

PALEOCEANOGRAPHY vergent results and our newly generated data by considering geographic location, choice of fora- minifera species, and changes in thermocline – depth (see supplementary materials). Reduced El Niño Southern Oscillation ENSO variability is asymmetric (the El Niño warm phase is more extreme than the La Niña during the cold phase) (14), so temperature variations in the equatorial Pacific are not normally distrib- Heather L. Ford,1,2* A. Christina Ravelo,1 Pratigya J. Polissar2 uted (7, 15), and statistical tests that assume normality (e.g., standard deviation) can lead to El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a major source of global interannual variability, but erroneous conclusions with respect to changes its response to climate change is uncertain. Paleoclimate records from the Last Glacial in variance. Therefore, we use quantile-quantile Maximum (LGM) provide insight into ENSO behavior when global boundary conditions (Q-Q) plots—a simple, yet powerful way to vi- — ( extent, atmospheric partial pressure of CO2) were different from those today. sualize distribution data to compare the tem- In this work, we reconstruct LGM temperature variability at equatorial Pacific sites perature range and distribution recorded by two using measurements of individual planktonic shells. A deep equatorial populations of individual foraminifera shells to thermocline altered the dynamics in the eastern equatorial cold tongue, resulting in interpret possible climate forcing mechanisms. reduced ENSO variability during the LGM compared to the Late . These results Sensitivity studies using modern hydrographic suggest that ENSO was not tied directly to the east-west temperature gradient, as data show how changes in ENSO and seasonality previously suggested. Rather, the thermocline of the eastern equatorial Pacific played a modify temperature distributions that can be di- decisive role in the ENSO response to LGM climate. agnosed as changed slopes on Q-Q plots (Fig. 2) (also see supplementary materials). For our loca- he equatorial Pacific mean climate state nifera in a sediment sample to quantify tropical tions, the sensitivity studies indicate that - (average oceanic and atmospheric proper- variability during the late Holocene (<6000 years ality weakly affects the temperature distributions, ties across the basin) is characterized by a ago) and LGM. This distribution has been used whereas ENSO has a large influence (Fig. 2); con- T strong east-west sea surface temperature to accurately reconstruct the mean and seasonal sequently, changes in temperature distribution (SST) gradient that is tightly coupled to variability at several locations, and our sample between the late Holocene and LGM can be at- the thermocline and the winds that drive warm size (40 to 70 individuals) is sufficient to cap- tributed to changes in ENSO. on January 20, 2015 water to the west and cause cold water to up- ture climate variability at our study sites (10). In the WEP, our data show that LGM surface well in the east (1). Because wind strength and Three prior individual foraminifera studies of and subsurface temperatures were cooler by ~2.3° the zonal SST gradient are mutually dependent, the LGM suggest either increased [site V21-30 (11); to 2.4°C compared with the late Holocene (Fig. 3). perturbationsinthisocean-atmospherelinkini- site CD38-17P (12)] or decreased [site MD02-2529 Cooler surface waters are consistent with ad- tiate and propagate El Niño–Southern Oscilla- (13)] ENSO variability compared with the late justment to reduced PCO2 forcing (16). Cooler tion (ENSO) events (2). Theoretical and modeling Holocene. We synthesized these apparently di- subsurface temperatures could be interpreted studies suggest that the mean state should strongly affect ENSO (3–5) by altering the balance of sev-

eral positive and negative ocean-atmosphere feed- www.sciencemag.org C 27 20°N 7 C 29 backs that determine ENSO behavior (2, 3, 6, 7). 228C 28 10°N 27 However, climate models disagree on how these Site 806 Site 849 3 26 feedbacks interact when the mean state changes 0° 25 21 24 (8). Here we examine climate variability during 23 the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (~20,000 10°S 1 22 21 ago) as an opportunity to investigate ENSO behav- 20°S 20 ior during an altered mean state when ice sheets 120°E 180° 120°W 60°W Mean Annual SST (°C)

