" ' x" ' " ' " "

8 THE SUN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1916. CENTENARY OF "THE BARBER OF SEVILLE" THIS WEEK CONCERTS OF THE WEEK. THE WEEK OF OPERA. SUNDAY Philharmonic Society, Crnrie Hall, 3 P. M. Hotue. Symphony Society, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. P. M. MONDAY, "Lucia di Lammermoor." Maria Harrientos Maurice Beck, sonif recKal, Princess Theatre, 8:lo 8:1G P. 1. Opera House, 8 JO P. M. ; and Amuto. Opera concert, Metropolitan (debut) Messrs. Martinelli Aeolian Hall. 3 :30 P. M. WEDNESDAY "Cavallcriu RuMicnna." Mmo. Zarska and Braalau: MONDAY Adelaide Fischer, aonr reclUl. "Coyoscus," Mmes. Fltxiu and Pcrint; Vivian Gosnell, barytone, Aeolian Hall, 8:15 P. M. Messrs. Botta an.l De Luca. Herbert, conductor, Hotel Astor, Messrs. Martinelli and De 1. Glee Club concert, Victor lt.ii!iruroId," Mtncs. Riippold. Mutzc- - THURSDAY, 2:30 P. M. "Das TUeIdAY song recital, Fran, nauer and Ober; Messrs. Scmbacli, Weil, Goritz, Braun, Scott and Mme. Madeleine D'Espinoy, Theatre c'als, 3 P. M. M. Bohcme," Mmes. Alda and Cnjatti; Gino Ciaparelll-Viafor- a, Aeolian Hall. 8:15 P. M. THURSDAY, 8:lTi P. "La Society, Carnegie Hall, 8:16 P. M. Messrs. Caruso, Scotti and Didur. THURSDAY People's Symphony Zaubcrfloete," Mmes. Gadski, Hempel and Mason; Ethel Newcomb, pianoforte reciUl, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. FRIDAY "Die 3 P. M. Messrs. Urlus, Goritr, and Hraun. ijjl Marian Clark, soprano, Princess Theatre, Slvio-Hu,- " Society, Aeolian Hall, M. SATURDAY, 2 P. M. "II Barbiero dl Mme. Barricntos; New York Chamber Music 8:15 P. De Luca, De Seffurola and Malatesta. FRIDAY Philharmonic Society, Carnegie Hall, 2:80 P. M. Messrs. Damacco, 3 M. 8 P. M. "Un Hallo in Muschcrn," Mme. Kurt; Mcsirs. Herbert Fryer, pianoforte recital, Aeolian Hall, P. SATURDAY, Union, Hall, M. Martinelli ami Amato. Concert by the Jan Hub Choral Aeolian 8:15 P. SATURDAY Young People's Symphony Concert, Carnegie Hall, mIB P. M. 2:30 lly W. .1. HK.MIKMMI.V I'ri'lii the liniment of lier entrance "lie Philharmonic Society, Carnegie Hall, 8 :15 P. M. Io.ik before C'hrlHtin.., 1MB. Harold Bauer, pianoforte recital, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. lumw ' J" ' Sokolsky-Freid- , Aeolian Hall, llo.mlnl left fur ,hp ut Piano and organ recital, Sarah nuperlntend llie p.oducll.m '""' " "',r ",k" ,hf M. N' laugh. An.l sang thf 8:15 P. of wo new operas fruii. his pen. was rnllrd "Torvaldo e Dor- - " " P"' 'ce "" " "..?.. .,. ,...... m t ho 'iVntro eonsmnniatc tnasti-r- of It xtylo and founded. Like most bablea. It made a ner, who was counsel to (he AlAer- - have never - was tnvWcA with , a" abandon which deal of noise on the day of lta mania committee in the police lnresti- Villa on Dec. 2. It -- treat .leKcrlNd as wrr quniiea birth, and It has since become known gallon four years ago; Mrs. Mary IB .nn.Pil.4nff moit rendllv very was was entitled j After her and close to her from New York to San Franclaco. Lease, a power In Kansas during tha indifference. The other Mnlvellu Hembrlch, who, "Almavlvn, ossla I'tnutlle piecnuzluiie. uantlnc ccr Dr. Jamea II. CanHeld, late librarian Populistic days, now a lecturer tn'th ' of 1'attl'., nature, replaced Ethel U th7 Areeirtlnu on "' newcom of Columbia University, regularly as- Brooklyn public schools; Underwood I by " hers equally prcc on.. ' Underwood (Bert E. Elmer), Fe ' i 81 Tand was recolv.d without "J" N I . W I 50PKANO OF sisted ln the celebration of Kanaaa and i had deeper i out In AFOLIA Nv since It was condemned Mmij. Sc.ibrlc a HALL.THUftS, day In his home 8tate. Ho was for photographers, and Orvllle Hen-ol- Indifference, impersonation, a sweet and wln- - wlthnut reservation. AFTERNOON many years a professor and for soma and Percy Homus singers. hostility tho Mime vein of teiulernes which was FEB.3o. actlnsr of the Univer The renson of the w.is ox- - time chancellor "II lUrbiero not within the sphere of Pattl's sity of Kansas before coming to New kvt of tho Itomans for predion. As a comedian she was 41 by Talslello. Thai opera jX York. SIvIkI.' nearly the equal of her predecessor, had been a favorite for a quarter of ser" and Wotan's "Farewell" and on even- Kansas now count a big population DHILHARMONin for what she xlld not receive from re srles nt Aeolian Hall Tucdy SOCIKTV til' NKAV VOMK itomans were Wnl-kuere- ." S; programme will In New York. Thoman Rwlns, who as a century, and the she supplied by a liner and more "Magic Fire Scene" from "Die ing. February The JOBKF STItANSKV. Conrtllctor U IndlKiiant at the compar- Tho orchestra, under