Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 2 1 . SUMMARY OF THE WOMEN'S ROOM'S WORK IN 2010

The year 2010 was very active for Women's Room. We implemented many activities, and received significant recognition for our work. During 2010, Women's Room implemented 14 programs and projects. Some of these were completed and some of them started throughout the year. In addition, we worked on few projects for which we did not receive funds, but that does not mean we implemented them with less devotion and energy. Within the scope of educational program, we organized and delivered 108 different educations: 50 workshops, 42 lectures, 7 workshops, 4 public panels, 2 trainings, 2 round tables, of theater skills and 1 theater play. Target groups have remained constant throughout years and include representatives of civil society organizations, representatives of governmental institutions and bodies, high school students, university students, women, and citizens at large. Total number of participants of these educations was 2850. Also for educational purposes, we produced a short film for youth «We were only joking» and organized a theater play «Why me?».

The Center for Victims of Sexual Violence provided 218 counseling sessions, and 105 clients received support and assistance. The most frequent problems clients identified were rape and sexual abuse (42,7%). During 2010, Women's Room has completed and published two research reports: «Civil Society Organizations that Provide Specialized Services to Women Victims of Violence as Key Actors in the Process of Democratization of the Society» and «Protection of Rights and Providing Assistance to Victims/Witnesses of Domestic Violence». We continued working on research «Gender, Gender Norms, Sexuality, Violence». 4 different materials were printed during 2009: a brochure «Civil Society Organizations that Provide Specialized Services to Women Victims of Violence as Key Actors in the Process of Democratization of the Society», a leaflet «We were only joking» and promotional materials – Women's Room’s cloth bags and stickers. Women's Room's members participated in 50 international and local conferences and/or meetings, thematic sessions or promotions organized by local and/or international organizations or governmental bodies. We also participated in 39 meetings of different networks (the Women's Network of , PETRA Network), teams, working groups, coalitions, and councils. The work of Women's Room was covered 175 times in numerous media. Website of the Women’s Room published 48 articles about our regular activities, available in Croatian and English languages. We also published 24 texts on the Women’s Room’s blog. Authors of the blog are members of the Women’s Room, members of other civil society organizations and our associates.

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 3

We named the year 2010 «8 years for 8 important events». These are:

1) Imago advertising agency received 3rd place for the Women's Room's interactive ad „STOP Sexual Violence“ in the category of creative use of media at the European festival Eurobest (January 2010) 2) Maja Mamula received recognition from the Croatian Society for Protection and Advancement of Mental Health of the Croatian Medical Association for contribution to protection and advancement of mental health (February 2010) 3) Maja Mamula was announced the 's Woman of the Year (March 2010) 4) Imago advertising agency received two 1st places in categories print ad and use of new media for Women's Room's ad «STOP Sexual Violence» at the independent festival of creative communications «Judgment Day» (October 2010) 5) Maja Mamula received the award of the Croatian Psychological Association „MARULIĆ: FIAT PSYCHOLOGIA“ for contribution to development and promotion of Croatian applied psychology (October 2010) 6) Agency for market communication McCann Erickson received 1st place in the category city light series for Women's Room's poster «STOP Sexual Violence» at the annual award ceremony OUTWARD for the best design of large posters (November 2010) 7) Antonija Hojt received Oscar for Volunteering – Zagreb award for the volunteer of the year (November 2010) 8) Women’s Room received a three-year institutional support from the National Foundation for Civil Society Development (December 2010)

Organizational development of Women's Room's Team; Bjelolasica (June 2010)

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 4 Women's Room's work during 2010 was supported by:

National Foundation for Civil Society Development; Global Fund for Women; Ministry of Science, Education and Sport; Ministry of Health and Social Welfare; Embassy of Finland in Zagreb; City of Zagreb – City Office for Social Protection and Persons with Disabilities; Embassy of Switzerland in Zagreb; Office for Human Rights of the Government of the Republic of Croatia; Office for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Croatia; Co-operating Netherlands Foundations for Central and Eastern Europe, Akzo Nobel d.o.o. and Velinac d.o.o.

We would like to thank Diana de Vegh, a long-term supporter of Women's Room who has been providing us with unconditional support and recognition for our work. We would like to thank Mirjana Kacavenda who is ready to invest her time and knowledge every year in order to ensure our quality strategic planning. We would like to thank Voljana Kapelina, who, despite finding her place in the health system, never forgets about our work and years we spent together, and supports us in numerous ways. We would like to thank Jasna Belamaric for regular supply of information, support, constructive critique, and laughter.

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 5 2. ABOUT US

2.1. Basic Information about the Women's Room

Women’s Room (Ženska soba) – Center for Sexual Rights is a nongovernmental, feminist, nonprofit organization that works on raising awareness of women, institutions and public about women's sexuality and sexual rights through education, research and public work. We provide direct and indirect assistance and support to victims of sexual violence.

The organization was founded in 2002 in Zagreb and works on local and regional levels.

Women's Room was established with the following goals:  diminishing all forms of sex, gender and sexual discrimination;  empowering women to demand the protection of their human rights;  preventing sexual violence against women and sexual and gender minorities;  promoting and protecting sexual rights in accordance with the Declaration on Sexual Rights;  introducing all-encompassing educational practices based on scientific facts to all levels of education;  promoting positive attitudes about women’s sexuality, sexual health, and freedom of choice;  diminishing all forms of discrimination based on gender expression and/or gender identity, sexual orientation, and intersex characteristics;  providing direct assistance to women who have survived sexual violence;  empowering LGBTIQ individuals in demanding protection of their human rights;  empowering youth in countering sex, gender and sexuality based discrimination.

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 6 Image no. 1: Fields of work in 2010



Protection of human Combating sexual violence: Promotion and protection

rights with an emphasis development of public policy of sexual rights pursuant to on women’s human and effective practice, direct the Declaration of Sexual rights work with the victims, and Rights, including the development of preventive sexuality of women and mechanisms and programs sexual and gender minorities (LGBTIQ)

During 2010, Women's Room implemented 14 programs and projects within the scope of three main program themes. Description of programs and projects for 2010 can be found in Chapter 3 of this report – Work of Women's Room in 2010. Main clusters of our activities are education, research, direct work with victims of sexual violence, publishing, and public work.

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 7 Image no. 2: Activities in 2010

2.2 Structure of the Women's Room

Women's Room's work is shaped, managed and coordinated by the Working Team, Coordination Team, Management Committee, and the Women's Room's assembly. (for details, see Appendix 1). During 2010, the Working Team of Women's Room was comprised of Maja Mamula (President of the Coordination Team), Paula Zore (Coordinator of Education Programs), Maja Vukmanić (Coordinator of the Center for Victims of Sexual Violence), and Dalibor Stanić (Office and Financial Coordinator). Antonija Hojt (counselor) who diligently volunteered during 2010 joined the Working Team. Antonija's volunteering was recognized by the Volunteer Center Zagreb, which awarded her the Volunteering Oscar In addition to the core of Women's Room Team, our regular associates of the Center for Victims of Sexual Violence were Jelena Poštić (founder of the Women's Room, translator and consultant), Voljana Kapelina (medical counselor), Ida Šamanović (counselor and psychotherapist), Melita Pelc (legal counselor), Ula Marton (gynecologist) and Ksenija Maslo (supervisor).

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 8 Women’s Room’s Team has contributed 1,007.5 overtime, unpaid working hours in 2010. This is equivalent to employing another full-time staff for the period of almost seven months. In addition to the Working Team, 18 experts from specific fields worked on our projects and programs as well as 37 regular volunteers who provided important contribution to the work of the organization with their energy, positive approach, and enthusiasm. Total contribution of volunteers in our regular activities was 818 hours (Appendix 2).

During 2010, Women’s Room’s members devoted their efforts to achieving goals set by project and program aims, evaluation of the work and achievements, and plans for further organizational development.

Instead of thinking about where you are, think about where you want to be. It takes twenty years of hard work to become an overnight success!

(Diana Rankin)

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 9 3 . WORK OF WOMEN'S ROOM IN 2010

Women's Room worked on 14 programs and projects during 2010. Table 1 represents program/project title and donors that financially supported Women's Room's work and implementation of our programs/projects. It also includes volunteer-based projects.

Table no. 1: List of projects/programs and donors of Women's Room in 2010 no. Program/project title and donor agency amount HRK 1 A Step Further – PP4 144.160 HRK National Foundation for Civil Society Development (January 1 – December 31, 2010) 2 Institutional support for organizational development Global Fund for Women (February 1, 2009 – January 31, 2010) 114.000 HRK 3 Institutional support for organizational development Global Fund for Women (June 1, 2010 – May 30, 2011) 145.000 HRK Prevention of sexual violence – New generation 50.000 HRK 4 Ministry of Science, Education and Sport (November 25, 2009 – August 31, 2010) CENTER FOR VICTIMS OF SEXUAL VIOLENCE 5 Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (April 1, 2009 – March 31, 84.000 HRK 2010) 6 Embassy of Finland (June 20, 2009 – May 20, 2010) 109.500 HRK 7 City of Zagreb – City Office for Social Protection and Persons with 16.000 HRK Disabilities (April 1 – December 31, 2010) 8 Embassy of Finland (August 1, 2010 – July 31, 2011) 108.000 HRK 9 Embassy of Switzerland (October 15, 2010 – April 15, 2011) 36.210 HRK 10 Sensitize! Raise Awareness! Participate! SOS Office for Human Rights of the Government of the Republic of 30.000 HRK Croatia (April 22, 2009 – January 31, 2010) 11 Art and theater group in action! Office for Human Rights of the Government of the Republic of 20.000 HRK Croatia (May 16, 2010 – December 31, 2010) 12 Research: Protection of Rights and Provision of Support for 69.844 HRK Victims/Witnesses of Domestic Violence Office for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Croatia (December 1, 2009 – December 31, 2010)

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 10 13 Through Gender Equality against Sexual Violence 45.000 HRK Ministry of Science, Education and Sport (September 1, 2010 – July 20, 2011) 14 Step by Step – prevention of sexual violence 181.040 HRK Co-operating Netherlands foundations for Central and Eastern Europe (December 16, 2010 – December 15, 2011) 15 Participation in the work of the Working Group for Volunteer Development of the Analysis and Plan of Action for Combating project all Forms of Violence against Women Office for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Croatia (from 2008 through November 2010) 16 Project: Gender, Gender Roles, Sexuality, Violence! - research Volunteer project Volunteer project of the Women's Room (2009 - ongoing ) 17 REKOM Volunteer project (from 2008 through 2010)

Similar to previous years, work of the Women's Room was organized through five main activities: education, research, direct work with victims of sexual violence, publishing, and public work, lobbying and networking. Below, we present the overview of Women's Room's main activities during 2010.

I did not reach this point dreaming about it nor thinking about it – I got here by doing it!

Estee Lauder

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 11 3. 1. Education

Since our founding, the Women's Room has placed emphasis on the area of education. The long- term systematic approach is incorporated into all our projects and programs. The importance of education we provide is exemplified by the fact that since 2003 we have had over 14,000 beneficiaries of our educational activities (Graph no. 1). Education is an integral part of every Strategic and Operational Plan of the Women's Room, and apart from planned activities, we often receive numerous invitations to conduct education. These invitations come from civil society organizations, professional associations, educational institutions and/or different governmental bodies and institutions, which recognize the quality and importance of the content of our educations.

Main areas of education are: 1. Sexual violence including trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation; 2. Sexual rights, sexuality, sexual and gender minorities, sex and gender; 3. Gender-based violence – violence against women.

Methodology of education varies; it is adjusted to beneficiaries and includes lectures, workshops and trainings (one-day or few days long), round tables, and public panels.

Main target groups of education are: 1. Representatives of civil society organizations in Croatia, region and other countries; 2. Representatives of relevant state institutions and bodies; 3. Elementary and high school students; 4. Students of various assistance professions; 5. Society at large.

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Training for volunteers on prevention of sexual violence (March 2010)

Graph no. 1: Number of beneficiaries of education organized and implemented by Women's Room for the period from 2003 through 2010

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 13 During 2010, members of the Women's Room organized 108 different educational activities, including 50 workshops, 42 lectures, 7 workshops of theater skills 2 trainings, 2 round tables, and 1 theater play for representatives of civil society organizations, state institutions and bodies, youth (high school pupils and university students) and the general public. Total number of participants was 2850. The following chapters present educational activities that were delivered in regards to themes and beneficiaries. (Graphs 2 and 3).

