Issue 21 Newsletter May 2020

Alia is cycling 100 miles in May to raise money for The Lily Foundation Executive Headteacher’s Message

Dear students; parents / carers and staff,

As we continue in this period of extended lockdown, instead of the weekly update that I have become accustomed to issuing on a Friday afternoon, please have a good look through this bumper newsletter that shares many success from this academic year. I think this must be the biggest edition ever and I would like to thank everyone that has contributed and helped put this together.

In these unusual times, it is good to be reminded of some of the Spalding Academy events and achievements since September and to remind students of the general buzz of life at School that we can hopefully get back to as soon as safely possible.

I hope by sharing this issue of the newsletter it will help our students and our families feel more connected to the school, during this period of absence?

There are far too many great aspects of this publication for me to pull out as being ‘highlights’ and share with you, so I will let you find your own favourite story, report or image. However, a few stand out articles that I know will prompt fond memories include the Geography Department’s Year 7 Fantastic Places homework project, which is always so popular. This year the models that students built were so complex and professional, they were all truly impressive.

Also, since September the Art & DT department have yet again excelled in the creative area. This is such an important area of the curriculum for Spalding Academy and the Art & DT department are always looking for new ways to inspire the students, such as for the Year 7 and 8 students who had the fantastic opportunity to meet and participate in workshops run by Robert Sabuda, a famous pop-up book author. The creations that followed are truly impressive.

During this time of school closure we have seen many people engage in very charitable activities and our charity support work at Spalding Academy has always been very important to both students and staff and when school can return to ‘normal’, we will be looking to see what charities can be supported by our students in the next academic year. In this newsletter you will find the inspirational story of Year 9 Alia Jones, who has a condition called Mitochondrial. I am so very proud of Alia, as she has managed to complete a 3K bike ride a day to total 100 miles by the end of May, which is not an easy task for someone with this condition. She is an inspiration and has raised nearly £2000 for the Mitochondrial charity, far exceeding her original goal of £250! … Well done to Alia!

Also, during this lockdown period, many of us have been inspired to be engage more in sport, by running or like me, it has been by doing far more walking with my dog Fred! PE is such an important aspect of the curriculum at Spalding Academy and in this newsletter you will find articles sharing the sporting successes of the school, including that of Year 11 Elliot Foster, who experienced playing for Boston United. I hope that by reading Elliot’s story, he may inspire other young football players.

As well as these events and stories that have made it into this newsletter, I am continually sent photos, you tube links; success stories and thank you emails from our amazing young people, which are very well received by both myself and all the staff. I am always keen to share and celebrate the huge talent of our students, so please continue to send your information, items and images in to the school.

Continued on the next page……………………… Executive Headteacher’s Message

I hope that seeing all these fantastic stories in the newsletter will remind our students of just how amazing Spalding Academy is … and this is a publication dedicated to all our students, put together to show them just how much we miss them all!

I know that all parents want to know when they can send children back to school as the continued school closures will have a detrimental impact on their individual progress. However, as the country progresses though Phase Two of the Government ‘road map’ for the UK, it is clear that any return to school will be gradual and I hope that during Term 6 we will start to hear news of when and how schools can start to plan for September. I feel very sad for the students that this has been their experience of education this year, but I am confident that we will be able to make the future at Spalding Academy for them a great one!

Finally, I would again thank all the staff for working so hard to ensure that work set is appropriate and there are the important feedback opportunities for students and I also give huge thanks to our wonderful parents for supporting all our learners so well from home. To work with young people is such a joy and a privilege, being a teacher is an amazing job and one that I have personally enjoyed every single day for the last 28 years. It may be that the experience of the last 8-9 weeks has convinced a few of our parents that a career in teaching is for them? If so, please contact the school and we can give you the best advice on how to explore this as a profession.

I hope that all our young people and our families are able to keep well and stay safe over the May half term break and I look forward to giving you a further weekly update at the start of Term 6.

Stay safe!

Mrs Lucy Conley Executive Headteacher Art & Design News

Well done to all our wonderful Art and Design students that have been showing their flare for creativity and resourcefulness in these very odd times. For us as Art teachers, we have found the process of setting home learning work very challenging. We have tried really hard to set challenging but enjoyable work that you could easily create at home with limited resources. Many of you have risen to that challenge. If you have been struggling to get the correct resources, in most cases, even if you just have a piece of paper and a pencil you should be able to take part in the activities. We hope you have not found home learning with us too much of a challenge. Please ensure that you keep all your work that you are creating at home safe and bring it into your first lesson (whenever that might be!). All of your work will be added into your sketchbooks in lessons to form a project. Year 9 and 10 students work will of course be added into your overall coursework folder so take care when creating your work. We have been proud as punch when receiving tasks back in on Show My Homework or email. You are a very talented bunch out there. I have included some photos below. Apologies for some of the photos, we had to take photos from our screen to send it across to each other! Parents, carers and students, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with your Art and Design teacher if there is anything we can help you with. We will be more than happy to help. The Art and Design team

Henrique Arvanas Chloe Slipper Alexandra Laslau

Madeleine Hilliar Christopher Knibbs Lily Mallen-Wallace Sarah Lamming

Oliver Goodyear

Vesta Lukaite Design & Technology News

We would like to thank everyone for their support in finding materials, pens and pencils down the backs of sofas, old cereal boxes and forgotten envelopes. We hope that the art of creation is rediscovered in old things, and we are so enthused to see what our resourceful students are coming up with. Year 9 and 10 have started to look in to Op Art and Typography, to include in their projects when they are able to begin using clay once again in the workshops. Work from Roksana and Elektra.

Year 7 and 8 students are studying Robert Sabuda. Sabuda is a famous pop-up book author that taught himself how to make pop ups with materials he could find around his home. The students are following in his footsteps and are creating wonderful pieces from what they can find.

Students work: Design & Technology News English News

Key Stage Four – Term Four Another relatively short term, but again an awful lot has happened for our amazing Key Stage Four students. Year 11s have sat Pre Public Exams (PPE) for English Literature - both paper one and paper two. Practising paper two in particular has been extremely useful since being 2 ¼ hours long, it has tested students’ ability to write cohesively for this length of time and given them further assurance of their knowledge of all four literature texts and areas to target their revision prior to their actual exam. To prepare them for this exam the students have been revising ‘An Inspector Calls’, ‘Macbeth’ and ‘A Christmas Carol’. They had the opportunity last term to reflect on poetry so were well prepared for their PPEs. We have also continued with extensive intervention for both language and literature each week during lunch and after school. These sessions recognise specific areas, according to past exam results, where students need further support and will fill in gaps in their knowledge. Next term we will be focusing on language revision and going through past papers with our students; this will ensure we cover all key skills required for each question, together with honing writing techniques for section B of both papers.