the di- consist of the Mozart quartet In D Commissioner of Patents spends most AFTEKNOON at .1. OAKNRUIK IIAI.I. amazed and fastidious art. Her musicianship was per- Till" atively composer who had tho of Hagetnan, will play minor, Koeehel, No. 421; th5 first of his time ln Washington but whose obscure deeper and this gave rection Richard In C BACH BEETHOVEN audacity to write an opera on the than Pattl's her e to "Die Meltersliiger," the formance, of ft no.elty, the octet home Is ln Yonkers, la a natlva Jay- - a larger scope uf Interpretation. the preluf major, opus T, by Georges Rnci-co- , and FKHTIVAI. CONCERT ame subject. Hut the second nlcht "Funeral March" from 'Goetterdaem-merung.- " hawker, as are William A. De Ford, THE N. Y. rHH.ll AHMOMO OMCIIKtiTIt These two hnvc been the greatest the Itetthovcn quartet ln O major, opus The ORATORIO MOCIETT Of NKW TORK audience Bat up and took notice of "Tnnnhaeuser" Over- Assistant District Attorney: Henry HudMn-AleianSe- r, memory opera-goer- s the No. I. CaraUna Soprano; work, and in the end It lln.iinus within the of "Kaiseimarsch." IS Wollman, lawyer, and the Rev, MMl Miller, Tenor: Nrrada tan der Veer, Rossini's now living. ture and the Contralto: Arthur MMdlatun. the familiar title and sup- Louise MacPhfrson, a young Anierl-rei- n Christian F. Relsner, pastor of Grace nu riyaro has been variously lmper-conite- d, In SYMPHONY BEETHOVEN planted I'alslello's opera. SPECIAL "RING" MATINEES pianist ho han met with favor Methodist Church. OlorRl-Itlghet- so comprised tl but probably no other has West ft period of coneertlitnR under direction of Joaer Ntraiuk. Tho orlRln.it cast tho after Thursday Among the other here gth as llnxlna, Uossl at flrrfii, generally satisfied the uignoscentl as abroad, will g1e a recltnl on are Borough .President Lewis ll. BACH "MAGNIFICAT" Del Pucnte, who had airy light- MetrHilllnn llpern llnusr. February 10, In Aeolian Hall. Zamlxml as l'louro, Garcia (the father the afternoon. Pounds of Brooklyn. Emory R. Buck- - Oeadoeted by HMmn.ea.lrk. ness of touch estentl.il In both singing Metropolitan Company's Jm of the Manuel Garcia who lived to to The 0ieia Hohtmlftn und action. Other roles In tho work matinee cycle of Wagner' Marguerlto Volavy, the Nait rrl. Aft. 3:Sn. CliRVEOIE IIAI.I more than a hundred) as .Wmnrlra, annual pianist, whose recital In Aeolian Hall have leen veil sung by numerous art- "Iting"' In its entirety Is announced as Teb-rir.ir- y ?, Botticelli ns Bartolo ami Vllarclll as l.i scheduled for Thursday evening, METROPOLITAN SCHULZ among Rhelngold" ; Baiilio. Tho original overture was ists, but the Impersonators of follows: "Das on Thurs 10, will ofTer In nddltlon to the Monday at R:IS. I.urla. BArrlentos (debut) Wal-kner- Mnrllnrlll. Amtto. Ilothler. Cod1 IUvu noil. Kelt Saturdaj Kt.. at ssu. fameala Halt. now Don HtmlUn two persist In the mem- day. February 3, at L'iSO; "Die Itarh-I.ls- I'neludium and Pugu the - lonjr aire, loot, and that which group. Wed.sitS 'aaltortaHaitlcana.ZankMir- comedy ory. Chaliaplne. the Russian basso, on Thursday, February ln. nt Schumann Paitis.a, ft Chopin Ixu : llotu. I I.urs: folfrt by tiayeseat. Fltilu. seems so apt a prelude to tho "Dalliance," Oind., "Hero Irretrlewibly Injured his chances for 1:30; "Siegfried" on Friday, February Dvnnik's IVrinl: Murtlnellt. De Lura. liavktrnoli. ALL WAGNER belonged to "Kllzuhetta." "Humoresque." Sim-mi- Thun. at 0. Khelninld. Mattentucr, orlslnally of a sureess In New York by his vulgar In- IS, tit l:3tf, and "Goctterdaemtuerung" Tsolterepnlne's otiir. IlPpot'l: Hetnhsch. Well. Ooriti. Itt1, Si'rK rldente" wai iart "Hv tho Seashore" and two works Kuywtart, AlthouM. Good Ilodauiky. FREMSTAD terpretation. This amazed and cha- on Thursday. February 4. nt 1:30. tlraun. Tlckata at Doi Offlcn. Kolli K Xl chorus In "Aurcliano." Herta's air of CltanaUos. Thurt. at K l.v IBbrm. Aid. Cajattl; UiM. was founded on a Ilusslan melody, grined hhn so greatly that he Iihs not Arthur Rodanzky will conduct all the Onw). 8ml tl. Dldur. Com)., BkVMnoll. from et ceased to vent his dlsgutt at performances. An Interesting point In Krl.s l6..MairHute.