Urantia, a Cosmic View of the Architecture of the Universe
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Pr:rt llr "Lost & First Men" vo-L-f,,,tE 2 \c 2 c6510 ADt t 4977 s1 50 Bryce Bond ot the Etherius Soeie& HowTo: ond, would vou Those Stronge believe. Animol Mutilotions: Aicin Wotts; The Urontic BookReveols: N Volume 2, Number 2 FRONTIERS April,1977 CONTENTS REGULAR FEATURES_ Editorial .............. o Transmissions .........7 Saucer Waves .........17 Astronomy Lesson ...... ........22 Audio-Visual Scanners ...... ..7g Cosmic Print-Outs . ... .. ... .... .Bz COSMIC SPOTLIGHTS- They Came From Sirjus . .. .....Marc Vito g Jack, The Animal Mutilator ........Steve Erdmann 11 The Urantia Book: Architecture of the Universe 26 rnterview wirh Alan watts...,f ro, th" otf;lszidThow ut on the Frontrers of science; rr"u" n"trno?'rnoLllffill sutherly 55 Kirrian photography of the Human Auracurt James R. Wolfe 58 UFOs and Time Travel: Doing the Cosmic Wobble John Green 62 CF SERIAL_ "Last & paft2 First Men ," . Olaf Stapledon 35 Cosmic Fronliers;;;;;;J rs DUblrshed Editor: Arthur catti bi-morrhiyy !y_g_oynby Cosm i publica- Art Director: Vincent priore I ons, lnc. at 521 Frith Av.nr."Jb.ica- | New York,i:'^[1 New ';;'].^iffiiYork 10017. I Associate Art Director: Fiank DeMarco Copyright @ 1976 by Cosmic Contributing Editors:John P!blications.l-9,1?to^ lnc, Alt ?I,^c-::Tf riohrs re- I creen, Connie serued, rncludrnqiii,jii"; i'"''1,1.",th€ irqlil ot lvlacNamee. Charles Lane, Wm. Lansinq Brown. jon T; I reproduction ,1wr-or€rn whol€ o,or Lnn oarrpa.'. tsasho Katz, A. A. Zachow, Joseph Belv-edere SLngle copy price: 91.50 I lnside Covers: Rico Fonseca THE URANTIA BOOK: lhe Cosmic view of lhe ARCHITECTURE of lhe UNIVERSE -qnd How Your Spirit Evolves byA.A Zochow Whg uos monkind creoted? The Isle of Paradise is a riers, the Creaior Sons and Does each oJ us houe o pur. qiqantic elliptical staiionary Mother Spiriis of our local uni- pose? Is eatTh one af tillions aJ region in space from which verse, the origin and natur€ ol inhobited worlds? ihere emerges the presence the Thouqhi Adluster, which is lvhdf is spirit? f spint' exisrs, circuits of the Supreme Being. a fragment of ihe Universal ho,, ]s ft pon aJ monkind? Are Around this siationary Isle all Father bestowed on each mor- there Celestiol Worlds? Where of the remainder of creation tal. and several papers on the ore they? Whot w7 ol us con swjngs in aLiemate rctaiing Lucifer Reb€llion. which is the reoch etemitg? What is enerqg? levels of dgnamically stabilized story of Celestial default in Do we hoDe on energy matrL<? time and material universes. volving earth. Is mind energg. or motter or The numerous papels in the This summary has been wril neithet? What ore energg ljrantia Book were dictaipd hu ten io provide some insight on chonnels? Are we Jinite energg a group of Spiritual Entiiiei what patl of our being can receiDers ond tronsmitters? over a fifteen-vear period bv achieve immorialiiy. There is What is loue? How does God placinq an individual into interwoven a comprehensible loae monkind? IJ Cod is the trance. The paperc cover the fabric of the material existence CrcotoL can man crcate? What deiails of how a human mag with that of th€ Etemal Spirit relotionship is Jesus t'o the ascend Godward and aiiain who experiences growth Spirituol Worlds? What is per etemitv throuqh numerous through the personality devel. sanality? Is there t'ree wi112 traininq proqGms on differeni opmeni of the evolving indi Whatis deoth?? Celesiial Worlds. The infor viduaL Il you haue euer been con. mation for the firsi three sec Such growth requires the cerned or wondered dbout tions was completed by 1935 existence of a hierarchy, on such questions then yau are but the fourih section was not straieglcally locaied force. reody Jot The Utantia Book'. finished until 1941. The book enerqy centers, that provide 'fhe Urantia Book is a was published in 1955 and communication and energy rmique 2O97 pages that con presently there are 50,000 transmission npiworks be- stiiute a revelation in copres distributed around the tween every inhabiied planet knowledge about the totality of nlinPt Transliiion has o..rrr in creation. Proof ihai such a creation, There are four se- ied in several languages. celestial svstem exists requires parate sections of wide diver Concepts presented on the investigation of force, srty: 0) the Central and creation begin at 987, energy, and matter which is Superuniverse (2) the Local 000,000,000 BC earth time. streaming through measurable Universe (3) ihe History o{ Some of the subjects covered channels. Urantia, and (4) the Life are: The Sacred Spheres of To help mankind achieve Teachings