__AMUSEMENTS._ AMUSEMENTS. Dance Playhouse Sunday night at 8:30 Program o’clock. Miss Thimey will be as- Hits Reach a Total Erika Thimey, graduate of the Song sisted by Marybeth Garvey at the • Doors 10.30 i.m. First Show 11 i.m. Mary Wigman School in ■ Dresden, Starting TOMORROW Open piano and by Percussionists Ruth Of in Case of Stolz , will present a modern Burnett, Peggy Duggar and Reba 1,200 dance program at the King-Smith White. I V AMUSEMENTS. Refugee Composer of ‘Night of Love’ __ AMUSEMENTS.___ Turns Them Out Without Effort; talking That Teakettle Is a Prophet iHBBBHj By JAY CARMODY, The opposite of the little dreaming man who looks forward to the day when he will have a song on the hit parade is Robert Stolz perhaps. The tall, bald, genial 50-year-old composer of “Night of Love,” National’s first musical which opens next Monday night, is virtually calloused with hits. 01 song Last time they were counted, the number was 1,200. And, Hi Tin! MatlaM*. _Theater* _ whatever satisfaction it may to those whose tunes remain ACADEMY P**\T give unpublished n. Lawrence PnlHlua Theatre Besjtifu! mrooDings in me neart. stoiz can' f-— Continuous from 5 P.M. AMBASSADOR i&L 1 Matin ;. 1 F.M IRENE DUNNE. CARY GRANT Starring In _ tell the world that being a popular ” BING CROSBY. MARY MARTIN In pftyj Tucson, will last a week. Peo- “MY FAVORITE WIFE RHYTHM composer is not the and ON THE RIVER At 1:30, complete to ask 3:30. 6:30, Ore of Amtrica t Gr+at Start Jk ple who thought would have With RANDOLPH BCOTT and GAIL 7:30. 8:36. Newaretl._ easy road to PATRICK >-■ th§ Year found the talking teakettle at Grtatti F?!t happiness. Also SEVENTEEN" starring JACKIE BEVERLY Troika a safe prophet of the presi- COOPER and BETTY FIELD UBH* Mat!*iEF M. It can not 8®ae# Arallabie t* Patron. dential election. Early Tuesday A L I N D compensate, for ATI AC 1331 H St. N.E All. *300 ? 0|S RUSSELL BRIAN morning it told a questioner that A 1 LAO Continuous From 1 P.M. „.'2?OIN1A BRUCE in instance, for Double Feature, .WIFE." At 1:26. 8:30, the people’s choice would be the _ an exile— RANDOLPH 8COTT. London Can being KAY FRANCIS. Taket.8J» ItT.'-;80,a and i35' people’s more or less habitual choice. DONLEVY In "WHEN THE Shorts. even in a coun- BRIAN EMOOBINSON^H^H RODE Also OEORGE 2834 Wto ... DALTONS **•. It declined, like any conserva- CALVERT1 n?w7 try so pleasant BRENT. VIRGINIA BRUCE In "MAN r;"’ WO. 2346. Mat. 1 F.M. tive talking teakettle, to predict the WHO TALKED TOO MUCH." Parkins snare Available to Fatrana as the United M exact electoral vote. Any one msme, States. Stolz is uth * N c A" 8E BERT MARSHAIJL A\r* ^R^N who knows how the w'orks an exile. He has thing CAROLINA would find a ready listener in this Two Big Features. 1 Day Orfr. been one, volun- ROBT MONTGOMERY in "HELL PELOW. department. Highest ever tarily, ever since price and "FOUR GIRLS IN WHITE CENTRAL paid for a fictional best seller is 4V?