Graph no. 2: Themes of educational activities in 2010

Graph no. 3: Beneficiaries of educational activities in 2010

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 14 3.1.1. Sexual violence including trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation

Since our beginning, we have defined our overall work through development of prevention projects/programs against sexual violence, education and raising awareness of all target groups: victims of sexual violence, representatives of institutions, representatives of civil society organizations, youth from elementary and high schools, university students who will encounter victims of sexual violence through their work as well as general population. We organized total of 69 different educational activities on sexual violence: 10 lectures, 2 trainings, 49 workshops, 7 workshops of theater skills, and 1 theater play. Total number of participants amounted to 1742 persons: 89 representatives of governmental bodies and institutions 18 representatives of nongovernmental organizations 1501 secondary school pupils 134 students

Themes of education varied: from definition of sexual violence and trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation, its forms and prevalence, consequences, traumatization, rape trauma syndrome and direct protection of victims to legislative changes in regards to sexual violence and the need for standardized Code of Conduct in Case of Sexual Violence along with its implementation and monitoring. The increased number of workshops can be attributed to volunteers who participated in multi-day trainings on sexual violence. Model of education implemented by the Women's Room consists of two-day training for students of the assistant professions’ faculties where participants receive relevant information about issues of sexual violence and gender inequality as well as about implementing workshops in their local communities and work with secondary school population. After completion of the training, volunteers implement workshops in their local communities, where they teach pupils what they learned. Selection criteria for volunteers emphasize residence outside of the City of Zagreb, with the aim of dissemination of information about sexual violence and gender inequalities in smaller communities. A theater play «Why Me?» was created within the scope of the project «L and K in action» with the aim of educating about trafficking in women for the purpose of sexual exploitation. This project was financially supported by the Office for Human Rights of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. Actors in the play were pupils and students of the drama group «Minimalists», which was formed for the purpose of this theater play. The play describes, in a way that is understandable and attractive to youth, chain of trafficking in humans, and it is of preventive character. The premiere of the play took place in the Theater Pešćenica – KNAP on December 20, 2010 and it was continued in 2011.

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Premiere of the theater play „Why Me?“ (December 2010)

3.1.2. Sexual rights, sexuality, sexual and gender minorities, sex and gender Since 2004, Women's Room has been systematically working on the promotion of sexual rights in Croatia. We have been organizing various activities with the aim of educating all target groups about basic concepts in the field sexual rights. During 2010, 21 different educational activities were delivered within the scope of this field: 19 lectures, 1 workshop, and 1 public panel. There were 487 participants: 168 representatives of governmental bodies and institutions 311 students 8 representatives of nongovernmental organizations

Since Women's Room is one of the rare organizations that work on the topic of sexual rights, we believe that further advancement of the topic is necessary. Despite the fact that we have been focused on youth as a target group in the past few years, there is a visible increase in 2010 of participants who are representatives of governmental bodies and institutions in educational activities on sexual rights, primarily due to good cooperation with universities, as well as professional associations (such as Croatian Psychological Society, Croatian Society for Sexual Therapy).

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 16

Shooting of educational film on prevention of sexual harassment „We were just joking!“ (March 2010)

3.1.3. Gender-based violence Despite the emphasis of Women's Room's work being on sexual violence, we recognize the importance of addressing the broader perspective. For this reason, gender-based violence or violence against women comprises a large portion of our educational activities. Violence against women is one of the gravest forms of violation of women's human rights, which has causes horrendous consequences, not only for women, but for the whole society. Violence against women stems from the unequal power between women and men, and as such reinforces status quo.

During 2010, 18 educational activities were organized, including 10 lectures, 2 round tables and 3 public panels for 621 participants: 405 representatives of governmental bodies and institutions 22 representatives of nongovernmental organizations 131 students of different faculties 13 secondary school pupils 50 citizens

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 17 Within delivered educational activities we covered numerous topics: definitions of gender based violence, its forms and prevalence, data on reported cases in Croatia, role of civil society organizations in combating gender-based violence but also about civil society organizations that provide specialized services for support and assistance to women victims of violence to mechanisms of protection, establishing and coordinating SOS phone lines and counseling services.

Round table on the presentation of the research «Civil Society Organizations that Provide Specialized Services to Women Victims of Violence as Key Actors in the Process of Democratization of the Society» (November 2010)

3.1.5. Education of the Women's Room's Team Team of the Women’s Room continuously perfects their work in order to improve quality of educational as well as all other activities. For example, in 2010, the main office and financial coordinator took course for independent book keeper, and the newest member of the Women’s Room, Antonija Hojt, completed education on development of project proposals and fundraising. All members attend educational activities on topics related to organization’s work, as well as specific trainings pertaining to organizational development, organizational values, and strategic planning. During 2010, members of Women’s Room participated in 16 specific expert educations important for our everyday work.

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 18 3.2. Research

When Women's Room was established, one of the main goals was development and implementation of scientific research, which would help not only Women's Room but also similar civil society organizations to raise public awareness, educate representatives of institutions, develop important documents and reports as well as advocate for legislative changes. Until now, the Women's Room has implemented and published seven research projects: Attitudes of Political Parties about LGBT Rights before in 2003 (2003); Attitudes and Knowledge of University Seniors of Relevant Universities about Sexual Violence (2004); Status of Women's Sexual Rights in Croatia (2005); Experiences of LGBTIQ Population with Psycho-social Providers in Croatia (2005); Gender Prism of Sexual Rights of Youth (2008) and research on issues regarding trafficking in persons in Croatia (2008). During 2010, Women's Room completed three research projects: research «Gender, Gender Roles, Sexuality and Violence»; “Protection of Rights and Provision of Support to Victims/Witnesses of Violence” and «Civil Society Organizations that Provide Specialized Services to Women Victims of Violence as Key Actors in the Process of Democratization of the Society». a) Gender, Gender Roles, Sexuality and Violence Even though this research has been conducted and completed in 2009, the writing of research report has been extended due to the fact that this is an independent volunteer-based project of the Women's Room, and as such it often gets deprioritized. Data was collected from secondary school pupils in Zagreb and Osijek. The aim of research was identifying ways in which gender roles influence attitudes of youth towards violence and sexuality, as well as assessing patters of sexual behavior among youth and experience with different forms of violence. b) Protection of Rights and Provision of Support to Victims/Witnesses of Violence Office for Gender Equality of the Republic of Croatia and the Women's Room have conducted a research «Protection of Rights and Provision of Support to Victims/Witnesses of Violence». Aims of the project were to assess the existing level of protection of witnesses/victims of domestic violence and to define directions for improvement of victims’ protection and provision of assistance and support for witnesses/victims of domestic violence. Target groups of this research were witnesses/victims of domestic violence (183), employees of competent state and public institutions and civil society organizations who work on issues of domestic violence (389). Research was conducted throughout Croatia.

Institutions, public bodies and civil society organizations – out of total 389 participants, 90% believe that domestic violence is frequent or very frequent phenomenon and less than a third agree that this issue is addressed in the best possible way. Most participants have the experience of direct work with victims,

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 19 mostly representatives of the police and OCDs. Also, most are familiar with the existence of services for assistance and support of victims, and report informing victims about such services. In terms of possibilities to protect the rights of victims, majority believes to be protecting their basic rights (safety, providing information about the procedure, etc.), in accordance with their work tasks. Main problems identified in working with victims were the work overload (73%), lack of professional training (55%), problem that work with victims is not their primary focus (52%) and inadequate facilities for work (51%).

Victims/witnesses of domestic violence - research includes 183 victims of domestic violence who were accommodated in one of the shelters or were coming into counseling for victims of domestic violence at the time of research implementation. Results of this research pointed to a number of specific features of individual institutions, bodies and organizations that provide assistance and protection to victims and sanction domestic violence. Also, they provided a clearer picture of the needs of victims of violence, as well as opportunities to improve their rights. It was pointed out that in Croatia, despite many positive changes, a large number of needed services for victims of domestic violence are still missing. The research yielded 20 recommendations, divided into 5 categories. c) Civil Society Organizations that Provide Specialized Services to Women Victims of Violence as Key Actors in the Process of Democratization of the Society This research was initiated because of the long-standing desire of the Women's Room Team to ascertain the actual number and accessibility of civil society organizations that work directly with women victims of violence; to provide insight into areas and methodology of work of organizations; and to determine the coverage of the various forms of violence against women with respect to the region. Four basic criteria for the organizations in the research have been defined: 1) organizations that operate for more than 2 years, 2) organizations that have at least 10 consultations with victims per month, 3) organizations that define themselves as working with women who are victims of any form of violence; 4) organizations that are not religious and/or affiliated with a party. Research covered the final number of 32 organizations from across Croatia, which work directly with women victims of violence. As a method of data collection, we used a structured interview that included 52 questions divided into 6 thematic groups. Results showed that despite the widespread belief about existence of the extremely large number of these organizations, only 32 meet the above criteria, 12 of which are working in Zagreb, 4 in Primorsko-goranjska County, 3 in Splitsko- dalmatinska County and 2 in Istria and Osječko-baranjska County. It is worrisome that only one organization operates in 9 counties, while there are no active organizations in 6 counties. Research also showed that there are 12 shelters for victims of violence, 18 counseling centers, 1 SOS line and a Center for Victims of Sexual Violence. When we compare the results obtained to the Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the protection of women against violence on the number of necessary services, Croatia lacks 712 spaces in shelters for women victims of violence, 1 SOS line for all

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 20 forms of violence that would operate from 0 to 24h and 10 Centers for victims of sexual violence. Brochure can be viewed on the web site of Women's Room: (

We plan to continue research activities during 2011. Two planned projects pertain to researching the assessment of body appearance and its relation to sexual functioning and project that has been «on hold» for years about relation between rape trauma and posttraumatic stress disorder.

3.3. Direct work with victims of sexual violence

Center for Victims of Sexual Violence was opened in April 2008, within scope of the Women's Room. This is the first (and only) referral service of the kind in Croatia, which aims at improving the quality of life of persons who survived sexual violence. Although the Team of the Center, and thus services that we provide, is narrowly specialized for victims of sexual violence, we provide help and support to all persons who contact us either personally at the premises of the Center, by telephone, electronic mail (specially created email address), or any way that our clients find accessible. We are available to anyone who needs help and/or support or any kind of information every weekday from 10h to 17h.

As evident from statistical data of the Center, despite providing services to everyone, we delivered assistance primarily to women who experienced domestic violence, rape, attempted rape, sexual assault and/or sexual harassment, as well as to persons who needed information and support in regards to sexual rights and sexual health. Support and assistance at the Center is free of charge and the anonymity of clients is guaranteed.

Forms of support and assistance provided by the Center are: information, psychological, medical and legal counseling, psycho-therapeutic work, preparation for the court trial as well as work with families and persons close to victims of sexual violence. During 2010, we held 218 counseling sessions and our assistance and support were provided to 105 clients. The most frequent problems that our clients addressed were: rape and sexual abuse (42,7%), domestic violence (21,1%), information related to protection from violence (14,2%). Other issues were less frequent (Table no. 2 and Graph no. 4).

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 21 Table no. 2: Problems regarding which persons contacted Center for Victims of Sexual Violence in 2010 issue frequency % rape/ attempted rape/ incest 93 42,7% sexual abuse 7 3,2% sexual harassment 9 4,1% domestic violence 46 21,1% violence (other form, for example war) 4 1,8% unclear issues 3 1,4% various information, consultation 31 14,2% unknown 1 0,4% combined issues 3 1,4% sexual problems 18 8,2% sexual and gender minorities 3 1,4% total 218 100%

Graph no. 4: Problems regarding which persons contacted Center for Victims of Sexual Violence in 2010

Number of cases

sexual and gender minorities sexual problems combined issues unknown information, consultation unclear issues violence (some other category) domestic violence sexual harrasment sexual assault rape/ attempted rape/ incest

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

The analysis of persons contacting us the most indicates that in 79% of the cases it was the victim, less frequently family members or institutions, while all other possibilities are poorly represented (Table 3 and Graph 5).

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 22

Table no. 3: Persons who contacted Women's Room for support and assistance in 2010 contacted by frequency % victim/survivor of the violence and/or needs information 172 79% family of the victim/survivor 17 7,8% person from an institution 10 4,6% friend 10 4,6% other civil society organizations 6 2,7% other (acquaintance, coworkers...) 3 1,3% total 218 100%

Graph no. 5: Persons who contacted Women's Room for support and assistance in 2010

According to types of counseling, the most prevalent forms of counseling were phone counseling (59%), counseling via electronic mail (19%), and counseling in the Women’s Room’s premises (22%). Phone counseling was a dominant form, due to clients that are not from Zagreb but across Croatia, and this type of counseling is aimed at those beneficiaries (Graph 6).

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 23

Graph no. 6: Types of counseling provided in 2010

phone 59% face to face 22%

e-mail 19%

Thanks to numerous projects and donors of the Center for Victims of Sexual Violence, scope of our work has significantly increased both in terms of number of persons we assisted and counseling sessions held. We would like to emphasize the development of good practice in cooperation with representatives of competent institutions, such as the police.

Counseling room and the library of the Center for Victims of Sexual Violence

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3.4. Publishing Women's Room published 4 different materials during 2010: one brochure (Civil Society Organizations that Provide Specialized Services to Women Victims of Violence as Key Actors in the Process of Democratization of the Society), 1 leaflet (We were only joking!), and cloth bags and stickers with Women's Room's logo.

Brochure: Civil Society Organizations that Provide Specialized Services to Women Victims of Violence as Key Actors in the Process of Democratization of the Society

Civil Society Organizations that Provide Specialized Services to Women Victims of Violence as Key Actors in the Process of Democratization of the Society Zagreb: Women's Room National Foundation for Civil Society Development

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 25

Leaflet: „We were only joking!“

We were only joking! Zagreb: Women's Room Ministry of Science, Education and Sport

Other materials: 1. Women's Room's cloth bags 2. Women's Room's stickers

3. 5. Public work, networking and lobbying In 2010, Women's Room continued with the active work in the area of networking and public advocacy, as one of our main activities. Similar to prior years, great focus was placed on systematic public work through our daily activities and presence in the media (Appendix 4, Chapter 8).

