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AND NOW— June 15 Cents 1939 World a Copy FOR PEACE AND DEMOCRACY TO THOSE who have read and supported The FIGHT for Peace and Demoer over the years, we wish to announce several changes in the magazine beginning with the June 1939 issue. These improvements in format are designed to provide a livelier, better medium for expressing the American people's struggle against the Fascist war-makers. They come as a result of wide reader interest in the problems of the magazine, as well as the active study of the publishers and the staff. These New Features! @ NAME—The WORLD for Peace and Democracy is a positive improve the app rance of the title, expressing with clarity the constructive aims of the maga- play, mailing and handlin; This change has heen sevei zine, The fight for peace goes on—but it has become ar that in the planning, until jancial arrangements could be worked this fight is conducted on a world scale. © EDITORS—Dr. Harry F. Ward, Helen Bryan, Margaret Forsyth, DEPARTMENTS. ‘Thomas L, Harris, executive secretary of the Ame ‘Thomas L. Harris, Dorothy McConnell and Dr. Max Yergan nL gue, will write a monthly pa; will form the Editorial Board of The WORLD. world pes ‘¢ movement. Other new de} and Recor A number of further new features are being ” © SIZE—The WORLD will measure somewhat smaller than the worked out present size, This will facilitate westand display, the mailing PRICE Please note that the price of The WORLD will be 15 and handling of th le still keeping it within the cents a copy, $1.50 a year After careful consideration, it was range of large, pi ‘orial publications. felt that the change in price would make possible editorial @ COVER—A heavy, glossy cover will be added. This will greatly improvement il a wide increase in circulation WITH ALL THE QUALITY OF The FIGHT The WORLD will b you the sa ¢ up-to-date articles by writers of ational renown that you have found in The FIGHT. The “new edition” will carry further thi cellent qualities of the maga Get Under the Wire Last Chance Offer Subscriptions at our present rate of $1.00 a year will THE FIGHT 268 Fourth Avenue, New York City be accepted until May 31, 1939. After that date, the subscription rate of $1.50 a year will be effective. Here In order to “get under the wire,” I enclose $1.00 for a year's subscription is your chance to subscribe or to renew your subscrip- tion—your last chance at only $1.00. You will receive, Name in efféct, a $150 magazine for a dollar if you act Address quickly. Go to your friends who have been thin! of subseribi ge them to get under the wire. City and State... eee Today! May 1939, THE FIGHT With the Readers The Contributors * * LUCIEN ZACHAROFF, a frequent T’ your eye to the opposite page, and commentator on international develop- you'll see that our collective magazine is undergoing a change, We hope, a ments for leading American and Euro- change for the better. If the editors c pean publications, was last seen in our read your wishes straight, it’s what you, pages with Those Nazi Planes in the the readers want. That is, the majority March issue, of you. And here, the customer—and ELLA WINTER lives in Carmel, Cali- the majority—is always right. fornia, and has had ample opportunity to see the problems of “industrial agri- WE thought you should know just how culture” at first hand. She has con- these changes were determined. This tributed to The Pacific Weekly and other involves some consideration of the theory publications, and recently. edited, with ine-making, It is a difficult Granville Hicks, The Letters of Lincoln ed art, requiring long training, a high degree of skill, a soft pencil, a Steffens and the ability to read, First, the wine is designed, which is a lengthy GEORGE LrBARON jis an erstwhile in itself. Then, over a period of King Zog of Albania summed up the European scene succinctly New Yorker now in Hollywood. time, the complaints and compliments "Two mad dogs, and two damn fools” LEANE ZUGSMITH is the author of of the readers. are carefully noted, and Home Is Where You Hang Your Child- filed for future reference. At last comes the day. ‘The readers’ reactions over the hood, A Time to Remember and. The years are carefully tabulated, and_ the IN DHS: 15S ule Sinner Soldier” Communkations and results checked by the Gallup Poll. The report is drawn up, on one side of the describes: may be sent to Louis Brom. paper. This is so that it may be cut up field, chairman, Spanish Intellectual Aid, into seratch pads, May, 1939 York Room City 1114, 381 Fourth Ave THIS is done. The editors gather in the