&i"-w- the o f “■ WALT legions Paramount’s p'"n* A”“21rt DTSNEY‘8 FESTIVAL OF HITS REUTER, $150,000 for E. Hem- With Hitler marched CIRCLE SNOW' WHITE AND THE SEV- JaPP“ in EN ingway’s “For Whom the Bell CAROLE LANDIS. HENRY WILCOXON DWARFS" At 10:00. 1:207 440. into . Com. Newt. W,‘h Tolls.” That’s $110,000 more _"MYSTERY 8EA RAIDER ", 3':88 VICTOR MATURE LOUISE ^ ReVUe After he **»>«T'ocMT that, than *831 «• Selznick is reported to have went to . It Jay Carmody. madsK for G. W. CONGRESS Atlantic* 8100 paid T. W. Plays have LAUREL EDDIE ALBERT "FRILLS & FUN” was not nome, out n was not iar “FLYING DEUCES" with STAN KENNEDY of Direct brought more in several instances. OLIVER Tim^ •'irkinv ■BfSEftsn ?5 home and Stolz was not with- _and HARDY_March Snare Available in Fatrana LIME TRIO NIRSKA FRANK PARIS from Not novels. 1848 Information of ?aEA?t» r?K~®0FN,: TURNEY and out his jnoments happiness. Then, of the DUMBARTON n "the return MARK "Eyes Navy,” special fea- ^2°frR " DAWSON ROXYETTES Hitler’s marched into Paris. CARY GRANT, MARTHA SCOTT in "THE ln Technicolor legions ture At subject which opened at the HOWARDS OF VIRGINIA." 1.30. 3:30. 6:36, 7:35, B 40. MIKE” Stolz had to retreat, this time Newt._ Car.oon and “SING-A-SONG with Again Capitol today, was filmed at the Theaters Newsreel. ■■■■■■■■■I across the Atlantic. He has his **» p» Arena#-SE._ Navy’s principal air bases, Pensa- FAIRLAWN 1TEGr,4„.H"or»3R4 PENNILIlll woik and his many friends here, FR. 6200. Mat. 1 P M cola and San GENE RAYMOND In "CROSS COUNTRY A(i(iitionat Diego. And with THIS MAN IS NEWS—For in Available to Patron.. also has a love for he, the person of Edward G. Rob- Leon Eirol rfwJjJ'JSEST?. and he America, the _ROMANCE Comedy._ Phone 8TEW ART ROSALIND RD8- fullest co-operation of the Navy, JJA1E8SBLL is a man without a inson, is the Reuter of “Dispatch From Reuters,” cinematic his- Adolf 33r FreeParklna In "NO TIME FOR COMEDY" but he country. of rnrrWnriT For At course. Saint Clair and Day, UKCXPIDcXI nnrBii feature 1:10. 315 J5:25_ 7 30 and 0:40. in on the He is two homes dowm to Herr tory of the of the British news at the I LAST DHt- BINE CROSBY "Rhythm River" n stagt MILT HERTH TRIO Shoreham blue room dance team, founding famed agency, R. COLMAN in “LOST HORIZON At C* *” * Sheridan I in oneSHFRIDAN AIL* Ail Hitler, a thing that does not con- who have Earle, tomorrow. 7:30 only and C. GRANT. DUNNE Rv n,nn M,t , r M been here practically for- starting At B:25 only. tribute to happiness. _"THE AWFUL TRUTH." Rg|4LIND_RUSSELL PRIAN ever, so impressed Earl Carroll that in 3*27 M St. N W. WHITE oVl Y n2{EE?\_VIRGINIA BRUCE If the 1,200 song hits, some of, he’s linn1 HIRED WTIT” At 1:20 3 25 5 25. rating them the best dance Double Feature "GOLD RUSH 7:30. which are to have become 0:35._Newareel and Short. reputed team extant today_Any one with Hinda Returns Orson’s ‘Double’ MAISIE." also "BLONDIE HAS SERVANT Chinese nice TROUBLE." Silverware Oiven to ladles. SILVER Of-**» * Cilwmia Pika. popular (probably rare music boxes, or a rare music 5H 5.600 Mat. 1 F.M.