Members of Women's Room took part in 50 international and local conferences, meetings, thematic sessions or promotions organized by local and/or international organizations or governmental bodies.

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 26 Additionally, the members of the Women's Room took part in 39 meetings of different networks, teams, work groups, coalitions, and councils. Media work of the Women's Room was covered 175 times by many newspapers, magazines, TV and radio shows and portals. We published 48 articles about our regular activities on the Women's Room's website which are available in Croatian and English languages. We also published 24 texts on our blog, whose authors are members of the Women's Room, our associates and representatives of other civil society organizations.

Protest of the Women's Network of Croatia on the Women's Day (March 2010)

3.5.1. Networks, teams, work groups, coalitions, councils Women's Room is active in several networks (Women's Network of Croatia, Petra Network, Coalition for Establishing Regional Commission for Identifying and Public Informing on Facts about War Crimes and Other Gross Violations of Human Rights in former Yugoslavia – RECOM), and our members participate in different working groups (Working Group for Development of the Analysis and Action Plan for Combating All Forms of Violence against Women with the Office for Gender Equality of the ), councils (Council of Youth of the City of Zagreb), and commissions (Commission for Gender Equality of the City Assembly of the City of Zagreb).

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 27

a) WOMEN'S NETWORK OF CROATIA Since our founding, Women's Room has been a member of the Women’s Network of Croatia (WNC). In 2010, Women's Room members participated in the work of the network on the occasion of International Women's Day, and the assembly and the regular meeting. The focus of protests on the occasion of International Women's Day was the unfulfilled women's labor rights (equal employment rates of men and women and the restriction of employment to a limited period), the right to medically assisted reproduction, regardless of marital status and sexual orientation and the law on marriage through which state should allow marriage to same-sex couples. It is also necessary for Croatia to ensure women’s right to make decisions, and free abortion, but also to introduce sex education in schools, which would decrease the growing number of teenage pregnancies. We also demanded the immediate abolition of punishing women for prostitution, and the introduction of strict penalties for consumers. It was also emphasized that all violence against women should be a criminal offense, not a misdemeanor, and victims of domestic violence should cease to be treated the same way as the perpetrators. b) PETRA NETWORK Within PETRA Network, network of nongovernmental organizations that promote women’s human rights and work on combating trafficking in women and children, members of Women's Room attended regular meetings, and participated in the regional campaign «I am the law», which specifically focused on changes in the Penal Code in regards to prostitution. These activities began with the round table Changes in Penal Code and Law on Misdemeanors of Public Order and Peace – efficient treatment of the problem of prostitution (January 2010), which was attended by Professor Ksenija Turković, coordinator of the working group for changes in the Penal Code. We also participated in the 6th regional conference against trafficking in persons in Belgrade, which was focused on strengthening regional cooperation of networks against trafficking. At the conference, we discussed different legal possibilities offered in the countries of region to combat trafficking in persons and ways to improve these mechanisms.

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Members of PETRA Network – International Day of Human Rights (December 2010)

c) YOUTH COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ZAGREB City Assembly of Zagreb established the Youth Council of the City of Zagreb as an advisory body to the City Assembly whose aim is to actively include youth in the public life of the City of Zagreb. Council is comprised of fifteen members, including Maja Vukmanić, member of Women's Room. During 2009, Maja Vukmanić participated in three sessions on issues of importance for functioning of the Youth Council and areas of work of the City Assembly that are relevant for youth. The Youth Council participated in creating and monitoring the local program of action for youth and organized other activities important for operation of the Youth Council and improving the situation of youth.


Working Group for Developing Analysis and Plan of Action for Combating All Forms of Violence Against Women has been operating since 2007 within the scope of the Office for Gender Equality of the Government of Croatia. It consists of 12 members, representatives of competent Ministries, state bodies and civil society organizations. During 2010, seven meetings of the Working Group were held, and all three planned documents were finalized: Code of Conduct in Case of Sexual Violence, Analysis of the Present Situation Regarding Violence Against Women, and Action Plan for Combating of All Forms of Violence Against Women. Parts of the Action Plan have been included in the new National Policy for Gender Equality 2011- 2015.

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 29 e) COMISSION FOR GENDER EQUALITY OF THE CITY ASSEMBLY OF THE CITY OF ZAGREB Coordinator of the Women's Room, Maja Mamula, was elected in 2009 as a representative of civil society organizations to the Commission for Gender Equality of the City Assembly of the City of Zagreb. She participated in the work of 7 commission sessions, and promoted primarily issues of violence against women and role of civil society organizations in combating gender-based violence.

f) KOREKOM Coalition for Establishing Regional Commission for Identifying and Public Informing on Facts about War Crimes and Other Gross Violations of Human Rights in former Yugoslavia is regional coalition of associations of victims, nongovernmental organizations and individuals who advocate for establishment of inter-state and independent commission which would establish and publicly announce facts about war crimes and other gross violations of human rights in former Yugoslavia, including revealing destinies of missing persons and identifying their remains. Women’s Room has participated in the Coalition since 2008. In 2010, we participated in a series of regular meetings, and three regional consultations: Regional Consultation with Young People and Youth Organizations of the Initiative for the Establishment of the Regional Commission for identifying facts about all the victims of the war in former Yugoslavia in the period 1991-2001 in Podgorica, Regional Consultation with NGOs in Banja Luka and Regional Consultation with the Lawyers' Community in Zagreb. This year, REKOM’s work was focused on the revision of the statutes and the preparation for the campaign to collect signatures of support for REKOM.

3.5.2. Media presence Due to a specific area of Women's Room's focus, it is important to inform as many people as possible about women's human rights, status of women in the society, gender equality, problems of sexual violence, as well as about the rights of victims of sexual violence, importance of sexual rights and discrimination against sexual and gender minorities. We try to achieve systematic media presence through maintaining contacts with representatives of media, but also through our web site ( which is regularly updated, and though our blog, which was launched in May 2009 thanks to the offer of Vecernji list ( soba). In addition, we started the Women's Room's fan page on Facebook ( in order to maximize our visibility through popular media. During 2010, our work was covered 175 times (more details in the Appendix 4 – Chapter 8 «Media Presence»), which is, considering our previous years of work experience, an exceptional success. Such

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 30 media coverage is primarily the result of two prizes received by Women's Room members. In March, Maja Mamula was declared the Zagreb Woman of the Year, title awarded to women who have contributed to the affirmation of women's human rights and achieving real gender equality. The next important award, the Volunteer Oscar was awarded to Antonia Hojt. In 2010, Antonija volunteered with the Women's Room (336 volunteer hours in 6 months) and via public vote won the highest number of votes and earned an Oscar awarded by the Volunteer Center Zagreb in cooperation with the City of Zagreb. In addition, both published Women's Room’s studies in 2010 were well covered by numerous media. Our articles, commentaries and interviews were published in 28 daily newspapers, weekly and monthly magazines (e.g. Večernji list "Award for Zagreb Woman of the Year," 09.03.2010.; Jutarnji list "A Volunteer Oscar goes to student Anotnija Hojt", 17.12. 2010). We participated in 15 television shows (e.g. HTV 2, show Zagreb Panorama "Zagreb Woman of the Year," 08.03.2010.; HRT 1, news "Domestic Violence – Murders of Women", 27.09.2010.; HRT 1, show Normal Life "On the Occasion of International Day of Combating Violence against Women", 29.11.2010.). Women's Room members participated in 17 radio shows (e.g. HR 1, show Nothing Unimportant "Prevention Models for Work with Young People on Issues of Trafficking and Presentation of Research", 22.10.2010.; Radio 101 "Presentation of Research - Protecting the Rights of Victims/Witnesses of Domestic Violence", 23.10.2010.). Women’s Room’s activities were covered by many portals, and there was a total of 115 different published articles about the work of Women's Room (e.g. "Peers and the Media - the Main Educators about Sex!", 10.07.2010.; "Woman Pays for Domestic Violence with Her Life", 27.08.2010.) (Graph 7).

Graph no. 7: Media Presence of Women's Room in 2010



17 115

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 31 There were 48 articles published on the website of Women's Room, available in Croatian and English languages. This is the way through which we attempt to inform all interested persons about regular activities implemented by the Women's Room. Annual reports of Women's Room (in Croatian and English) are also available on Women's Room's website ( Since 2009, Women's Room has a blog on the website of Vecernji list. Editor of the blog is Paula Zore and there were 24 published texts in 2010 about activism, feminism, sexual violence, rights of sexual minorities, the rights of victims of sexual violence, sexual harassment, contraceptive methods, women's sexuality and similar topics. Within the scope of the blog, we attempted to react to current violations and endangering women's human rights, but also familiarize readers with topics such as activism, feminism and other. Authors of texts were: Paula Zore, Maja Mamula, Maja Vukmanić, Antonija Hojt, Marija Manić, Ida Šamanović, Goran Arbanas, Voljana Kapelina, Helena Subić, Mauro Lacovich, Iva Žegura, Vendi Keserica, Zagreb Pride, Lada Bonacci and Stella Belle Gambe.

3.6. Women's Room's Organizational Development Women's Room has not only been working on strengthening the capacity and education of other civil society organizations, but has regularly invested in additional professional education of the members of the Working Team. Thus, in 2010, members of the Working Team participated in 16 different, specialized trainings in order to improve our work, including training for writing projects, which contributes significantly to strengthening the capacity of the organization. Besides education, members participated together in 4 workshops of team building and strengthening organizational values. In March of 2010, the workshop was held in organizational development, which psychologist Mirjana Kačavenda, an expert in the field of human resources, led pro bono. In June 2010, we held a three-day meeting of team building on Bjelolasica, which further defined scope and direction of our development. In late August and early September, there was an organizational development meeting, which defined in detail the Operational Plan for 2011. In October, a new team member, one of our most active volunteers Antonija Hojt, joined us. In the coming years, we plan to expand out team by at least one person due to the amount of projects and programs implemented, and the desire to maintain the existing quality of work. At the meeting of the Management Committee of the Women's Room in December 2010, the issue was raised about placing an order for a therapeutic dog in the Women's Room, an idea that has been developing for years, and we have been accordingly monitoring professional literature in this area.

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 32 4 FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE WOMEN'S ROOM FOR 2010

During 2010, Women's Room implemented 14 programs and projects. Donors of the Women's Room were: Embassy of Finland in Zagreb, Embassy of Switzerland in Zagreb, Global Fund for Women, The City of Zagreb – City Office for Social Welfare and Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, National Foundation for Civil Society Development, European Commission, Office for Human Rights of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, Office for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Croatia. Private donors were our long-term friends Diana de Vegh, Mirjana Kačavenda, Maja Mamula and Monika Mikulec. Two businesses Akzo Nobel d.o.o. and Velinac d.o.o. donated office furniture and the wall paint for the Center for Victims of Sexual Violence.

Women's Room's revenues and expenditures for 2010 are presented in tables 4 and 5 and graphs 8 and 9 below:

Table no 4: Women's Room's Revenue in 2010 no. REVENUE HRK 01. Revenue from 2009 233.452,00 02. Embassy of Switzerland 30.000,00 03. Global Fund for Women 140.268,03 04. National Foundation for Civil Society Development 144.160,00 05. Embassy of Finland 111.771,40 06. European Commission – PHARE 2006 108.518,85 07. Ministry of Science, Education and Sport 45.000,00 08. Office for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of 34.844,00 Croatia 09. Office for Human Rights of the Government of the Republic of Croatia 20.000,00 10. City of Zagreb 16.000,00 11. Monika Mikulec 2.480,00 12. Maja Mamula 17.000,00 13. Mirjana Kačavenda 2.000,00 14. Revenue from activities 500,00 15. Refunds, fees, interest, currency adjustment and other 12.633,72 TOTAL REVENUE 918.628,00 Volunteer work 1.007 hours

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 33 Graph no 8: Women's Room's Revenue in 2010

private donors 2009. 2% 25% international donors 44%

other revenue 1% local donors 28%

Table no 5: The Women's Room's Expenditures in 2010 no. EXPENDITURES HRK 1. PROGRAM COSTS 01. Program Staff 341.198,25 02. Program Activities 132.357,00 Total 473.555,25 2. INDIRECT COSTS 01. Administrative Staff 80.952,75 02. Rent and Utilities 19.088,00 03. Communication 32.186,00 04. Administrative 10.803,00 05. Equipment and Maintenance 8.142,00 06. Other 10.265,00 Total 161.436,75 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 634.992,00

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 34 Graph no 9. Women's Room's Expenditures in 2010

Total revenue of Women's Room for 2010 was 918.628,00 HRK, and expenditures amounted to 634.922,00 HRK. The remaining amount of 283.636,00 HRK will be used for expenditures in 2011.

