Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató 2111



JAVÍTÁSI-ÉRTÉKELÉSI ÚTMUTATÓ ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA • 2021. május 12. EMBERI ERŐFORRÁSOK MINISZTÉRIUMA Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Guidelines for evaluating the performance of examinees

(for correcting teachers)

Dear Evaluating Colleague,

During the correction of the written examination papers, please take the following into account: 1. Answers provided in the correction-evaluation guide can only be awarded the points indicated. a) Maximum points can only be awarded for perfect solutions without any errors. b) Certain questions require the examinee to provide examples or characteristics, and the points awarded are proportionate to the number of such examples or characteristics provided. No additional points may be awarded, even if the examinee has listed more than required. c) The indicated points can only be broken down further if specifically indicated. Resulting points may only be whole numbers. Points to be entered into the programme must be rounded to whole numbers according to the rules of mathematics (e.g. 23.5 points must be rounded to 24 points; no steps are to be taken in the case of whole numbers.) d) During correction, all partial points awarded for partial solutions, as well as all errors and mistakes have to be indicated and marked. e) Solutions corrected by the examinee for certain – e.g. test – questions can only be accepted if the examinee has clearly marked their final answer. f) If the examinee marks all available answers for test questions, no points may be awarded. If they mark more answers than the number of solutions listed in the correction-evaluation guide, the number of points awarded overall must be reduced by the number of surplus answers provided. The total number of points awarded may not be negative.

2. The examinee may use a calculator for calculation questions, but must indicate the following for each auxiliary calculation: - the name of the data or indicator calculated, - the method of calculation (the mathematical operation written using the available data), - the result with the corresponding unit of measurement. The points due for the various auxiliary calculations must also be awarded if the examinee has merged or separated certain steps, or has performed calculations differently. The examinee may perform the auxiliary calculations in a different order than what is shown in the evaluation guide. Have a successful evaluation!

2111 írásbeli vizsga 2 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Question 1 3 points

Complete the following text on with the correct terms.

Hungary is located on the northern hemisphere, approximately equal distance from the Equator and the North Pole. It lies in Central/Central-Eastern Europe. Its territory is 93,03 km². Its population is approximately 9.7 million. Average population density is 96 person/km2. Source of data: HCSO, 2019

Evaluation: Only the above solutions may be accepted for 1 point per pair. In the case of an odd number of correct solutions, the correcting teacher should round down.

Question 2 7 points

We have marked 4 tourism regions on the map. Complete the related table.





Number of Names of national park(s) found Letter Name of region motorway in the region leading to region A Balaton M7 Balaton-felvidék National Park B Northern Hungary M3 Bükk-, Aggtelek National Park C Southern Transdanubia M6 Duna-Dráva National Park Kiskunság-, Körös-Maros D Southern Great Plain M5 National Park

2111 írásbeli vizsga 3 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Only the above answers may be accepted. 2 points may be awarded for the correct naming of 4 regions, 1 point for 3 correct answers. 2 points for the correct naming of the 4 motorways, and 1 point for 3 correct answers. 3 points may be awarded for the correct naming of the 6 national parks, 2 points for naming 5 national parks, and 1 point for naming 4 national parks. In all other cases, zero points may be awarded.

Question 3 5 points Select the odd one out. Write the letter of the out-of-place item into the box.

1. The tributaries of the Danube:

A.) Dráva B.) Sió C.) Hernád D.) Ipoly C

2. Settlements of the Northern Hungary region:

A.) Kőszeg B.) Ják C.) Sárvár D.) Orosháza D Regardless of the answer provided, all examinees must be awarded the 1 point.

3. Settlements of the Great Plain known for their medicinal bath:

A.) Sárvár B.) Orosháza C.) Gyula D.) Makó A

4. Hills and mountains volcanic in origin:

A.) Mátra B.) Badacsony C.) Bükk D.) Zemplén C

5. Monadnocks of the Tapolca Basin:

A.) Szt. György Hill B.) Kopasz Hill C.) Szigliget Castle Hill B D.) Hegyes-tű

Evaluation: Each correct letter may be awarded 1 point, and only the above answers may be accepted.

