" ' x" ' " ' " " 8 THE SUN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 30, 1916. CENTENARY OF "THE BARBER OF SEVILLE" THIS WEEK CONCERTS OF THE WEEK. THE WEEK OF OPERA. SUNDAY Philharmonic Society, Crnrie Hall, 3 P. M. Metropolitan Opera Hotue. Symphony Society, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. P. M. MONDAY, "Lucia di Lammermoor." Maria Harrientos Maurice Beck, sonif recKal, Princess Theatre, 8:lo 8:1G P. 1. Opera House, 8 JO P. M. ; and Amuto. Opera concert, Metropolitan (debut) Messrs. Martinelli Aeolian Hall. 3 :30 P. M. WEDNESDAY "Cavallcriu RuMicnna." Mmo. Zarska and Braalau: MONDAY Adelaide Fischer, aonr reclUl. "Coyoscus," Mmes. Fltxiu and Pcrint; Vivian Gosnell, barytone, Aeolian Hall, 8:15 P. M. Messrs. Botta an.l De Luca. Herbert, conductor, Hotel Astor, Messrs. Martinelli and De 1. Glee Club concert, Victor lt.ii!iruroId," Mtncs. Riippold. Mutzc- - THURSDAY, 2:30 P. M. "Das TUeIdAY song recital, Fran, nauer and Ober; Messrs. Scmbacli, Weil, Goritz, Braun, Scott and Mme. Madeleine D'Espinoy, Theatre c'als, 3 P. M. M. Bohcme," Mmes. Alda and Cnjatti; Gino Ciaparelll-Viafor- a, Aeolian Hall. 8:15 P. M. THURSDAY, 8:lTi P. "La Society, Carnegie Hall, 8:16 P. M. Messrs. Caruso, Scotti and Didur. THURSDAY People's Symphony Zaubcrfloete," Mmes. Gadski, Hempel and Mason; Ethel Newcomb, pianoforte reciUl, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. FRIDAY "Die 3 P. M. Messrs. Urlus, Goritr, and Hraun. ijjl Marian Clark, soprano, Princess Theatre, Slvio-Hu,- " Society, Aeolian Hall, M. SATURDAY, 2 P. M. "II Barbiero dl Mme. Barricntos; New York Chamber Music 8:15 P. De Luca, De Seffurola and Malatesta. FRIDAY Philharmonic Society, Carnegie Hall, 2:80 P. M. Messrs. Damacco, 3 M. 8 P. M. "Un Hallo in Muschcrn," Mme. Kurt; Mcsirs. Herbert Fryer, pianoforte recital, Aeolian Hall, P. SATURDAY, Union, Hall, M. Martinelli ami Amato. Concert by the Jan Hub Choral Aeolian 8:15 P. SATURDAY Young People's Symphony Concert, Carnegie Hall, mIB P. M. 2:30 lly W. .1. HK.MIKMMI.V I'ri'lii the liniment of lier entrance "lie Philharmonic Society, Carnegie Hall, 8 :15 P. M. Io.ik before C'hrlHtin.., 1MB. Harold Bauer, pianoforte recital, Aeolian Hall, 3 P. M. lumw ' J" ' Sokolsky-Freid- , Aeolian Hall, llo.mlnl left fur ,hp ut Piano and organ recital, Sarah nuperlntend llie p.oducll.m '""' " "',r ",k" ,hf M. N' laugh. An.l sang thf 8:15 P. of wo new operas fruii. his pen. was rnllrd "Torvaldo e Dor- - " " P"' 'ce "" " "..?.. .,. ,...... m t ho 'iVntro eonsmnniatc tnasti-r- of It xtylo and founded. Like most bablea. It made a ner, who was counsel to (he AlAer- - have never - was tnvWcA with , a" abandon which deal of noise on the day of lta mania committee in the police lnresti- Villa on Dec. 2. It -- treat .leKcrlNd as wrr quniiea birth, and It has since become known gallon four years ago; Mrs. Mary IB .nn.Pil.4nff moit rendllv very was was entitled j After her and close to her from New York to San Franclaco. Lease, a power In Kansas during tha indifference. The other Mnlvellu Hembrlch, who, "Almavlvn, ossla I'tnutlle piecnuzluiie. uantlnc ccr Dr. Jamea II. CanHeld, late librarian