Hinda the and LI\J to on the low erhu), Wassau, popular When months ago Buddy Swann, I ITT1 E 608 Mb St. N W. Parkins Snare Arallabie ta Fatrana. things play box even, had better cache or them UIILE Bet F and O 1 WALLACE are not to demonstrate that energetic burlesque star, headlines aged 7, donned a beard and did an BEERY LEO CARRILLO enough it in a safe when RAIMUER in In TOMORROW place Alex Tem- the new show which at “WYOMING." At 1:30. 3 3(1, the Imitation of Orson Welles in the 5 3(i Starting Stolz is a prolific melody man, there opens BAKER’S .7-3a_p-3o. Short Subject;. pleton comes to town next Wednes- Theater “THE WIFE.” are other statistics on the Gayety Sunday afternoon, Olsen and Johnson stage riot, “Hell- ,,u’ *f,rk u nw- subject. day for his concert. The bril- Jay Carirody. Star "It's the rare ‘mutt’ tivoii I r A/Ll 1 as usual when Miss Wassau IlLrt roi isoo Mat. 1PM. He is the composer of 38 , titled, zapoppin,” back on Broadway. Welles raised to at least the lWth power."_ liant is a collector of I ROSAUND

Templeton THFATFRS RUSSELLJAMES STEW. is the star, "Hindu Belles.” heard about it. Out here to make " First Time at Prices all of them and has done that PDINrFCS 1110 H St. N.E. LI. 2000 *RT m so TIME "OR CO MED" Popular produced, particular item. ... Add things his first saw » IVInVrtUJ Continuous From 1 P M At 1:05 3:16, 5:20. 7 30. B 40 screen musicals. Best known of The cast includes Er- movie, he also pictures 53 we like: The new Stage supporting Double Feature. DICK POWELL PATSY March of Tlmr "Th.e Ror>! Plnnf magazine, malne of Buddy sent him friends. in A Fnrci Pete the operettas in this country is that feature of Parker, Alice Jewell, Ann by KEILY FRED ALLEN THANKS J_ Smith Specialty. in our time ho* a especially the com- MILLION" Also HERBERT MARSHALL. Not stoge Sinclair, Slats was C®",, Are * Newark. "White Horse Inn”, which Jimmy text of a Taylor, Irving Seiig At that time W'elles wearing MELVYN DOUO- UPTOWNUI I U 11 II plete popular play in every WO. .311*0. Ml* 1PM Durante and several other well- and Sam Gould. This week's show a beard in for a LAS EDWARD EVERETT HORTON in S”*" been more issue. preparation pro- RRfl^ DI\UJ. P*rkL,,r Available ta Fatrana. production widely "ANGEL ROBERT knowm people were doing four years will be presented at the usual mid- posed picture. The movie didn’t MONTOOMPRI and COV. ST*N"F rrTMMiNC.8 In "H»UNT®T> show come «b ,na c st* N'E- A sen- ago. Most recent of his screen night Saturday night. off but the beard did. CTANTflN HONEY7.IOON At 1-00 2 45 4",5 declaimed. Broadway w 1 Ail I Un Fin***! Sonn»* Fn«*mnml 0:05 7:60 0 23 musical scores was that for Deanna Welles is launched on London Can Where and When Currently. Continuous From 5:30 P M. Take It." sation for more than a year, Durbin's "Spring Parade." Of the filming for R-K-O-Radio his picture, “ANDY HARDY MEETS Thetttr* flavin* Ejt. Ptrformn«ei miscellaneous songs of Stolz s which Current Theater Attractions Actors Wanted “Citizen Kane.” In it he plays all

it comes to the screen /UVllLA glow- became hits, the most popular in and Time of ages of the title role except the age DEBUTANTE,” APOLLO Showing "Men wanted" is the the Starrine MICKEY ROONEY and JUDY was in sign of 5. For that a is needed. ff CARY GRANT MARTHA SCOTT In point of sales "Two Hearts youngster GARLAND a 1th LEWIS 8TONE CECILIA WARNFR Club is "THE HOWARDS OF human, tremendously Stage. D'Artagnan hanging out So sent PARKER and FAY HOLDEN. Also a VIRGINIA ingly Waltz Time.” Welles for Buddy Swann At 7:00. 9:35. Short Subjects. — ol short * * * * National “Glamour Preferred.” these days. There still remain choice selection subjects. and said: and terrifically new several unfilled male roles in the _comedies news._ 5612 N w stirring, thrilling. comedy satirizing the ways of “If he could play me with a beard, AVALON A calm, friendly, easy-going of the movie makers: 8:30 p.m. group’s production "Winterset,” he can also play me without one.” ARLINGTON HENRY FONDA. JACKIE COOPER in gentleman, Stolz bears no resem- i £*£■AlJt THE RETURN OF PRANK JAMES" scheduled for presentation Decem- HENRY FCNDA. JACKIE COOPER in Screen. In Technicolor At 8:no, 7:50. 9 40. blance to an aftermath of a child ber 8 to 14. ••THE RETURN OF FRANK JAMESr Palace—“," Applicants may apply VA. ^London Can Take It.” Newsreel. prodigy. He was one, nevertheless. at 7:30 o'clock at Im- AMUSEMENTS. nrn cnu ir*o wiisoa Bird. Signal E. SHERWOOD’S < tonight the ”■ ROBERT Charlie Chaplin looks at today: nuoun phon(. ox ,484, AVE. was 1139. GRAND At the age of 7, he traveling maculate Conception School Thea- JAMES STEWART. ROSALIND RU8- 0800 his 10:45 a.m., 1:30, 4:15, 6:55 and 9:40 FRROL FLYNN in 'THE SEA through Europe with .father, ter, and N streets 8ELL in “NO TIME FOR COMEDY." HAWK with Eighth N.W. Busy 0)c/e '/zep ^/bize p.m. BRENDA MARSHALL. a famous conductor. At Ok. CLAUDE RAINS At Jacob Stolz, — 7:50, 9-25. .. ■« — Capitol—“Hullabaloo,” musical ASHTON of Short*. the age of 14, he had his first com- starring Frank Morgan: 11 am.. TOMGHT AT 8:30 “PIER 13.” “THE WAY OF ALL *w position published and at 19, he was DANCING. FLESH COLON? 1:45. 4:30. 7:15 and 10 NEXT MAT. SAT. at 2:30 ”_ RKvublic Europe with the p.m. Stage ★♦★★a ******* Phone RANDOLPH SCOTT KAY FRANCIS.

