The Times. Octover 1975
ero o t o u r p ojicemeiilM- o n d a y o £ F r a n c o r | F r o m chants* of -'Franco, Franco, M a d F r a n c o " . , . • * L , ' J a ^ • G u i t o n A s h o t ' d e a d four uni Prince J u a n Carlos, : t l | f c j ( H H | formed policemen in," 1 M a d r i d tor's- choice fas."his-. eveMMJH today, just' a few hours' before successor,• siood, to.; G t f f l j B an estimated 150,000 people Franco's left and: 'one^sjjgffl behiitd. The prince's appearaned I 4 f* h 'attended a r a l l y to express' sup-; , , Iport for;,th^,policies of' General at,-Tj|he .'ratjOyì' .Called., {•by;itiaj^ffl ! Franco's Government. I ' r ^ T Wtnei'i element? Éo. shoyi( .SupplpC . ' T h e ' : shobtings, r , w h i c h took, for the regime at ' a • eritìtìEÉ •place almost simultaneously in moment, was-.a dear; indieajMB; four different parts of M a d r i d , that he is totally i<ientified.^n; the Government and its policies^ were believed to, be a retalia- ; tion—by Maoist: revolutionaries "• A s i f to e'rtphasize his"idén|jj* p.e ;.Bas;aHe^SeparatiSts—f or the.L fication vv>th the general t i » execution "iasT'Saturday of t w o " ^ P n n c e wOfé?$ military ü t a í é * * ; members of the Basque separa-' , T n e general hiinself wore a.dajflt tist Organization E T Ä and three- blue unifornV w i t h gold briiid members o f , t h e "Maoist move- 1 , and a sash'" i n the national J ment' Revolutionary •,• A n t i - ; colours,, of r e d , a n d gold.
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