Year 10s have been focusing further on the poetry anthology, which they commenced last term. They have now studied the majority, if not all, of the fifteen poems. Those which they have not covered in enough depth, will be looked at in term 6, together with analysing an unseen poem. They have worked incredibly hard with their analysis and many have changed their opinion on studying poetry from negative to positive, which is very encouraging. Next term we will be focusing on ‘Macbeth’ a challenging Shakespearian text with plenty of intrigue, morals and historical context for the students to engage with.

World Book Day 5th March 2020!

During tutor time, students participated in a quiz, where they guessed the teacher shelfie. Teachers, from all subjects, gave students an insight in to their imaginations.

The English department created ‘Book Heroes’ for their classes, opening up a new world of authors and genres.

Every student in KS3 will be given a book token which allows them to purchase a special World Book Day book for only £1. We are hoping parents and guardians will support students in using their vouchers in the weeks following World Book day. The details of how to use the book token are on the back!

Happy reading! LRC News

Up to the lockdown for the Corona Virus, students were doing very well with their Accelerated Quizzing having successfully passed 4883 quizzes that equates to 62,829,003 words being read. They were well on track to pass the schools previous best totals. Quizzes can still be taken from home, the information of how to log on and quiz is on the school website. A reminder that student’s logon’s is the first letter of their first name and the first four letters of their last name. (i.e. Tom Smith – tsmit). Any problems with logging on please email me. The Accelerated Reader Assemblies were held last term, prizes, certificates and embossed pens were awarded to the following students:- Year 7 The most passed quizzes in English Bands A Band 7A3 B Band 7B4 C Band 7C2 Certificates and prizes Students with the highest points score – Toby Maxfield and Joao Vieira Students with the most passed quizzes – Peter Pliszka and Dominik Bejr Star Reader – Keita Narvila Year 8 The most passed quizzes in English Bands A Band 8A3 B Band 8B4 C Band 8C2 Certificates and Prizes Students with the highest points score – Ellie Armstrong, Madeleine Hilliar & Emily Watson Students with the most passed quizzes – Razvan Minlescu, Alfie Bradley & Thomas Goo Year 9 The most passed quizzes in English Bands. A Band 9A5 B Band 9B4 Certificates and prizes Students with the highest points score – Tallulah Ball 9A5 and Mia Reeves Students with the most passed quizzes – Rio Pickering & Adrijus Butenas Finally, just a reminder that on the school website there is information on Accelerated Reader. In addition, there is a link to the May Book Club for Scholastic Books. So, if you have you run out of books to read don’t worry; the May Book Club is here! Any book you order can be delivered straight to your home and the school receives commission on any books you purchase, allowing us to buy even more of the latest books for the school library. Remember stay safe/alert and keep reading Mrs Lesley Gibbons LRC Manager Geography News

Year 7 Geography Homework Project – Fantastic Places As part of the fantastic places topic in Year 7 geography students undertook a Diorama project to select and research a ‘Fantastic Place’ somewhere in the world. I was amazed by some of the detail, time and effort that went into them. It made judging the best efforts across the year group really hard. I even got the Art department and other staff involved in the judging. From that, the top 20 across the year received competition merits with the top 5 from those also receiving gift vouchers. So well done to everyone who produced such wonderful projects. The top 5 entries where (in no particular order): Olivia Mohale 7B3 Greta Saharova 7A4 Sam Ford 7A4 Millie Burton 7B4 Henrique Aravanas 7B2 P.E. News

PE DEPARTMENT – Weekly Challenges! #KeepingActive

The PE department are setting challenges each week to support student’s physical and mental wellbeing throughout this lockdown period.

Each PE teachers is setting their classes the challenges over ‘Show My Homework’ and are tracking each week who has completed the challenge. Some of the challenges have points system which results in different awards for completing different levels. A few challenges, require family members to take part. Other challenges feature our own PE department taking on the challenges. Most importantly, all the challenges are able to be completed at home, with little amounts of equipment required.

At the end of each term the PE department will award achievement points and a certificate to the ‘Fitness Warriors’ of each year group. The ‘Fitness Warrior’ will be awarded to the students who has completed the most challenges over the term.

The PE Department not only wants to support our students but their families too. Therefore, have set up a Twitter page to offer ideas and ideas that other organisations and charities are doing to help us keep Please follow us at active and healthy, both physically and mentally. @SAPEDept Girl’s Hockey On 13 February, the hockey team entered the U13’s Indoor Hockey Tournament for the first time ever. The girls were extremely nervous but excited, as finally all their hard work and commitment they had put in from September was required. Some of the girls had played hockey before but only outside, therefore they had to learn new rules and adaptations that come with the indoor game. The tournament was a round robin, including 7 schools from both Cambridgeshire and . With so many teams and one pitch, games were limited to 6 minutes one-way, therefore the girls had to use every minute wisely. The girls defended and attacked as a unit consistently throughout all the games, showing fantastic teamwork and determination. The girls managed to win 1, draw 2 and lose 3. Overall, the girls came joint 3rd in the tournament. Miss Ringrose and I were unbelievably impressed by the girls and how well they represented the school at the tournament. The first special mention and well done needs to be given to Weronika Ragan for being our goal keeper. The tournament was her second time in goal and she made some fantastic saves. The second special mention and massive thank you needs to be given to Mia Dewing for umpiring all games for the school and for Spalding High School. Mia is a level 1 umpire who regularly umpires at regional and national level. Mia is also a part of the U17 Regional Performance centre and travels to Bury St Edmunds every other week to train, alongside playing at Spalding Hockey Club for the Ladies 1’s. The team consisted off: Erin McMurray, Ellie Smith, Honor Pearson, Layla Holland, Weronika Ragan, Emily Thomas and Amelia Norey. Well done girls 

The indoor hockey season is now over and we are moving back outside onto the astro. Next year, we plan to have more teams entered in different age ranges, along with some outside 11-a-side games too. We hope numbers grow as hockey becomes a part of the PE curriculum for both boys and girls. Miss Donaldson. P.E. News

Hockey Results Spalding Academy 0 – 0 Spalding Academy 0 – 3 Spalding High School Spalding Academy 0 – 0 B Spalding Academy 2 – 1 Kings B (Goal Scorer: Ellie Smith x 2) Spalding Academy 0 – 3 Kings A Spalding Academy 0 – 3 Bourne Grammar School A


Year 7

Game 1 of 7: Spalding Academy 3 – 2 Bourne Academy On 5 February, the girls travelled to Bourne Academy for a friendly, to get our mind-sets back to netball after a long period of no matches, due to the winter season. The girls took a while to settle down and adjust back to netball rules again. The score at half time, after the first two quarters was 1 – 0 to Bourne.