traveling through Event shows: 12:35, 3:20. 6:05 and 8:55 —PRIOR TO HEW YORK— BUCKINGHAM BRIAN DONLEVY in "WHEN THE Henri as its band leader. ♦ ARLINGTON, Cirque ♦HIGH SCHOOL ANN SHERIDAN JAMES CAGNEY in DALTONS RODE At 6:15 7 55 and p.m. Call 0:40. Cartoon and New»reel. His career has not stopped being * DANCE "TORRID ZONE the Keith's—“Too Many Girls.” screen CLASS* I meteoric since then, what with such ft-Due to popular demand, we are aeravt-* In HOME version of the Abbott inr a few more enrollment* 1ss?t VL”* ABE of and 17.000 George stage SIDNEY JAMES nINCOLN prolixity composition Call Miss Jones. National 8153 I LUST THEATRES STEWART. MARLENE DIET- * hit: 11:50 a.m., 1:50, 3:50, 5:50, 7:50 RICH in "DESTRY RIDES AGAIN” appearances as a conductor of opera * 3 MONTHS SIO J and 9:50 WASHINGTON T At 6 30. 9:40 JOAN BENNETT and p.m. March of Time: 11:30 i SCHOOL BETHFSDA Brthetda. Md. operettas. OF BALLROOM DANCING * FRANCIS LEDERER LLOYD NOLAN am.. 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30 and 9:30 Wt 0850 or Brad. 9B.3S. Fret Parking in "THE MANT As a composer Stolz uses the old Br FLORENCE RYERSON A Tod«v and Tomorrow MARRTED"_At *25. p.m. ♦♦■AAA A aTa AVAA AAA Alt, COLIN CLEMENTS HOWARD and WENDY HILLER in !MW0 i4th st. n.w. school method, the fine, inefficient A^aV* LESLIE JrtfUICAVnV Earle—"Rhythm on the River,” Direct'd br ANTOINETTE FEBRY roi. 498*. IN one. which depends upon inspira- BETTE ILLINOIS “PYGMALION.” CHARLES BOYER In AMUSEMENTS. Ere*.: Me. *1.10, *1.65, *2.20. *2.75. DAfIS. With with Bing Crosby, Oscar Levant: I "ALL THIS AND HEAVEN TOO." tion. It is something that is likely M»ti.: *2 20 (In'. Up At 7:15 and P:40. 11 7:05 Me, *1.10, *1.65, At 8:26. 9:05. Short Subject, to seize him in a.m., 1:35, 4:20, and 9:55 * anywhejje—usually shows: 6:15 HIPPODROME Double crrn 8714 Ga Are.. Mirer Sprlna, some where he hasn't the p.m. Stage 12:40, 3:30, t» MONTH AhVVISK NEXT WEEK—SEATS NOW! Feature gw place # JOHN GARFIELD In "CASTLE ON HUD- •vmb. Parkinr *»aee. • and 9 EDMUND GENE LOCKHART RUTH for down pm. SON" PETER LORRE in "STRANGER GWENN MARY MAGUIRE proper materials setting inNeuuYork Hum! THRILLING STARS, GLORIOUS in "MAD MEN • for ON THIRD FLOOR ." OF EUROPE.” At GORDON MASY HOWARD the music that is seething in him. Metropolitan—“City Conquest," 6:15. * 55 ROY ROGERS GEORGE SONGS, HILARIOUS FUN I WT. RAINIER. MD WA. 2346 conquered by Ann Sheridan and PA Mrn "Gmbbr” HAYES in "THE RANGER DOROTHY TREE • HARVEY At such time he is likely to set down PRIOR TO BROADWAY UAiTltU At 6:40, P 05. AND LADY A‘ 7:46, 10:26. James Cagney: 11:20 am., 1:25, 3:30, THE in I”? his melodies on a tablecloth, pack MESSRS. SHURERT RRESEHT MADELEINE CARROLL "MY SON, MY Red Rrder" No. STEPHENS •‘MINOR WATSON 7:40 and 9:45 the new SON 5,_ of menu or other 5:35, p.m. musical flay A *th and Butternnt Sta. ALAN BAXTER cigarettes, any Show. TA|fAM1AHUITIA surface that to be Columbia—- 'The Westerner.” Tomor.