(ladkl IlrmpI.MaKn; "Zlttl. zlttl" was literally stolen KANSAS IN NEW YORK. t'rlur Ilraun, Horltz, KH Cond.. Bodanzky. Hut even these Americans. Mr. ('hallaplne's per- connection with the casts Is that Mme. Nat. at 3. Barblrr dl Hl.lflla. Ilarrtent.n; Haydn'H ".Seasons." Havagnoll. were transmuted by Hosslnl's formance, however, would be regarded richumann-Hem- k has been engaged De laiea. Pamami. rvwurola. Cond.. SYMPHONY Items Russia, and we of KannH was 83 years Sal.s 7iV.tol.l) Hallo ln.Xtachea. genius, and the work, which still holds as masterly In shall spccailly to sing the .role of Urdu In Tin. State .Martinelli, Amato Cnd.,I'olaeco. Society of New Tork better understand his apparent blun- "Siegfried." nlil vrterdav. nnd ns usual Its expatn WALTER DAMROtK H. Conductor. the stage, ranks deservedly unions the country Thli Afternoen at 3. Aeolian Hall. masterpieces of opera bulla. der If wo bear In mind that In the The casts for the series are as fo- ntes all over the ceienraien inr 1 country of the C'air this Is the most nnulversary Thougli tlio Minuower Since It fortunately happens that the llow: . Ix.piilar opera n exlstenco In the llrst PHOtiKAMMtV tssssr centenary of the first .performance but that It is always "Das Rhelngold" H'oloii, Hermann Pta'o Its at h jll. HOMER Mto ..'.0i G.ittl-Casaiz- a In a boisterously ver.r civil war It was not until Prlcea to SI falls upon an opera day Mr treated farcical Weil, Ditnnrr, Henri ricott, I'roU, Paul -- of tlio KOLAR'.I 1ST HT.XirilONT, style. SoLotsT 1S77 day. was OlirilKHTHA will rIvo a memorial repetition AlthoiiK,: .rie. Johaniii'S Setuhach. Tr1 Mme.OuveFremstad... - WM that Kansas conducted tiy the compoasr. rec-- 1 n Mr.ttr- SnrlFTV OP M.v WHITEHILL BACH.WOI.K.TSCIIAlKOtVSKY.WAONFIt work on Saturday after The best f)o ltallin within the ,n-rc- Otto Corltz; Mime. Albert Cood. h AtiKxtAv CLARENCE Sunday February a. of the Jovous or ,., SatEve.Fed.sv'. omismkinU IIAKDit-X- PIANO UBRD. Nett Aft., Feb. 5, 1916, and thus a tlttliiR onectlon the present writer, wmcti t,iH!); n,aun. noon. goes boyhood, 'f ru.T iiirronitoxii: will be paid to the composer buck to was that njall RuiKlael. I'ricka. Margarete ahc.a VAN DRESSER tribute whose TONIGHT SOUSA fleata at Boi Offlca and Room 1302, Aeolian Rail who enriched the treasury of the Kdouard de Reszke. lngenius M.llZ(,n!llu.'ri ,,.,, Marle Rappold. lirtt pronuetion at Kourne, Miss.. In Jonei; "Intomo All'Mol Mo." Marco nrvrsm adaptation of his entire action to uN ..,.. ... ,.., ,.,.-- . van Dresser, Antonio Ccst;. and "Vlttorla," Carlsstmt, world's delluhts with thW spark'.iuK ' ir,ii, i.e. August. It'll Marci.i the TEYTE BILTMORE Ills I wongs Ilrlcli MAGGIE 1 100 own ponderous physique and of M.ir,.,k uvil,,.,,,,- - .lohn If.-fii- American mezzo suprano of the Chuaco and by Schubert. Brahms. core. Iloshlnl received for this Sh Puget. Debussy, Fnure 'I'll I. W(ii:i,l's frioat xioitMNt; ml'hicai.e. SYMPHONY CONCERTS have singing to the quality of hi voire na tipera Compiitiy, will bo thn soloist Wolff. IMul TK.Non HOTKI. BII.TMOKE. I'ab. 11. at It. creation. Possibly ho would rich, and I'tasihtMc. I.lla Roliesoti mil sing "I.ieder elne fnhremlMi Baur, Timothy Spelnian and ltaljih ROMANI hiliilst FOR YOt'Mt PEOPtX. profit In tliH time. a piece of genuine art. Ills llisilin Wnlkueie"- - Slrjimund, Jacques M - reaped a l.irtter "Die by Mahler, and the nlr "Flor Vaughan Wllllamn. tiirne.1 awny t.xu was comic without extravagance, a Ha-- il U"o-fni- i. Owing to thomxnd. sunnr opera composers even now do not llumiinsi, Ruysdael; .M- ppe.1KOH-,- ' Saturday Aft, Feb. 5, at 2:30 But something not often I'rlus. ihllgl" from "Col fan tutl" of Kt turn Hlul ALDA result arhlewd Hraun, Melanle ozart, The programmM will cloje with The c.lff, Club of rtie Kriendlv Pors f CARN'KIilF. HAM,. become millionaires. Is worthy of note In cloing t'arl N. T. MVMPIIOXT ORCIIF.STRA. 1S1U not one of sur- It that (riiriipi(Mc, .loh.iun.i I'.adski. t'ie symphonic poem "Ultava" of St. Patrick will give iu third annual The ear wis "11 flvlglla" Is in good Kurt. Mr.VB'rs. Vernon Castle WAI.TRR I4.XIHOSfH .CaDdlirtnr passes imp"rtame in the hitory of llarblere dl VneUn, Margarete Ober, the t'olA'jnri, concert nt the Hotel Astor MARt'lA VAN DHKSSKn. Soprano. company In keeping the stage for so night, January 31. Founded by and un- PADEREWSKI Ticket at offlcr. Itooin 1202 Amllan had Just been c.illeil Sparkes, Helen Warrum, Vera I music. Weber many years, Fi- Lenor.i Serge ds Dlaghlleff and the Russlnn direction Victor Herbert, this Illd.. and Hos Office, Carnegie Hall. tho opera Mozart's "Nozze dl Fornla, Florence Mulford, der the of to Dresden to conduct In Curtis, Rita ballet aro responsible for slight change organization In Its brief hasj .1. folloivlnR garo." which finds Its material the and a Anollal. Hall, I'll. All.. IS, at where his duties beRan the same sources, has come down from .lullu Hcinrlch, Mario Mattfeld ln tho personnel of tho People' Sym- tilled a unions niche ln tho musloal It. Aaallan Hall. Thurt. Eta.. Fab. ,(:!