ofJesus. Paradjse and the Corp of this understanding by the 21si Urantia is ihe regrstry name Finality; the Central and century, the Urantia Book of Earth, ihe 5,342,42a, Superunive$e creations, the provides a cosmology that in- 337.666ih inhabiied world spirituai program for a mortal cludes not only the complex within the seventh super to ascend to Paradis€ ih€ force-energy material sysiem universe. as recorded on the RNA and DNA codices irans' but the presence circuits of Isle of Paradise. mitted to earth by ihe Life Car' Universal Mind and the per- COSN1 C FRONT ERS TT]E !ISION OF TI]!J E]VJPYREA\ t/ sonality presence of the Supreme Beinq Earth is our kinderqarten training in ihe lons climb Godward. You are a living energy matrix; you alone gr,ride yourself to a potential etemiiy. THE CENTRAL AND SUPERUNIVERSE STRUCTURE AND OUTER SPACE LEVELS The Urantia Book' presents details on the physical oF I I ganizaiion of the total cosmos I which is beyond anyihinq known to our astronomers and ) astrophysicists From various Dositions on earih, usrnq radio and optrcal lelescopes and a varietv of data qatherinq satel- '\. 'i' liies, man has onlv proven that ,"1::r:.".-,. our sun is pad of a vasi aggre gation of force-energy and maiter-power, functioning as a space unit, In lS55 th,s writer siart€d conelating ihe then known op tical and radio telescope data'? wiih the wriiten descripiions provjded in the Urantia Book. After some 5000 hours of study in 1957 and 1958, a GRAND IJNIVERSE qraphical presentation evolved that sup€rimposed ihe finite data which man had gathered on ihe complex dvnamic arrangemeni in the Uraniia Book. The result is shown in begins the iime and material cond outer space Ievel of figures 1, 2 and 3. creations known as the seven 50.000,000 L.Y.'s. width Figure 1 is a graphical ar Superuniv€rses. Each super- which moves counterclockwise rangemeni of the Uraniia universe is close to 500.000 about the Isle. The ihird quiet Book's descripiion of the L.Y.'s (lighi years) in diameter space zone separates the third Grand Universe. There is a with equal-dimensioned quiet outer space level which avet gigantic siationarg center ac- insulating space zones between aqes 100,000,000 L.Y.'s in ijng as the hub of a cosmic each superuniverse. The su- widih and turns clockwise flywheel, known as the Isle of p€runiverses move counter- aboui Paradise The forrrth Paradise. Around the Isle there clockwise about the Isle. quiet space zone insulales ihe are a seies of unique material Then there is the first quies- fourth and lasi ouier space spheres that make up the time- cent space zon€ of 500, 000 level that averages 200, less, never beginning, never L.Y.'s width before the begin- 000,000 L.Y.'s. in widih. This ending, eternal part of crea' ning of the fkst outer space gives dimensions to the Grand tion. These special spheres. in level which is 25,000, 000 Universe of close to one billion conjunctjon with the Isle of L.Y.'s in widih and moves L-Y.'s. in diameter which is Paradise. constiiuie ihe Cen clockwise about the lsle of ever evolving wiih infiniie tral Universe'z. Paradise. The second quiei poientiai f or groi\,'ih. Outside this special region space zone insulat€s the se- Figure 2 is an enlargement CO5M C FRONT ERS of the Central Univerce and the seven superuniverses- This writer's analvsis shows the lsle of Paradise'to be an elinii.al region approaching 1,4Sd,000 trillion bv 8,700.000 hillion earth miles in diameter and is sepaiated from ihe next bv 11 L.Y 's. of space. The outermost seven of the ten concentric? groups contain a bjllion spheres of sublime perfection that are the eternal workhops ol the Finalitv Corp. The Finalitv Corp is composed of ascendina sons and dauqhters (formal m;rtalsl who have moved Godwari {rom the material worlds like The last of th€ phvsical cr€a- bons of th€ Cenkal Univ€rse are three concentric elioiical rings of Ogantic Dark Giavitv Bodies'?r- Theu are likp no other objects in creation and the author has calculat€d them tobe 2000 L.Y.'s. in diameter. The dark gravitv bodies are stack€d verticallv one above ihe other. prod;cing the ap- pearance of an eliDticalshaDed CCNIRAL UN\V€RSF cylinder, or as if ttiev were the + ssP.r,a'v...r6 axle of the far-flunq outer space level5 constitutina a dynamic flgwheel. The -dark graviiy bodies exhibit some of, but are not limited io, the pro- perties our ashonomers call black holes"'. H€re, I will meniion but two properties; first, there is an euent horizon located at the outside of the last rino of dark gravity bodies, wheie inside there is no lime as we now understand it, and second, no form of liqhi or €lectro- magnetic radiation is emitied or reflected.