—-All Comedy GE. 4312 larkln* Snare, writing happens Gary LORETTA YOUNG MELVYN DOUG- RKO RADIO PICTURE Cooper vs. Judge Bean: 11:15 am.. On Night. LAS in “HE STAYED FOR BREAK- handy. 1 •I* RUIN JOHN MA10UIIITI Stage—Talent 1:15. 3:20, 7:35 and 9:45 Baltimore Bled. FAST At 6.00. 8:00. 10:00. March He doesn't recommend the meth- 5:30, pm. UVATTCVIIIP of Time and Cartoon *11A I 1 5V1LLL Hvattjvill*. Md od, but It has worked for him. GLEASON L0D6E MAMMA Little—“The Baker's Wife,” who WA. 6876 er Hyatts. 0400 Free Parking. Ga Are. A Qiiebee FI. N.W. .* A Other* YORKI Unit * * * runs away and causes a crisis in this O AVETY \\ ra. 4mo. Mem br leben Steli WALLACE BEERY in LEW AYRES LIONEL BARRYMORE World premieres are getting bigger bright Frenah : 11 a.m., 12:45. (Cemeeur el "Tw* Heart, la With Time") in "DR KILDARE GOES HOME “WYOMING.” At * and better all the time, 2:30, 4:15, 6, 7:55 and 9:50 p.m. Ev',.. *1.11), *1 *5. *2.20, *2.75, $3.JO 6:15 00, 9:45. Comedy. especially Wed. *5c. SI.10, *2.20 At 7:00 and P:20. Mat., *1.*5, Ample Free Parkin* those which are taken beyond the Trans-Lux—News and *:30 Mat *2.75. Tomnr. and Fri Bit Double Feature CTATFI shorts; Sat. (1.1(1, *1.65, (2.26, 0 n 1 L, Shew* at 7 and 9

PAT O BRIEN 4n FLOWING GOLD 1535 city limits of Los Angeles. ... In the continuous from 10 a m. j *« CHARMAINE ROBERT YOUNG. SPORTING BLOOD." TYRONE POWER LINDA DARNELL consumed a 1 beginning they day. 1»1 c. in "BRIGHAM YOUNG.” ROCRVII.LF MD R-rk Clmrch * Mil n AMUSEMENTS. 3 EATS iTffX'ffl.TilMI'.'Mfl ITI1L,U then two then three. ., That At 7:36 p 40 Last For A days, F 1 EC On Lea Hiahwa? \ Day “City Conquest" NATIONAL THEATRE i WM HOLDEN MARTHA SCOTT in “OCR trial- set for the debut showing of Call C |AiV) TOWN JOHN GARFIELD. PAT O BRIEN in

which will be held in Ph "Arizona,” Nov. 10. 8:45 Falls Sunday Eve., MARLBORO r’°" Mi FLO WING GOLD amusements! Today and Tomorrow THE VILLAGE 1307 £,: A- MAURICE EVANS Mickev Roonev, Judv Garland in ‘Foreign Correspondent,’ "SHAKESPEARE in PEACE and WAR" in “STRIKE UP THE BAND.” JOEL McCRAE and LORAINt DAY. RH0 Benefit: _At 7:00 p CO._ NEWTON ,m n^8” British War Relief Society KEITHS^ Seat* NOW National Theatre Box Office ALEXANDRIA, VA. “WYOMING,” BBSni Priees: SI 00. SI.50. S3.00. S3.00 orcn FREE PARKING. Alex. .3415. WALLACE BEERY and I O M O R R O W Tax Exempt RLLl PAT O'BRIEN and GALE FAGE in __ANN * RUTHERFORD_ wmm “, JESSE THEATER * im£SiT* Ceeatltutlaa Hall. N*xt Tuaa. tv*.. I4S ALL-AMERICAN.” ‘The Howards of Virginia,’ CARY GRANT. MARTHA SCOTT. RICHMOND PhnnV* A,|fl"D92'.“« 7 ToSh *-$®« KREISLER BOB BURNS in "COMIN" ROUND THE SYLVAN 12.71 •■*&%-£1 la Fall.La*itk IUeit«t-J2.20, Double Feature. rgyww r '" Mn. Pinty*». 