Populistic days, now a lecturer tn'th ' of 1'attl'., nature, replaced Ethel U th7 Areeirtlnu on "' newcom of Columbia University, regularly as- Brooklyn public schools; Underwood I by " hers equally prcc on.. ' Underwood (Bert E. Elmer), Fe ' i 81 Tand was recolv.d without "J" N I . W I 50PKANO OF sisted ln the celebration of Kanaaa and i had deeper i out In AFOLIA Nv since It was condemned Mmij. Sc.ibrlc a HALL.THUftS, day In his home 8tate. Ho was for photographers, and Orvllle Hen-ol- Indifference, impersonation, a sweet and wln- - wlthnut reservation. AFTERNOON many years a professor and for soma and Percy Homus singers. hostility tho Mime vein of teiulernes which was FEB.3o. actlnsr of the Univer The renson of the w.is ox- - time chancellor "II lUrbiero not within the sphere of Pattl's sity of Kansas before coming to New kvt of tho Itomans for predion. As a comedian she was 41 by Talslello. Thai opera jX York. SIvIkI.' nearly the equal of her predecessor, had been a favorite for a quarter of ser" and Wotan's "Farewell" and on even- Kansas now count a big population DHILHARMONin for what she xlld not receive from re srles nt Aeolian Hall Tucdy SOCIKTV til' NKAV VOMK itomans were Wnl-kuere- ." S; programme will In New York. Thoman Rwlns, who as a century, and the she supplied by a liner and more "Magic Fire Scene" from "Die ing. February The JOBKF STItANSKV. Conrtllctor U IndlKiiant at the compar- Tho orchestra, under the di- consist of the Mozart quartet In D Commissioner of Patents spends most AFTEKNOON at .1. OAKNRUIK IIAI.I. amazed and fastidious art. Her musicianship was per- Till" atively composer who had tho of Hagetnan, will play minor, Koeehel, No. 421; th5 first of his time ln Washington but whose obscure deeper and this gave rection Richard In C BACH BEETHOVEN audacity to write an opera on the than Pattl's her e to "Die Meltersliiger," the formance, of ft no.elty, the octet home Is ln Yonkers, la a natlva Jay- - a larger scope uf Interpretation. the preluf major, opus T, by Georges Rnci-co- , and FKHTIVAI. CONCERT ame subject. Hut the second nlcht "Funeral March" from 'Goetterdaem-merung.- " hawker, as are William A. De Ford, THE N. Y. rHH.ll AHMOMO OMCIIKtiTIt These two hnvc been the greatest the Itetthovcn quartet ln O major, opus The ORATORIO MOCIETT Of NKW TORK audience Bat up and took notice of "Tnnnhaeuser" Over- Assistant District Attorney: Henry HudMn-AleianSe- r, memory opera-goer- s the No. I. CaraUna Soprano; work, and in the end It lln.iinus within the of "Kaiseimarsch." IS Wollman, lawyer, and the Rev, MMl Miller, Tenor: Nrrada tan der Veer, Rossini's now living. ture and the Contralto: Arthur MMdlatun. the familiar title and sup- Louise MacPhfrson, a young Anierl-rei- n Christian F. Relsner, pastor of Grace nu riyaro has been variously lmper-conite- d, In SYMPHONY BEETHOVEN planted I'alslello's opera. SPECIAL "RING" MATINEES pianist ho han met with favor Methodist Church. OlorRl-Itlghet- so comprised tl but probably no other has West ft period of coneertlitnR under direction of Joaer Ntraiuk. Tho orlRln.it cast tho after Thursday Among the other here gth as llnxlna, Uossl