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 35 5. FUTURE DIRECTIONS – PLANS FOR WOMEN'S ROOM'S DEVELOPMENT

Women's Room – Center for Sexual Rights will continue with systematic work on making the society free from patriarchy, discrimination and gender-based violence. We strive for society in which everyone will have equal opportunity regardless of their sex, gender, age, religion, nationality, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Our goal is creating society in which individual choices will be basic values. In order to contribute to the achievement of equal rights and opportunities for all citizens, Women's Room will continue with its many activities, empowerment of women, institutions and public, the education of youth, civil society organizations, research, publishing and systemic advocacy for positive changes. In 2011, we are planning a range of educational activities, especially of young people in particular with regard to the project of the Cooperating Netherlands Foundations and the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport. The emphasis in the education of youth will be placed on prevention of sexual harassment and gender equality, and links between these two areas. We plan to complete these activities by public actions that will call for the implementation of prevention programs against sexual violence in the educational system, and materials will be developed by young people who attended the training. We will continue educating young people about the issue of human trafficking through workshops and the promotion of the theater play "Why me?" During the next year, we also plan to focus greater attention on women with disabilities, who are especially vulnerable group. Center for Victims of Sexual Violence will continue to operate through a program funded by numerous donors, such as the Global Fund for Women, the City of Zagreb - Office for Social Protection and Persons with Disabilities, Embassy of Finland, Embassy of Switzerland, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare and other. Although Center for Victims of Sexual Violence is qualified and highly competent to provide assistance and support to victims of sexual violence, we plan to include other professionals in our future work. Namely, there is need for a psychiatrist in the Center. We will also continue to build recognition of the Center for Victims of Sexual Violence among all key stakeholders working on issues of sexual violence, through strengthening mutual cooperation. As an example of achieved quality cooperation of the Center with relevant institutions, we emphasize the Police Academy, which organized the training for heads of shifts from across Croatia and invited members of the Women's Room to participate in the education with presentations on the role of civil society organizations in combating sexual violence. We believe that such establishment of cooperation is a necessary and indispensable step in combating violence against women and ensuring the protection of the rights of victims of violence.

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 36 In regards to the next year’s announced changes to the Penal Code, we are planning to extensively engage in public discussion about any aspect of changes regarding the crime of rape, prostitution and trafficking. It also is important to us that some of our proposals get introduced as an integral part of the new National Policy for Gender Equality 2011 to 2015.

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 37


Work of Women’s Room in 2010 was supported by:

National Foundation for Civil Society Development, Global Fund for Women, Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Embassy of Finland in Zagreb, The City of Zagreb – City Office for Social Protection and Persons with Disabilities, Embassy of Switzerland in Zagreb, Office for Human Rights of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, Office for Gender Equality of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, Co-operating Netherlands Foundations for Central and Eastern Europe, Akzo Nobel d.o.o. and Velinac d.o.o.

We express our gratitude to Diana de Vegh, longtime supporter of Women's Room who has been giving us unreserved support and recognition for our work. We would like to thank Mirjana Kačavenda who is prepared to devote her time and knowledge every year to ensure the quality of our strategic planning. We would like to thank Voljana Kapelina who despite finding her place within the health care system, never forgets our work and years spent together, and supports us in many ways. We would like to thank Jasna Belamarić for regular supply of information, support, constructive criticism, and large amounts of laughter.

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 38 APPENDICES

Appendix 1. Structure of Women’s Room in 2010

Structure of the Women's Room includes: Assembly which represents the highest electoral and program body and includes all regular Women's Room's members; Management Committee is managerial body that consists of five independent experts in the field of women's human rights and the president of the Coordination Team; Coordination Team is an executive body, which includes coordinators of Women's Room's programs; Working Team takes part in the implementation of programs and projects and includes all members that participate in the Women's Room's work, including volunteers. List of Women's Room's members can be found in the Appendix 1.

Image No. 3: Structure of Women's Room in 2010

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 39 Appendix 2. List of Women's Room's members, members of the Management Committee and Coordination Team during 2010

Members of Women's Room (regular): Maja Mamula, Maja Vukmanić, Paula Zore, Dalibor Stanić, Jelena Poštić, Voljana Kapelina, Ida Šamanović, Ksenija Maslo, Dunja Bonacci Skenderović, Jasna Belamarić, Miroslava Đuretek, Ivana Dijanić Plašć, Lada Bonacci, Iva Žegura, Koraljka Vlajo, Nera Komarić, Petra Ćus, Slobodanka Poštić, Vanja Oštrić, Iva Prskalo and Antonija Hojt.

Members of the Women's Rooom (associated): Rada Borić, Đuro Vanđura, Ivana Jurišić, Siniša Vujić, Asja Zenko, Amir Hodžić, Maja Kolega, Ingrid Marton, Ula Marton, Sanja Milivojević, Boris Krstinić and Jelena Levak.

Women's Room's Management Committee members: M A Željka Jelavić, ethnologist, president of the Center for Women's Studies Sanja Cesar, psychologist, CESI Neda Pavić, pravnica, lawyer, Deputy County Prosecutors Office in Zagreb Vesna Majher, member of the City Assembly M A Vanja Ratković, physicist, main editor of GEO Croatia M A Maja Mamula, psychologist, Women's Room Coordinator

Members of the Coordination Team of the Women's Room 1. Maja Mamula, President of the Coordination Team (person entitled to represent the organization) 2. Maja Vukmanić, Coordinator of the Center for Victims of Sexual Violence (person entitled to represent the organization) 3. Paula Zore, Financial and Office Manager (person entitled to represent the organization)

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 40 Appendix 3. List of the Women's Room's volunteers and volunteer hours in 2010 Name and surname Number of volunteer hours 1. Antonija Hojt 336 2. Jelena Poštić 90 3. Voljana Kapelina 30 4. Jasna Belamarić 30 5. Marija Lokin 24 6. Siniša Vujić 20 7. Marija Kavić 16 8. Lada Bonacci 15 9. Lana Žigić 14 10. Maja Jagar 12 11. Jelena Perak 12 12. Dajana Jurinčić 12 13. Eva Šmit 12 14. Katica Čolakovac 12 15. Valentina Popović 12 16. Ana Horvat 12 17. Zrinka Ivanković 12 18. Dora Dobrica 11 19. Tea Breznišćak 11 20. Aleksandra Pijuko 11 21. Aleksandra Urukalo 10 22. Miroslava Đuretek 10 23. Damir Vukmanić 10 24. Sandra Kapelina 10 25. Vanja Oštrić 10 26. Boris Krstinić 10 27. Ana Nekić 9 28. Ivana Perić 9 29. Emily Humble 8 30. Brittany Argabright 7 31. Hope Brock 6 32. Zrinka Penović 4 33. Latica Mirjanić 4 34. Ivana Pavlović 3 35. Justina Pierzynska 2 36. Andrea Lončarek 1 37. Zrinka Mićin Matek 1 818

We would also like to thank everyone who is not mentioned here, and has been helping us with numerous projects and generously offered their time and energy.

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 41 Appendix 4. List of the Women's Room's activities in 2010

Women’s Room’s Activities in 2010

1. Women `s Room education delivered to nongovernmental organizations: lectures, workshops, seminars, conferences

Number of Where Topic When For whom participants Virovitica SOS – call for help, Virovitica Training: Work with victims 29.11. 6 of sexual violence TOTAL = 1 T=6

2. Women’s Room educations for relevant institutions – lectures, workshops, seminars

Number of Where Topic When For whom participants Police Ministry of Interior, Republic of Lecture: The role of civil 21.05. 30 academy, Croatia, for shift chiefs of police society organizations in Zagreb stations combating violence and providing help to victims of violence Valbandon, Ministry of Interior, Republic of Lecture: The role of civil Resort of Croatia, society in combating Croatian 25.05. 27 police officers from the lines of violence and providing help Ministry of work of blood and sexual offenses to victims of violence Interior Women’s Women’s Room and Croatian Workshop: Transsexuality 10.07. 8 Room, society for sex therapy Zagreb Thermae Multidisciplinary Team for Lecture: Models of 12.09. 12 Jezercica Combating Trafficking in human working with young beings (Delfin) people on the topic of trafficking in human beings Police Ministry of Interior, Republic of Lecture: Violence against 28.09. 30 academy, Croatia, for shift chiefs of police women: Situation in Zagreb stations Croatia - The Role of Civil Society Thermae Organization Delfin, for Lecture: Violence 02.10. 14 Jezercica representatives of the Courts, State against women: Attorney offices, Centers for Social Situation in Croatia - Welfare and Civil society The Role of Civil organizations from Pozesko Society Slavonska county, Hotel 18th annual conference of Croatian Presentations: Sexuality, 14.10. 103 Ambasador, psychologists Culture and Gender Opatija (Maja Mamula) and Female sexual dysfunction (Ida Samanovic)

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 42 Hotel 18th Annual conference of Croatian Forum: 15.10. 65 Ambasador, psychologists Mandatory psychological Opatija counseling in the process of medically assisted reproduction - ethical dilemmas Police Ministry of Interior, Republic of Lecture: Violence against 26.10. 40 academy, Croatia, for shift chiefs of police women: Situation in Zagreb stations Croatia - The Role of Civil Society Public Health Postgraduate School of Medicine Lecture: Sexual violence 03.11. 7 Department Andrija Stampar III. Scientific Symposium dedicated Presentation: Gender-based 25.11. - 80 Faculty of to the issue of violence violence - Situation in 27.11. Philosophy, Croatia and the role of Civil Osijek society organizations Ministry of Interior, Republic of Lecture: The role of civil Police Croatia, for shift chiefs of police society organizations in 07.12. 35 academy, stations combating violence and Zagreb providing help to victims of violence TOTAL = 15 T= 451

3. Women’s Room educations for university, high school and elementary school students

For whom Topic When Number of participants

University of Osijek

Faculty of 15.01. 31 Philosophy, 1. Sexual violence Department of 22.01. 34 Psychology 2. Sexuality and sexology

Course: Psychology

of sexuality T=65

1. Introductory lecture – Sexuality 02.03. 13

2. Defining Sexology 09.03. 8

3. The most renown researches 1 16.03. 9

University of Zagreb, 4. Methods of research on human sexuality 23.03. 10 Croatian Studies, and Ethical principles Department of Psychology 5. Theories of Sexuality 30.03. 8

6. Intercultural differences 06.04. 7

7. Sex and Gender 20.04. 5

8. Sexuality and gender 27.04. 9

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 43 9. Sexual rights 04.05. 8

10. Sexual health and sexual problems 11.05. 5

11. Sexual variations 18.05. 10

12. Sexual violence 1 25.05. 6

13. Sexual violence 2 01.06. 10

Total= 98


1. Sex and Gender 12.03. 22

2. Sexuality, Sex and Gender 02.04. University of Osijek 34

Faculty of 3. Behind gender - Transgender 16.04. Philosophy, 35

Department of 4. Providing psychosocial help according to 21.04. Psychology sex and gender

Course: 30 5. Gender-based violence 1 14.05. Psychology of sex

and gender 31 6. Gender-based violence 2, Course 20.05.


Total= 187

1. Gender-based violence 1. 26.03. 1. 16 Training for volunteers 2. Sexual harassment 2. 27.03. 2. 15 (students of relevant faculties) 3. How to create a workshop? 3. 27.03. 3. 15

4. Implementation of workshop 4. 09.04. 4. 15

Total= 61

Economy School, Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 16.04. 23 Varazdin Harassment" Economic School, Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 16.04. 26 Varazdin Harassment" III. Economic school, Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 20.04. 23 Zagreb Harassment" III. Economic school, Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 20.04. 22 Zagreb Harassment" III. Economic school, Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 20.04. 22 Zagreb Harassment" Health and veterinary Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 23.04. 21 school „Dr. Andrije Harassment" Stampar“, Vinkovci

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 44 Health and veterinary Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 23.04. 11 school „Dr. Andrije Harassment" Stampar“, Vinkovci III. Economic school, Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 23.04. 21 Zagreb Harassment" III. Economic school, Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 23.04. 21 Zagreb Harassment" Gymnasium Lucijana Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 29.04. 24 Vranjanina Harassment" Gymnasium Lucijana Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 29.04. 28 Vranjanina Harassment" Gymnasium Lucijana Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 29.04. 25 Vranjanina Harassment" Gymnasium Lucijana Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 29.04. 27 Vranjanina Harassment" Classical Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 11.05. 27 Gymnasium, Zagreb Harassment" Classical Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 11.05. 24 Gymnasium, Zagreb Harassment" Classical Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 11.05. 30 Gymnasium, Zagreb Harassment" I. Economic school, Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 11.05. 22 Zagreb Harassment" I. Economic school, Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 11.05. 23 Zagreb Harassment" Gymnasium Lucijana Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 11.05. 29 Vranjanina Harassment" Gymnasium Lucijana Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 11.05. 31 Vranjanina Harassment" Gymnasium Lucijana Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 11.05. 29 Vranjanina Harassment Classical Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 12.05. 27 Gymnasium, Zagreb Harassment" Classical Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 12.05. 23 Gymnasium, Zagreb Harassment" Classical Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 12.05. 31 Gymnasium, Zagreb Harassment" The Hotel and Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 12.05. 28 tourism School, Harassment" Zagreb The Hotel and Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 12.05. 29 tourism School, Harassment" Zagreb II. Gymnasium, Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 14.05. 15 Varazdin Harassment" I. Gymnasium, Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 14.05. 21 Varazdin Harassment" I. Gymnasium, Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 14.05. 26 Varazdin Harassment" High school Vrbovec Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 15.05. 18 Harassment" Thermae Jezercica „Sex and gender equality - Challenges and 16.05. 13 Opportunities“ Lecture (3h) Sexual violence – consequence of gender inequality