1108 e It (Prwi'i) HA, 7111 MOUNTAIN.''_ ° rrtat Revue C..«tituti«. H.lC an. Aft... Nn. 17 “BEFORE I HANG.” HISER-BETHESDA BORIS Hold on to your ( “SfJE* £ KARLOFF EVELYN KEYES. Wls. 4848 Bradley 0105 Air-Conditioned BERNHEIMER’S “POP ALWAYS PAYS,’’ fO^^^Bhots, boys' Her# At 5:00. 7:05 and fl:20 PM. Today. '^L CLAUDETTE CCLBEFT CLARK GABLE JJEONJBIROL. JJENNIS O KEEFE comes the year's \» LAMARR jBi4 '*#¥ HEDY SPENCER TRACY in PALM anS, newest, fastest \w THEATER DEIvF*r Jgt “BOOM TOWN.” Double Feature Added: Disney's 'Society 8how.'' EUGENE O’NEILL, America's greatest playwright, reveals the ':• and freshest fun \■ W*rltf.Famou»uomnn Plaalat—tl I®. $1.65. $2 20. Deg HE STAYED FOR BREAKFAST Special Prices or BOOM TOWN." as set With LORETTA YOUNG. Mr*. Dorsey* •, ISM 0 St.

forff I ■' AMERICANS”' .f of SAILORMEN AND WATERFRONT WOMEN ...! *U"fl by 11

and if YOU like DANGER •. then see John Ford's greatest production ... " 9 eho,u* vs of 'tO4n. mr Never has any picture, any time received such acclaim. "BEST SEA STORY Mp VOICES TIN / SINCE MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY'!" says Louella Parsons. "A superb pic- ■ FRANK MORGAN Se^00TzELAYA raves one of the I ire!" Walter Winchell. "Unquestionably greatest of all I r mel" write* McCall's critic, Pare Lorentz. I VIRGINIA GREY Th* BOYD The New York Daily News and Liberty I DAN Jr. I TRIPLETS I 0,uih>,n •' m,,w Magazine recommend it to you with .. • DAJLEY *",bl,u<.. Tt 1 FIVE YOUNG STARLETS I A A 1 Ion THEIR WAY TO THE TOP °5N fRANCISC0 j B\ KAY ST GERMAINE I « The VIRGINIA O'BRIEN BHyTHM ROOKETS V CHARLES HOLLAND ,»«« AM-Amerjejn 11j W\ Leni Lynn • Larry Nunn I Fay„rjfti A Mgfro-Goldwyn-M*yr Picture j_ M-6-M's report on CJtMtteUfutirfvt/ America's eomint in his new comedy / supremacy in the air The GREAT SPECTACLES MRS. JOSEPHINE C. McCORMACK'S 3 ON STAGE "FOR AMERICA" 'THE TENT THAT GROWS"—"DEMOCRACY'S AWAKE" THE DICTATOR — .. Produced, written and directed by Charles Chatun lOEWf/Zf'at with PAULETTE GODDARD LONG • Henry Damell VOYAGE • Reginald Gardiner Billy Gilbert Maurice Moscovich TODAY 3rd F ST. WEEK! Released thru United Artists HOME Added Attraction with » GARY COOPER JOHN THOMAS “MR. MOUSE Starting TODAY « WAYNE MITCHELL TAKES A TRIP” the Westerner LOEW'S USUAL CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES IAN • with WALTER BRENNAN Came Any Time and Roe a Complete Show. NOW SHOWING [ HUNTER FRED STONE • 0*DRIS DAVENPORT DAY ill LAST Svi&iV:;;";;;";:::;:. ases Directed by JOHN FORD L Oirictid by WILLIAM WYLER PA I A f* P Children—All Metinee* _28c ^ Released thru United Artiste "TOO MANY GIRLS” |p NOTE: Thii picture will not he shown DOORSnnnnc OPENcmputsj ATat 10in a anywhei® A.\I. at lowar prices until at least the summer ad 194|.