&. "Oer -- parmlarizii SECOND CONCERT OK THE year: but he had not written 17S6, 17S7 Llla Robeson. phony Orchestra, which will hold the. world. as It has dono much to SPALDING "Don Oiovnnnl" from and - will Krelschuetz," which revolutionized "Siegfried" Slcpfrlrt, Johannes final concert of the season on Thurs- Irish music at Its tiest. Tho soloists Peits. 1 lloteNlseatinirRl.S.'IO. Orders for "Die Zaubcrtloete" from 1701. "Cose Fin-nega- Ilc. N. Y. Chamber Music Society German opera and paved the way for Semhach, Mhn Albert Itelss: Prr lay evening, February 3. at Carnegie be Graon Breen, toprarjo, oml John SPIERING si is and bot may now be aocured from R. R. fan tuttl," which Is not given here, Jobnatun, 1421 liroadway. riinn ti08-60- llrjt Wagner. Heethoven hail produced Wamlrrer, Clarence Whllehill, h. Hall. Mr. Dlaghlleff wanted the best tenor. XIOI.1N ItlTITAI. Tlcleta now of I'lano. Wind and Strlnit Instruments. still lives In C,erm.iny. It dates from unengaged players New York, Melnway t hex OHlco.l lOKMINI'.NT SOI.OINTH "Kldelio" ten years earlier, but it Otto OnPitr.: Faliwr. Basil In not ertnger Piano his 1790. "Die Kntfuchrung au dem nlilv frt- - flu, rfi,i. nf lii Mme. Mftdeleinx D. Rsplnoy, a Blrect's "aroln liwho. flimtare I.anictmtir touched the vital character of Schutnann-Heln- k: !,,,,.. CARNEGIE HALL, SAT. AFT., FEB. 12. rrogramma: IIACM SONATA, O MAJOI1 had not Ruysdael. Unln, Kmctlne lil , a wie and St rail" enjoy some festival per troupu but to accompany him on tour. who has !pea.rM soio'tn witn 2:.10 I1KKTIIOVF.N. Seplut In K Flat MaJ.. Opu20 contemporaneous opera. Verdi Uadkl, In "1H t- - (IJikoIii's Rlrthday), at MINCIIA formances still, thouch It is the oldest IrueunniloV. .lohanna He recruited a number of them from urchentre 'olonne I'atls. 13. AT 3 11HA1IMS Trio In A Minor. Ouua IU years old, Haydn CARNEGIE HALL, SUN. AFT. FEB. SAINT-SAEN- In F. US Wagner were three s Wahlvoich, Kdith heard in a programme- of old and modern Septet Flat Mai . Opus of all. It dates from 17S? lt.etho-ven'- land Stlmmc tics amoncr tlio men who have been xvlnnlnt: SIXTH .NTVV Mil l IINCBIIT JOHN Soata Ofllcn and II seven VoRel had V (lerm.in. Trench airs and In i at Un Cho. flion had been dead y.'irs, was flr-- t performed In Mason leiiut.itlon under Conductor X. Italian anl A Co.. 8 East 3t(h Rt. (Hlelnway Piano known the souk "l'ldelio" modern 1'reis-l- i soncs ot her sotu: re not begun to make ISO.. The most venerable of nil works "Coelterdaemmerung" Slrulrinl, Aten. To llll their j.lares there was EL bo plven the Theatre .Id Violin MAN Schubert. Mendelssohn had not found, )iHplly for tho l'eonlu's Sym- cital, to nt Kedtal. Tlcketa at llox Offlca. of .11 the local repertory, however. Is Jncquc I'rlus, fjiioticr, Hermann cals on Tuesday afternoon, l ebruary I Mc COR MACK Mgt. Wolf mjIi u bureau. (Stelnway llano)' MaalnaEtltett'aThea.Thura.Aft.Fab.lO. at I Matthev. Passion of 'Irwi'im-;illd- f. phony, a larco wnltluK list of first class resaurrccted the Carl Hraun; I 1 was C,luck' "Orfeo ed Kuridlce," which Well; lt'iurn, musicians who had been anxious to Tickets t f Ml. at llox Odlce. Bach. Pompous .Spontinl the Jlel'.inl" Julia A McSncenej!. Stelnasy CARNEGIE HALL, Tuti. Alt., Feb. 15, at 1. Spain's Greatest Dancer was llrst given In. 17(12. Kurt; antrum: Join the orchestra. Instead of nthel Nawcnmb nt her plane rMtal Mt llami. grand opera In France. .rens Thitr-da- y SOMI overlord of con- Loui1-!- ' Homer; Sym-plio- In Aeolian Hall afternoon. Critical commentary seldom lleinrich. U'nltroufc. loxitiK by the chance the People's 1.1, a. HKUITAb Rossini's triumph In "II H.irbiere" - 3. xvltl play compositions by Arnllnn Hull 'lurs. tl,. !. nt cedes to "II llarblero dl H.vlglin" a H'orIiifi I.enora Sparkes, Wrllrjuiidt: urchestr.i max- thus poe"lbIy have I'eJiruarr linlv Y ltivii.xl This significant In muro than nno way Schubert. Bccthoen, Brahnw, Chopin. N La Argentina was position of equality among this aug-i- t Fornla. and FIon'ilMf, Mia been Improved In tome sertlons, for tho FRIEDA HEMPEL luiffu, or comic opera, had Rita I'aula Szallt, I'old'.nl. Arthur Schnabel. I llf I If t mithnut The opera company probably the verdict players li.ivo seleetiMi with es V. i uj small beginnings in and lin Paul von Sohlozer and Ituben"teln. COKNItAAO 110i at llano (Htelowar). Ameu IukoHHK llAllltkltE.i'ondiietie developed from which it a somewhat to pecial reference to the smoothness and Y0LANDA MER0 Tickets 7Se to $2. at Wolrvihn llureau. Man. Tickets 12 to so cis . on at n, rime. awards seat 1 TSc 1 when opera snria quality of tone. , Tickets 12.00. 