangement diagrams of Mooring Publishing Corp, Washington DC. Experiments — Barrow-in-Furness of the First Officer of the Airship Zodiac — Dirigeables, Captifs, 1945. 24pp. Illustrated. — 1917 [Naval Airship Station R100. G.F. Meager. Wingfoot Spheriques, Parachutes, Treuils et Drawing No M3]. Lighter-Than-Air Society, Akron, Tenders d’Aérostation. Société Vickers Ltd, Barrow-in-Furness. OH. 1961. 97pp. Illustrated. Zodiac, Puteaux. c.1910. 32pp. 1917. Illustrated. The Army Airship Roma. J.B. 1/100 scale arrangement drawing Mitchell. Syms-Eaton Museum, Extrait de l’Etude sur le Zeppelin of Vickers Non-Rigid Airship Hampton, VA. 1973. 34pp. L-49. Sous-Sécrétariat d’etat de Parseval Type 360,000 cbc ft Illustrated. L’Aéronautique, Militaire et Proposed Passenger [Drawing Maritime, Paris. 1917. 15pp. Various papers relating to the No 108 P1]. Vickers Ltd, Barrow-in- Illustrated. status of airship and Furness. 1919. seaplane bases along the L’Aéronautique Militarie — Les Tyrrhenean and Ionian Coast and 1/500 scale arrangement drawings Dirigeables Francais et les the Adriatic Coast. Office of the of Vickers Patent Mooring Gear for Dirigeables Etrangers, l’Accident du Chief of Staff of the Navy. 1918. Rigid Airships — Details of ‘République’, l’Avenir: Conference Includes tables recording the Aerodrome with Mooring Tower a l’Hotel des Ingénieurs Civils pour locations and dimensions of Italian and Mooring Masts for Vickers la Séance Solennelle de la Société airship hangars and the static and Non-Rigid Airships (two sheets). Francaise de Navigation Aérienne dynamic characteristics of Italian , Barrow-in-Furness. le 13 Janvier 1910. E. Surcouf. airships. 1919. L’Aéronaute, Paris. 1910. 16pp. Some Modern Developments in Illustrated. Some Technical Aspects of the Rigid Airship Construction: Paper Commercial Airship: Lloyd’s Promotional leaflet for the 1936 read at the Spring Meetings of the The Daniel Guggenheim Airship Register Staff Association Paper No transatlantic crossings of the Sixty Ninth Session of the Institute: Reprinted from Journal of 5 read 10 February 1926. B.N. Luftschiffbau Zeppelin LZ 129 Institution of Naval Architects, 30 Applied Physics, Vol 9, No 1, January Wallis. 23pp. Illustrated. Hindenburg. March 1928. V.C. Richmond. 15pp. 1938. Th Troller. pp 24-29. Illustrated. The Standardization of Data for Das Zeppelinluftschiff seine Airship Mooring Devices: Technical Airship Calculations: Paper read at Entwicklung, Tatigkeit und Report on the Lighter-than-Air Regulations No 1170-266. US Air the Spring Meetings of the Sixty- Leistungen. F. Kollmann. Verlag von Situation to the National Corps, Washington, DC. 1929. 11pp. Second Session of the Institution of M.Krayn, Berlin. 1924. 80pp. Aeronautics Committee of the Illustrated. Naval Architects, 17 March 1921. Illustrated. American Legion at New York City H.B. Wyn-Evans. 21pp. Tuesday 26 August 1947. C.E. Rigid Airship Manual 1927. US Navy Zeppelin: the Story of Lighter-than- Rosendahl. 30pp. Department — Bureau of Detailed listing of construction air Craft. E.A. Lehmann and L. Aeronautics, Washington DC. dates and physical dimensions of all Adelt. Longmans, Green and Co, “They Were Dependable”: Airship 413pp. Illustrated. Zeppelin Airships (Up to LZ 129) London. 1937. 365pp. Illustrated. Operation World War II 7 [Typescript]. c.1937. 7pp. December 1941 to September 1945. British Naval Non-Rigid Airships Avenir de l’Aérostation Dirigeable C.E. Rosendahl. US Naval Air 1914-1918. Lord Ventry. c.1958. pp en Russie. J. Leloup. Librarie P. Station, Lakehurst, NJ. 1946. 56pp. 26-33. All enquiries regarding the Rosier, Paris. 1911. 62pp. Illustrated. collection should be addressed Illustrated. The Small Airship and National to: Brian Riddle, Librarian, We Need Airships: Reprinted from Defence. Lord Ventry. 1953. 21pp. Royal Aeronautical Society, 4 Projet d’Instruction Pratique sur la Colliers 10 June 1944. C.E. Illustrated. Hamilton Place, London W1J Navigation a l’Estime en Ballon Rosendahl. Crowell Collier Includes a detailed discussion of 7BQ, UK. Tel: +44 (0)20 7670 Dirigeable. Lieutenant P. Leroy. Publishing Company, New York. pp the Airship Club’s Bournemouth 4362. 1914. 14pp. Illustrated. 5-12. Illustrated. non-rigid airship design. e-mail: [email protected]