After a good motivational team talk at half time the girls found that fire in their tummies to win this game. Their best quarter was the third quarter, where the girls defended and attacked together fantastically, showing brilliant teamwork to bring the game back to 2-2. The girls went into the final quarter, a little bit nervous but with the desire to win their first game. In the last 2 minutes of the game, Ellie Taylor’s calmness managed to make it 3-2.

The girls should be immensely proud of their performance today and it’s a great way to start the run of netball fixtures over the next few weeks. A special mention needs to be made to Ciena Pittam who was voted players player by the Bourne Academy team. Well done girls 

Game 2 of 7: Spalding Academy 2 – 4 St Georges’ Academy On 12 February, another away game took us to St Georges Academy in . The girls worked fabulously as a team and managed to win the first quarter 1-0. They battled strong in the second and 3rd quarter with many opportunities to shoot but unfortunately not able to convert and the opposition took the lead 3-1. The final quarter, the girls calmed themselves down and played some outstanding set plays which lead to them getting a goal back. The final scored ended 4-2 . A special mention needs to go to Paige Ellis and Maddi Moran for their fantastic defending skills demonstrated throughout the game. Well done girls 

Game 3 of 7: Spalding Academy 0- Bourne Grammar 15 On 3 March the team played against Bourne Grammar. The girls felt confident at the start, with fantastic defending and shots going in whilst warming up, including the trial of their new centre passes. Throughout the game, the girls fought hard showed great teamwork, although Bourne Grammar rapidly took the lead. Bourne Grammar had lots of county players who play week-in-week out together, thus made the game more challenging for us.

At the end of the first quarter, the girls set themselves targets, to defend together as a team and reduce the amount they scored in each quarter. Their hard work and determination payed off as the score reflection illustrates; the first quarter they scored 6; the second quarter they scored 4; the third quarter they scored 3 and the final quarter they scored 2. The girls defended fantastically and should be very proud of themselves against should an impressive opposition. Well done girls! P.E. News

Game 4 of 7: Superzone Netball Tournament

On 10 March the team had been entered into the Superzone Netball

Tournament which was held at SHS. There were 9 schools who entered: Spalding Academy, Spalding High School, Bourne Academy, Bourne Grammar, , University Academy Holbeach, University Academy Long Sutton, Thomas Middlecox and Thomas Cowley.

Each game was 6 minutes one way, with a rest of 2 minutes between each game. The girls were super excited and feeling confidence upon arrival. Although, the girls didn’t have the best of starts, they were resilient and with each game their passing and communication improved. Their hard work and determination pulled off as they managed to draw the last 2 of 3 games and win the last game against University Academy Long Sutton. This provided the girls with the perfect message that hard work and determination does bring success!!

Overall, the girls came joint 6th in the tournament with Thomas Cowley. I am incredibly proud of how much these girls have improved since September and their determination to never give up! Well done girls 

The team consisted of: Ciena Pittam, Amelia Norey, Ellie Taylor, Paige Ellis, Teagan Gregg, Niamh Shlackman and Mariana Dos Ramos.

Results: Spalding Academy 1 – 2 University Academy Holbeach Spalding Academy 1 – 0 University Academy Long Sutton Spalding Academy 0 – 0 Spalding High School Spalding Academy 0 – 5 Thomas Middlecox Spalding Academy 0 – 6 Bourne Grammar Spalding Academy 0 – 4 Bourne Academy Spalding Academy 0 – 1 Thomas Cowley Spalding Academy 1 – 1 Deeping

Game 5 of 7: Spalding Academy 2 – 0 Deeping School On 11 March, the team travelled to Deeping School on an extreme high after the netball tournament the previous day. On the way, the girls were discussing tactics and set plays they could use in the game, with the hardest job of remembering each other’s numbers. Upon arrival we found out that, due to a parents evening we could only play 2 x 10 minutes, therefore the girls knew they would have to use the time wisely. However, the girls took a little time to settle into the game as they had never played indoor before and were slipping and sliding along. During the second half, the girls had mastered the court now and were no longer being pulled up for footwork. Their determination and fantastic link up play reappeared from the day before. Again, their hard work payed off and we won the game 2 – 0. A special mention needs to be given to player of the match, Paige Ellis, for her fantastic defending skills. Well done girls!!

Miss Donaldson  Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 we were not able to complete the final 2 games. P.E. News


Year 8

Game 1 of 4: Spalding Academy 8 – St Georges 18 On 12 February, the team had a game against St George Academy in Sleaford. The girls were in high spirits when they arrived after the bus journey, however they were slightly overwhelmed by the size of the school! After a quick toilet break and warm up the game got underway.

This was the first game they had this term so the first quarter was a little shaky, St George’s took the lead 7-0. After a team talk, the girls lifted their heads and played brilliantly for the remaining three quarters. The final score was St George’s 18 – 8 Spalding Academy. Congratulations to Erin was voted player of the game by the St George team. A special mention to Abbie who had some outstanding shots and scored the majority of the Spalding Academy goals and Samanta who has improved dramatically since she joined the netball club.

The team consisted of: Erin McMurray, Abbie Elsey, Jess Hunt, Annie Carter, Monty Meek, Samanta Bondarcuka, Genevieve Stokes and Dominika Chmielewska. Well done girls! Game 2 of 4: Spalding Academy 2 – Bourne Grammar 29 On 26 March, the team faced their biggest competition yet – Bourne Grammar School. We arrived at Bourne Grammar to a flurry of snow as the team got off the bus, after a quick warm up the game was underway! The girls fought all the way through the game despite Bourne Grammar steaming ahead scoring goals, they kept their spirits up and continued to try their hardest.

The final score was Spalding Academy 2 – 29 Bourne Grammar. Well done to Abbie and Jess who scored 1 goal each and Erin who was voted player of the game by the Bourne Grammar team. A special mention goes Monty who played one of her best games.

The team consisted of: Erin McMurray, Abbie Elsey, Jess Hunt, Annie Carter, Monty Meek, Samanta Bondarcuka and Summer Fuller.

Game 3 of 4 : Superzone Netball Tournament

On 27 March it was time for the team to play in the Netball Superzone Tournament at SHS. Despite their loss the night before the team were in high spirits and could not wait to play in the tournament. There were 7 schools taking part: Spalding Academy, Spalding High School, Bourne Academy, Bourne Grammar, The Deepings School, University Academy Holbeach and Thomas Cowley.