Question 4 5 points The following quotes were published in 2020 in the "Wonderful Hungary" publication published by the Hungarian Tourism Association Foundation. Where are we? Complete the texts. a) “In Zirc, in the heart of the Bakony, is where you’ll find one of the country’s oldest Cistercian abbeys. The beautifully restored church is today still home to the community of monks. The abbey’s monument library is also outstandingly beautiful, with visits to its inlaid grate hall allowed with supervision.”

2111 írásbeli vizsga 4 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató b) “If this is your first time in the Hortobágy, take a seat on the ‘puszta’ carriage departing from Mata, and you'll be guaranteed to meet grazing Racka sheep, herds of Grey Cattle and buffalos, not to mention the shepherds and herdsmen. The programme also includes a spectacular ‘csikós’ (horse-herdsman) show. The Shepherd's Museum uses live images to present the life of shepherds, while the Körszín (a circular barn) allows a peek inside the workshops of harness-makers, potters or shoemakers.” c) “Although the Ottoman Turks left very few architectural remnants in Hungary, the city of Eger has as many as three. This is where the country’s best preserved minaret rises to the sky, with incredible panorama rewarding those who overcome the 97 steps leading to the top. The experience of taking a dip under the massive golden dome of the 400-year-old Turkish bath and feeling the radon-containing medicinal water welling up from under the stone slabs of the pool under your feet is not to be missed. Imposing even in its ruinous state, the Valide Sultana Bath is well worth to walk around.” d) “The buildings of the Festetics Palace in offer visitors a choice of period, carriage, hunting and historical model train exhibitions. If time is not something you have much of, at least take a walk in the gigantic park of the Baroque palace, which also houses a palm house.” e) “The confluence of the Hármas-Körös and the Tisza is a popular recreational spot in Csongrád. Those with an affinity for camping site/weekend house/beach canteen-type resorts will have a wonderful time at the Körös estuary. The new visitors’ centre is fully mother and child-friendly, equipped with a coffee house, lavatories, baby-changing rooms and a kitchenette. The site offers more than just splashing, sunbathing and fishing: the Révkilátó lookout point and the pontoon bridge (which is more than 100 years old) are also popular hiking destinations. At the Körös Estuary Days event in August, all age groups are guaranteed to have fun.”

Evaluation: only the above answers may be accepted for 1 point each.

Question 5 5 points Decide whether the statements below are true or false. Write the letters T (true) or F (false) into the box next to the statement. T a) Lake Fertő is the westernmost of the great continental salt lakes of Eurasia. b) The Ipolytarnóc Fossils Nature Reserve is part of the Bükk National Park. T c) Approximately two thirds of the Kiskunság National Park was declared a biosphere T reserve by UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme. d) The emblem of the Körös-Maros National Park features the Great Bustard, T Europe's largest land bird.

2111 írásbeli vizsga 5 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

e) The Ramsar Convention is a treaty on wetlands of international importance T especially as waterfowl habitat.

Evaluation: only the above answers may be accepted for 1 point each.

Question 6 7 points Read the source text and complete the table below it.

“The Hagia Sophia (Ayasofya in Turkish) has been functioning as a museum since 1935, is among the 10 most visited buildings in the world today and is one of Istanbul's key tourist sites. From 537, the building was the most important cathedral of the Byzantine Empire and the centre of the Orthodox Church.

After the 1453 conquest of Constantinople, the Ottoman leaders had the cathedral converted into a mosque. In the 20th century, the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, had the building transformed into museum, in an effort to declare the secular nature of the young republic. The monument has featured on UNESCO’s list of World Heritage Sites since 1985.” Source: Turizmus.com Downloaded on: 13 July 2020, 13:05 a) Place the terms listed below into the correct column of the table according to which religion they can be linked to. There are some terms that will be left out as well as some that feature in multiple columns. (5 points)

iconostasis, Rome, Istanbul, Constantinople, Mihrab, altar, bimah, imam, Quran, Bible, patriarch, Pope, prayer rug, leaning benches, Kaaba.

