The Fall of – McGowan Suggest Coercion in Drug Warrant

Rose McGowan (Photo source: )

Ronn D. Torossian, CEO, 5WPR

When the story of producer Harvey Weinstein’s fall from his ivory tower is written in full, there’s better than even odds the beginning of the end will be traced to actress Rose McGowan. Her repeated vociferous Twitter accusations shined a bright light on Weinstein that brought many other women out of the woodwork. Accusation after accusation and Weinstein was unemployed and a public pariah. But now it’s McGowan who is answering negative press accusations after an arrest warrant for felony possession of a controlled substance was issued for the 44-year-old actress. Immediately after the warrant was issued, McGowan accused authorities of a conspiracy to “silence” her from speaking out against in Hollywood. According to multiple media reports, the arrest warrant is the result of an investigation of an incoming flight at Washington Dulles International Airport last January. According to the investigators, items left behind on the plane tested positive for narcotics. Subsequently, the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority PD issued a warrant for McGowan’s arrest. For those keeping notes, that was months ago. So, how long ago did McGowan learn about the warrant? That’s the question many are asking … and that doubt is casting aspersions on the actress’ other allegations.

The timing is interesting. No one but McGowan can definitively know when she actually learned of the warrant, but it’s forgivable that some people would wonder why she kept silent for so long. Others, however, have been quick to come to McGowan’s defense, arguing that her allegations of strong- arming are par for the course. Attack someone powerful and “that’s what happens.”

McGowan swears she’s not backing down, and her crusade to end what has been called a “culture of sexual harassment” in Hollywood continues unabated. As part of her activism, McGowan recently spoke at a Women’s Convention in Detroit, Michigan. And she says she’s just getting started. As McGowan and other actresses continue to speak out, more and more names are being added to a list that has a lot of people talking. Some are saying “It’s about time!” and others are very loudly and openly wondering why people kept these secrets for so long… These conflicting narratives will likely continue to gain steam in the coming weeks.

The total impact it will have on Tinseltown remains to be seen. But the narrative, at least at this point, is clear: for many aspiring stars, the Dream Factory began with a nightmare.

About the Author: 5WPR CEO Ronn D. Torossian is one of America’s most high profile Public Relations executives.