Each game was 7 minutes – 3 ½ minutes each way, with a rest of 4 minutes between each different game. The team started incredibly, with determination and fire in their stomachs they won their first game! Their confidence was rising as they took on the second team and again won. The next three games were against their hardest competition, and although they were playing brilliantly, it was not enough to take the win. With one game left to play we had a quick pep talk and the team were determined to win their final game. By slowing down their passes and focusing on footwork they were able to win their final game. Overall the team came 4th which was amazing, they won three games and lost 3 games. I am incredibly proud of how much these girls have improved since year 7 and the beginning of year 8, their passing tactics and shooting have come on leaps and bounds. Well done girls! P.E. News

Results: Spalding Academy 4 – 3 The Deepings. Spalding Academy 0 – 11 Spalding High School. Spalding Academy 1 – 10 Bourne Academy. Spalding Academy 0 – 13 Bourne Grammar. Spalding Academy 3 – 1 University Academy Holbeach.

Voted player of the Game by the opposition: Abbie Elsey vs Thomas Cowley. Abbie Elsey vs The Deepings. Genevieve Stokes vs Spalding High School. Samanta Bondarcuka vs Bourne Academy. Samanta Bondarcuka vs Bourne Grammar. Abbie Elsey vs University Academy Holbeach. The team consisted of: Erin McMurray, Abbie Elsey, Jess Hunt, Annie Carter, Samanta Bondarcuka, Genevieve Stokes and Ellie Smith. A special mention and thank you goes to Ellie Smith for stepping up and joining the team at the last minute due to three of the team members not able to play just before the tournament! Game 4 of 4: Spalding Academy 2 The Deepings 9 On 11 March the team had their final game of the season against The Deepings School. With the success of playing brilliantly in their tournament the girls were excited and confident going into this game. Due to facility issues at The Deepings School the team had to play two 10 minute halves to make sure we were out of their sports hall in time. A shaky start to the game saw their opponents taking the lead as they went ahead 7-0. At half time we had a team talk about slowing down their passes and marking their opposition. They played brilliantly in the second half, by defending excellently in the oppositions shooting 3rd and by maintaining possession for most of the game and managing to score 2 goals. The final score ended 9-2. The team consisted of: Erin McMurray, Abbie Elsey, Jess Hunt, Annie Carter, Samanta Bondarcuka, Genevieve Stokes, Monty Meek and Agata Fratczak. A special mention to Annie Carter who was voted player of the game by The Deepings School. Congratulations and thank you to all girls who have represented Spalding Academy in netball this season, you have shown great determination and dedication to your training and have improved your skills and tactics massively. Hopefully, netball will continue again in September. Miss Ringrose.

Rugby Boys Rugby Year 7: Year 7 won their first ever game of rugby vs Stamford Welland 35-5. Well done to all the team. Finlay Roy exceptionalities and Diamonas running in 2 try’s also showing some electric pace on the wing. That’s what happens when commitment to training is as good as the team has demonstrated this year. Well done again. Mr Bamber. P.E. News

Dance Dance: Spalding Academy Dance Troupe presents ‘Remember The Magic’. It was with a very heavy heart that we had to postpone Spalding Academy Dance Troupe presents ‘Remember That Magic’ Dance Show due to the Corona Virus. The troupe had worked so incredibly hard to put on an amazing show, the costumes were ready, all dances were complete and the dance troupe were incredibly excited to perform. I would like to say a huge thank you to all those who had bought tickets to come and support our students, Friday night was looking to be a sell out!! So what happens next? We have provisionally booked in the dance show for December, and I will let pupils and parents know the exact dates once we get back to school. For those of you who already have your tickets please keep them in a safe please as your ticket and seat reservation will still be accepted for the new show dates. I would also like to thank all those teachers who offered to help us on the nights, it is greatly appreciated. To all the dance troupe I would like to thank you for your dedication, enthusiasm and consistent hard work to learn 24 dances!! Moving forward we will keep most of the dances we have learnt these past few months, however we are looking to add in some more for the December show  Lincolnshire School Games Virtual Events - Secondary Dance – Dancing on Ice-olation: To give the Dance Troupe something to work towards whilst the Nation is currently in lockdown, Lincolnshire School Games have created a virtual dance competition. This is not a compulsory challenge but I am overwhelmed with the amount of girls who have said they want to enter. To enter they must create a routine of up to 1 minute and chose a genre from Jazz, Pom, Hip Hip or Lyrical. They are allowed to create their own costumes, hair and make up for their piece, and enter the virtual competition by sending in a video of themselves doing their own choreography. Their entries will then be judged on the following categories: Choreography – musicality, difficulty, appeal and appropriateness Technique – style techniques, execution and movement proficiency Overall performance – synchro with music, uniformity of movement and performance. Good luck to all the girls who have said they would like to enter! Miss Ringrose. Football Year 7 Boys Football: Before the season was sadly cut short the year 7 boy’s football team were showing huge improvement in their performances from the start of the year. Early defeats had knocked their confidence however, a county cup quarter final run lifted their spirits and confidence. A local ‘El Classico’ against Spalding Grammar and an emphatic 3-1 win showed the progress they had made. Next up was Bourne Grammar who had reached the 5th round of the national cup. The boys once again raised their game and played some excellent football to gain a respectable 1-1 draw. This put Mr Airey in poll position for manager of the month at Spalding Academy. Although, the competition for this accolade wasn’t exactly tough with Mr Duggan yet to manage a win in his 7th year at the school. Roll on next season and hopefully more success in Year 8. Mr Airey Holland House News

Hi All This is a very strange and difficult time for all of us at the moment. I would like to say how proud I am of all the work that you have been completing, the amount of house points that you have all been getting is fantastic. I would like to take this opportunity to say stay safe, keep well and ensure that you not only continue to do your school work which is fantastic but that you also ensure that you ensure you follow the guideline from the news and keep safe. I look forward to seeing you all back in school. If you need any help with anything (Maths included) please feel free to contact me on email: [email protected]. Mr Keal Head of Holland House

Johnson House News

This has been the strangest term I have ever seen and hopefully ever will!! I have to say how impressed I am in the way that everyone has adapted to this new way of working and learning. Hopefully if we all continue to follow the guidelines that have been given to us, then we can begin to get back to some kind of normal, whatever that may be. Stay safe and I hope to see you all soon. Miss Fuller. Head of Johnson House. £1200 was raised for Sport’s Relief and a big thank you to all the students and parents/carers and staff for taking part in a non-uniform day and also having fun at lunch time with lots of sporting activities and buying cakes donated by staff and Sainsbury’s. A big thank you to Miss Fuller for organising the event.

McLaren House News

As a school we have had a bit of a different last 7 weeks in education, however the students of McLaren house have adapted to the situation very well. Most students are logging on, engaging and working very hard from home which is fantastic to see. During this time achievement points are still being awarded to students doing well with their work. Well done to these students and to all students who are working hard at home. I hope everyone is staying safe and working hard and I cannot wait to see you all soon.