covered and partial pressure of Downloaded from

10°N 28C CO2 (PCO2) levels were ~100 parts per million lower 28C −2.7 EPWP 28C than during preindustrial times (9). 10°N −2.0 −2.3 We use deep-sea sediment samples from Ocean WEP -2.0 27C Drilling Program (ODP) site 806 in the western −2.8 −3.5 26C 29C−2.8 equatorial Pacific (WEP) warm pool and ODP site −2.4 −1.6 25C −1.6 −1.0 0° 0° 24C 849 in the eastern equatorial Pacific (EEP) cold −2.4 ~0 −0.9 −2.0 28 COLD TONGUE tongue to examine tropical variability during −3.0 C 28C −1.6 23C discrete time intervals (Fig. 1). Site 806 is located 4C 2 2 2 10°S C 21C in the heart of the warm pool on the equator, 28C −2.8 27C where SST variability is small and primarily at 27C 10°S interannual-to-decadal frequencies. In contrast, 120°E 130°E 140°E 150°E 160°E 100°W 90°W 80°W 70°W site 849 is located in the EEP cold tongue exten- Fig. 1. Reconstruction of the zonal Holocene-LGM temperature gradient. (A) Ocean Drilling Program sion, where variability is large and dominated sites 806 and 849 indicated on a mean annual SSTmap, using the Met Office Hadley Centre’sHadISST1.1 equally by seasonal and canonical ENSO frequen- data set (32). Numbers indicate individual foraminifera study sites: V21-30 (1), CD38-17P (2), and MD02- cies (2). Here we use the distribution of Mg/Ca- 2529 (3). Inset maps of (B)WEPand(C) EEP show anomaly of published LGM [18 to 20 thousand years based temperatures measured on individual ago (ka)] minus Holocene (4 to 6 ka) temperatures reconstructing the zonal SSTgradient. Locations using shells of surface- (Globigerinoides sacculifer)and Mg/Ca are denoted by circles, whereas locations using the alkenone proxy are denoted with stars. subsurface-dwelling (Globorotalia tumida)forami- Generally, there was a reduced zonal temperature across the Pacific, though there is some spatial hetero- geneity in the EEP.The WEP and EPWP have similar cooling magnitudes (~2.7° and ~2.3°C, respectively), 1 Ocean Sciences Department, University of California, Santa which suggests that LGM cooling was largely dominated by radiative cooling. In contrast, the EEP cold Cruz, CA 95064, USA. 2Biology and Paleo Environment, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY 10964, USA. tongue region cooled less (~1.6°C) during the LGM, indicating that radiative cooling was partially com- *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] pensated by dynamic components (a deep thermocline and reduced ).

SCIENCE sciencemag.org 16 JANUARY 2015 • VOL 347 ISSUE 6219 255 RESEARCH | REPORTS as a colder or shallower thermocline (17). How- and our Q-Q reanalysis of these data (fig. S13) dients (26). Although subsurface variability is a ever, because modeling (18), faunal (19), and geo- suggests that the high variance reported at V21-30 strong indicator of ENSO in today’socean(6, 7), chemical (20) studies suggest that the thermocline (11) reflects enhanced seasonality during the comparing the magnitude of subsurface varia- was actually deeper during the LGM in compar- LGMincomparisontothelateHolocene.Together, bility from foraminifera proxies may not be the ison with today, our cool subsurface tempera- these data indicate that ENSO was reduced and best indicator of ENSO strength when there tures indicate a colder thermocline. Equatorial seasonality was enhanced during the LGM in are substantial changes in thermocline depth. thermocline waters originate in mid-latitude re- comparison with today, which is corroborated At site CD38-17P (east of site 849 and south gions where they subduct, move equatorward, by a recent modeling study (23). Some climate of V21-30) (Fig. 1), Neogloboquadrina dutertrei and upwell along the equator (21). Our G. tumida models indicate a strong inverse relationship show no change in mean temperature but greater subsurface temperatures suggest that these mid- between the amplitude of the seasonal cycle and subsurface temperature variability during the latitude thermocline source water regions were ENSO (3); that is, when the seasonal cycle is strong, LGMincomparisonwiththeLateHolocene(12). cooler during the LGM, also probably as a response ENSO is weak. Our interpretation suggests that The lack of a change in mean temperature agrees to PCO2 forcing. Surface and subsurface cooling in this inverse relationship may be a robust behavior with our G. tumida observation, and we similarly the WEP occurred without changes in variability, over long time scales. suggest that N. dutertrei must have also occupied consistent with PCO2 radiative forcing as the most The EEP G. tumida subsurface temperatures a shallower portion of the thermocline during likely agent of WEP temperature change (16). exhibit no change in mean temperature but do the LGM in comparison to today. This change in In the EEP, our data from site 849 show that show an increase in variability (Fig. 4). Although habitat explains the apparent increase in varia- average surface temperatures were only ~1.2° an increase in thermocline variability is consist- bility, and consequently, N. dutertrei from site to 1.3°C cooler during the LGM compared with ent with enhanced ENSO (Fig. 2E), this signal is CD38-17P do not support increased ENSO varia- the Holocene and that SST variability was re- conflated with a deepening of the EEP cold tongue bility during the LGM (figs. S14 and S15). duced such that the cooling was greater during thermocline during the LGM (24, 25). Deepening the warm season and smaller during the cold of the thermocline probably led G. tumida to season (Fig. 4). Given the sensitivity of our site inhabit a shallower portion of the thermocline Western Equatorial Pacific to ENSO, this reduction in surface ocean varia- with a steeper temperature gradient (24, 25), re- Site 806 bility during the LGM reflects greatly reduced sulting in increased reconstructed temperature ENSO amplitude (Figs. 2C and 4, B and C). In variability during the LGM that obscures any Surface 0.4 Holocene contrast, site V21-30 located ~2200 km to the true change in thermocline variability. Addition- 0.3 30 0.2