Orthodox Church Catholic Church Islam iconostasis Rome Istanbul Constantinople altar Mihrab altar Pope Imam Bible Bible Quran patriarch prayer rug leaning benches Kaaba Evaluation: only the above solutions may be accepted. Orthodox Church column: 2 points for 6 correct answers, 1 point for 4-5 correct answers. Catholic Church column: 1 point for 4 correct answers. Islam column: 2 points for 6 correct answers, 1 point for 4-5 correct answers. b) Explain the meaning of the word left out, and state which religion it relates to.

Word left out: bimah (1 point) Meaning and the religion it can be linked to: Torah reading desk, Judaism (1 point)

Evaluation: only the above solutions may be accepted. Solutions that are different, but similar in terms of content may also be accepted for the point.

2111 írásbeli vizsga 6 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Question 7 7 points Read the text, examine the picture and complete the sentences below.

“The first Hungarian Episcopate was founded in Veszprém at the end of the 10th century, and has served as the seat of both Sarolt and Gisella, and it was the latter who founded the Cathedral. The castle is also among the first to be built, probably somewhere around the turn of the millennium. For nine centuries, Hungarian Queens were crowned by the Bishop of Veszprém, and the settlement was also known as the ‘City of Queens’.”

Source image and text: https://intezet.nori.gov.hu/historical-sites/Veszprem/veszprem-var-utca/ Downloaded on: 27.10.2020 a) The cathedral founded by Queen Gisela was Romanesque in style. (1 point) b) From an architectural perspective, the church in the image is a basilica because the nave is higher than the nave-aisles. (1 point) c) The style of the 10th century church may have 4 typical components e.g. thick walls, port- hole-like windows, twin-windows, embrasured portal, dense columns, sub- church, barrel-vault (2 points) d) The image also shows a Trinity column. These columns were typically erected in the 18th century by survivors of the plague. The column is Baroque in style. (3 points)

Evaluation: for exercises a.) b.) and d.), only the solutions indicated may be accepted for 1 point each. For exercise c.), 2 points may be awarded for any 4 correct answers. 1 point may be awarded in case of 2 or 3 correct answers.

2111 írásbeli vizsga 7 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Question 8 8 points Name the holidays relating to the various religions. Pair the number of the meal shown in the image with the holiday described. a) “The eight-day holiday (over the spring period) marks the exodus of the Children of Israel after 210 years of Egyptian slavery, leaving Egypt en-masse more than 3300 years ago. (...) The rules state that “no leaven shall be seen” and that all leaven shall be found and destroyed.”

Name of holiday: Passover Image relating to the holiday: 2. b) “Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh day (...) to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work (...) therefore the Lord blessed the (...) and made it holy.” (Moses 20:9-11.)

Name of holiday: Sabbath Image relating to the holiday: 4. c) “During the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked: Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” (Matthew 2:1-2)

Name of holiday: Christmas Image relating to the holiday: 1. d) Its duration varies from year to year, and lasts from the Epiphany until Ash Wednesday. Involving noisy festivities, lots of jokes and fun, feasting and being merry, it is a period of searching for mates and courtship. Its origins include Pagan, Germanic or ancient Greek and Roman motifs alike.

Name of holiday: (Slavic) Carnival (Farsang) Image relating to the holiday: 3.

1. 2.

2111 írásbeli vizsga 8 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

3. 4.

Sources: Text: zsido.com, iszlam.com, unnepekoldala.hu, Images: https://tbeknox.org, peszach.hu, grillezz.hu, mindmegette.hu

Evaluation: Only the above answers may be accepted. The name of the holiday and the correct pairing of the image is worth 1 point each.

Question 9 3 points

a) Explain the concept of Christian pilgrimage and Indulgence.

- Pilgrimage: a journey of religious or spiritual significance, made by a believer or a pilgrim to a place considered sacred. During the journey, both the body and soul gain strength. (1 point)

- Indulgence: a Catholic religious practice to reduce the amount of punishment, a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven. (1 point)

Evaluation: Answers similar to the above in terms of content may also be accepted for 1 point each. In case of inaccurate or incomplete answers, partial points may be awarded.

b) Where does the Blessed Virgin Mary pilgrim train depart to every year at Pentecost?

Answer: Csíksomlyó (1 point)

Evaluation: Only this solution may be accepted.