Mrs Lester

Head of McLaren House Nova House News

I hope when you read this message, the sun is once again shining and the rain has long gone! Although we find ourselves in a stranger scenario than any of us could have imagined - I hope you have all managed to settle yourselves into a routine and are keeping safe and well? I look forward to seeing you all back at school again soon, Miss Moore. Head of Nova House

Peake House News

As a Head of House I am so proud that the students of Peake House are doing so well, not only are they adjusting brilliantly to the conditions of 'lockdown' but they are pushing themselves academically, completing so many tasks From Show My Homework. When school closed Peake House was at the top of the leader board for House Points and I am thrilled to see so many students still earning positive points through their commitment to learning, this is not only a testament to Peake students but the school population as a whole. I am very proud to see our community supporting each other in these unprecedented times, I have no doubt that when we return students will aspire to continue in this spirit, challenge themselves to reach their academic goals and ultimately achieve great things. Hope to see everyone soon, stay safe Miss France Head of Peake House

Trinity House News

It is lovely to see that many students in Trinity are still dedicated to their education by doing the work to the high standard they are capable of.

It is really nice to see they are embracing a different way to learning. I hope they are well and are enjoying the weather in a safe way. Keep up the great work Trinity!

Miss Forbes

Head of Trinity House Student News and Achievements

Alia Jones

Year 9 student Alia Jones, suffers from a conditional called Mitochondrial and has written the following:

Whilst I am in isolation, I have decided to raise monies for my charity which is The Lily Foundation. The Lily Foundation is the UK's leading Mitochondrial charity. Their mission is to improve the lives of people like me who are affected by Mitochondrial conditions. They are working towards a future where the condition can be effectively treated or cured.

Some of you may not know but when I was 8 years old, I was diagnosed with having a mitochondrial condition. The condition can affect people in many different ways depending on which cell is affected. This can make the condition hard to diagnose. Mitochondrial condition affects the body's energy production which basically means I am tired all the time. It is genetic, and can strike anywhere in the body. Currently there is no treatment or no cure!

Therefore I am going to raise as much money as I can by cycling on an exercise bike in my bedroom completing 5.2k (3 miles) a day to total 100 miles at the end of May. Not an easy task for someone with Mito. At the beginning my aim was to raise £250, however this quickly escalated and I had to raise this to £1000. Currently I am at £1680!!! If anyone would like to help me raise money for this worthwhile charity then please go to my Justgiving link Thank you. Alia

The Revell Sisters!

Millie and Chloe Revell are two Boston U13 players. Millie has written to tell us of their competition:

My sister Chloe in Year 7 and myself Millie Revell Year 8 both play for Boston United U13 girls. Our coach entered us into the FA futsal youth cup. Chloe competed in the U12 and I competed an age group above in the U14. At first we played in November where we played against other teams from Lincolnshire. We both won all our games and went onto the regional finals which was held in Sunderland in March.

Here we both competed against 3 other teams. Chloe won all her games including against a team representing Newcastle. My team won our first game 1-0 drew the second 1-1 and won the third 5-0. Both teams won and qualified through to the semi-finals of the competition. The teams that my team competed against were representing York, Horsforth St Margaret and Hepburn.

Chloe finished her tournament scoring eight goals and from defence I scored one. The finals should of gone ahead on 16 April which would of been the best 3 teams north of Milton Keynes with the winner then progressing through to the final playing the winner from the southern finals. We are hoping it will be rescheduled when the coronavirus has gone and it is safe. Student News and Achievements

Elliot Foster – Boston United Hopes Year 11 Elliot Foster writes to tell us of his football academy news: During the 2019/20 preseason, I was looking forward to really trying to prove myself and my abilities to be able to get to the next step for me which was playing for the Boston United youth team (U19’s).

Throughout the season myself and the Boston United U16’s team managed to achieve to get to the semi-final of the Lincolnshire County Cup and the quarter-finals of the JPL National Cup. On a personal level I was selected to play for Lincolnshire County boys but unfortunately only managed to play one game due to fixture cancellations but I really enjoyed the opportunity and learned a lot from it.

I also managed to impress the Boston United youth team manger enough for him to select me to play the fixture against Hartlepool United (U19’s) on the 11 March. This date was also my 16th birthday so it definitely made it a birthday to remember as I made my debut on this day with around 15/20 minutes of match time.

Overall I am happy with the season as I reached my goal of making my debut for the U19’s youth team. I hope to continue my football journey next season playing for the Boston United youth team with the dream of making the Boston United first team and being able to play in the new stadium.


Each year Spalding Academy has taken part in the Daffodil Competition with the school winning many of the categories and prizes.

This year Springfields Festival Gardens invited not only the school students to enter, but adults too, to take part in submitting a drawing, painting or photograph of a ‘Spring Flower’ by 30 April.

Over 100 entries have been submitted and can be viewed at

Some of the entries from our students can be seen on the next page. School News


Olivia Dewing Oliver Potter Jakub Szylak

Diana Amelia Norey Niamh Genevieve Stokes Shlackman Paulaviciute

Emma Porter Tallulah Stamp Yang Qui

Sarah Nicole Ruby Laura Lamming Kosinska Doughty Jurberger School News

Lockdown Makes and Bakes from Staff and Students.

Mrs Garbutt Mrs Caress baked made these these nutty lovely muffins! scones and bread.

Year 7 student Kaitlyn Brand and Mrs Brand have been very busy in lockdown making all these delicious sweet dishes. They look fantastic!

Mrs Carter has been busy making scrub bags for the NHS and facemasks and soda bread for her family.

Try at Home: Recipe from Mr Billinghurst BOSH VEGAN BANANA CAKE


Cake Topping 140g vegan spread (*Stork spread is not vegan, 50g Banana Chips but Stork solid bars are) 450 Icing Sugar 360g Plain Flour 60g vegan spread 2 x Ripe Bananas 2 Table spoons plant milk (oat is great) 300g Caster Sugar 250ml plant milk (oat is great) 4 Table Spoons Baking Powder


Cake 1. Mash the bananas and vegan spread together 2. Add the plant milk 3. Add sugar, flour and baking powder, mix together 4. Put in to two cake tins 5. Bake at 200*c for 25 mins

Topping Finely chop banana chips, add sugar, vegan spread and plant milk, mix together and spread on the top when cooked, adding banana if required for decoration! School News

Online Learning

Thank you for all of your continued efforts with home schooling and assisting your children with their online studies. At the time of writing 5298 lessons have been set by the second week of May with the vast majority of students and parents engaging via the Show My Homework website. Your time, patience and goodwill is greatly appreciated.