1..',0, OO. Iloxes II5O0. I West Jlth St., or at Hoi Onto). DIHECTION CirilERINF. A. BAMM AN Italy at a tlmo the Is correct; an open wh.eh their Frj-er- rir.fcllsh plnnlrt. di.unuti- - the rear but NOTES OF The programme for the rloMnir con Herbert tho No ot llox (Jltlce. STi:iNAY PIANO. was pompous, artificial and hn lived for a oenturv and which CONCERTS. RECITALS, wlio irlvew un Aeolian Hall recital Trl- - cany a smoiiiertii in . ,,,,,, cert will Include Hvorak's "New World" In aid of steme. u ..rfornl(1(1 ,0 wilh MUSIC. symphony, (lrlo 'Sprint,-'- " day efturtioon. February i, ( sro.'tle Hull, .xton. nig., I'rb. 7. at , for xtrlnp V 1 t) 1. I 11 K I," 1 A S5.. ronventlous a nu hponiai. the true vis eomlc.i a t his one can orx'hestia nnd tho of funds for "Concerts nt the IVont" for N i PIANO T I. was restrained by traditions "Marelm Sla" wounded and ronvalescent soldiers, xvll! slon be very h.gh m TschalkowsUy Spalding - not denied ndmlrutlrn. Hr etlio.en ninth Hjinpliony und Albert aseolo- devote bU npoirramme entirely to works handed down from the eignteenin scln-tllla- nt Is't play There must be few lovers of Bach's "Magnificat" "ill be perioinieo will the lkethoven concerto. Ohopln. work to lx Schnitzer Macmillen an opera was a p.irudo n of ln tho list nf DIRECTORY OF century when fancy and bubbling humor who his afternoon In Carnegie Hall tne nre minor fnntaJhle, tho !' - At hearil tho rrounJ for vocal heroes. will not he ready to, declare that this 'hllli irmonlo- Society or .New lors in the fourth symphonv concert for minor tcillade and tho R major scherao Tlckci 3 00 to V) ci.s, llox Odlce and ttaen-n- l NEW YORK'S serious opera i Society people In Sat- A 3.1 But long before tho Is one of the masterpieces of the lyric onJuiK tloti with the ir.ilorlo of younir CarntKln Hall next Mr. I'ryer Is authorize,! by II. H. Prin- Jones. et 42d St. llalci.ii Piano. LEADING VOCAL opera had moved Into the New York (2.',0 singers). Tlie mho urday afteuioon tho orchestral numbers, representative a-- the comic stage. - cess Victoria to bo tho "X T T a. T! Ik T TT A w t region of dramatic verity. When arts will bo sung by iiuuson- played by the symphony society, xnll be In America of the 'Vmeorts at the trnlUn Hi.ll, Mnn. Aft.. I'eli'r 7, at 8. OTTlt composers were still allotting the Mexunder. soprano, .Nevada .m iler the andante from the ejinphnny In !' l'rnnt" orcanlrntlon. All expenses be works to METROPOLITAN HOUSE. r .xmtir.tin : lti'.-.-i Miller, tenor, and of Si'hubert; selections from tho "Iphl-Kenl- a Iikt already subscribed for. every ticket i: INSTRUCTORS roles of their OPERA Hum-rosc- principal bass. Ill" .sunn In Aulls" , lininlc of Waller and tenors with a view Arthur Mlii Hon. (old means nn aonition io mo num. FRIEDBERG altos will be rnnrtticted by .losiT MninsKv aim as follows: Kntrance if the mai- Only N. v. ICeillal. Ilertlioiei. Prngram. they were - t; only to vocal effects, when The new Spanish coloraturo soprano th n..rli ".M.iEnlflc.it" by Louts Koem- dens of ("halls; .xchlllex laelntf the char-lo- In B flat, ,npus Tickets 60 cts. to $2, llox Oltlre, luidwln l'lanu sopranos, wo- Beethoven's Ponnta giving heroic parts to male of the Metropolitan Opera Compnny menicli. Tills will l) tne iasi ui Iphlitenla's farewell, and "Till 110, will bn played nK.iln, by request, some of whom ex-- acted Achillf In will make her debut hero threw festival coir Ilulen.spli Kel's Merry I'ranks" of Strauss nt the second recital - which llarom Aeolian Hall, Men. K.g Frit. 7, nt S:o. woman's clothes, tho comic opera isrlrt. Marcl.i van Iieser as soloist will siriK will Rive In Hall evening ln a revival of "Lucia dl "I)i-- Bauer Aeolian Situr writers were respecting the true office On Friday afternoon, i. i.eo nn aria fiorn Weber's Krelschuelz" day afternoon. February &, The pianist, CALVARY s .Lammermoor," with Messrs. Marti- Bchulz will b.i tho soloist at m i and an aria fiom Thomas's "llamlct." CHOIR Is man- Au-dis- In a varied programme, win also oner of comedy, which to "chastise nelli, Amato, Rothler, Ilada and lo concert. He will play the HELENE MAIGILLE New York compositions by Orlcg, Gluck, Debussy .a - TO xvlth a smile." itava-gno- ll euu- - Svitl lo Jl Jl,- 0 1' Fooiv. i'lflli ners and Miss llgener. Mr. Volkiii.inn concerto Xt the same Adelaide Fischer nt her somr recital anil ,X male roles xvere all enacted by by nt.ininerg In Itael. College of Music, Their will conduct. rt new suite Fritz win Aeolkm Hall afternoon I I 111'. by women, PRIM'IISN III' I