12 The Aerospace Professional Afterburner Society News NATIONAL AEROSPACE LIBRARY Conservation of The Cuthbert- Hodgson Collection

The National Aerospace Library at Farnborough holds an extensive early ballooning collection, the Cuthbert-Hodgson Collection, which is probably one of the fi nest of its kind in the world. Funded through a combination of the Foyle Foundation, the Royal Aeronautical Society Foundation, proceedings from the National Aerospace Library’s stand at its Aerospace and Aviation Book Fairs and the sponsorship of J R Thirkettle CEng MRAeS, over the past fi ve years almost the entire collection of 18th and 19th Conservator Camilla Close- century ballooning lithographs, posters and fabrics Brooks attaching samples to new mount board using has been archivally conserved. hinge of linen tape running down the left hand side and Melinex sheets were hinged from the top edge Japanese paper hinges. This major conservation project has involved the Zenzie Tinker Conservation Ltd. lithographs and posters being carefully separated of the back boards, over the samples, to protect Below: Portrait engraving of by the conservators Riley, Dunn and Wilson Ltd of them while also enabling future access to the the pioneering balloonist Vin- Falkirk from their old board mountings, archivally samples which are now housed in two new made- cenzo Lunardi (1759-1806). to-measure solander boxes. Bottom: Representation of repaired and individually encapsulated in a polyester Jean-Pierre Blanchard’s laminate (and housed in made-to-measure archival The fabrics collection includes among others ascent from Frankfurt 3 storage boxes) which means that they can be fragments from the hot air balloon in which Pilatre October 1785. handled and studied without damaging the originals. de Rozier and the Marquis d’Arlandes made the RAeS (NAL). As described in The Aerospace Professional world’s fi rst aerial voyage on 21 November 1783; in January 2011 (p 15) the Cuthbert-Hodgson Chevalier de Moret’s hot air balloon destroyed Collection also includes a number of original fabrics by fi re at Chelsea, 10 August 1784; Cocking’s from notable balloons. A detailed conservation parachute; Garnerin’s balloon c.1803-1804; Dean’s project of these surviving fabrics and other Rarefi ed Air Balloon 1819; Graham Coronation associated ballooning ephemera has now been Balloon, 1824; J W Hoar’s Immense Hot Air undertaken by Zenzie Tinker Textile Conservation Balloon ‘destroyed by the crowd, May 1838’, Mrs (; T +44 (0)1273 685222). Graham’s Gas Balloon of August 1830 and from As with the lithographs and posters, each fabric her wrecked balloon of 1851; samples of silk used sample and other ephemera held in the collection in Charles Green’s Victoria and Nassau balloons, had to be very carefully removed from its old 1831-37; John Hamptons’ balloon, 1838; Comte card mounts prior to conservation treatment and de Lennox’s cylindrical airship ‘The Eagle’ 1835 cleaning. Those samples that were damaged and fragments of contemporary printed chintz with or extremely fragile were supported with a fi ne intricate ballooning designs among other artefacts Japanese paper, using wheat starch paste as the and ephemera. adhesive. Both the paper and the textile samples The origins of the collection can be traced were treated in this way, except for the two larger to the Cuthbert Aeronautical Collection of John textile samples which were supported with a Cuthbert — who started collecting early aeronautica reversible, conservation adhesive treated silk pre-1820s and over time his collection was bought crepeline applied to the back of the sample and by J E Hodgson, a bibliophile and aviation historian further supported with some laid stitching for extra who was the Royal Aeronautical Society’s Honorary strength. Librarian during c.1920s-, who added to the Annotations and labels, if written on or attached collection which was purchased in its entirety in to the previous mount, were removed and tipped 1948 by Sir Frederick and presented in to the new mount using wheat starch paste. The to the Royal Aeronautical Society in order to windows were attached to the back boards using a preserve the collection for the nation.