Working remotely in isolation is a challenge for us all. The best advice to give is for students to focus on only the subjects they would normally have timetabled that day, to spend no more than an hour on a subject and then stop whatever. Students will not be sanctioned for not completing all the work but we would expect Year 10 and 12 students studying for future examinations, and those who need to catch up, to later continue and finish tasks set as they would normally do for homework. As best as you can plan a routine and structure for completing work including breaks and exercise, splitting tasks down into smaller chunks.

IT Issues

Inevitably there will be technical frustrations. If it is an issue with the work itself students can post questions to staff on Show My Homework or you can email Year Leads via the Year Lead tab on the school website. If it is an IT problem, please refer to the Show My Homework help guide found on the Bourne Academy website (click on the Show My Homework icon in the menu bar). If further IT assistance is required contact either the Show My Homework helpline directly (contact details are found on their website) or the IT Department at School ([email protected] or call 01775 722484)

Often there are internet issues or problems with laptops, tablets, incompatible software and printers so please do ask your children to communicate this to their teachers who can accommodate such problems

Additional Resources

You may have seen that there is now a myriad of resources available to support learning. For example, and are offering live daily lessons. Another recommendation is the ‘Speakers for Schools - Virtual Talks Programme’ which covers a range of educational and careers based topics plus advice on how to deal with lockdown. This is an opportunity for students to join talks from today’s leading figures via specially designed Microsoft Teams talks and no logins are required. Students can view by following: Pastoral News

A Message from Mr Billinghurst I don't think any of us, staff, students or parents have ever experienced what is going on in the world today, and hopefully never will again. This is a very strange time to communicate with parents/carers and students electronically rather than on the gates in the morning. We do understand how difficult this time is for everyone, but together and if we all follow the Government guidelines we can beat this together. Now we are back in to Term 5 all students should now have caught up with the work set for the last two weeks of Term 4. Your teachers have set work for this term so all students need to be accessing Show My Homework online and completing the daily tasks set by their teachers as if they were in the classroom. I suggest that a plan is drawn up by the students/parents/carers together how best to complete their work each day and to stick to a structure. We all appreciate how hard families are working and staff are always here to support. If you require a phone call or email support please do not hesitate to either contact your child's Student Manager directly, the member of staff you need to speak to or email [email protected] and the message will be passed to the relevant staff member. Please continue to keep up the fantastic work that has been going on during these unprecedented weeks of restrictions. Show My Homework log in's are checked on a daily basis so expect a call or email if your young person is not accessing their work as they should. This is communication to see if there is anything we can do to help so please accept it that way. Below is a link that is there to support parents at this difficult time, please have a look as it may give you re-assurance of the fantastic job you are doing as well as answering a few questions you or your young people may have. We have received information from Edenred that the families entitled to FSM vouchers can now choose Aldi as one of the supermarkets the vouchers can be redeemed at. As said previously, please continue to stay at home in order to stop the spread of this virus and hopefully in the times ahead we will be able to share some of the positive things we know our young people are getting involved in during this period of change. Me and my family have been sticking to the guidelines, only going for one walk/bike ride a day and only leaving the house for essential shopping. My children have enjoyed the "clap for carers" every Thursday at 8.00pm and have progressed from a clap, to a whistle, to a bell! We are going to trial the drum this week! Their rainbows are also proudly displayed in their windows and they have also produced these for their Grandparents and Uncle and Auntie’s. I have kept busy signing up for the NHS National Volunteering Service which helps families that need a bit of shopping or medication picked up. This I have found very rewarding and the little bit that I can do to help during this period of change. I know that lots of our wonderful students have and are taking part in a number of brilliant things. A few are included in this newsletter and congratulations go out to them all. Could you please email me anything that your young people have done during this time as I would love to be able to share this with our school community in the future.

Best Wishes,

Mr I Billinghurst Pastoral News

YEAR 7 NEWS The Year 7 students have been amazing since the school has been closed. They are embracing the idea of working from home, and there has been some brilliant work completed and sent back to staff. There have been a staggering 26,980 achievement points earned so far for excellent work in the time we have been working from home, so a very big well done Year 7! In addition to this, Mrs Cousins and Miss Hemingway have been working very hard to support and motivate students and families in this unusual time. We have been emailing updates to students regularly, making phone calls home to check on progress and to offer help and advice if needed, sending out information that allows students to access wellbeing websites should they need it and have been encouraging them to share their ‘lockdown’ stories with us so that we can celebrate all of the new skills learned whilst we are all working from home. We look forward to sharing more stories and achievements soon. Mrs D Cousins, Year 7 Student Manager

YEAR 8 NEWS I must start by saying that during this very strange time I have been really impressed by the amount of work being completed by the vast majority of Year 8 students. They have demonstrated what resilient and adaptable young people they really are and should be very proud of themselves. Of course, a huge thank you must also go out to all parents and carers, because without your encouragement and support, I am sure the amount of work completed would be far less! I keep a daily check on how the year group are doing and have had to adapt how I do this, by sending emails and making phone calls. This will continue until we are able to return. I have had many students saying they can’t wait to get back to school – it shows we don’t always fully appreciate what we have until we can no longer have it. Hopefully this will not be for too much longer. I, for one, can’t wait to see all the students again and hear all the lockdown stories!! In the meantime, keep up with the good work and stay safe. Mrs J Ditchburn, Year 8 Student Manager

YEAR 9 NEWS Firstly Year 9 have done really well adapting to the new way of learning and have been very proud of them all. I have been maintaining contact with many students and offering support to both them and their parents which has been invaluable during this time. Almost all students have continued to work hard and many caught up over the Easter Break ready for the new term to begin. Moving forward I will maintain regular contact with parents and students that need the support. It has surprised me at how many students are saying they miss school and can't wait to return. It has been loving speaking with many parents and making sure you are all safe and well. What has also been lovely is the sense of togetherness I have experienced as a parent myself and home schooling my own daughter, also loved going to our door on a Thursday and cheering and clapping and making as much noise as possible for the NHS and key workers. I am looking forward to seeing you all when we return to school but until then stay safe.

Mrs N Ward, Year 9 Student Manager Pastoral News

YEAR 10 NEWS So, since lockdown there have been challenges for students and staff too! The whole working from home thing has brought technical issues which needed to be resolved and over time they have been…I even had to clean out my desk in order to make my lovely new home office! Every week I send out my whole year group email which is intended to motivate our year 10’s as well as keep them up-to-date with what’s been happening in school; for example sent them pictures of the new look year 10 yard…The year 10 office has gone and we now have a Key Stage 4 central hub located in G16. I also like to keep the students up-to date with any new challenges I have set myself…or show off my baking skills! I do my best to find something to make the students smile every week and I remind them to clap every Thursday for our carers. A careful eye is kept on Show My Homework and as much as I can I help and support the year group. I love getting little emails from the students even if they’re just saying “Hey Miss” I very much look forward to our return to school…whatever form that may take.

