Model and Miniature TRACKWORKER (incorporating the Signal) MRC eld from the members of Uck Articles and Features News, The journal of Uckeld Model Railway Club. Published on an occasional basis December 2000 December Cover.indd 1 31/12/2008, 04:45 Model and Miniature TrackWorker December 2000 Editor: John Pollington. Email:
[email protected] CONTENTS Next Issue: 2001 CLUB DIARY Deadline for the next issue will be determined by the Meetings and other events: 2 amount of material submitted to the Editor. Submission of any item which may be of interest EXHIBITION REPORTS to our readers would be welcome, including good quality colour or monochrome photos or diagrams Holland - Rail 2000: 3 for inclusion on the front and rear cover, or to Colchester ‘MM: 3 complement written articles. Club Exhibition 2000 - a review 4 All contributions are gratefully received but PROGRESS REPORT publication cannot be guaranteed and material may Bentley Miniature Railway Progress: 5 have to be edited, split or held over for future issues. Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily FEATURE those of the Editor, the Management Council or the Adventures of K.C. the Engineer (2): 6 Board of Directors. LAYOUT REPORTS Kennet 10 Leysdown 10 Buckham Hill 10 The Test Track 10 “Mini-Bentley” 10 Cover photograph 4-8-4 P36 class loco on tour train in the Ukraine photo by Andrew Else (see the article inside) CHRISTMAS GREETINGS! Back Cover The Officers, Directors and Council wish all members the very best for Cristmas and the new year. 0-4-0P/H loco “Rachel” coupling-up to “Fowler” at the Bentley Miniature Riy, prior to a double-headed run.