east (Fig. 1) shows high surface ocean variability ally, the lack of cooling in the LGM subsurface dpdf 0.1 during the LGM, as recorded by the distribution G. tumida measurements is consistent with this 0 of d18O values of individual surface dwelling fo- interpretation, as calcification in upper, warmer 0.1 0.2 raminifera (Globigerinoides ruber). An increase thermocline waters would offset LGM cooling. dpdf 0.3 in variance has been interpreted as enhanced A long-term change in the depth habitat of 0.4 LGM 20 25 30 ENSO (11); however, a recent statistical study (22) G. tumida is unlikely because in the modern 26 SST suggests that the geographical location of site ocean it calcifies at a relatively constant depth V21-30 is unlikely to capture changes in ENSO, range, regardless of vertical temperature gra- (°C) LGM SST

31 31 30 WEP: Site 806 EEP: Site 849 28 22 Increased 30 30 Increased 22 26 30 Seasonality 26 Seasonality Holocene SST (°C) No ENSO Increased 24 ENSO 29 29 No ENSO Increased 22 SubS T 10 20 30 ENSO 30 0.3 Subsurface 28 28 20 Holocene Reduced Reduced 0.2

18 dpdf Seasonality Seasonality 0.1 27 27 16 Temp. 15 m (˚C) [altered data] Temp. 27 28 29 30 31 15 m (˚C) [altered data] Temp. 27 28 29 30 31 15 m (˚C) [altered data] Temp. 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 0 Temp. 15 m (˚C) [observed] Temp. 15 m (˚C) [observed] Temp. 15 m (˚C) [observed] 0.1 20 dpdf 30 22 0.2 Increased 0.3 LGM WEP: EEP: Increased 0.4 28 20 ENSO 0.3 Site 806 Site 849 Seasonality Increased 0.2 26 No ENSO Seasonality

dpdf 18

0.1 (°C) T LGM SubS 24 0 Increased 10 ENSO 16 No ENSO 0.1 Mean 22 0.2 Adjusted Reduced

dpdf 14 0.3 20 Seasonality Reduced No ENSO Seasonality 10 20 30 0.4 18 12 20 25 30 20 25 30 97 m (˚C) [altered data] Temp. 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 97 m (˚C) [altered data] Temp. 12 14 16 18 20 22 Holocene SubS T (°C) SST SST Temp. 97 m (˚C) [observed] Temp 97 m (˚C) [observed] Fig. 3. Q-Q plots of WEP temperature variabil- Fig. 2. Schematic framework for the interpretation of Q-Q plots of WEP (site 806) and EEP (site ity reconstructed from planktonic foraminifera. 849) surface and subsurface temperature variability reconstructed from planktonic foraminifera. (A) (A) Surface temperature variability. (B)Subsurface Example of a mean shift in temperature without a change in variability, as seen in a Q-Q plot. Cumulative temperature variability. The inset within each Q-Q distribution function (orange line), 1:1 line (gray dashed line), mean adjusted 1:1 line (black dashed line), Monte plotshowsthedpdfsofsingle-shellanalysesplotted Carlo simulation (gray dots), and 90% confidence limits (black lines) are shown (see supplementary materials for Holocene (~3.0 ka, orange) and LGM (~19.0 ka, for further details). For WEP site 806 (B and E) and EEP site 849 (C and F), SODA v2.4 monthly temperature blue) intervals. Q-Q plots show that SSTs are uni- data at 15 and 97 m are altered with no ENSO (red), increased ENSO (pink), increased seasonality (blue), and formly shifted ~2.4°C colder and subsurface temper- reduced seasonality (light blue). (D) Example discrete probability density function (dpdf) for unaltered data atures are shifted ~2.3°C colder during the LGM in (grey), altered mean [plotted in (A), orange], and altered “No ENSO” scenario [plotted in (C), red]. comparison with the Holocene.