Source: https://www.maszol.ro/

2111 írásbeli vizsga 9 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Question 10 3 points

What Hungarikums and events can you pair to the following folklore descriptions? a) “Feasts are held across the country, to ensure that there is an abundance of food and drinks all year round. It was widely believed that the more they drink, the more power and health they would receive. This is a time when fattened geese can already be slaughtered and new wine can be drank.” Hungarikum: dishes made from fattened geese Event: St. Martin's Day festivities b) “For example, along the Ipoly River, boys used to go to girls’ homes on the evening of the day before, on a so-called egg-hunt. They would collect 8-10 eggs from each home where girls lived. At one of the houses – agreed on in advance – they would receive lard and it was there they would make and eat the scrambled eggs. They would scatter the broken eggshells in front of the home of a girl they were cross with. Then they would proceed with the sprinkling.” Hungarikum: Hollókő Event: Hollókő Easter c) “Its time was traditionally set in advance in the 18th-19th centuries, typically linked to a special day between the day of St. Michael (29 September) to the day of Simon-Judas (28 October). In several regions in the Great Plain, it started on St. Michael’s Day. In much of Transdanubia and in Transylvania, on the day of Terézia (15 October), around Balaton and Kőszeg on the day of Orsolya (21 October), and in Tokaj-Hegyalja on the day of Simon- Judas (28 October).” Hungarikum: Tokaji aszú / Egri bikavér Event: Harvest Festival

Source: https://www.arcanum.hu/ Evaluation: naming the Hungarikum and the related event is worth 1 point each. Other correct solutions may also be accepted.

Question 11 8 points Pair the dishes with wines in line with the requirements listed. Name 1 dish for each, and recommend a good wine to pair with it. You are not required to specify a cellar or vintage, only the type of wine (grape). a) Dishes served cold require lighter wines that may also be chilled. You can select white, rose and light red wines. (2 points) Dish recommended: mixed taster-plate, liver paté, etc. Wine recommended: Királyleányka, Sauvignon Blanc, etc.

2111 írásbeli vizsga 10 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

b) If you're grilling, roasting or baking, more robust wines also work well because additional flavours are added to the dish during preparation. (2 points) Dish recommended: grilled beef, pork roast Wine recommended: Cabernet sauvignon, Merlot etc.

c) It is a widely held belief that Hungarian-type fish dishes are best paired with wines of Hungarian character. (2 points) Dish recommended: fish soup, catfish paprikash, etc. Wine recommended: Kadarka, Oportó rosé etc.

d) In addition to fruity, cottage cheese, almond or nut deserts, sweet wines can also be offered to go with foie gras. (2 points) Dish recommended: ‘Rákóczi túrós’; foie gras

Wine recommended: Tokaji aszú; Jégbor, etc. Evaluation: 1 point may be awarded together for each correct pair and the correct dish/wine name. Other solutions that are correct in terms of content may also be accepted. A total of 4 × (1+1) = 8 points may be awarded.

Question 12 9 points The following questions are related to accommodations. a) Trademarks certifying quality have been developed for domestic accommodation providers. In the table below, write the name of the accommodation type(s) that the trademark certifies next to the corresponding trademark.

Trademark Accommodation type(s) 1-4 Sunflowers rural accommodation (rural guestroom, guesthouse, camping site) 1-3 Crowns guestroom, guesthouse, apartment 1-4 Stars camping site Class I-II holiday house, holiday house complex 1-5 Stars hotel 1-3 Backpacks youth accommodations, hostels

Evaluation: for the trademark specified, we are only expecting the examinee to name a single accommodation type for 1 point each. No additional points may be awarded. b) You are doing your professional internship in a premium hotel. Study the jobs listed below, and place them into their correct place in the organisational structure provided. Write the number of the position into the correct place, with only one number placed in the empty positions. Attention! You do not have to use all the numbers.

1. Floor Supervisor 2. Concierge 3. Director of Finance 4. Masseur 5. Entertainer (animator) 6. General Manager 7. Salesman 8. Security guard 9. Maintenance worker 10. Directrice 11. Room service operator 12. Director of Sales 13. Doorman 14. Barista

2111 írásbeli vizsga 11 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató


Front Office Executive Manager Housekeeper Food & Beverage Manager

2. 13. 1. 10. 11. 14.

