Constant Van De Wall, a European–Javanese Composer
CHAPTER SEVEN CONSTANT VAN DE WALL, A EUROPEAN–JAVANESE COMPOSER Henk Mak van Dijk [English translation by Wim Tigges] When starting my research on the lives and works of Dutch composers in 2004, in collaboration with the Nederlands Muziek Instituut, I had no idea that so much unknown yet extraordinary music was to be uncovered. Here were compositions in which a Western, romantic or impressionistic idiom were, to a greater or lesser extent, mixed with elements of the music indigenous to the then Dutch East Indies: Indisch classical music.1 These pieces were written from the beginning of the twentieth century onwards by a small group of Dutch composers who were either born and bred in the Indies, or else had lived or worked there for some time: Constant van de Wall (in Surabaya and Batavia), Paul Seelig (Bandung), Linda Ban- dara (Bandarrejo and Yogyakarta), Berta Tideman-Wijers (Batak), Hector Marinus (Deli), Theo Smit Sibinga (East Java), Frans Wiemans (Bandung), Dirk Fock (Batavia), and Fred Belloni (Bandung).2 They felt connected with Europe as well as with the Indies: on the one hand they were rooted in a Western musical tradition and participated in the Western musical world, on the other hand for new ways of composing and were inspired by indigenous culture, which included gamelan music, wayang (shadow- play), dance, Indisch opera and kroncong (a small guitar), classical Java- nese poetic forms and Malay quatrains (pantun). Certainly, they were not unique in paying attention to oriental music, but their specific interest in music from the Indisch archipelago was shared with, at most, a handful of 1 Indisch is a specifically Dutch term, commonly but often confusingly applied.
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