Ge 2013 Annual Report 1 Letter to Shareowners
Progress GE Works 20132013 AnnualAnnual ReportReport ON THE COVER: Shana Sands, GE Power & Water, Greenville, South Carolina. Turbine is destined for Djelfa, Algeria. PICTURED: Lyman Jerome, GE Aviation Focusing our best capabilities on what matters most to our investors, employees, customers and the world’s progress. PICTURED, PAGE 1 Back row (left to right): JOHN G. RICE KEITH S. SHERIN SUSAN P. PETERS Vice Chairman, GE Vice Chairman, GE Senior Vice President, and Chairman and Human Resources MARK M. LITTLE Chief Executive Officer, Senior Vice President and JEFFREY S. BORNSTEIN GE Capital Chief Technology Officer Senior Vice President and Front row (left to right): Chief Financial Officer JEFFREY R. IMMELT Chairman of the Board and JAMIE S. MILLER BETH COMSTOCK Chief Executive Officer Senior Vice President and Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer Chief Marketing Officer DANIEL C. HEINTZELMAN Vice Chairman, Enterprise BRACKETT B. DENNISTON III NOT PICTURED: John L. Risk and Operations Senior Vice President and Flannery, Senior Vice President, General Counsel Business Development 2013 PERFORMANCE CONSOLIDATED SEGMENT OPERATING EARNINGS GE CFOA REVENUES (In $ billions) PROFIT (In $ billions) PER SHARE (In $ billions) 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $154 $149 $147 $147 $146 CAPITAL 5149 48 45 44 $24.5 $1.64 $17.8 $17.4* $22.8 $1.51 $16.4 $20.5 $1.30 $14.7 $17.2 $1.13 NBCU 15 17 6 2 2 $15.7 $12.1 $0.91 INDUSTRIAL 88 83 93 100 100 *Excludes NBCUniversal deal-related taxes GE Scorecard Industrial Segment Profi t Growth 5% Return on Total Capital 11.3% Cash from GE Capital $6B GE Capital Tier 1 Common Ratio 11.2% Margin Growth 60bps GE Year-End Market Capitalization $282B, +$64B Cash Returned to Investors $18.2B GE Rank by Market Capitalization #6 GE 2013 ANNUAL REPORT 1 LETTER TO SHAREOWNERS MAKING PROGRESS GE has stayed competitive for more than a century—not because we are perfect—but because we make progress.
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