Evaluation: two correctly entered numbers are together worth 1 point. The order of numbers within a given division does not matter. In the case of an odd number of correct solutions, the correcting teacher should round down.

Question 13 10 points You are planning a domestic trip for New Year's Eve this year as a group of five friends. You have tour operator experience, so your friends ask you to take care of organisational tasks. Browsing the Internet, you found the offer below. Your group would be arriving late afternoon on 30 December, and would be departing on 2 January after lunch. Write an email to the competent person ([email protected]) clarifying the reservation data, the number of nights, the services required, and also ask about information that is still missing but is essential for booking. When writing the email, do not forget to adhere to the content and format-related requirements of business correspondence.

NEW YEAR'S EVE OFFER Hotel Cabernet, Villány • Accommodation with buffet breakfast. • Welcome-drink. • New Year's Eve festivities until dawn, with gala dinner and entertainment programmes (live music, midnight champagne, New Year's Eve buffet at dawn, performers, fireworks) in our hotel’s Cellar Restaurant and Event Hall. • Half-board accommodation as per the following: o gourmet wine-dinner with wines provided by the Mokos Winery (five-course dinner with combined wine tasting) on 30 December; o New Year's Eve festive dinner on 31 December with champagne, unlimited wine consumption (three types of wine), soft drinks, Mokos fruit juices, coffee; o whole-pig roast dinner on 1 January; o dinner with mixed-plate pig-slaughtering delicacies on 2 January; o on the other days, buffet half-board dinner. • Gift 2-for-1 coupon (1 per room) which can be used: at the Thermal Spa Siklós / Harkány Spa / Pécs’ Zsolnay Quarter. • Free of charge parking. • Unlimited Internet use (Wi-Fi).

2111 írásbeli vizsga 12 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Sample solution:

Specifying the sender (e.g. [email protected]) (0.5 points) Recipient: [email protected] (0.5 points) Subject: accommodation booking – New Year's Eve (0.5 points) Date: day of examination (0.5 points)

Dear Madame/Sir/Room reservation, (0.5 points)

We are very interested in your New Year's Eve offer, and would like to make a reservation as per the following:

Time: 30 December xxxx – 2 January xxxx. (0.5 points) Duration: 4 days/3 nights (0.5 points) Number of people: 5 adults (0.5 points) Room requirements: 1 room with 2 bed and 1 room with 3 beds (1 point – any room requirements may be accepted as long as it is for 5 people) Board: half-board as per the offer.

Expected time of arrival: 30 December xxxx, after 4 p.m. (0.5 points)

Questions: - What would the above service cost for 5 people if we were to depart at noon on 2 January? (1 point) - How and when can we pay? (1 point) - What are the terms of cancellation? (1 point) - What time do we have to leave our rooms on 2 January? (0.5 points)

Thank you in advance. (0.5 points for saying goodbye)

Best regards,

Examinee (0.5 points for the signature)

Evaluation: The points specified may be awarded for the above format and content-related elements. Other solutions, similarly correct in terms of content, may also be awarded points.

2111 írásbeli vizsga 13 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Question 14 6 points

Examine the statistical diagram below carefully and answer the questions. a) Decide whether the statements below are True (T) or False (F). Write your answers into the box next to the statements. If you feel the statement is false, explain your answer. No explanation is needed for statements you deem to be true.

Statements: A.) The number of guest nights spent by domestic nationals has dropped to about T two thirds compared to the same period in the previous year. Explanation: none. B.) The number of total guest nights dropped by 47.3%. F Explanation: The decrease was 100 – 47.3 = 52.7%. C.) As every year, accommodations at Lake Balaton were best utilised in August F 2020. Explanation: Occupancy was higher in the Lake Tisza region.

D.) The number of foreign guest nights dropped at a greater rate than domestic guest T nights. Explanation: none.

Evaluation: Only the above answers may be accepted. In the case of false statements, the 1 point may only be awarded if the explanation is correct. In the case of true statements, the 1 point may be awarded for correct selection. b) Explain the content of the occupancy rate (%) indicator.