at flrrfii, generally satisfied the uignoscentl as abroad, will g1e a recltnl on are Borough .President Lewis ll. BACH "MAGNIFICAT" Del Pucnte, who had airy light- MetrHilllnn llpern llnusr. February 10, In Aeolian Hall. Zamlxml as l'louro, Garcia (the father the afternoon. Pounds of Brooklyn. Emory R. Buck- - Oeadoeted by HMmn.ea.lrk. ness of touch estentl.il In both singing Metropolitan Company's Jm of the Manuel Garcia who lived to to The 0ieia Hohtmlftn und action. Other roles In tho work matinee cycle of Wagner' Marguerlto Volavy, the Nait rrl. Aft. 3:Sn. CliRVEOIE IIAI.I more than a hundred) as .Wmnrlra, annual pianist, whose recital In Aeolian Hall have leen veil sung by numerous art- "Iting"' In its entirety Is announced as Teb-rir.ir- y ?, Botticelli ns Bartolo ami Vllarclll as l.i scheduled for Thursday evening, METROPOLITAN SCHULZ among Rhelngold" ; Baiilio. Tho original overture was ists, but the Impersonators of follows: "Das on Thurs 10, will ofTer In nddltlon to the Monday at R:IS. I.urla. BArrlentos (debut) Wal-kner- Mnrllnrlll. Amtto. Ilothler. Cod1 IUvu noil. Kelt Saturdaj Kt.. at ssu. fameala Halt. now Don HtmlUn two persist In the mem- day. February 3, at L'iSO; "Die Itarh-I.ls- I'neludium and Pugu the - lonjr aire, loot, and that which group. Wed.sitS 'aaltortaHaitlcana.ZankMir- comedy ory. Chaliaplne. the Russian basso, on Thursday, February ln. nt Schumann Paitis.a, ft Chopin Ixu : llotu. I I.urs: folfrt by tiayeseat. Fltilu. seems so apt a prelude to tho "Dalliance," Oind., "Hero Irretrlewibly Injured his chances for 1:30; "Siegfried" on Friday, February Dvnnik's IVrinl: Murtlnellt. De Lura. liavktrnoli. ALL WAGNER belonged to "Kllzuhetta." "Humoresque." Sim-mi- Thun. at 0. Khelninld. Mattentucr, orlslnally of a sureess In New York by his vulgar In- IS, tit l:3tf, and "Goctterdaemtuerung" Tsolterepnlne's otiir. IlPpot'l: Hetnhsch. Well. Ooriti. Itt1, Si'rK rldente" wai iart "Hv tho Seashore" and two works Kuywtart, AlthouM. Good Ilodauiky. FREMSTAD terpretation. This amazed and cha- on Thursday. February 4. nt 1:30. tlraun. Tlckata at Doi Offlcn. Kolli K Xl chorus In "Aurcliano." Herta's air of CltanaUos. Thurt. at K l.v IBbrm. Aid. Cajattl; UiM. was founded on a Ilusslan melody, grined hhn so greatly that he Iihs not Arthur Rodanzky will conduct all the Onw). 8ml tl. Dldur. Com)., BkVMnoll. from et ceased to vent his dlsgutt at performances. An Interesting point In Krl.s l6..MairHute.(ladkl IlrmpI.MaKn; "Zlttl. zlttl" was literally stolen KANSAS IN NEW YORK. t'rlur Ilraun, Horltz, KH Cond.. Bodanzky. Hut even these Americans. Mr. ('hallaplne's per- connection with the casts Is that Mme. Nat. at 3. Barblrr dl Hl.lflla. Ilarrtent.n; Haydn'H ".Seasons." Havagnoll. were transmuted by Hosslnl's formance, however, would be regarded richumann-Hem- k has been engaged De laiea. Pamami. rvwurola. Cond.. SYMPHONY Items Russia, and we of KannH was 83 years Sal.s 7iV.tol.l) Hallo ln.Xtachea. genius, and the work, which still holds as masterly In shall spccailly to sing the .role of Urdu In Tin. State .Martinelli, Amato Cnd.,I'olaeco.
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