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 45 X. Gymnasium „Ivan Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 19.05. 28 Supek“, Zagreb Harassment" X. Gymnasium „Ivan Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 19.05. 32 Supek“, Zagreb Harassment" Medical school, Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 21.05. 20 Varazdin Harassment" High school Pregrada Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 21.05. 23 Harassment" High school Pregrada Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 21.05. 27 Harassment" X. Gymnasium „Ivan Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 26.05. 32 Supek“, Zagreb Harassment" X. Gymnasium „Ivan Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 26.05. 23 Supek“, Zagreb Harassment" Faculty of Education 02.06. 18 and Rehabilitation Lecture: „Protocol for the identification and Sciences, Zagreb protection of victims of trafficking in human Course: social beings“ pedagogy Medical school, Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 11.06. 25 Varazdin Harassment" Medical school, Workshop: "Prevention of Sexual 12.06. 26 Varazdin Harassment" Center for Training: “Gender and sexuality in Croatia” 26.09. 25 Independent Culture Pogon, Zagreb (American students) Women’s Room Theatre play rehearsal: „L and K in action – 24.10 6 trafficking in human beings“ Women’s Room Theatre play rehearsal: „L and K in action – 28.10. 3 trafficking in human beings“ University of Osijek 1. Sexuality, sexology 22.10 33 Faculty of Philosophy, 2. The most renown research of sexuality, 12.11. 36 Department of research methods, ethical issues Psychology 10.12 35 3. Theories of Sexuality, Intercultural Course: Psychology differences of sexuality Total= 104 Women’s Room Rehearsal of theatre play: “Why me?” 07.11. 7 Women’s Room Rehearsal of theatre play: “Why me?” 14.11. 6 I. Economic Workshop: „Trafficking in human beings“ 15.11. 27 Gymnasium, Zagreb I. Economic Workshop: „Trafficking in human beings“ 15.11. 21 Gymnasium, Zagreb I. Economic Workshop: „Trafficking in human beings“ 15.11. 18 Gymnasium, Zagreb I. Economic Workshop: „Trafficking in human beings“ 17.11. 26 Gymnasium, Zagreb Women’s Room Rehearsal of theatre play: “Why me?” 21.11. 8

I. Economic Workshop: „Trafficking in human beings“ 24.11. 19 Gymnasium, Zagreb

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 46 I. Economic Workshop: „Trafficking in human beings“ 24.11. 26 Gymnasium, Zagreb I. Economic Workshop: „Trafficking in human beings“ 24.11. 25 Gymnasium, Zagreb I. Economic Workshop: „Trafficking in human beings“ 24.11. 18 Gymnasium, Zagreb I. Economic Workshop: „Trafficking in human beings“ 26.11. 23 Gymnasium, Zagreb Women’s Room Rehearsal of theatre play: “Why me?” 28.11. 7 Women’s Room Lecture: “Introduction with the work of 03.12. 8 Women's Room and the issue of sexual violence in Croatia”, for students of psychology Women’s Room Rehearsal of theatre play: “Why me?” 05.12. 8 I. Economic Workshop: „Trafficking in human beings“ 16.12. 20 Gymnasium, Zagreb TOTAL = 86 T = 1810

4. Public and other lectures, round tables (organized by Women’s Room or were invited as speakers)

Organization/ Number of Where Topic Lecturer When audience participants "Promotion of results of Women’s Room, Andelka Dukat, 28.01. 65 Classical the project Sensitize! pupils of Ana Dordic, Gymnasium, Awake! Participate! “ Classical Maja Vukmanic Zagreb Gymnasium Lecture: „Rehabilitation 1st Croatian Maja Mamula 04.03. - 50 St. Martin on of victims of sexual Congress on the 06. 03. and Ida Mura violence“ prevention and rehabilitation in Samanovic psychiatry Lecture: „Trafficking in Office for Human Maja Vukmanic, 16.05. 32 Military base human beings - Rights of Danijela Gaube, Croatia psychological Croatian Lidija Pentavec consequences“ Government; soldiers Conference: “Human Institute of Social Maja Mamula 28.05. 40 Institute Ivo rights of women- Sciences Ivo Pilar, Zagreb development at Pilar and Office international and national for Gender level 30 years after the Equality of adoption of the UN Croatian Convention on the Government Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women”. Presentation: “Violence against women – Situation in Croatia” Round table: Promotion Women’s Maja Mamula, 18.11. 44 European of research results: "Civil Room Women’s Room house society organizations that Gordana Sobol, provide specialized parliamentarian services for women and president of victims of violence as the the Parliamentary

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 47 key actors in the process Committee for of democratization of Gender Equality, society" Andreja Smajlovic, professional advisor, Office for Cooperation with NGOs, Suzana Kunac, B.a.B.e., Council for the Development of Civil Society Public forum: Social Maja Mamula, 19.11. 50 Hall Zrinski, Democratic Gordana Sobol “Violence against woman Matica Women's Hrvatska 2, and civil society Forum of the Cakovec SDP, for the organizations - service to public women victims of violence” Round table: “City of The Maja Mamula 22.11. 25 Old Town hall, Zagreb as a possible Commission Street St. Ciril model for the suppression for Gender and Metod 5 of violence against Equality women” Hotel Forum: Promotion of Office for Maja Mamula, 23.11. 40 Dubrovnik, research results Gender Ivana Dijanic Zagreb „Protecting the rights Equality of Plasc, Helena and supporting victims Croatian Stimac Radin / witnesses of family Government violence“ Family Center Forum: Promotion of Women’s Maja Mamula, 30.11. 22 of Viroviticko Room, SOS Desa Kolesaric research results: „"Civil – Podravska telephone county society organizations that Virovitica

provide specialized

services for women victims of violence as the key actors in the process of democratization of society" Culture Center Theatre play: „Why me?” Women’s Maja Vukmanic, 20.12. 200 Pescenica Room Ana Dordic TOTAL = 9 T = 568

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 48 5. Additional education of Women’s Room team, organizational development and Team building

Organizer Topic When Participants Development and education 13 members of Women’s Women’s Room Regular Assembly 11.01. Room Croatian Society for Sex Intervision 13.03. Maja Mamula Therapy, Zagreb Maja Mamula, Maja Women’s Room, Vukmanic, Dalibor Stanic, Organizational Development 19.03. - 20.03. Thermae Jezercica Paula Zore, Mirjana Kacavenda Center for Women's NGO – Clinic, Discrimination - Studies, Legal Aspects – moderator - 17.03 - 03.05. (7) Paula Zore Zagreb Snjezana Vasiljevic Training for independent College MAGISTRA, bookkeeping for small businesses 19.04. Dalibor Stanic Zagreb and crafts Croatian Society for Sex Therapy, Intervision 15.05. Maja Mamula Zagreb Croatian Society for Sex Therapy, Intervision 12.06. Maja Mamula Zagreb Maja Mamula, Maja Women’s Room, Vukmanic, Paula Zore, Team building 20.06. - 22.06. Bjelolasica Dalibor Stanic and Antonija Hojt Croatian Society for Sex Therapy, Intervision 10.07. Maja Mamula Zagreb Faculty of Philosophy, Education: ''Oral History and 26.06. Paula Zore Zagreb Culture of Memory'' Women’s Room, Thermae Operational Planning of Women's 30.08. - 01.09. Maja Mamula, Maja Jezercica Room Vukmanic, Paula Zore Women’s Room, Zagreb Team building 02.09. Maja Mamula, Maja Vukmanic, Paula Zore, Dalibor Stanic, Voljana Kapelina and Antonija Hojt CARE, NW Balkans, office Training „Project cycle 25.09. - 29.09. Paula Zore Beograd, Kragujevac management“ CARE, NW Balkans, office Training „Project cycle 09.10. - 18.10. Paula Zore Beograd, Kragujevac management“ and „Advocacy“ Croatian Society for Sex Therapy, Intervision 06.11. Maja Mamula Zagreb Seminar Women in Black Center for Women’s studies 03.12. - 4.12. Paula Zore “Women, Peace and Security “ TOTAL = 16

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 49 6. Conferences, promotions, networking, public actions

Where Organizer Topic When Participants House of human Queer Zagreb Round table: “In the name 14.01. Paula Zore rights of nation! “ Trials of gays and lesbians in Croatia 1945 - 1977 House of human B.a.B.e., Center for Donor evening for 30.01. Paula Zore rights Peace Studies, collection aid for victims in Documenta, Civic Haiti Committee for Human Rights, Green Action Varsavska Right to the city, Green Protest: “We won’t give 08.02. Paula Zore Action away Varsavska” Varsavska Right to the city, Green Protest: “We won’t give 10.02. Paula Zore Action away Varsavska” Ministry of Right to the city, Green Live barrier for the 17.02. Paula Zore environmental Action Varsavska protection, physical planning and construction Public Health City of Zagreb Forum: "Zagreb - Healthy 18.02. Maja Mamula, Maja Department “Dr. City - Violence and abuse Vukmanic Andrija Stampar“ among young people from the viewpoint of school physicians " Info Days 2010th about calls for support for Croatian Ministry Croatian Office for projects and programs of of Cooperation with civil society organizations 25.02. Maja Vukmanic Administration, NGOs from the state budget and Maksimirska 63 the portion of revenue from gambling in 2010. year Info Days 2010th about calls for support for Croatian Ministry Croatian Office for projects and programs of of Cooperation with civil society organizations 26.02. Iva Prskalo Administration, NGOs from the state budget and Maksimirska 63 the portion of revenue from gambling in 2010. year Zagorka birthday Center for Center for Women’s celebration, a festival of 02.03. Paula Zore Women’s Studies Studies women's short stories

Gender Equality – in the family!? Family Center, Guest - lecturer : The Family Center Ombudsperson for Gender 04.03. Paula Zore Preobraženska Equality Gordana Lukac Koritnik

Structural and pre- accession funds in Croatia - Razbor, Project Maja Vukmanic, Hotel West In comparison, experiences, 04.03. counseling Dalibor Stanic challenges "

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 50 City Assembly, United Nations Raising awareness of St. Ciril and Development program, domestic violence – five 05.03. Maja Vukmanic Metod, Old Town UN Refugee Agency years after hall Celebrating 8th March. Center for Center for Women’s Festival of Women's Short 08.03. Paula Zore Women’s studies studies Stories The residence of Working lunch - French French Embassy introduction to the work of 02.04. Maja Vukmanic Ambassador Women's Room Journalist’s Home, Marking the 15th Maja Mamula, Center for Women’s Market Dolac anniversary of the Center 24.04. Paula Zore, studies and Center for for Women's Studies Dalibor Stanic Women’s studies Journal of films made in the project: "Young Men HUHIV & Be a man Initiative: Promotion of Club of Mechanical Cinema Tuškanac gender equality norms, 25.04. Dalibor Stanic Technical School Faust positive lifestyles, and non Vrancic, Zagreb violent behavior among young people" Conference: Reaching out Hotel Splendid, to make a change – a place 06.05. - Becici, Kvinna till Kvinna Maja Vukmanic for exchange, networking 08.05. Montenegro and inspiration Delegation of European Round table: Consultation EU Info centre 07. 05. Dalibor Stanic Commission in Croatia with NGOs Office for gender Journalist’s Round table: „Gender Equality of Croatian Home, Zagreb equality in the media“ 07. 05. Paula Zore Government

Croatian Office for Cooperation with NGOs, National foundation for Civil Days of civil society Impact- Society Development, organizations 2010th European center Council for the "Funds of the European 13.05. - for Intersectoral Antonija Hojt Development of Civil Union's, role and 15.05. collaboration, Put Society, Technical contribution of NGOs" stanova bb, Zadar Assistance to civil society organizations, SIPU International

Iskorak, recording a International Day Against Zagreb, short promo film Homophobia 13.05. Maja Mamula Women’s Room against homophobia

Round table: "Underage Zagreb, hotel Association of Roma marriages in the Roma 24. 05. Paula Zore Internacional Women "Better future" community"

City Department of Old Town hall, Conference - Health Health and Veterans of 26. 05. Dalibor Stanic the City of Zagreb

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 51 Promotion of the brochure: SJAJ – Civil society "Alternatives to custody of organization for social European house adults - the draft of the Law 10.06. Maja Vukmanic recognition of people on the Legal Capacity" with mental disorders