256 16 JANUARY 2015 • VOL 347 ISSUE 6219 sciencemag.org SCIENCE RESEARCH | REPORTS

Within the eastern Pacific warm pool (EPWP) day (table S3). We find that the EPWP and WEP face temperature anomalies, and the balance (Fig. 1C), N. dutertrei at site MD02-2529 show have a similar temperature change (~2.3° and between these modes changes with mean ther- reduced shallow subsurface temperature variabil- 2.7°C, respectively), which suggests that cooling mocline depth (3, 5). A deep mean thermocline ity and ~2°C cooler average temperatures during was a function of lower PCO2 and associated ra- favors the thermocline mode and reduced ENSO the LGM in comparison with the late Holocene diative forcing in these regions (Fig. 1). In contrast, amplitude (3). ENSO amplitude is reduced because (13). N. dutertrei are known to alter their calcifi- the EEP cold tongue was only ~1.6°C cooler in the a deep thermocline inhibits upwelling of anom- cation depth, preferring a shallower habitat in LGM. Our single-shell analyses demonstrate that alous subsurface temperatures, weakening the places with a well-defined shallow thermocline, any radiative forcing signal was offset by dynam- thermocline feedback and ocean-atmosphere such as the EPWP, and a deeper habitat in places ic changes within the EEP cold tongue, includ- coupling (4, 6, 29). During the LGM, the zonal such as the EEP (27). The cool LGM subsurface ing a deep thermocline (24, 25), related changes SST gradient was reduced, the basin-wide winds temperatures recorded by N. dutertrei are matched in upwelling, and reduced ENSO. Overall, this sug- were enhanced, and the thermocline was deep by a similar magnitude cooling of the mean surface gests that the western warm pool–cold tongue (18, 19, 24, 25). With this major change in mean temperature in the EPWP (discussed below), tropical Pacific zonal SST gradient was reduced. state, the balance of dynamic feedbacks probably suggesting that N. dutertrei maintained their Our findings do not support previous studies changed; one possibility is that this LGM ther- calcification position near the top of the thermo- suggesting an inverse relationship between the mocline mean state favored thermocline-mode cline. Therefore, a deepening of the thermocline zonal SST gradient and ENSO variability during ENSO behavior and a weakened thermocline cannot explain reduced shallow subsurface tem- the LGM (11, 12). Instead, we find weaker ENSO feedback that reduced ENSO amplitude. perature variability at site MD02-2529 and neces- variability when the zonal SST gradient is re- Although zonal SST gradient reconstructions sitates a reduction of ENSO amplitude, supporting duced, consistent with recent modeling results are often used to infer the tropical mean state our findings (fig. S16). (29). We suggest that an altered thermocline mean and the strength of ocean-atmospheric feedbacks Past studies have attempted to characterize state during the LGM reduced ENSO variability (11, 12, 16), subsurface temperatures and the equa- the tropical Pacific during the LGM by measuring by shifting the balance of feedbacks important torial thermocline mean state may more accu- the WEP-EEP zonal gradient with mixed results to ENSO dynamics. Theoretical studies suggest rately reflect Walker circulation (18) and affect (16, 28). Our compilation of available SST data that there is a thermocline mode and an SST ENSO dynamics (30). Several positive and nega- in the EEP and WEP reveals spatial heterogene- mode that give rise to ENSO (3, 5). These modes tive feedbacks determine ENSO behavior (4), and ity in SST cooling during the LGM relative to to- differ in the propagation of subsurface and sur- individual feedback strength changes under cli- mate states with different mean thermocline Eastern Equatorial Pacific - Site 849 depth and mean wind stress (3, 4, 29). For example, a deeper thermocline may reduce the strength of

