A PLAY IN ONE ACT BY KEIRAN KING May 2013 (415) 941-9298
[email protected] keiranking.com CHARACTERS In order of appearance WILLIAM, 30 SABRENA, 31 His wife JOHN, 32 His brother-in-law GINA, 29 His sister SETTING A modest apartment in Kingston, Jamaica. SYNOPSIS A disillusioned young Jamaican man tries to push the boundaries of his life. A NOTE FROM THE PLAYWRIGHT The more salacious aspects of the script are to be handled with great care. The actors and the characters (in that order) must be treated with respect. They must not be objectified or dehumanized. The play is about people, not bodies. In the dialogue, ellipses (...) indicate an unfinished thought, whereas a long dash (—) indicates an interrupted thought. Side-by-side dialogue is to be spoken concurrently at the director's discretion. ii . ii CURTAIN An upstairs apartment somewhere in Kingston. Eight o’clock. William and Sabrena are on the small grilled verandah, waiting by the front door. Sabrena is wearing skintight jeans and boots with a restrictive sleeveless blouse, all angles and curves. William is in sweatpants, a worn T-shirt and slippers. Looking more like he’s at home than outside someone else’s. He’s fit and lean. SABRENA (dryly) Well, here we are. WILLIAM Yes. SABRENA I mean, I enjoy your sister... WILLIAM And John... SABRENA Yes, I enjoy their company as much as you do. Well, maybe not as much as you do, seeing as I actually know some other people... WILLIAM If I wasn’t fussy about my friends, you’d still be frequenting nightclubs, one hand on your drink and the other between someone else’s legs.