Office for Social Ana Kukec, Vendi Bundek Welfare and persons „NGO days 2010“ 11.06. Keserica - volunteers with disabilities Croatian premiere of the Civil society documentary film organization PET+ "Beautiful America", and Paula Zore and Cinema Europe presenting the book "Eating 11.06. Public Health Dalibor Stanic Disorders" and public Department “Dr. debate with the professor Andrija Stampar“ Carolyn Costin Frankopanska 1 Round table: “Presentation Volunteer Center ( premises of the of the Law on 29.06. Antonija Hojt Zagreb Green Action) volunteering” Conference: “Gender Hotel Sheraton Women's Forum „SDP“ Equality - accomplish it 05.07. Maja Vukmanic together!" Office for Cooperation Regional info workshops EU house, Trg with NGOs, Technical Maja Vukmanic, about the application IPA 14.07. žrtava fašizma Assistance to Civil Paula Zore 2009 Society Organizations Office for Gender Public debate: “Drafting the Equality of Office for Gender National Policy for the Croatian Equality of Croatian Promotion of Gender 15.07. Maja Mamula Government, Government, Equality for the period from Mesnicka 23 2011 - 2015” Forum: “Preventing Croatian Committee for Gender domestic violence: the Parliament, Equality of the Croatian 21.09. Maja Mamula effectiveness of Zagreb Parliament psychosocial treatment” Forum: “Improving cross- sector cooperation in combating domestic violence: The role of the The Commission for Panels of the City judiciary in combating Protection Against of Zagreb, domestic violence with 21.09. Maja Mamula Domestic Violence Zagreb special emphasis on the

priority of protecting the rights and interests of children”

Exhibition: „Who is Reihl House of Artists, Center for Peace Kir to you“ 24.09. Jelena Postic Zagreb Studies

Working meeting: "Starting points for the introduction Center for Peace of the Education for Human Human Rights Studies, Croatian Youth Rights and Democratic 06.10. Maja Vukmanic House Network, GONG Citizenship in formal educational system"

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 52 City of Zagreb, City Department of Social Welfare and Persons Premiere of the play: Children's with Disabilities “Violence - No excuse for 12.10. Dalibor Stanic Theatre Dubrava The Commission for violence” Protection Against Domestic Violence City of Zagreb, City Croatian Focus group: “Making the Department of Social Association of social image of the City of 21.10. Maja Vukmanic Welfare and Persons Social Workers Zagreb in 2011” with Disabilities Technical Assistance Information Study visit: “Combating Exchange domestic violence in 25.10. - Instrument Brussels, Belgium Maja Vukmanic Western Balkans and 28.10. (TAIEX), DG Turkey” Enlargement, European Commission Introducing of the competition to ERSTE Library Bogdan ERSTE Stiftung Foundation Award 09.11. Dalibor Stanic Ogrizovic Foundation for Social Integration Street action SEX ON EX! Ministry of Science, Dalibor Stanic, Flower Square CESI, Youth Initiative Education and Sports 20.11. Paula Zore CARES ABOUT ME - priceless Commemorative meeting Ban J. Jelacic marking International Day B. a. B. e. 25.11. Dalibor Stanic square Against Violence Against Women Ministry of Family, Round table: Domestic Veterans and Violence in Croatia - Intergenerational International experience Hotel Sheraton 25.11. Maja Vukmanic Solidarity and the and new initiatives in United Nations in Croatia Croatia City Department of Forum: “Social picture of Panels of city of Social Welfare and city of Zagreb for 2009” 07.12. Paula Zore Zagreb Persons with Disabilities Round table: “The media's Journalist’s home Cenzura plus role in combating 08.12. Paula Zore discrimination” Assignment of diplomas:

Human Rights Center for Women’s Small house clinic for the 08.12. Paula Zore Center Studies prevention of

discrimination and mobbing City Department of Round table: „The future of Social Welfare and City Assembly volunteering in the city of 09.12. Antonija Hojt Persons with Zagreb“ Disabilities

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 53 Celebration of the Human Rights Human Rights House International Human Rights 10.12. Paula Zore House Day Conference: “Marking the Maja Mamula, Maja Autonomous Women's 20th anniversary of 13.12. - Hotel Esplanada Vukmanic, Paula House Autonomous Women's 14.12. Zore, Antonija Hojt House” Office for Human Celebration of the Ban J. Jelacic Antonija Hojt, Paula Rights of Croatian International Human Rights 15.12. square Zore, Dalibor Stanic Government Day Partnership for Social Promotion of regional EU Info center 15.12. Paula Zore Development research The right to the city, In front of the Green action, Human Commercial Support for women Rights House, Plenum 21.12. Paula Zore Court, Petrinjska workers of Kamensko Faculty of Philosophy 8 Zagreb TOTAL = 50

7. Actions and meetings of Women’s Network of Croatia, operational team, working group, civil coalitions, PETRA Network, Youth Advisory Board and LGBTIQ coordination

WOMEN’S NETWORK CROATIA Where Organizer Topic When Participants Stone Gate Women’s Network Protest on the occasion of 08.03. Nina Zore Croatia 8th March Center for Women’s Network of Assembly on the occasion 12.04. Women Victims Croatia of the new registration of Maja Vukmanic, Paula of War Women’s Network of Zore Croatia Center for Women’s Network Regular meeting 21.07. Women Victims Croatia Maja Vukmanic of War Total = 3 PETRA Network (NGO NETWORK AGAINST TRAFFICKING IN WOMEN) Where Organizer Topic When Participants Changes to the Criminal Code and violations of Hotel Dubrovnik PETRA Network public order - effectively 27.01. Paula Zore treating the problem of prostitution Splitska, 15.06. - PETRA Network Strategic planning Paula Zore Brac 17.06. Office for Human Marking The European Day Maja Vukmanic, Flower square, Rights of Croatian Against Trafficking in 16.10. Antonija Hojt, Dalibor Zagreb Government Human Beings Stanic Press conference on the Center for occasion of European Day Women Victims PETRA Network 18.10. Maja Vukmanic Against Trafficking in of War, Zagreb Human Beings Beograd, hotel VI anti - trafficking 10.11. - Best Western M Care NW Balkans Paula Zore regional conference 12.11.

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 54 Astoria hotel, 26.11. - PETRA Network Regular meeting Paula Zore Zagreb 27.11. Campaign: "I am for the Ministry of law!" on the occasion of Justice, Flower Petra Network 10.12. Paula Zore International Human Rights square Day Campaign: "I am for the Ministry of law!" on the occasion of Justice, Flower Petra Network 22.12. Paula Zore International Human Rights square Day Total = 6 WORKING GROUP FOR ACTION PLAN AGAINST VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN Where Organizer Topic When Participants Office for Gender Protocol, situation analysis, Zagreb Equality of Croatian 26.04. Maja Mamula action plan Government Office for Gender

Zagreb Equality of Croatian 10.06. Maja Mamula Situation analysis Government Office for Gender Protocol of conduct in cases Zagreb Equality of Croatian 14.06. Maja Mamula of sexual violence Government Office for Gender Situation analysis Zagreb Equality of Croatian 16.07. Maja Mamula Government Office for Gender Situation analysis Zagreb Equality of Croatian 16.07. Maja Mamula Government Office for Gender Developing proposal of Zagreb Equality of Croatian 29.09. Maja Mamula action plan Government Office for Gender Developing proposal of Zagreb Equality of Croatian 18.10. Maja Mamula action plan Government Total = 7

YOUTH ADVISORY BOARD, CITY OF ZAGREB Where Organizer Topic When Participants City Council City of Zagreb Youth advisory board 02.03. Maja Vukmanic meeting City Council City of Zagreb Youth advisory board 13.04. Maja Vukmanic meeting City Council City of Zagreb Youth advisory board 24.05. Maja Vukmanic meeting Total = 3 REKOM Where Organizer Topic When Participants Centre for human Planning activities Documenta 11.01. Paula Zore rights SDF Documenta Planning activities 17.02. Paula Zore House of human Planning activities Documenta 04.03. Paula Zore rights House of human Planning activities rights Documenta 29.03. Paula Zore

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 55 Regional consultations with youth and youth organizations on the initiative for the establishment of the Podgorica, Center for Civic Regional Commission for 29.05. Paula Zore hotel Montenegro Education, Podgorica establishing the facts about all the victims of the war in former Yugoslavia in the period 1991- 2001(REKOM) Hotel „Dubrovnik“, Promotion of media Documenta 01.06. Paula Zore Zagreb campaign

Hotel „Vidovic“ Regional Consultations 27.06. Paula Zore Banja Luka BH journalists with NGOs Hotel Documenta Regional consultations with 11.06. „Dubrovnik“, legal community Paula Zore Zagreb (draft mode) Human Rights Planning activities Documenta 25.08. Paula Zore House Human Rights Planning activities Documenta 27.10. Paula Zore House Human Rights Planning activities Documenta 25.11. Paula Zore House Total = 11 COMMISSION FOR GENDER EQUALITY OF THE CITY OF ZAGREB Where Organizer Topic When Participants Old Town hall, City of Zagreb Regular Agenda 10.03. Maja Mamula City council Old Town hall, City of Zagreb Regular Agenda 25.03. Maja Mamula City council Old Town hall, City of Zagreb Regular Agenda 09.06. Maja Mamula City council Old Town hall, City of Zagreb Regular Agenda 07.07. Maja Mamula City council Old Town hall, City of Zagreb Regular Agenda 21.09. Maja Mamula City council Old Town hall, City of Zagreb Regular Agenda 04.11. Maja Mamula City council Old Town hall, City of Zagreb Regular Agenda 25.11. Maja Mamula City council Total = 7 TOTAL = 25

8. Women’s Room media presence in 2010.

Media, journalist Topic When Author/interviewed person NEWSPAPERS, MAGAZINES Vecernji list Interview with Maja Mamula on 21.01. Maja Mamula the occasion of the nomination for the Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 56 Jutarnji list "Women in the fight against 02.02. Maja Mamula sexual violence" Interview with Maja Mamula on the occasion of the nomination for the Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year Jutarnji list "I am proud of the award even 12.02. Maja Mamula though I’m not yet aware of it” Interview with Maja Mamula on the occasion of the nomination for the Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year Vecernji list Interview with Maja Mamula on 12.02. Maja Mamula the occasion of the nomination for the Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year „Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 16.02. Maja Mamula Citizen of the Year „ Interview with Maja Mamula on the occasion of the nomination for the Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year Jutarnji list "Dangerous and shocking female 17. 02. Maja Mamula bias: Themselves are to blame for being raped " The problem of silence regarding 01.03. Maja Mamula violence Jutarnji list “Recognized long work of 09.03. Maja Mamula Women's Room Team” Interview with Maja Mamula on the occasion of the nomination for the Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year Vecernji list “Zagreb Female Citizen of the 09.03. Maja Mamula Year award assigned” Interview with Maja Mamula on the occasion of the nomination for the Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year Zagreb my city Annex (page 1 ): Mr. sc. Maja 15.03. Maja Mamula Mamula – Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year Vecernji list “Mandatory psychological 22.03. Ida Šamanović and counseling for patients Jasna Belamarić undergoing assisted reproductive procedures” Domestic violence - increase in the 11.05. Maja Mamula number of women murdered in 2009 Vecernji list “Sexual violence: the changes in 24.05. Maja Mamula Penal Code and Criminal Procedure” Journal „ Psychologist “ Maja Mamula – Zagreb Female July Taken from the Citizen of the Year Women`s Room Web

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 57 Vecernji list "Ideal Croatian woman" 25.08. Maja Mamula The position of women in Croatia Novi list Murders of women in Croatia, 26.08. Maja Mamula the role of institutions Domestic violence woman pays 27.08. Maja Mamula with her life 24 sata Murders of women in Croatia 30.08. Maja Mamula Vjesnik Domestic violence 04.10. Maja Mamula Novi list Awarded Psychologists, on the 15.10. Croatian Psychological occasion of the award Marulic: Fiat Association psychology to Maja Mamula Jutarnji list Sexual violence - the punishment 25.10. Maja Mamula for the girl rapists “Typical victim: a mother with 24.11. Taken from the Glas Slavonije no income at age 36-45 years” Women`s Room Web On the occasion of the research results of Women's Room, "Protecting the rights of victims / witnesses of domestic violence" “Report him! Some women 24.11. Taken from the Vecernji list suffer violence more than 50 Women`s Room Web years!” On the occasion of the research results of Women's Room, "Protecting the rights of victims / witnesses of domestic violence" "They genuinely care about our 25.11. Taken from Volunteer Jutarnji list town" Center Zagreb The candidates for the Volunteer Oscar Nedjeljni Vjesnik The bullies in homes, women in 05.12. Maja Mamula shelters “The three young finalists who 07.12. Antonija Hojt Vecernji list unselfishly helps others” Volunteer Oscar Jutarnji list „And the Volunteer Oscar goes 17.12. Antonija Hojt to student Antonija Hojt“ Jutarnji list “Rape in marriage is the worst 17.12. Maja Mamula form of degradation of women” Total = 28 TV

On the occasion of the elections for Maja Mamula and HRT, Zagrebacka panorama Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year 12.02. Women’s Room team and work of Maja Mamula and the Women’s Room Women's sexuality-social 26.02. Maja Mamula HRT 1- Znanstvena petica stereotypes (replay) On the occasion of the elections for 03.03. Maja Mamula OTV Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year and International Women's Day Female Citizen of the Year award 08.03. Maja Mamula OTV assigned

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 58 Female Citizen of the Year award 08.03. Maja Mamula Zagrebacka panorama, HTV 2 assigned