SOMi Illll 1TAI.. men, their women's parts "Goyescas" will have lis iee,lB i.m Initlul verfonu.ince unuer will sliiK old airs and croups of Ger- Morning i ii .s.nii. American School of Bel Canto wcond - The seventh Blltmorn Friday ii. mi. r 128.130 East 58th St., New York. In the infancy of the opera buffu hearing on next Wednesday evenln;;. t!m eomnostr's leadership. Josef Slr.in- man, French and KiikIIsIi sours. Musical.! will be ghen In tlio (Jrand old women's parts will..... nnntlni'l.. in,, we Friday (Science of Vocal Art) DIrrctnra Carl Heln, Anautt I'rnemeka. were often bo sung by Fltziu tl... Ballroom of the Biltmoro Hotel MSURICE a there It will Mmes. and - BECK A Iila-t- MuhIo sung by tenors, ner "invitation to mo imnr" ".- A local nrgnnlKatlnn of Interest to morning, 11, 11 o'clock. School School of tor which were inis. Perlnl und Messrs. Martinelli and Do lbruary it It. I.. UK WMI W nt tho I'l.iuo. "A ef Stnelnt ichleh titt lta rirn'.Kinl-nen- t symphony, "A Iluslic. xxeuuiiiK. of tlio piofesslon s atudent. All Uranolifit Tiiught by farcical custom parsed out of use. The Mr. Rnutlgllo mark's artists mush'.il who Tile soloists aro Mme. Frar.-e- Alda, Standard of Vocal Art." Inatructor. Luca. Miss Gnlll and am .11 U'.nrner orosrammH will be wish to obtain u hearing before (lie Metiopnlttati npeni Departnif old man sung by a and frequently of sotiranu of the AI'.OI.MN II M.I.. Vied. All., I'eli. U, at .1. Is not a ichool, rvatory, rpectil nt for HfBlnnnre and lss will dance. the offering at the third concert the public Is that called "tho New As- lloui-e- ; Spalding, violinist, and "It contc or Anmteura. All lcijon prlvut,:. llirmony. "pipe nnd Albert K V I Ml 1 permitting hlB voice to It will be preceded by "Cavallerla Saturday evening series on February o. sembly," This Is at once a cooperative lgnace l'aderewskl, pianist. i:v i:iim.m of muilc, but a thorough couraa of lecturea. eoncerta free tn tu,1nl. Public whistle" In a falsetto squeak designed Rustlcana," sung by Mmes. Zarska, with Olive Fremstad as assisting artist. and protective organization whose chief during In the trna tnethoda el the School Munlo In Cham, of lr I'ranh It. PARLOW II Nrhool rolca Ulx. Theory Department, Itubln irolu to Imitate tho breaking of the feeble and Kgener and Messrs, Among tho orchestral nuinuers win if aim Is to extend opportunity to artists Frledberg lit bis piano redtnl In HUTCHtSON llallan lor Ilia tolca, where 11 Ilruslau Dutchman." Carl placing, rnark. Art Department frank Colllm tones, remained to establish the tra- nuvagnoti tli overturn to the "Flying whose careers may be delaed by the Aeolian Hall on Monday nfternoon, Feb. diction, oratorio and Uedar Newly enroseU Theodoro Splerlnc, Vlo Itotta and Do Luca, Mr. "Tannhaenser, A Cli.irrulni: l'roKr.iin or Preneh Colo and re In tin ; which Is still observed by Hal-Ia- n tho "Harchanale" from nlmosl Insurmountable dlllleultles of the ruary ", will present a Beethoven Ink taught with distinction." Decider .lonef Vecl. I'lano. dition conducting both operas. Other operas prelude to "Die Melsterslnger," the Works to JJ. Mvl l.iMdonCtiHrlton Terms uinaerate. basses, the musical profession In . A Voice placing and repertoire paraoaally Mend buffo of the week will be: (lood Frldny Miell iroiu u - for catairu inmo yearly rnembetshlp jidnillllim- to nil en 11-- Whereas In tho opera seria no sin- Rhelngold" on after- Vallijrles" I'raneaU, T.iei, Aft. at 3. til tir llelcua M alfllla. ETa,nt1nat1on and 'olc Trial frae, "Das Thursday nnd the "Hide of the troni plsnlst, theatre i- -t char- concerts inclusive of guest cards secures (lermalns Schnitzer. and and cere effort was made to delineate noon (beginning nt i':30 o'clock), llrst "Dlo Walkuere." Mine. Fremstad will the artist a concert In the banquet room Francis Macmillen, violinist, will bo acter, people in the opera buffa were "Ring" cycle per lin heard In tlireo Wagner ours. "Im nt Carnegie Hall M illl'.I.I.I.M, Studio. H0TF.L MAJESTIC of the nfternoon "Schnver-ion,- or ballroom of the. I'laza Hotel, accord- heard in a Joint recital d'Espinoy " clearly and cleverly drawn. Vivacity Treltihaus," "Traeuinn" and $1.1 Monday evening. Fehruiry 7 Mine. formances, xvlth Mmes. Rappold, Ober, "Immolation ion lo hubucrlptlon of or I2.r. The HoloNt Orclieilto Colonne, 1'arH Giacomo realism were sought nnd the art and In Hrueiinhllde's society Is under the management of Its S .'hultzrr'sj pilnelpnl olTerlng will bo the Mgt, Mjrilu .M.onard. Mlelnwjy Guinsbourg and Matzonauer, Sparkes, Hcinrlch nnd "I'.oettetdaemmerung." I'lano Central Park