The Aroostook Times, October 12, 1910
> T ' \ Houlton, Maine, Wednesday, October 12. 1910. No. 41 one**, went im < leorge. “He --aid t'i.■ us CHAPTER V. I 1 'e'.ir. 1 * iff 1 'tticc rich men back east had women come against liers tic he 1 rt of a rna LL three knew the desperate O s to < 'hi around anil clean their linger nails and ! ' ncr who has if at the tape, chance they were taking, and i In- own tailor shine ’em up. Is that right?” felt Ids an as If from they spoke little as they 1 '.11 • bit ,o, i,n.k(* Shon* "Guilt* right!” great l’aflgu* t time neither *c 5* made their wav' out Into tin* Bitter In* pondered T h e "Well, I don’t suppose \ ou ever had spoke. straits Their craft was strange to ■ • ’'■••irin : up s>j\ *t ;iI draf!s which ’em-shine your finger nails, did you?” them, and the j>ositinns they were Ml *.<•* 11 ir him. limilly giving one t.. “ Yes.” TEIL VI. forced to occupy soon brought on ’he "k'croi witii im odd mingling of n r ; - nr privations nnd cramped muscles. The bidarka is a The big man opened his mouth to f If:ii<Ii! y nod defiance. This done, In* - 'von for nothing,” frail, narrow^framework over which is apeak, then, evidently changing his hn a*‘t>ed to oin* of tin* loading banks, SILVER HORDE mind, observed, “Seems to me I'd bet I a ** 1 Wayiand when skin, and it is so ami two hours later returned to tin* d recounted tin* his- Author of " ‘The Spoilers’ fashioned that the crew sits, one be tor stay here on tin* c< .ast und wait hotel.
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