48 AEROSPACE / JUNE 2014 Funded by a major bequest to the Library Representation of Jean-Pierre from the estate of the former NASA scientist Dr Blanchard’s ascent from Nuremberg 12 November Charles E Billings FRAeS, many ‘highlights’ from the 1787 — his 28th ascent. collection were digitally photographed in 2011 and RAeS (NAL). a wide selection (238 images) of the 18th and 19th Below: Handbill century ballooning lithographs and posters can be Charles Green’s ascent in the ‘Nassau’ balloon from the viewed via the website: Royal Gardens, Vauxhall, 31 July 1838 — the pioneering British balloonist Charles Green (1785-1870) made Now this collection — which contains many over 500 ascents in his lifetime, of which the National items of historic interest which are older than, for Aerospace Library holds example, the American Constitution and pre-date records as original handbills/ the French Revolution — has been preserved posters of 241 separate for current and future generations to view and fl ights. RAeS (NAL). research, detailed catalogue records of the individual ballooning lithographs, posters and fabrics (765 items) having been compiled on behalf of the Library staff by retired volunteer and Society are in need of archival conservation. The average member Mike Stanberry MRAeS. cost for those books needing attention to be The Cuthbert-Hodgson Collection also conserved in their original bindings (with the cloth incorporates one of the world’s fi nest collections of rebacked and spines remounted and/or made-to- early aeronautical and aviation books recording the measure archival solander boxes produced to house development of aerial fl ight — and representations the material) is about £110 plus VAT per volume. of it — through the ages. If any individual member, company or organisation Adopt-a-Book would like to contribute to the cost of conserving these historic volumes please contact under the An archival conservation study has been undertaken Library’s ‘Adopt-a-Book’ conservation programme, of these older volumes, identifying those particular Brian Riddle, Chief Librarian (+44 (0)1252 titles which, due to a combination of age and use, 701060; E [email protected]).

Photographic Archive Online

The National Aerospace Library holds a very extensive photographic collection of aviation images (well over 100,000) dating from the early days of ballooning through to the modern technology aircraft, missiles and rockets of today. It also includes numerous aviation personalities across the same period. Assembled over the decades archives. Reproductions can be ordered as posters, through numerous donations from aircraft prints and a wide range of gifts. companies, organisations and individuals, the The website has been produced in collabora- photographic archive is a major visual record of the tion with the Mary Evans Picture Library (www. development of aviation through the ages. through whom these images can Over 8,000 images from the collection (more to be licensed for reproduction in books, magazines, follow) can now be viewed online at: advertising and other media. alongside over 440 vintage colour aviation For any enquiries regarding this material, please Top: C S Grace on his Short posters/magazine covers/air show programmes/ contact the Librarians at Farnborough: Biplane. timetables/decorative book covers/ T +44 (0)1252 701038/701060 or Bottom: Westland Sikorsky ballooning lithographs, etc. from the Library’s E [email protected] S-51, G-AKCU, of BEA.

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