Writ at Htimtf-iccon-d In was prac- scene" from e. Ills-pba- "Oarneval." Mr Mncnilllen of characterization music Robeson and Messrs. Sembach, Well C, founder, Mrs. David Seliiinrinn W. 85th St. Phone Circle 10SO On Kunilay, February the feature Is honorary president lludolf will play, among oilier numbers, the sitirrl, New York City tised. The venerable recltatlvo secco Goritz, Hraun, Scott, Itclss, Althouso offerings xvlll be coin- - the tl'llMlN IHII.. Sat. Atl l Ii, It, at 11. IK. of tho orchmlral (i.inz 1s president. Prelude nnd Fugue in (J minor for vio-U- n IICNItT rAIISONS, the arc at Erf of dialogue and naint-racn- s. the Uah with Its rapid prattle and Ruysdael, Mr. Rodanzky con positions by Camllle rim nlonn by Bach. The soloists will be Tenor, aayei "1 m mr treat aurrwa of chords upon a programme will bo Son-.it- Malkin to my teacher, Its accompaniment ducting. pecond part of tho will Klvo a heard together In tho Cyril Scott Music School tilacomo flulmbouif." s entirely composer, bring- Vivian fiosnoll. baritone, HAROLDBAUER harpsichord preserved, and this "La Roheme." Thursday evening, devoted to this recital Aeolian Hall a work new to New York. 10 West 122nd St. Rar-biere- popular soiik at remains to us In Rossini's "II ." ing forwaid his tlireo most MKt. Cli.irlloii, MiihoiiA llumllii I'lano with Mme. Alda nnd Cajattl and symphonic poems. "Phaeton," "Lw Itouet evenliur. His proramnie Includes the Phono Harlem 2053. This Is not almost the only Bcottl, Tegnnl, "Droop Not, Tonne Lover, Han- Tho Kr.elnal Cluartet will give thf The ftchool pronounced by greataat LEOPOLD WINKLER Messrs. Caruso, Dldur, d Omphali! anil "iaiiso .xiacanrc,- - nnu airs tha Work ln which wo hear it. Lswnhardt, Reschtgllan nnd del ; "do to Bed, Sweet Muse," HoImtI fourth concert of their kubscrlptlon Arollun Half I'rl. Alt., Frh, 4, .it :t. urll'ta aiel pnlaKeguea of the age to have Malatesta, tho "March Mllltalre' rrom the suite CHOPIN readied t li e IHKheHt utamtard In ettlcUncj THK KMINKNT riAMST "II Barblere di Hiviglla" has been a Audislo. Mr. Havagnoll will conduct. Algerlenne." Tho Assisting will niuklculy and artistically. Raa. Muillo, .Madlaoa Are. artist HIICITAI. Tel. Harlemnil naturalized citizen of the United "Dlo Zaubciiloeto" Friday evening be Beatrice Harrison, cellist. Hi:itni:iti' BaeklynHtuUlo, t!4. del for " FRYERs a i W. HENRI ZAY t Kn, Franklin Av.A Lefferta Btates for ninety years, Manuel with Mmes. (Indskl, Hempel, Mason im r.iii r nr. I'ltovr." ft Garcia, had nrhleved some Metropolitan Opera MkI Loudon Clinrlioii. Mnson.v ll.iiulin 1'Unu. ViiIch SoerlalUI. 112 Weal 104th .St. Popolo who Sparkes, Cox, Mattfeld, Curtis, Heln IxnilKa Homer, the MUSIC TEACHERS AND PUPILS t of iht "Opr.il1e bo hololm Tlmbrf cf hm greatest successes as Almavii n, rich and Robeson and Messrs, Urlm' contralto, will again tho with - laud, volco ppeclaliit. with atudtrm at l mime liintructl'in. Opparliinltv for Symphony Society of New York, Mine, Buckhout'it impllH gao a mul- Frliuex I'heutie, lilltrs. ft I'eli. a, ,i T.ivlieru Tel S',17 lllvtrelrie. NIEDZIELSKI came hither In 1S25, bringing with him Goritz, Ilruun, Sclilegel, Itelss, Hloch tho cal at her fludlo yesterday nt 3 1'. XI 112 Went 101th stieet, malie a ape. 1'OI.TSH V1HTI'0.0 VIOLIN WHOOl. Walter Hamnweh conductor, till" after- e Alao open his great daughter. Maria Fellrltn Mayer, Mr. llodiinnky conducting nang anion, diietn ipiarlt cliilty of tin. development of tlio oper-Th- 111, l IIWI, fnr con ert "ncesenienta, and noon In Aeollmi Hall. Mine, Homer will They and t. U1 l.UXINl.TO.N Mnllbran, his composeiM' will b alio timbre, . 1 Midi, AVi: Garcia, afterward nnd "II Hiirbleto dl Slvlglla" at the Sat hlng two Bach number, "it I Finished" ninth inualcal SUItlAN CLARK Ellmer Zoller Fremstad Manuel, gave season of given at thn atudlo of Mine. Buckliout, T'l.isni Mu-l- c I Kite ol m c.i. n in Aeoli.tii H.ill aon He a urday matinee tho occasion being the "My Heal t I.vcr l altlirnl, Mine. I. t'aar h. Wilbur ITVCTCD 220 Midi.on ami 2iir. corner or - I Ae Italian opera nt the Park Tlientte, 100th nnnlveisary of Its llrst per- Ilomor'H third number will be tho orla Cential Faiit West, Mine. Ileleno A. Malgllle, tlio Aiuerl- tudlo IjH W. Illld M. Phone 733 CWtimbua A. Clauei er Prifilel; FlBlity-n-vetit- h V aUItJlLill 2!, 112.', with Ros. FoieHtK," Hlieet. next TneHl.iy, cau School of Bel Canto, with Mudlos U.OI l II Kl t S.lt. on Nov In be sung "Adieu, from ThcIiiiII.owfIo'h f A School Voi formance Rome. R will Febiuary 1, ! ;3 I'. M whim Mine. M.iJvhIIc, 1'iniHt uii'i u.ui lit ii.ii