The occupancy rate indicator shows what percentage of the available rooms of a given (or several) accommodations are occupied. Evaluation: answers with similar content may be awarded 1 point. c) What does the acronym MSZÉSZ stand for?

Hungarian Hotel & Restaurant Association (Magyar Szállodák és Éttermek Szövetsége). Evaluation: Only this solution may be accepted for 1 point.

2111 írásbeli vizsga 14 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató


NATIONAL January-August 2019 January-August 2020 Base index total 15 950 7 551 47.3% domestic 7 453 4 942 66.3% foreign 8 498 2 609 30.7%

OCCUPANCY RATE (%) - August 2020

Source: MSZÉSZ Trend Report, August 2020

Question 15 3 points List the three most important characteristics of MICE tourism.

• The participant is not travelling by spending their freely disposable income, but rather the employer (or the delegating organisation) pays for travel costs. • The participant is not travelling in their free time but during their working time, with the trip qualifying as work. • The participant’s motivation relates to their profession and work.

Evaluation: Different answers that are still similar in terms of content may be accepted for 1 point per element.

2111 írásbeli vizsga 15 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Question 16 6 points Read the source text and answer the questions. Not all the answers can be found in the text, you should also rely on what you have learnt before.

The motivation and experience of seniors in tourism in Hungary

The elderly generation is becoming an increasingly significant participant in the tourism market thanks to its purchasing power and the rise in life expectancy. In their article published in Issue 2020/1 of the Tourism Bulletin entitled “Participation by seniors in tourism in Hungary: An investigation into motivation and tourism experience”, authors Krisztina Kolos and Júlia Kövesdi examined the travel motivations and experiences of the elderly. The ageing of the population is a phenomenon typical of the whole of Europe, and the process is likely to strengthen in the future. According to the forecast published by the European Council in 2017, the total population of Europe is set to grow to 520 million by 2070, at the same time the working-age population (people between the ages of 15 and 64) is likely to drop considerably. The growing role of the senior age-group confirms that uncovering the tourism needs of the segment is a key task for the tourism industry. In the study, the authors sought to find the key travel motivations among pensioners in Hungary, and what experiences they gain during their domestic travels. The authors emphasise that compared to more developed Western countries, the Hungarian population has less opportunities to participate in tourism, primarily due to financial and health reasons. Taking the phenomenon as a starting point, a solution must be found to widen the travel opportunities of Hungarian pensioners. Based on the results of the research, the senior age-group increasingly requires activity during travels. Participants of the study characterised tourism as the means to get to know new and valuable people, and to build friendships. The results also showed that the elderly do not consider travel to be a prerequisite of happiness, but unanimously felt that it contributes to maintaining intellectual and physical vitality. Another important motivation is to relive tourism experiences from youth, i.e. nostalgia.

Source: turizmus.com, Downloaded on: 29 May 2020, Author: Márk Miskolczi https://turizmus.com/szabalyozas-orszagmarketing/a-senior-turistak-motivacioja-es-elmenyei-magyarorszagon- 1170178 a) What is a tourism segment? Give a brief explanation.

The market segment is a well-distinguishable group in the tourism market, which has a common properties. Evaluation: answers similar in terms of content to the above may be awarded 1 point. b) Explain what senior tourism is and who its participants are?

Senior tourism comprises the leisure time activities/travels of the elderly. Participants are pensioners, typically over the age of 64. Evaluation: answers similar in terms of content to the above may be awarded 1 point. No partial points may be awarded for incomplete or inaccurate explanations.

2111 írásbeli vizsga 16 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató c) Why are seniors considered to be a significant tourism segment? List two reasons. • The average age of the population is rising, meaning that the ratio/number of representatives of this particular age group is also growing. • The purchasing power of this segment is steadily increasing.

Evaluation: two correct answers are together worth 1 point, and no partial points may be awarded. Other correct reasons may also be acceptable, no additional points may be awarded. d) Explain tourism motivation.

Motivation is the internal human urge encouraging tourists to travel. Tourism-related motivations are aimed at satisfying a need. Evaluation: answers similar in terms of content to the above may be awarded 1 point. e) What are the possible travel motivations of the senior segment? List four. • Getting to know new and valuable people, building friendships. • Maintaining intellectual and physical freshness/vitality, acquiring knowledge. • Reliving tourism experiences from youth, nostalgia. • Recreation, healing, active leisure.

