Frisian Language, As It Is Probable That the Received Its Present Form Substantially at This Time

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Frisian Language, As It Is Probable That the Received Its Present Form Substantially at This Time T HE F RI S I A N LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE A HI S TORI CA L S T UD K A R L " E XT E N T F F RI S I A I . E O . 1 ‘ LA I CA L RE FE RENCE C SS S S . TO FRI IA 1 D “ lin . P 7 . : y , who wrote about A , says I n the Rhine itself is the most renowned islan d of the Batavi and the Can n en efate s and of Frisiav o n es S tu rii s other islands the Frisians , Chanci , , and Mar ii He lin iu m Fle v u m sac . , which are scattered between and These m on th are the names of the two s into which the Rhine divides . I t to empties its waters to the north into the lakes there , and the west ” l M a a tw o of into the s . The branches the Rhine here mentioned T he are the eastern and western . eastern was formed from the Sala or "ssel W l th which the waters of the Rhi n e were connected of L Ple v o by the canal Drusus, and which flowed through ake and o f entered the sea between the islands Terschelling and Ameland . m ’ I ts lower course bore later the na e of the Fli . The western 1 I n Rheno autem ips o nobili s s im a Ba tav o r u m in s ula e t Can n e n e fatiu m aliae F e t r isio r u m , Cha u co r u m , F r isiav o n u m , Stu r io r u m , M arsa cio ru m quae s te r n u n te r inter Helin iu m e t Fle v u m : ita appell an tu r o stia in quae ' e flu su s Rhe n u s a s e pte n tr io n e in Iacu s ab occidente in am n em Mo sam s e a it . s r N a t H s V . 2 i t Lib I . p g . , . , c 9 2 ' ' ' ’ ' ’ Se e A il in N tz tza a z r z H Ger m m a l n r o zs A n t w 82 . e s o cz e u . g , f q , p hold He lvl o t B B - m m He lin iu m that e and riel ( ree He l ) ar e re ain s of the na e . ’ See s S k a tin /2 A lo u d t a s V a d a d 1 Th e e S a a t e er l n s . al o g , , vol I , p 44 ( en rd branch of the Rhine called the Old Rhine enters th e sea near Le iae n . w ' branch as the V ahalis (W aal) which entered the sea near th e pres t en t Rot erdam . I t is noti c eable that the Cha n ci are here ass ociated with the Fri as sians, they are later their neighbors to the eas t o n the coas ts of e a the North S . s 100 D . s s an as w Tacitu , writing about A , describe the Fri i s d ell in n m n a s a g alo g the Rhine and a o g great lakes far as the oce n . G L s s They were divided into reater and e ser Fri ian s , according t o ” 1 s the resources of the two n ation . L s Fr is iab on es e The e ser Frisians, or , are supposed to hav resided m the Eli S between the ouths of the Maas and , in outh and North ” a n i r Holland . An app rent bra ch of the Fris ans b e a rim the nam e Fr isiabo n e s resided in the distri c t of Liin b u rg on the borders o f L S 3 iege and outh Brabant . 139 16 1 D s Ptolemy , who w rote between and A . , place the Fri sians north of the Bructeri extendin g along the coast as far as the Em E m W river s . To the east between the s and the eser resided L Ch au ci Ch au c i W the esser , then the Greater between the eser an d E l n n k C m b the be , and ext in order upon the ec of the i rian peninsula S 4 the axons . The Chanci here appear as occupyi ng what was later E n ast Frisia . Tacitus, however, places the Greater Cha ci between the E ms and the W eser and the Less er Chanci between the W eser ‘5 E m s b e and the lbe . The home of the Chanci see to have been t E m s W ween the and the eser, and those residing to the east of the W m eser si ply an outlying colony . 1 A n riva r io s e t Cham av o s D ul ubin ii e t Cha s u a r ii c l u du n t g a tergo g , aliae u e s d m e m o r a tae s e x ci iu n t m q gente hau perinde a fronte Fri ii p , aiori b u s min o r ib u s q u e Fri s ii s v o cab u l u m e s t e x m odo v ir iu m U trae q u e n a tio n e s u s que ad Oc e an u m Rheno p ra e te x u n tu r a mbiu n tq u e im m e n s o s — s l acu s e t m s cl a s sib u s n av i a to s . Ger m . in uper Ro ani g , c 34 2 S l m tin /z Se e A irin 1 . I I I . g , I , 7 , and g , I I , p 3 I V . 1 . P lin Lib . y , , c 3 ’ ' ' ’ ‘ 4 T V dé fl at J a me m / e x a r e o v o w v ms u e 1/ r o v s B o v fi / x p , ' ’ ’ Ga u r e o v s o i §l5 i6 w z ” r o v A u z oio v fl o r a 1 0 17 ar a dé p p my, , / ; p ’ ' r o v r o v s K a dxo z o i u m p o i ”8 s r o v Odz oo v p y io v n o r a u o v ' ’ ’ s t ar K a fi o z o i e z o v S e z r o fiiAA j z o s fl o r c o fi’ é e s dé i x u C y xp / w , mifi ' ' ‘ ’ ' — v a v K J e z/ v 2 d o v e § . Geo . 7t z r o xe v a ” 75 lfl/l ffg x p oo n oo § g , ib . J I I , c XI 5 Sunt vero e t in se p te n tr io n e v isa e nobi s Chau c o r u m q u i maiore s — f the 1r / V I . T s o X . he n in o r e s u e a e ll an tu r . in q pp P y , , c I de cription . country which follows applie s s trikin gly to E as t Fri sia and the dis trict o f S a terland . ra S w r e . trabo , who ote earlier at the beginnin g of the Christian th s s a s l be doe s n ot men tion e Fri ian . I n list of nation dwel ing S m Cha m a v i tween the Rhine and the ocean he mentions the ica bri , , 1 C m C n Cha u lki A m s ia n i m n I n B . ructeri , i bri , ha ci , , p and a y others s m m C another list embracing these tribe he o its si ilarly the hanci . m The ter is a geographical one , den oting the dwell E m e rs along the s an d may well have included the Frisians . I n a g G e n tiu m u Notitia wri tten at the begin ning of the fourth cent ry , Cham avi t s the Frisians are placed between the , the inhabi ant of l A msiv a r ii A Ha ma an d . and the similar list of the fourth cen tury , as cribed in some codices to Julius Caesar places the Fr u s io n e s or F risio n e s in m Ca n n ifa te s , as appears an other anuscrip t , n ex t to the s of B s who occupied the we tern part the atavian i land . The Geog r a he r a s t he p of Raven n , who wro te in the la t half of seventh cen D o r osta te o n th e tury , places (Duurstede) the north bank of Rhine ” Fr i o n u m Fr ix o n u m in the country of the Frisians i n g or patria .
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