Science & Information Branch Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment Section The Ecosystems of Ontario, Part 1: Ecozones and Ecoregions Ministry of Natural Resources Science & Information Branch Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment Section Technical Report SIB TER IMA TR-01 The Ecosystems of Ontario, Part 1: Ecozones and Ecoregions By William J. Crins, Paul A. Gray, Peter W.C. Uhlig, and Monique C. Wester 2009 Ministry of Natural Resources Some of the information in this document may not be compatible with assistive technologies. If you need any of the information in an alternate format, please contact
[email protected]. ©2009, Queen’s Printer for Ontario Printed in Ontario, Canada ISBN 978-1-4435-0812-4 (Print) ISBN 978-1-4435-0813-1 (PDF) Single copies of this publication are available from: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment 1235 Queen Street East Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2E5 Cette publication spécialisée n’est disponible qu’en anglais This publication should be cited as: Crins, William J., Paul A. Gray, Peter W.C. Uhlig, and Monique C. Wester. 2009. The Ecosystems of Ontario, Part I: Ecozones and Ecoregions. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Peterborough Ontario, Inventory, Monitoring and Assessment, SIB TER IMA TR- 01, 71pp. Dedication This description of the broad-scale ecosystems of Ontario is dedicated to our cherished friend and colleague, Brenda Chambers, whose thorough knowledge of central Ontario’s ecosystems, environmental ethic, infectious enthusiasm, and positive outlook in the face of daunting challenges, have inspired us, and will continue to do so. Acknowledgments The authors respectfully acknowledge the many contributions of earlier authors Angus Hills, Dys Burger, Geoffrey Pierpoint, John Riley, and Stan Rowe whose work continues to provide the foundation for much of our understanding of the structure and function of Ontario’s diverse ecosystems.