Surface A 0.4 Holocene Surface B the thermocline feedback, thereby reducing ENSO 0.4 Holocene f 0.3 d f 0.3 amplitude, but simultaneous changes in the 0.2 dpdf dp pd 30 0.2 30 dpdf dpdf d dpdf 0.1 0.1 strength of other feedbacks may counteract this 0 0 0.1 effect. Climate models have strong biases in simu-

0.1 f d f 0.2 lating thermocline conditions and tropical up- 0.2 dpdf dpdf dp pd dpdf 0.3 d dpdf 0.3 0.4 Glacial welling (5, 9), and these biases influence the 0.4 LGM 20 25 30 strength and balance of positive and negative 20 25 30 SSTSST 26 SST 26 feedbacks that determine ENSO behavior. Although model simulations of anthropogenic climate LGM SST (°C)

Glacial SST (°C) change suggest that the equatorial thermocline will shoal, the effect on the individual feedbacks determining ENSO variability is uncertain (31). 22 22 The LGM mean state is radically different from 22 26 30 22 26 30 future climate projections and thus cannot be Holocene SST (°C) Holocene SST (°C) directly used to predict future ENSO behavior. However, our results linking observations of the mean state and ENSO variability can be used to C D 30 Subsurface30 Subsurface test theoretical and numerical models that are pivotal to understanding ENSO behavior in the face of mean state climate changes in the future.

0.3 REFERENCES AND NOTES 0.3 Holocene 20 Holocene 20 1. W. Wang, M. J. McPhaden, J. Phys. Oceanogr. 29, 1812–1831 f

f 0.2

0.2 d d p p (1999). dpdf d dpdf dpdf d 0.1

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0.1f f 0.1 –

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PALEOECOLOGY the morphology of leaf epidermal cells preserved as phytoliths (plant biosilica) (Fig. 1). LAI quan- tifies vegetation structure in ecological and climate modeling studies (1, 3). In modern eco- Linked canopy, climate, and faunal systems, LAI relates primarily to soil moisture (4), by which vegetation becomes more closed with change in the of increasing soil water availability; ultimately, soil Regan E. Dunn,1* Caroline A. E. Strömberg,1 Richard H. Madden,2 moisture is determined by temperature, precipi- Matthew J. Kohn,3 Alfredo A. Carlini4 tation, and atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 (PCO2)(4, 5). Disturbance in the form of fire and Vegetation structure is a key determinant of ecosystems and ecosystem function, but herbivory can offset this relationship, resulting paleoecological techniques to quantify it are lacking. We present a method for reconstructing leaf in open habitats in areas with relatively high area index (LAI) based on light-dependent morphology of leaf epidermal cells and phytoliths rainfall (6). derived from them. Using this proxy, we reconstruct LAI for the Cenozoic (49 million to 11 million Using this paleobotanical archive, we re- years ago) of middle-latitude Patagonia. Our record shows that dense opened up by the constructed a LAI record for the middle Ceno- late ; open forests and shrubland habitats then fluctuated, with a brief middle- zoic [49 million to 11 million years ago (Ma)] of regreening period. Furthermore, endemic herbivorous show accelerated crown Patagonia to test predictions about vegetation height evolution during open, yet relatively grass-free, shrubland habitat intervals. Our Patagonian LAI record provides a high-resolution, sensitive tool with which to dissect terrestrial ecosystem 1Department of Biology and Burke Museum of Natural response to changing conditions during the Cenozoic. History and Culture, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA. 2Department of Organismal Biology and egetation structure—thedegreeofcanopy However, methods to quantify ancient vegeta- Anatomy, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. openness—is a fundamental aspect of eco- tion structure have eluded paleoecologists. Here, 3Department of Geosciences, Boise State University, Boise, 4 systems, influencing productivity, hydro- we present a method with which to reconstruct ID 83725, USA. Paleontología de Vertebrados, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones logical and carbon cycling, erosion, and vegetation openness, specifically leaf area index Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET), La Plata, . V 2 2 composition of faunal communities (1, 2). [LAI = foliage area (m )/ground area (m )], using *Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

Fig. 1. Leaf epidermis and examples of epidermal phytoliths. (A) Nothofagus leaf and epidermis. (B to E) phytoliths from Patagonia. (F to I) Modern soil phytoliths from Costa Rica.

258 16 JANUARY 2015 • VOL 347 ISSUE 6219 sciencemag.org SCIENCE Reduced El Niño−Southern Oscillation during the Last Glacial Maximum Heather L. Ford et al. Science 347, 255 (2015); DOI: 10.1126/science.1258437

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