office. They thrash it all out, taking vouUme 6 NUMBER 7 JOHN GROTH’S work h notes on the pads. After a thorough in most of America’s leading 1 discussion, they compare their notes. It Who Is Encircled? ‘ : 5 JACK REED expressed surprise when is found that one intends to enter art By Lucien Zacharoff ‘we told him that Burgos Gaol “would school but will inevitably be rejected; probably continue longer than the maga- another (a middle-of-the-roader). picks zine.” If he will look at the opposite the Yankees and Cincinnati; while a Associated “Farmers' 8 page, he will see that we have been, in third has defeated himself in a seven- By Ella Winter 1vuSTRATED BY WILL BARNET a measure, vindicated, game series of tit-tat-toe, MORRIS WATSON js an international FINALLY, one of them has a hunch Two Giant Strides. 10 vice-president of the American Newspa- which he defends with unusual. fervor By George LeBaroy per Guild, and is on the national board He does not say “What if?” but “If of the American League for Peace and only!” He prevails Democracy. He writes that the budget Our Shame in Southern France 13 of the Hearse strikers “is approximately NO, that’s not quite the way it's done. By Leane Zugsmith WLUSTRATED BY JOHN GROTH $3,000 weekly. Labor everywhere is And yet the question of taste, of the struggling to get this amount to Chicago reader's likes and dislikes, is the n Burgos Gaol ....... Ne Sa 16 every week. Money and communications thing to a mystery we know of. should go to the Hearst Strike Commit- are just about as many opinions as there By Jack Reed ALLUSTRATED BY CHET LA MORE tee, 188 West Randolph Street, Chicago, are readers. For readers are in the Mlinois,” first place people, with a. million, varying Hearst Learns Hard........... i 21 Mr. Watson, incidentally, forwards an sides—"What a thing is: man!” They interesting leaflet issued by the injune- have different origins, different _home- By Morris Watson tion-ridden strikers. ‘The leaflet reports lands, different educations, different that “MANY STOP BUYING ANY memories and associations, and different “We Are Growing” .... sec 22, HEARST PAPER! They cancel sets of eyes. What is a pleasing page of By David Karr STRATED BY ADOLF DEHN scriptions (Hearst papers admit) type to one gives another a headache they write or phone protests to Pub- And each reader not only is himself, but lisher M, C. Meigs at Hearst is becoming someone else—is_changing The Man Who Joined the Wagner Act 25 Chicago.’ They DO IT NOW! Square, while you watch him. Who will venture By Benjamin Appel WLUSTRATED BY WALT PARTYMILLER MANY STOP BUYING FROM to steer his way infallibly through this FIRMS THAT ADVERTISE. IN maze? Not us! HEARST PAPERS! Hearst lawsuits DEPARTMENTS show people tell firms they cannot pat- THERE are certain practical conside ronize those who furnish Hearst money ations. There are developments of the Radio cess: 4 As to Women........ 24 to fight labor! They DO IT, NOW!” printing industry. There are require- That, we submit, is reporting. ments of distribution, And though we Movies ..... 15 _ In Step With Labor 26 hhaven’t kept a file of your suj DAVID KARR has contributed to sev we have listened to them, studied Books css::, 18 Building the League... 27 eral of our recent issues, and has spo- Wall Street . 20 Youth Notes 28 ken for the American League in various tried to understand what y them. And when we had Editorials 31 localities. His specialty is Nazi activi- these factors, we finally said ties in the United States. "We dre our best opinion—so help us.” Growing” was based “onan interview with a German refugee THE result, our new magazine (and CHARLES PRESTON, dcting not, of course, altogether new by any AARON WOOL, Eaitori Assistant ADOLF DEHN, a Minnesotan in New means) you'll’ see soon. We know York, received a Guggenheim award this you'll read it, for it is for peace and ‘The Fight For Peace and Democracy, publish. Democracy. ‘That is the main. thing: Executive Committee of the American League for Peace and Democracy, vou will forgive us much so long as we 268 Fourth Avenue, New York, N.Y. Chair BENJAMIN APPEL’S The Power- hold to that line. For, to par Viee-Chaiemen: Robert Morss Lovett, Mrs. Victor L. Berger, house has been published by E, P, Dut- phrase the text, ‘though you speak Reverend William B, Spofford, Howard G. Costigan, Mes, Mary ton & Co. Sections of the book appeared with the tongues of Life and of Fortune Bethune, Tveasurer: Eleanor Brannan, Secretarial Staif: Ex: previously in Tx Fiont, titled Hooker and have not truth, you are become as th, ‘Regina Rakoczy; Women, Dorothy and Tear Gas.