HRT1 – Dnevnik Domestic violence - murder of 27.09. Maja Mamula women On the occasion of International 29.11. Maja Vukmanic HRT 1 – Normal life Day Against Violence Against Women TV Jabuka – „Svakodnevnica“ On the occasion of nomination for 30.11. Antonija Hojt the Volunteer Oscar On the occasion of nomination for Recorded Antonija Hojt, Maja HRT 2 - Zagrebacka panorama the Volunteer Oscar - 02.12. Vukmanic Aired - 07.12. On the occasion of International 04.12. Maja Vukmanic HRT 1 – Normalan zivot Day Against Violence Against Women (replay) On the occasion of International 06.12. Maja Mamula, Maja NET TV broadcast „Dva frtalja“ Day Against Violence Against Vukmanic Women, presentation of research results of the National Foundation On the occasion of nomination for 08.12. Antonija Hojt HRT 2 - Zagrebacka panorama the Volunteer Oscar

Nova TV- Dnevnik (Bolja Hrvatska) The winner of Volunteer Oscar 16.12. Antonija Hojt, Dalibor Antonija Hojt Stanic, Paula Zore HRT 2- Zagrebacka panorama The winner of Volunteer Oscar 17.12. Antonija Hojt Antonija Hojt HRT 2- Zagrebacka panorama On the occasion of theater play: Recorded- Maja Vukmanic "Why me?" 20.12. Aired- 22.12. Total =15 RADIO

Interview with Maja Mamula on 15.02. Maja Mamula HRT 1 the occasion of the election for the Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year Radio Sljeme Interview with Maja Mamula on 09.03. Maja Mamula the occasion of the election for the Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year Radio 101 Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year 08.03. Maja Mamula award Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year 08.03. Maja Mamula Plavi radio award Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year 08.03. Maja Mamula Narodni radio award Maja Mamula: Zagreb Female 08.03. Maja Mamula Otvoreni radio (2h) Citizen of the Year Maja Mamula: Zagreb Female 09.03. Maja Mamula Radio Sljeme Citizen of the Year Models of prevention work with 22.10. Maja Vukmanic HRT 1 broadcast „Nista nevazno“ youth on issues of Trafficking in Human Beings

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 59 The study: "Protecting the rights of 23.10. Maja Mamula Radio 101 victims / witnesses of family violence“ On the occasion of International 23.11. Maja Mamula Radio Sljeme; broadcast 9.krug Day Against Violence Against (30 min) Women and the presentation of research on civil society organizations On the occasion of the study: 23.11. Maja Mamula Otvoreni radio "Protection of Rights and supporting victims / witnesses of family violence" which was conducted by the Office for Gender Equality of Croatian government and Women's Room (18.00h) On the occasion of International 24.11. Maja Mamula Totalni FM Day Against Violence Against Women - Situation in Croatia (18.00h) On the occasion of International 24.11. Maja Mamula Totalni FM Day Against Violence Against Women - How to help victims of violence (18.50h) On the occasion of International 30.11. Maja Mamula Radio Virovitica Day Against Violence Against Women and the presentation of research on civil society organizations On the occasion of nomination for 30.11. Antonija Hojt Radio Sljeme the Volunteer Oscar HRT 1 broadcast „Nista nevazno“ On the occasion of nomination for Recorded Antonija Hojt the Volunteer Oscar and - presentation of research on civil 02.12. society organizations Aired - 03.12. HRT 1 – „U mrezi prvoga“ On the occasion of changes in Maja Mamula criminal law on sexual violence

Total = 17 PORTALI

Zagrebancija - first journalistic portal Maja Mamula most probably 01.02. Author: Tanja about Zagreb Zagreb Female Citizen of the Molvarec Year aktualnosti/maja-mamula- najvjerojatnije-zagrepcanka- godine_292410

Novi list „Cookbooks and soaps 01.02. Source: Women`s contribute to the affirmation of Room women in society?“ rice Nomination for the Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 60 Maja Mamula most probably 01.02. Sanela Majdandzic Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year mamula-najizglednija-naslov- zagrepcanka-godine-clanak-90006 Maja Mamula most probably 01.02. Source: Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year Maja Mamula most probably 01.02. Source: Zagreb Female Citizen of the http://www.osijek- Year Women in the fight against 01.02. Tomislav Mamic sexual violence protiv-seksualnog-nasilja/528309/ Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 11.02. Maja Mamula Citizen of the Year anka-godine-mr-maja-mamula-clanak- 94899 Zagrebancija – first journalistic portal Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 11.02. Source: Women`s about Zagreb Citizen of the Year Room aktualnosti/za-zagrepcanku-godine- izabrana-maja-mamula_293768 „Promulgation Zagreb Female 11.02. Source: Citizen of the Year“ cx=partner-pub- 7023702448273304%3Anrz2b2- vkfe&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=UTF- 8&q=Progla%C5%A1enje+Zagrep% C4%8Danke+godine&sa=&siteurl=he -hr%2Fpage%3A2379#995 ( 992) Osijek –online Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 11.02. Source: Citizen of the Year http://www.osijek- „Promulgation Zagreb Female 11.02. Source: Citizen of the Year“ „Promulgation Zagreb Female 12.02. Source: Citizen of the Year“ .php?option=com_content&view=artic le&id=50&catid=35&Itemid=34 Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 12.02. Source: Citizen of the Year =&menu=1&grupa=1

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 61 Libela – portal about gender, sex and Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 12.02. Author: Sanela democracy Citizen of the Year Majdandzic zagrepcanka-godine-mr-maja- mamula/ Zagrebancija – first journalistic portal “I'm not an innovator. What I 12.02. Maja Mamula about Zagreb am is what I do” aktualnosti/nisam-inovatorica-ono-sto- jesam-je-moj-posao_294019 „Promulgation Zagreb Female 13.02. Source: Citizen of the Year“ „Promulgation Zagreb Female 13.02. Source: Citizen of the Year“ Jutarnji list The victims themselves are to 16.02. Author: Kristina blame for rape - thinks every Turcin other British woman. Women in Commented: Maja sto-su-silovane-/567188/ Croatia think the same Mamula Online-Zagreb „Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 16.02. Author: Dajana Kos Citizen of the Year“ Bucar content/uploads/2010/03/zg_31.pdf "Limitation of artificial 17.02. Maja Mamula insemination on the basis of partners, is as limiting on the blue cavanje-umjetne-oplodnje-na-temelju- eyes” - Women's Associations and partnera-isto-kao-ogranicavanje-po- NGOs dealing with human rights plavim-ocima.html are bitter with the statements of A. Hebrang which they say is below the level of any civilization. " – official page of city of „Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 08.03. Source: Women`s Zagreb Citizen of the Year“ Room 2016 Journal Civil society Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 08.03. Maja Mamula Citizen of the Year y/www_uzuvrh_hr/subcategory/126/22 20 Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 08.03. Source: Women`s Citizen of the Year Room mamula/News Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 08.03. Source: Women`s Citizen of the Year Room mamula-je-zagrepcanka-godine/297059 Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 08.03. Source: Women`s Citizen of the Year Room 2-maja-mamula-je-zagrepcanka-godine- --vijest.html

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 62 Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 08.03. Source: Women`s Citizen of the Year Room 0833553/Hrvatska/Zagrepcanka- godine-Maja-Mamula.html Istra online Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 08.03. Source: Women`s Citizen of the Year Room http://www.istra- maja-mamula Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 08.03. Source: Women`s Citizen of the Year Room mamula-je-zagrepcanka-godine/297059 HRT "In the fight for the unrealized 08.03. Source: Women`s rights " Room On the occasion of the award for ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=65296&tx_ttn the Zagreb Female Citizen of the ews%5BbackPid%5D=34&cHash=fce8 Year 294b87 Magicus info "Awarded many years work on 08.03. Source: Women`s the promotion of women's Room human rights and combating kst.php?id=39249 sexual violence" On the occasion of the award for the Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year Vijesnik online "Flattering title went to mr. 09.03. Source: Women`s Maja Mamula " Room On the occasion of the award for ClanakTx.asp?r=zag&c=3 the Zagreb Female Citizen of the Year Zagrebancija – first journalistic portal Quoting of poetry and giving the 09.03. Source: Women`s about Zagreb award to Maja Mamula Room aktualnosti/uz-citiranje-poezije- urucena-nagrada-maji- mamuli_296988 Urban cult A third of respondents think that march Source: Women`s the victims themselves are to blame Room for rape ispitanika-misli-da-su-zrtve-same- krive-za-silovanje-1735.aspx Maja Mamula: Recognized the 09.03. Source: Women`s long-standing work of a Women`s Room Room team zgrepcanka-godine---prepoznat- dugogodisnji-rad-vrijednog-tima-iz- zenske-sobe-/618460/ Fondacija CURE BiH Maja Mamula Zagreb Female 15.03. Source: Women`s Citizen of the Year Room anka-godine-%E2%80%93-maja- mamula/

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 63 Mreža ring "Study visit to Switzerland" 24.03. Taken from the Women`s Room blog Video „Iskorak against 17.05. Maja Mamula homopfobia“ tualno/page/7 "For the rape in marriage, is 24.05. Maja Mamula penalty is heavier than if the victim is unknown" silovanje-braku-ili-vezi-kazna-teza- nego-ako-je-zrtva-nepoznata-clanak- 145585 Peers and the media chief 10.07. Maja Mamula information officers about sex 0/Clanak.asp?r=tem&c=12 T-portal "The average Croat woman 10.07. Maja Mamula exchange just 3.5 partners" - the sexual rights of women in Croatia /76816/Prosjecna-Hrvatica-izmijeni- svega-3-5-partnera.html Libela – portal about gender, sex and Women's room began with a 28.07. Source: Women`s democracy media campaign "Stop Sexual Room Violence" zenska-soba-zapocela-s-medijskom- kampanjom-stop-seksualnom-nasilju/ Nezavisni cestarski sindikat Ideal Croat woman: housewife to 26.08. Maja Mamula which children and families are the first place - We are more conservative then fifteen years ago Glas slavonije „Domestic violence woman pays 27.08. Maja Mamula with her life“ http://www.glas- ESTI=129298 "The new festival is designed to 01.10 Source: Women`s reward creative people who Room designed and implemented the kreativnih-komunikacija--enver- best ideas" hadzihafizbegovic-za-ulogu-ante- Present the problem to the light for nagraden/891788/ the Women's room - the best printed ad „Who are the most creative 02.10. Source: Women`s people in Croatia?“ Room Present the problem to the light for najkreativniji-ljudi-u-hrvatskoj/ the Women's room - the best printed ad Imago "The day after the Day of 04.10. Source: Women`s Judgement : We have the artist Room of the year “ n The award for best print ad, the best use of the media for Women's Room

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 64 ”Judgement day” is over, and 06.10. Source: Women`s they have survived ... " Room Present the problem to the light for 0/06/0666006.html the Women's room - the best printed ad "It's nice to see that authors are 12.10. Source: Women`s rewarded" Room Present the problem to the light for je-vidjeti-da-se-nagraduju-autori- the Women's room - the best 160260.aspx printed ad Lider "Assigned Outward Awards" 10.11. Source: Women`s Awards for Best City light and city Room lights series for agency McCann ?sid=114009 Erickson for work “doll-room and office”, for the Women's Room Journal Civil society Who is helping the women 16.11. Source: Women`s victims of violence? Room Women`s Room data filemanager/e_novine/2010/civilnodru stvo062010.pdf Več Too little NGOs helping women 17.11. Source: Women`s victims of violence Room On the occasion of Women's Room aktivnih-udruga-pomoc-zenama- research "Civil society zrtvama-nasilja-clanak-216219 organizations that provide services to women victims of violence: Women victims of violence: The 17.11. Source: Women`s most critical is in Osijek, with Room not one NGO nasilja--najkriticnije-u-osijeku-nemaju- ni-jednu-udrugu/325800

T-portal „Women on edge: In Croatia 18.11. Source: Women`s lacks more than 700 places for Room women in "safe houses" 97083/Nedostaje-vise-od-700-mjesta- On the occasion of Women's Room za-zene-u-sigurnim-kucama.html research "Civil society organizations that provide services to women victims of violence "Announcement of the event - 18.11. Source: Women`s Croatia - for Thursday, the 18th Room November " 1180735.html Presentation of Research of Women's Room: "Civil society organizations that provide services to women victims of violence”

Dalmacija news „In Croatia lacks more than 700 18.11. Source: Women`s places for women in "safe Room houses" ga/tabid/142/ID/41478/Nedostaje- On the occasion of Women's Room vise-od-700-mjesta-za-zene-u- research "Civil society sigurnim-kucama.aspx organizations that provide services to women victims of violence

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 65 „In Croatia lacks more than 700 19.11. Taken from Hina places for women in "safe houses" hrvatskoj-nedostaje-vise-od-700- On the occasion of Women's Room mjesta-za-zene-u-sigurnim- research "Civil society kucama.html organizations that provide services

to women victims of violence In Croatia lacks more than 700 19.11. Source: Women`s places for women in "safe Room houses" On the occasion of Women's Room nedostaje-vise-od-700-mjesta-u- research "Civil society sigurnim-kucama/157339/ organizations that provide services to women victims of violence Shameful: In Croatia lacks more 19.11. Source: Women`s than 700 places for women in Room "safe houses" m_content&view=article&id=5098:sra On the occasion of Women's Room motno-hrvatskoj-nedostaje-vie-od-700- research "Civil society mjesta-u-sigurnim-kuama organizations that provide services

to women victims of violence Shameful: In Croatia lacks more 19.11. Source: Women`s than 700 places for women in Room "safe houses" On the occasion of Women's Room research "Civil society organizations that provide services to women victims of violence