Evaluation: 1 point may be awarded for listing any 4 correct motivation factors, with no partial points awardable. f) Name two tourism segments that are involved in MICE tourism. businessmen, conference guests, trade fair exhibitors, trade fair visitors, incentive groups, etc.

Evaluation: Any two correct answers are collectively worth 1 point. Other correct solutions may also be accepted. No additional points may be awarded.

Question 17 5 points Read the source text and use it to answer the questions.

“A turnover-boosting campaign and 7=4 and 3=2 promotions are set to launch to save the tourism of Austria and offset the negative impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.

With the help of the federal government, the Österreich Werbung (ÖW) – the national tourism organisation of Austria – has launched a domestic turnover boosting campaign lasting until the end of November. The EUR 40 million tourism campaign is launched in the spirit of the motto “a good reason to be looking ahead” and its central message is the joy of positive waiting. In the interest of increasing the tourism turnover of cities, in collaboration with the Austrian Chamber of Commerce (WKO), the ÖW is also launching a radio campaign supported with prize competitions.

2111 írásbeli vizsga 17 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Advent hotel promotion This also marks the first time premium-category hotels in Austria have announced coordinated promotional packages for the advent period. 30 hotels joined the 7=4 and 3=2 promotions at launch with promotional advent offers, but the number of participating hotels is rising steadily. In addition to numerous hotels, establishments from Salzburg, Tirol, Linz, Graz, Kitzbühel are also participating, with some of the largest luxury brands among them. Supporters of the promotion include American Express as well as the Austrian Tourism Bank (ÖHT). Trade organisations welcomed the collaboration. Rooms can be reserved on the official Hotelwoche website for the period between 5 December and 12 December, with breakfast or half-board. Burgenland: unique methods to stimulate domestic tourism

The Burgenland Tourism Office (Burgenland Tourismus) offers a unique corona-insurance for guests using local tourism services. In the case of reservations in Burgenland, by way of a special insurance the Burgenland Tourism Office assumes cancellation costs due to coronavirus illness during and before the travel, and also provide coverage for any potential costs arising from an unexpected official quarantine order. “With this unique ‘win-win’ offer, Burgenland continues to increase the feeling of safety and security of guests arriving in the state", said Klaus Hofmann, Vice President of the Austrian Hotel Association, in welcoming the initiative by Burgenland Tourismus. In Burgenland, on average 8 out of 10 guest nights are taken by domestic guests each year. In order to reinforce the trend, there are also plans to issue EUR 75 vouchers for the winter months to Burgenland residents, just as they did over the summer.”

Written by: Balázs Kovács Source: turizmus.com Downloaded on: 27 October 2020 13:02 a) What organisations did the Austrian national tourism organisation (Österreich Werbung) involve in its marketing campaign? How do these organisations support the campaign? Complete the table. (2 points)

Name of organisation Form of support, advertising tools Federal government state support Austrian Chamber of Commerce prize competitions, radio spots Hotels booking promotions American Express financial support Austrian Tourism Bank financial support Burgenland Tourism Office corona-insurance

Evaluation: Points may only be awarded for correct pairs. 2 points may be awarded for 5 correct pairs, and 1 point in case of 3-4 correct pairs.

2111 írásbeli vizsga 18 / 19 2021. május 12. Turisztikai ismeretek angol nyelven — emelt szint Javítási-értékelési útmutató b) What does the unique "win-win" promotion featured in the text refer to? Explain your answer based on the text, by listing specific examples. (3 points) Answer: The ‘win-win’ promotion means that the promotion is beneficial for all parties. In this case, the Burgenland Tourism Office assumes the losses arising from cancellations due to the coronavirus and the pandemic-related quarantine in the form of an insurance. All parties win as travellers gets greater financial security without additional investment, while Burgenland accommodations gain guests.

Evaluation: correct explanation of the ‘win-win’ term is worth 1 point, and giving specific examples of who benefits and how is worth 2 points.

2111 írásbeli vizsga 19 / 19 2021. május 12.