Base Ball, Trap Shooting and General Sports

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Base Ball, Trap Shooting and General Sports DEYOTKD TO BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS VOLUME 36, NO. 2 PHILADELPHIA, MARCH 2, 1901. PRICE, FIVE CENTS.;', ORATOR O'RODRKE A GRAYEJATTER EXPATI&TES ON THE CONNEGTICDT WILL BE DESERTION FOR NATIONAL LEAGUE'S PROSPECTS, LEAGUE PLAYERS, Tbe Secretary Belie?es the League The Senior Organization Positively Will Contain About the Same Cities Resolved Not to Repeat the Blun­ as Last Year A Few Words in ders ol Previous War Times, But to Favor ol Sunday Bail Playing. lake Desertion a Capital Oltonsa. By Hugh F. Reddy. By Francis C. Ricbter. TJrklgeport. Conn.. Feb. 27. Editor President Ebbetts, of -Brooklyn, Intimates "Sporting Life:" James H. O'Hourke, see- that all League players who '.l:c ri'tary of the Connecticut League, and Americuu league will bo permanently ib-an In the Connecticut base ball world, barrel out of the National I<eague and when asked for blf* views on the cum­ American Association. Said be tr.e oilier in? season to-day, said: "I think the meet- day to a Brooklyn "Kagle'' reporter: \\,g of the directors of the Connecticut "It Is all right for players to say they wilt l.fagtii' will be held In New Haven, in Jump, but they will Una it difficult to jump back March, but ju?t what time I cannot say. when they find that tin? flea act doesn't pay. While not speaking authoritatively, the The National I-enguc controls the eight bet*t made up of the cities in tbe couutry, while tin? American Leagtn- i'.x-ult will probably be will have to bo satisuod with minor leaguo tame ciubs as in NHKI. This is (be nppcar- cities, except when: it will try to divide tue sii'-e of tilings as I view them at the patronage with the Niitional. I fail to see bow present time." the players expect a minor league to pay Na­ RECALCITRANT CLUBS. tional League salaries under such condition*. Continuing Mr. U'Rourke said: "I may It won't last and \vbcn the crash comes those gay. regarding New London, that I tiiul players who have jumped will liud themselves ber to-ihiy, as ever, anxious, ready and high and dry uu the oucsidu of the baseball as enthusiastic as at any time in the fence." [inst to continue her membership. This It Is good betting that President EbbetU being so. it would seem unfair to take does not voice simply his own feelings in from them the preference which Is ile- tbis matter, but that he is stating whaf fi.'rvcdly theirs from living up to every lias been, or will be, decided on as the set­ obligation imposed by the constitution. "Norwich, if one credits what he sees In THOMAS H. KELLER, tled and unalterable poliey of the National print. Is not only unduly obstinate, but Peters Cartridge Co. and King Powder Co. League which has apparently profited, by obstreperous, due to the fine of $oO mer­ the lessons of ]%S4 aud 1S90-91 never to itoriously imposed 'by the directors for re-employ a deserting ball player In any ra­ wilful violation of constitution In play- this choice article. How generous, and League. The Cuban Giants have been In the pacity or under any circumstances what­ In!* pitcher Lewis, of the Boston Base kind and considerate this is. I guess there field every season from 1SS5 to 1901 consecutive­ ever. Hall Club. The fine has not been paid, Is no danger of any of them being sand­ ly. All Leagu,? and Association clubs passing New York- will do well to stop off at therefore what her future will be in a base bagged in their hurry to get this stock, through 1901. How. Newark on a Sunday, and tackle the Cuban VAIN EFFORTS. ball sense is undisclosed for unless It be by their dear friends wbo are ever, if she remains good and true, and Oirots and at the same time take aw:iy quite stuff. Hartford The Alleged Combine of medicine well that has forcibly floating the green goods a few dollar:). Would like to arrange a series takes the Stars to Boom Salaries Not Likely been administered". I see no reason why is to be pitied. Sympathy Is extended from of games with the following clubs: Y. M. C. every quarter, notwithstanding her abnor­ A., of Trenton: Chester. Atlantic City, York, to Materialize. she should not be permitted to remain." Harrislmrg. Reading and Pottsville, Dover, Del.; POSSIBLE MKMIJKK8. mal vanity. In my opinion 1901 will mark Washington, D. C.. Feb. 28. A dispatch also \Vllinlngtnn. for games in Newark Satur­ from Baltimore announces that the star Regarding application for membership. the termination of her membership to the days and Sundays; also return games. As we Secretary O'Kourke said: "Hoiyoke has