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On refusal to include information in state register of microfinance organisations

23 September 2014 Press release

On 22 September 2014, the Bank of Russia took a decision to refuse to include information on the following entities in the state register of microfinance organisations:

— SHID and Co, limited liability company (the city of ); — Edelweiss, limited liability company (the city of ); — MARKET, limited liability company (the city of Moscow);

— MFC Invest, limited liability company (the city of ); — ZAKHODI ZA DENYGAMI, limited liability company (the town of Ussuriysk);

— STROY BUILDING, limited liability company (the city of Grozny);

— DIVA, limited liability company (the city of Izhevsk); — ArkhipAvto, limited liability company (the village of Rakitnoye);

— YULIA, limited liability company (the town of Penza); — LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY MICRIFINANCE ORGANISATION ALEX INVEST46, limited liability company (the city of );

— Severnaya Kompaniya Investitsiy i Finansov, limited liability company (the village of Bobrovnikovo); — Microfinance Organisation Perspective, limited liability company (the town of Nerekhta);

— Business-Assistance,limited liability company (the city of Moscow); — BYSTRY ZAYM, limited liability company (the town of Ussuriysk); — Partner Invest, limited liability company (the city of Novosibirsk); — Pomoshch 911, limited liability company (the city of Moscow); — EKONOM-POMOSHCH, limited liability company (the village of Bolyshesidorovskoye); — Migomdenygi , limited liability company (the town of Tver); — ManToS, limited liability company (the village of Churapcha); — GENERAL MICRO FINANCE, limited liability company (the town of Tolyatti); — PRAGA, limited liability company (the city of Saint-Petersburg);

— SV Sfera, limited liability company (the town of Tatarsk); — Tsentr onlayn zaymov, limited liability company (the city of Saint-Petersburg); — MFO SakhaStartZaym, limited liability company (the town of ). The reference to the Press Service is mandatory if you intend to use this material.