Mrs S Caress Year 10 Student Manager


As a Year 11 Pastoral Lead ,I can only say that I have watched with great sadness the students leaving our school not knowing what the time will bring; working for so many years towards something that now was taking such a dramatic turn.

Although unprecedented times, the majority of them proved to remain focused and alter their approach in a sensible manner. Our support has not stopped and our duty of care reflected in weekly calls and motivational emails.

Our lines have remained opened and parents have called and emailed with enquiries that by now have been clarified and parents and students alike are now reassured.

Couple of our students have now been accepted in the Armed Forces and quite a few will be starting very exciting apprenticeships.

I’d like to end this by saying how very proud I am and thoroughly impressed with the way they have been and carry on be

Mrs M Lammin

Year 11 Student Manager School News

Your Emotional Wellbeing Just like your physical health, there are things you can do to look after your mental health and wellbeing, no matter who you are or how you're feeling. Many of the support organisations that are out there are offering support not only to children but also their parents/carers. Childline says “It can be difficult to cope when there’s so much changing around us. You might be worried about schools closing, friends or relatives getting ill or what'll happen in the future………...The news can be scary, and it can be hard to know what’s true and whether you should be’re going through, Childline wants to help”. Samaritans acknowledge that we will not have the social interaction that we are used to and for some this vital they state “It’s normal that this will affect your mood, and it’s something we’d really encourage you to talk about, however you can, via video messaging, over the phone, texting or over the garden fence. Whilst we are physically isolated, it’s more important than ever for us to feel socially connected, so try and reach out to people to talk, and try to be there to listen to others.” Young Minds offers support for parents and carers stating “It’s normal for children and young people to feel worried or anxious at the moment. We’ve all experienced sudden changes in our lives and routines – and we’re living with lots of uncertainty about the coming weeks. For some young people, the coronavirus pandemic may also worsen or trigger anxieties they were already struggling with.” and gives five things parents/carers can do to support their children. Every Mind Matters the NHS website is where everyone can make a start. There are simple actions and steps we can all take that can help us manage feelings of stress, anxiety, low mood or when we are struggling to get to sleep. From tips on how to get more physical activity, to mindful breathing exercises and advice on how to reframe unhelpful thoughts, all the information and advice in Every Mind Matters has been developed with experts and approved by the NHS. Every Mind Matters has a dedicated section on their website for coronavirus and they state “Taking care of your mind as well as your body is really important while staying at home because of coronavirus (COVID- 19). You may feel bored, frustrated or lonely. You may also be low, worried or anxious, or concerned about your finances, your health or those close to you. It's important to remember that it is OK to feel this way and that everyone reacts differently. Remember, this situation is temporary and, for most of us, these feelings will pass. Staying at home may be difficult, but you are helping to protect yourself and others by doing it.” They offer tips and advice on their site of things you can do now to help you keep on top of your mental wellbeing and cope with how you may feel while staying at home. They say “Make sure you get further support if you feel you need it.” On the next page you will find links to various organisations if you need support. School News Careers News

PSHE Day 2 Year 8:

PSHE Day 2 for our Year 8 students was career focused. They spent the day completing the following sessions: Who am I? The aim of the session was for students to start being able to recognise their own personal skills and qualities. They discussed amongst peers about how they perceived one another. They also discussed how skills and personal qualities related to career choices. Students where also asked to think about motivating factors and what is important to them e.g. money, helping people, solving problems etc. Jobs of the future? This session looked at jobs which are being developed and what the future of the employment market could look like. Students discussed jobs that did not exists 5-10 years ago and what jobs could be created in the future. Students discussed how they felt about the possibility of robots taking over human jobs and which jobs robots are already deployed in. Good work/ Bad work: Students talked about what makes a job good or bad and discussed the pros and cons of a variety of different job roles. They created their own ‘good work, bad work’ profiles and compared them with their peers. Careers in the Curriculum: In this session, students spent time linking subjects to different job roles so they can make clear link between the subjects they study and the career paths they might like to follow as they grow up. This helped students to link the importance of school and education to their futures. Finally, students where asked to create a poster showing their dream job, this could be a job that already exists or one completely made up, to do this they had to think about everything they had learnt throughout the day. There were some fantastic creations! Feedback was collected from all students at the end of the day, here is some of their comments; ‘I enjoyed the Careers Day and I now have a better understanding of what I want to be when I am older’ ‘I enjoyed the ‘Who am I?’ session, I learnt that I can do any job if I work hard’ ‘I really liked the ‘Careers in the Curriculum’ session and I learnt that school isn’t only about getting an education, its about learning skills for the future’ ‘In the ‘Jobs of the Future’ session, I learnt about how much robots do already and how much work they think they will do in the future. ‘I found the Careers Day to be really useful as it taught me in life you need to make decisions that are really important about your future’ ‘You need to develop and learn lots of new skills all the way through school’ ‘I realised that I have lots of skills and qualities I didn’t realise I had! Careers News

Sixth Form Activities Our Spalding Academy students who chose to stay on and study at our Sixth Form at Bourne Academy have been participating in the following activities: Year 12 had a future career focused PSHE day and were given the opportunity to visit Lincoln University and/or The National Apprenticeship Show in Milton Keynes.

Lincoln University On the 28 February Year 12 students visited Lincoln University, the purpose of the visit is to give students an insight of what it is like to go to university, hopefully helping students in making their important Post 18 choices. The day included a tour of the university including student accommodation, along with experiencing some lectures. The day gave everyone a real insight of life as a student at Lincoln University. It was a very enjoyable day and gave the students a lot to think about, students are encouraged to visit many university prior to making their Post 18 choices as well as to consider apprenticeship opportunities. Given the current situation, many universities are running ‘virtual online open days’ which Year 12 students are strongly encouraged to enrol for.

The National Apprenticeship show

In March we travelled to the Marshall Arena in Milton Keynes for the National Apprenticeship Show. There were many exhibitors from all business sectors e.g. Armed Forces, construction, finance, travel, engineering to name but a few. All were promoting the apprenticeship opportunities they have to offer within their business.

Our students had the opportunity to speak to many different employers about the different types of apprenticeships available. Students were able to gather incite about what it was like to work for certain companies and also to discuss the application process.

Many students said they were surprised to learn about the variety of opportunities that are available within the same company from front line staff, HR through to management.