Eastern League." have got to be in Newark every Sunday, only players of the National League contemplate made no application for membership. SUNDAY BALL INDORSED. small trips will be arranged. Our new organizing a combine within the Protective Springfield, through Tommy Dowd. has On the Important question of Sunday ball Western players will report about May 1, making Association for the purpose of forcing an made application. Dowd Is an old profes­ Secretary O'Rourke said: "Sunday base the team very stroog. Will exchange dates Increase of salaries, even if the National sional, a gentleman, and one whom I ball and all other forms of healthful exer­ with all clubs having grounds of their own: League accedes to the Union's demands, first class dubs wanting Sunday games should would be pleased to have associated with cises I am In favor of most heartily. Inde­ The stars hope to precipitate a salary war league. This application will address me at once, at West Hoboken, Now us in this between the National and American. be considered by the diretcors when they pendent of all monetary considerations. York. JOHN M. BRIGHT, Manager. bold their meeting. TlJ» Connecticut No good or sensible argument can possibly Leagues and profit by holding out for the League, in my opinion, will be equally as be advanced against it. Everything can be Gettysburg Has a Strong Schedule. best terms. This scheme seems to be check­ strong in 1901 as In 1900. This is a suf­ said in its favor. The masses who are em­ Gettysburg, Feb. 20. Manager Leisenrlng, of mated by the option clause, which, in the ficient guarantee of the quality of ball ployed six days a week in close confine­ the Gettysburg College baseball team, has ar- cases of Brooklyn, Philadelphia and Bos­ awaiting the lovers of the game for the ment will one day rise as a unit and de­ ninged tba fallowing schedule for tb» coming ton, has been declared valid by competent the coming season here In Connecticut." mand such legislation as will give them season: judges. As most of the stars are reserved of law of Sunday AS' TO HARTFORD. right without violation April 4. Episcopal High School, at Alexandria, by these three clubs. It is difficult to see Regarding, the report that an effort was recreation. It ought to be, and should Va.; April 5. open; April 6, Richmond College, how the combine expects to profit. being made to get Hartford into the Con­ meet with no objections so long as In the at Richmond, Va.: April 8, Randolph Macon. necticut League. Mr. O'Rourke said: "The exercise the individual rigbti of others at Ashlami; April 11. Syracuse University. «t are not encroached upon." Gettysburg; April 13. F. & M., at Lancaster: The Wisconsin League. retention by the Kastern League of Hart­ April 20. State College, at Gettysburg; April Milwaukee, Feb. 26. Tom Parley, itbo la«t ford becomes a serious detriment to the THE CUBAN GIANTS 27, open; May 1. Di'?kinson. at Gettysburg; May year was manager of the Appleton base t>an latter. Even her best friends can see noth­ 3, Bucknell at Lewlsburg; May 4. State College, team, says there la «cre to be a Wlicmiin ing but financial disaster awaiting her Will be Located at Newark Next at State College; May S. Indiana, at Carlisle; Lengue this year with two Milwaukee f.»MH;» headlong plunge. I understand a fresb sub- Season. May 11. Columbia Cniv'rsity. at Gettysburg; playing in it. Appleton, Manito'.voc, Sheboy-t-in. icrlption list is to be worked for $6200. in New TnrtC. Fob. 27.-Editor "Spurting Llfe:"- May 15. Dickinion, at Carlisle: May 18. F. & Oshkosh. Fond rtu La? acd Racine will probinly form of increasi-il stoek and that tbis i I nave locate the noted Cuban Giants In New­ M.. «t (lOftysburg; May 24. Washington and t"» the other cities, i'arley lias been nil Invalid mount Is to be subscribed for by the pres- | ark, N. J.. and will play at the Shooting Park Jefferson, at Gettysburg; May SL, Bucknell. at for som* weeks, but Is now convalescent, nul ">t stockholders. No one on the ootstde j er rr Sunday, beginning April 21. probably Orttysbnrj; Jno* 5, St. Mary's, <H Gettysburg: says that work ou tb« Le»g'j« viil "> r*s i.roe*i l» to be permitted to tubscrlb* for $1 of against ti» Bcebe&ttr Cl'ih, «f tfc* But«ra *3n* S. Indian*, it &«ttytbiir». *4 u earl; data. SPORTIXQ March a, THE WORLD OF BASE BALL. Uon of the body a year bcoe«. While there may ha\»* cust no more than the redw-'ttoa cost, be some ctungn in the ownerships they win i'vi ruix-b' have QbTi«te4 tronUc u th,« ni'* be brought whont by any combination or any Loague »ai fully r*at}y to xo«ct U HUB HAPPENINGS.
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