Legalis – Croatian legal portal In Croatia lacks more than 700 19.11. Source: Women`s places for women in "safe Room houses" cle.php?storyid=4165 On the occasion of Women's Room research "Civil society organizations that provide services to women victims of violence In Croatia lacks more than 700 19.11. Source: Women`s places for women in "safe Room houses" 1383/Nedostaje-vise-od-700-mjesta- On the occasion of Women's Room za-zene-u-sigurnim-kucama.html research "Civil society organizations that provide services to women victims of violence „In Croatia lacks more than 700 19.11. Source: Women`s places for women in "safe Room houses" Presentation of Research of Women's Room: "Civil society organizations that provide services to women victims of violence”

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 66 In Croatia lacks more than 700 19.11. Source: Women`s places for women in "safe Room houses" Presentation of Research of Women's Room: "Civil society organizations that provide services to women victims of violence” In Croatia lacks more than 700 19.11. Source: Women`s places for women in "safe Room houses" Presentation of Research of Women's Room "Civil society organizations that provide services to women victims of violence” In Croatia lacks more than 700 19.11. Source: Women`s places for women in "safe Room houses" Presentation of Research of Women's Room: "Civil society organizations that provide services to women victims of violence” In Croatia lacks more than 700 19.11. Source: Women`s places for women in "safe Room houses" 9/vijesti.asp On the occasion of Women's Room research "Civil society organizations that provide services to women victims of violence Pliva zdravlje In Croatia lacks more than 700 19.11. Source: Women`s places for women in "safe Room houses" nak/19404/ Presentation of Research of Women's Room: "Civil society organizations that provide services to women victims of violence” Akademija art In Croatia lacks more than 700 19.11. Source: Women`s places for women in "safe Room http://www.akademija- houses" Presentation of Research of Women's Room: "Civil society organizations that provide services to women victims of violence” CRO portal In Croatia lacks more than 700 19.11. Source: Women`s places for women in "safe Room houses" skoj_nedostaje_vise_od_700_mjesta_za On the occasion of Women's Room _zene_u_sigurnim_kucama-1479280 research "Civil society organizations that provide services to women victims of violence In Croatia lacks more than 700 19.11. Source: Women`s places for women in "safe Room houses" Presentation of Research of Women's Room: "Civil society organizations that provide services to women victims of violence”:

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 67 Zagrebancija – first journalistic portal Round Table of Commission for 22.11. Source: Women`s about Zagreb Gender Equality: Room Women are to blame for the beatings because they were aktualnosti/zene-su-krive-za-batine- sending money jer-su-peglale-kartice_30827 Hina In Croatia lacks a large number 23.11. Source: Women`s of services for victims of Room domestic violence On the occasion of the research results of Women's Room "Protecting the rights of victims / witnesses of domestic violence"

HRT In Croatia lacks a large number 23.11. Source: Women`s of services for victims of Room domestic violence x_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=95350&tx On the occasion of the research _ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=38&cHash results of Women's Room =088a054229 "Protecting the rights of victims / witnesses of domestic violence"

Poslovni – central In Croatia lacks a large number 23.11. Source: Women`s business portal of services for victims of Room domestic violence http://www.poslovni- On the occasion of the research results of Women's Room sigurnost/u-hrvatskoj-nedostaje-velik- broj-servisa-za-rad-sa-zrtvama-nasilja- "Protecting the rights of victims / witnesses of domestic violence"

T-portal Research results - In Croatia, 23.11. Source: Women`s every third woman suffers Room violence 824/u-hrvatskoj-svaka-treca-zena-trpi- On the occasion of the research nasilje.html results of Women's Room "Protecting the rights of victims / witnesses of domestic violence": In Croatia lacks a large number 23.11. Source: Women`s of services for victims of Room domestic violence hrvatskoj-nedostaje-servisa-za-rad-sa- On the occasion of the research zrtvama-nasilja-u-obitel.html results of Women's Room "Protecting the rights of victims / witnesses of domestic violence" In Croatia lacks a large number 23.11. Taken from Hina of services for victims of domestic violence 2344274/hrvatska/istrazivanje-u- On the occasion of the research hrvatskoj-nedostaje-velik-broj-servisa- results of Women's Room za-rad-sa-zrtvama-nasilja-u- "Protecting the rights of victims / obitelji.html witnesses of domestic violence"

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 68 Office for gender equality of Croatian In Croatia lacks a large number 23.11. Source: Women`s Government of services for victims of Room domestic violence http://www.ured- On the occasion of the research results of Women's Room "Protecting the rights of victims / witnesses of domestic violence" In Croatia lacks a large number 23.11. Source: Women`s of services for victims of Room domestic violence nak/19428/u-hrvatskoj-nedostaje- On the occasion of the research servisa-za-rad-sa-zrtvama-nasilja-u- results of Women's Room obitelji.html/print "Protecting the rights of victims / witnesses of domestic violence" Glas slavonije Typical victims: a mother with 24.11. Source: Women`s no income at age 36-45 years On Room http://www.glas- the occasion of the research results of Women's Room "Protecting the =133280 rights of victims / witnesses of domestic violence" Več Report him! Some women suffer 24.11. Source: Women`s violence and more than 50 years! Room On the occasion of the research ga-neke-zene-trpe-nasilje-vise-50- results of Women's Room godina-clanak-219319 "Protecting the rights of victims / witnesses of domestic violence" online A lot of Violence against women, 24.11. Source: Women`s and not enough shelters Room On the occasion of the research results of Women's Room nasilja-nad-zenama-puno-a-sklonista- "Protecting the rights of victims / malo/ witnesses of domestic violence" Devastating results of research of 24.11. Source: Women`s domestic violence in Croatia Room On the occasion of the research vajuci-rezultati-istrazivanja- results of Women's Room porodicnog-nasilja-u-hrvatskoj/ "Protecting the rights of victims / witnesses of domestic violence" In Croatia lacks a large number 24.11. Source: Women`s of services for victims of Room domestic violence u-hrvatskoj-nedostaje-servisa-za-rad-sa- On the occasion of the research zrtvama-nasilja-u-obitelji/ results of Women's Room "Protecting the rights of victims / witnesses of domestic violence"

Vjesnik online A third of women in Croatia 24.11. Source: Women`s have suffered some form of Room domestic violence Clanak.asp?r=tem&c=3 On the occasion of the research results of Women's Room "Protecting the rights of victims / witnesses of domestic violence"

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 69 Libela – portal about gender, sex and "Unemployed and abused" 24.11. Source: Women`s democracy On the occasion of the research Room results of Women's Room Http:// "Protecting the rights of victims / nezaposlene-i-zlostavljane/ witnesses of domestic violence"

Internet Monitor "Assigned Oscar to the best 24.11. Taken from Volunteers' volunteer in Zagreb" Centre Zagreb oscar-najboljoj-volonterki-u- On the occasion of nomination for zagrebu/42545/ the Volunteer Oscar

H-alter – hrvacka alternativa "Unemployed and abused" 24.11. Source: Women`s On the occasion of the research Room results of Women's Room prava/nezaposlene-i-zlostavljane "Protecting the rights of victims / witnesses of domestic violence"

Panorama Report him! Some women suffer 24.11. Source: Women`s violence and more than 50 years! Room http://www.panorama- On the occasion of the research results of Women's Room ent&view=article&id=1429:prijavite- "Protecting the rights of victims / ga-neke-ene-trpe-nasilje-i-vie-od-50- witnesses of domestic violence" godina&catid=40:vijesti-iz- hrvatske&Itemid=200 Family Announcement of the round table 25.11. Source: Women`s on 30.11. in Virovitica Room 27/ "The citizens elect the winner of 26.11. Source: Women`s the Volunteer Oscar" Room On the occasion of nomination for za-lokalni-razvoj/gradani-biraju- the Volunteer Oscar dobitnika-volonterskog-oskara Libela – portal about gender, sex and "Back where I come from, there 27.11. Source: Women`s democracy is no sexual violence" Room Round Table "Sexual violence - the need for standardizing the practice tamo-odakle-ja-dolazim-seksualnog- " organized by Women's Room nasilja-nema/ Presentation of Research of 30.11. Maja Mamula Women's Room "Civil society organizations that provide publikacije-i-istrazivanja-zenske- services to women victims of sobe/14713/ violence” Zagrebancija – first journalistic portal "Decide who deserves Volunteer 29.11. Taken from Volunteers' about Zagreb Oscar " Centre Zagreb On the occasion of nomination for the Volunteer Oscar aktualnosti/odlucite-tko-zasluzuje- volonterskog-oskara_308411 Journal Civil society "The citizens elect the winner of 02.12. Taken from Volunteers' the Volunteer Oscars" Centre Zagreb On the occasion of nomination for y/102/subcategory/126/2649 the Volunteer Oscar

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 70 "Imago has won Eurobest- 02.12. Source: Women`s recognition camed for Room humanitarian action of the osvojio-eurobest Center for Victims of Sexual Violence" Present the problem to the light for Women's room - the best printed ad - lifestyle "How to identify abusers?" 02.12. Maja Mamula m/98933/Kako-prepoznati- zlostavljaca.html "International Volunteer Day, 05 05.12. Source: Women`s December 2010 " Room On the occasion of a nomination ntera?dm=2 for the Volunteer Oscar "International Volunteer Day, 05 05.12. Source: Women`s December 2010 " Room On the occasion of a nomination medunarodni-dan-volontera.html for the Volunteer Oscar Libela – portal about gender, sex and Ad of Woman`s Room won the 07.12. Source: Women`s democracy award Room Interactive ad – agency Imago for campaign purposes of Women's oglas-zenske-sobe-osvojio-nagradu/ Room "Stop Sexual Violence" And the Oscar goes... 12.12. Source: Women`s On the occasion of a nomination Room http://novilist- for the Volunteer Oscar oskar-ide novi „Three roses of volunteering“ 13.12. Source: Women`s On the occasion of a nomination Room for the Volunteer Oscar CI=Rubrike&WCU=2859285B2863285 9285A2863285A285828592858286328 A2288F28632863285D285A2861285F 2858286028632863286328582863Q „Three students in the final for 13.12. Source: Women`s the Volunteer Oscar “ Room On the occasion of a nomination 9/Tri-studentice-u-finalu-volonterskog- for the Volunteer Oscar oskara.html „Award for the devoted 16.12. Source: Women`s volonteer“ Room -dnevnika-nagrada-za-predanu- volonterku.html „Volunteer Oscar to Antonija 16.12. Source: Women`s Hojt“ Room I=Rubrike&WCU=2859285E28632859 285A2863285A285828592858286328A 2288F28632863285D285B2858285A28 5E285B28632863286328592863K

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 71 „Antonija dedicated 500 16.12. Source: Women`s volunteer hours to victims of Room sexual violence“ volonterskih-sati-posvetila-zrtvama- seksualnog-nasilja.html Journal Civil society „Assigned Volunteer Oscar“ 17.12. Source: Women`s Room y/102/subcategory/126/2670 „Antonija Hojt won the 17.12. Source: Women`s Volunteer Oscar“ Room 6/Volonterskog-Oskara-osvojila- Antonija-Hojt.html „Assigned Volunteer Oscar“ 17.12. Source: Women`s Room za-lokalni-razvoj/dodijeljen-drugi- volonterski-oskar „Assigned Volunteer Oscar“ 17.12. Source: Women`s Room / International Volunteer Day 20.12. Source: Women`s „The winner of Volunteer Room Oscar“ medunarodni-dan-volontera.html Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation „Volunteer Oscar - 20.12. Source: Women`s Sciences congratulations to the winner“ Room Libela – portal about gender, sex and „Antonija Hojt volunteer of the 20.12. Source: Women`s democracy year“ Room antonija-hojt-volonterka-godine/ H-alter – hrvacka alternativa 5 + 5 questionnaire of civil 22.12. Source: Women`s society 2010. Room http://www.h- civilno-drustvo-2010-nastavak „Prevention of trafficking in 27.12. Source: Women`s human beings trough theatre“ Room On the occasion of the premiere of 8/Trgovina-ljudima-sprjecava-se- the play "Why me?" predstavom.html Journal Civil society Source: Women`s „Antonija Hojt volunteer of the 28.12. Room year“ lemanager/e_novine/2010/civilnodrustv o092010.pdf Total = 115 TOTAL = 163

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 72

9. Posjete, sastanci i sl. koje je napravila ŽS

With which organization/person and Date Topic Who where Embassy of France 15.03. Women`s Room work and work Maja Mamula, Maja of Center for victims of sexual Vukmanic violence Ivana Djak, Harvard University 05.07. Research on women activists and Maja Mamula, Maja women's organizations during the Vukmanic, Paula Zore war TOTAL = 1 T=

10. Printed materials

What Topic Number of copies Donor brochure (32 pages) Civil society organizations that provide 400 Foundation specialized services for women victims of for Civil Society violence as key actors in the process of Development democratization of society

Bags Women`s Room - 100 Ministry of Health and Social Care Leaflet „We were only joking“ 500 Ministry of science, education and sports Labels Women`s Room - 130 Nacional Foundation for Civil Society Development TOTA L = 4

Women’s Room - Center for Sexual Rights 2010 73