The students thoroughly enjoyed the day and we look forward to taking the next Year 12 cohort. Careers News

Year 12 Career Talks To support Year 12 in making decisions about their Post 18 options, a series of career based talks were arranged. The aim of holding the talks is to give students as much information as possible to help them make informed decisions about their future. Students were given the opportunity to attend as many talks as they wished. On 5 February, Sergeant Sharman from ACFO came in to school to speak to our students about life in the Army and all the different job roles available, there are over 70 different job roles within the Army in the following sectors; combat, engineering , HR and Finance, communications, IT and intelligence, logistics and medical. Sergeant Sharman also explained the application process and fitness testing. On 26 February, one of our alumni, Caitlin Hind, returned to school to discuss her experiences of studying Nursing at the University of East Anglia. Caitlin explained exactly how the course was structured and what students should expect with regards to work load and commitment. She discussed all her work placements in detail and the students found this very interesting. The students who attended this talk said ‘It was very useful and a real eye opener in to student life and nursing’. On 4 March, District Judge Chaudhuri came to speak to Year 12 about life as a Judge, how to become a judge and the judiciary process. Many students attend the talk and they all found Judge Chaudhuri very interesting indeed. Some of the students feedback was as follows: ‘Judge Chaudhuri was very interesting and easy to listen to, he was so intellectual’ ‘I now understand the different paths within law and have decided which is best for me’ ‘Judge Chaudhuri was very good at answering all of our questions and did so in depth’ Many Year 12 students really enjoyed attending these talks and we will be arranging some more once we return to school and it is safe to do so. Job of the Week As part of Careers education at Spalding Academy, usually once a week, we send out our ‘Job of the Week’ which form tutors share with students. The main purpose of circulating the job of the week information is to raise awareness and increase the knowledge of our students with regards to the many varied different job roles which are available. Despite ‘Job of the Week’ being an additional task to students main subject lessons, it has been most encouraging to see so many students engage with the task and request specific jobs for us to focus on. Some examples are; astro-physicist, film director, chef, sales manager, actor to name but a few. A career profile is shared along with labour market information relating to that particular job and along with this information, we always include a list of useful websites which students can use to further their research into each career, this helps link careers education back to the school curriculum as students can research if they need to take specific subjects at GCSE and A Level in order to progress onto their chosen career path. For those students who do not know what they would like to do in the future, this gives them the ideal opportunity to carry out research and learn about jobs they have not yet encountered. If you do have any requests, please email Mrs Barber, [email protected] and we will add your request to the list. Careers News

Labour Market Data

Throughout the school we share information regarding the labour market information in our local area. Giving students this information will help them to make informed decisions about their future career and education choices.

The information reported by the National Careers service details the following: · Wages · Working hours · Gender balance · Qualifications required · Geographical locations Careers News School News - Entertainment

Mr Billinghurst’s Sports Quiz

RULES Do not use google for the answers!

Please feel free to email me [email protected] with your answers or wait until the answers are published in the next newsletter. Achievement points will be awarded for everyone that gives it a go!

FOOTBALL 1. How many times have Manchester City Men’s team won the Premier League?

2. Who is the current England Woman’s Team Head Coach?

3. Who is the only male player to score in the Premier League, Championship, League 1, League 2, Champions League, Europa League, FA Cup, League Cup, Football League Trophy and MLS?

4. Which two teams competed in the 2019 Women’s FA Cup Final at Wembley?

5. Who is the England Men’s team all-time top scorer?

6. Which two male players are the only people to have scored a goal in every of the ninety minutes of football?

7. Who were the first team ever to top the Premier League after beating Arsenal 4-2 in August 1992?

8. Who are the only English team to go a whole season in the Premier League without losing a game?

9. Who has scored the most goals currently in their professional career (including internationals) Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi?

10. Name the clubs from these five badges; School News - Entertainment

Mr Billinghurst’s Sports Quiz Continued!

OLYMPIC GAMES 1. Where was the 2012 Olympic Games held?

2. What sport has Jade Jones won her two Olympic Gold Medals in (2012 & 2016)?

3. How many World Records does Usain Bolt hold for sprinting?

4. How many Gold Medals has Sir Bradley Wiggins won?

5. What do the Olympic Rings stand for?

CRICKET 1. Who did the England Men’s team beat in the super over in the 2019 ODI World Cup Final?

2. Who is the current England Women’s Cricket Team Captain?

3. Name the new Cricket format that has been postponed until 2021?

4. How were England Women’s team eliminated from the 2020 20/20 World Cup without losing their Semi-Final?

5. Which two countries compete in “The Ashes”? School News - Entertainment

Mr Billinghurst’s Sports Quiz Continued! GENERAL SPORTING KNOWLEDGE 1. How many players are there on a Rugby Union Team?

2. How many points do you score in Basketball for a shot outside of the key?

3. Name three Gymnastics events?

4. What is table tennis commonly referred as?

5. Name the two male British Boxers that currently hold all the Heavyweight World Titles.

6. Can you be offside in hockey?

7. Between which body parts must your bowl the ball in Rounders?

8. Who are the only two players that can score in Netball?

9. What country was WWE Superstar Drew McIntyre born in?

10. Over what distance is the London Marathon run? School News - Entertainment

Mr Taylor’s Quiz!

Mr Taylor has been making up quizzes for staff and family.

Here is a one of his quizzes below. The answers are at the end of the newsletter.

General Knowledge Quiz

1. What was the name of the first satellite in space?

2. What is an omnivore?

3. What is the capital of South Korea?

4. What are the two major political parties in the US?

5. What is the largest ocean in the world?

6. How many bones are there in the human adult body?

7. Where do Eels go to mate?

8. What is the largest animal on the planet?

9. Where was pizza invented?

10. Which English football team were originally called St Domingo FC? School News School News School Information

Spalding Academy Uniform Shop

The shop is closed at the moment and will re-open when it is safe to do so.

The opening hours when it re-opens will be as follows:

Wednesday 3pm – 6pm Friday 8am – 11.30am

We will also open on the first two Saturday mornings of August.

The shop will accept payment by debit/credit card or cash. (No cheques can be accepted).

Students in receipt of free school meals will receive 50% discount on all items purchased from the uniform shop.

If you have any questions or would like to find out more about it please email [email protected]

Safeguarding Concerns If you as a parent/carer ever have any Safeguarding concerns, please do contact the school and in the first instance ask to speak to Mrs M Ryan – Safeguarding Manager. However, if Mrs M Ryan is busy, you can also speak to the appropriate Year Lead for your child; From September this will be :

Year 7 – Mrs D Cousins Year 8 – Mrs J Ditchburn Year 9 – Mrs N Ward Year 10 – Mrs S Caress Year 11 – Mrs M Lammin Behavioural Team – Mr B. Sinclair & Mr I. Billinghurst School News - Entertainment

Answers to Mr Taylors quiz 1. Sputnik 2. An animal that eats both plants and meat 3. Seoul 4. Republicans and Democrats 5. Pacific Ocean 6. 206 7. The Sargasso Sea 8. The Blue Whale 9. Naples, Italy (Napoli) 10. Everton