ity s , ef H Sight lieadliiK. opera buffa. Mallbrnn, ".leatmo d'Arc " Victor Kolar, rinlt-nn- t at nt the Hotel Central l'.uU WUln Itenrtern of ,U Stinger. alni's great by Mines. Rarrlentns and Mattfeld and will Mug Honga dedicated to Soventy-aecoi- of the Symphony Hoclet , Buckliout wen and atreet, was then "filgnora flarcla." was the Itnxlnn, Messrs, Dntnncco, De Luca, Do heg conductor by composcra. Including by - BausmaTiM MRS. will conduct bin new Symphony No. 1, her alxteen congratulated the MIkhch Blumeii- SOKOLSKY FREIO No lilvcn. I.AI'R. K. MOItlllU., It would b unprofitable to attempt urola, Malatesta, Reschlgllan nnd Lawrence J. Munaon, who will bo nt tho herg, PlaterH of tho late Morris Blumeii t'narrantd Teacher of Mnitng, ln V, played for the. first time In New (KTKINWAY 1'IANO.) Mitt. M II ll.uismi, Ton Production Hotel M.ileatic, a review of the American fortunes of Audislo, Mr. Havagnoll conducting the Frldny concert. Tho piano. livrg. on the brilliant uhowing m.ulo by lititt Interpretation York at clat-- Hyalem of Central Park w at Hi 9t, tho opera from time to tho pres- "l.'n Rallo In Miischera" will bo play er. her Tueaday afternoon at Its last AI'.OI.IAN' IIAI.I., To. morrow nl Itepertolre .New Vorh City. that tho will alno ,tha Italian meeting. They wore greatly dellghtid Mulil SI5. Piano Instruction, STILLMAN ent. Older music loveis will always week's popular price opera on Satur enndo of Hugo Wolf nnd tho proee-xlnn- The programme of tha atudanta' re. 114 W. 72, of the Knlghta of the Holy nrall cltnl given recently nt the New York with Mme, Mnlgllle'ft method aiwl with M.,r UnUCI I I TWCHEROf SINQINtl recall with Inexpressible pleasuio the day nvenlng. It will be sung by Mines Fifty-eight- act 1, "I'artlfal," of Wngner. College, of Music, 15S.130 F.ast h the diction of her puplla. Those who v.v.AN GOSNELL K. I'reaaon Hid " 'I ITosfii'i of Adellna Patti. It Is Indeed Diicheno nnd from wlec-tloi- m KN'AIIK 1'IANO MKt. I II Tel, 11S7I Col Kurt, Garrison and pecond PerltJH of eight street, Included three movement aang the operatic and tiaasloil IIANMIN Teacher of MILLER rarneile afala n role Til" llfth of tho Tel. t:ircle 1JS0. rarely thut prima donna llnds a Messrs. Martinelli, Amato, Rothler, Hiibscrlpllon from Ilnjdn'.s Symphony In fl major by won- MIh.s Corlnne SchwarU, aindnc. - Sunday nfternoon concertu I.IAN :i:no, g- o perfectly fitted to the disclosure of Rossi, Reschtgllan nnd Audislo, Mr, by Symphony Society of New the clasa anil aeleclloim by mozro contralto. Miss Hilda Schllltz. AFO Hl.l.. l".niiirro Ml, at tho - lyric B0GERThiw7.M: her best qualities as Iti'imn was lo I'tiluceo will conduct. Voi It Hall Sunday after, iiieiiinv..ti. Mendelssohn, ilnunoil. Saint- contralto, Mra. Franklyn llulton, Mn- - DYA8 at Aeolian aoprano, F. II, bans bury c. 8TAHDI8rf those Pattl She bail a opera concert n Rich noon, February 6, will present ,,, 1'oecinl Vlcuxleimia. Chnmln.ide and Church, ADELAIDE HTIIUO, lOi of At in Tim Minority nnd really FISCHER C'ARNKUIK HALL. UUE.aiinKUnilT I'rliivi Don in Hnprxri which readily assumed a Spanish cast. nnl Wagner programme will be given n novelty the Hist New Yorle nnd other compoferu, Tho ololBt weie.tone. bnutlful TliUels at llox lilllie Mgt, Wolfsohn llureau. sti Central Park We.t of thn prelude to "The Frieda Neuman, Clara Meer, ltelnhold quality of Mr. Church'H voice was ml 8he was gifted with ebullient spirits Mine. Kurt will sing "Scuta's Ballad con- GWILYM Baritone I'ageant of f!ap Cod," by Uinlel Schwlnzer, Mlml Beyenborg, Madeline nilrcd by tho gueats of thin weekly Aroltiwi Hall, lliuri, All., at .1, MILES, DAVID HtcK. WILLIAMS, Church ot tha which never (lagged. Her gaiety was from Flying Dutchman" and lb, Phone 4970 Bohuyler. Holy Communion, Ave. "The (Iregnry Mason, This work wan writ-ta- n Oilier, l.uella Indaay. F.dna, Flortnoo, cert. Miss Lmilso I.lehennan, the till Uroadwar. tih .oth unforced nnd Irresistibly infectious, Isolde's "Love Death" from "Tristan ofllclal accompanist of tho school, played i for tho ceremonlea attending tha Dellar and Florenca Rltohle. Gg ETHEL NEWCOMB Vocal Studio. JE88TB O, FRNNKR, f oiiminr. In VAN YORX Tearlier - fihe enacted the role with what und Isolde." Mr. Whltehlll will stnff opening thn long delayed deep the accompaniments her usual artistic W. Tel. Uraaley Metropolitan 1 : 7 Hr- n t. of water l.oudon Charlton. Masoo & 11 II Ii. ITIL Op.Houit. I'honu would have called "glee." "The Evenlnr Star" from "Tannhacu caaat across Cap Cod and, rccalrad IU W, Henri Zay, Ut of London, Enf- - manner. Mft. alalia I'lano