








Faculty of Humanities Diponegoro University

ABSTRACT Skripsi ini, menganalisis mengenai perasaan cinta yang ada di dalam kehidupan manusia. Perasaan cinta tersebut digambarkan pada puisi yang berjudul —Desire“ karya Samuel Taylor Coleridge dan —Love‘s Philosophy“ karya Percy Byshee Shelley. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukkan unsur instrinsik dari puisi —Desire“ karya Samuel Taylor Coleridge dan —Love‘s Philosophy“ karya Percy Byshee Shelley, menganalisis perasaan cinta melalui pembelajaran id, ego dan superego, dan menganalisis kategori cinta yang ditunjukkan pada kedua puisi tersebut. Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan yang berarti penulis melakukan pengumpulan sumber data melalui buku-buku yang terkait di perpustakaan dan berbagai sumber lainnya melalui internet. Penelitian ini juga menggunakan pendekatan psikoanalisis (id, ego, superego) milik Sigmund Freud dan teori cinta milik Elaine Hatfield. Adapun aspek instrinsik yang dianalisis adalah diksi, citraan, simbol, personifikasi, dan metafora. Aspek instrinsik tersebut digunakan untuk mendukung analisis secara keseluruhan. Teori psikoanalisis dan teori cinta digunakan untuk menganalisis aspek ekstrinsik karena memiliki keutamaan dalam menganalisis perasaan cinta yang ada pada puisi tersebut. Berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan, penulis menemukan bahwa puisi —Desire“ karya Samuel Taylor Coleridge menggambarkan perasaan cinta yang ada pada diri manusia. Perasaan tersebut muncul karena adanya nilai nilai moral yang berlandaskan kebaikan dalam kehidupan manusia. Ketika manusia mengambil nilai nilai moral ini, maka dalam usahanya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dari dalam tubuhnya, dia akan melakukan hal hal dengan berdasar pada nilai kebaikan untuk kehidupan sosial. Nilai nilai kebaikan sosial yang menekan nafsu manusia akan memunculkan sesuatu yang disebut sebagai cinta. Puisi —Love‘s Philosophy“ karya Percy Byshee Shelley menggambarkan perasaan cinta yang dirasakan oleh seseorang terhadap orang yang dicintainya. Perasaan cinta ini membuat sesorang mempunyai keinginan untuk menjalin hubungan dengan orang yang dicintainya. Keinginan untuk saling berbagi cinta ditunjukkan dengan memberi penjelasan kepada orang yang dicintai, bahwa semua hal yang ada di alam mempunyai hubungan satu sama lain. Melalui penjelasan ini, kemudian dia mengajak orang yang dicintai untuk menjalin hubungan cinta dengannya. Perasaan cinta yang ada pada puisi —Desire“ karya Samuel taylor Coleridge dan —Love‘s Philosophy“ karya Percy Byshee Shelley merupakan bentuk dari passionate love atau perasaan yang kuat untuk saling berbagi cinta dengan orang lain. Perasaan ini muncul dari keinginan untuk mencintai dan dicintai oleh orang yang menjadi pilihannya.


A. Background of Study not only have power of telling about Literature includes , romance, love, and desire but also prose and drama. They are works of have explanation of the influence of imagination characterized by the in behavior in excellence of style and expression every human being. and by themes of general enduring This thesis is entitled —Love interest. Among those three genres, in Samuel Taylor Coleridge‘s poetry is the most ancient and —Desire“ and ‘s difficult one. According to —Love‘s Philosophy.“ This idea Perrine“poetry might be defined as a studies love as one of the man‘s kind of language that says more and needs which comes from the says it more intensely than does unconscious mind. The ordinary language“ (1987: 3). unconsciousness continues to Romantic Period is one of the influence behavior and experience literary eras where many take a even though human is unaware of part in the development of poetry. these underlying influences. Love is This Romantic Period has so much a feeling that exists in human being. spirit such as the delight of nature, From the very first time, love is a the world of imagination, the interest common thing for living people. It is in the past, the individual freedom, a basic thing in people‘s feeling. and the experience and perception Love is about an expression and idea about life. Samuel Taylor in people‘s lives. Coleridge‘s —Desire“ and Percy B. Samuel Taylor Coleridge Bysshe Shelley‘s —Love‘s Biography Philosophy“ are poems from Coleridge was born on 21 Romantic Period. These poems are October 1772 in Ottery St. Mary, about general condition of human‘s Devonshire. His father, who was the life. Many things can be learned priest of Ottery and the headmaster from these poems such as; how a of its grammar school, died when he man always needs a woman as a was a boy, in 1781. Thereafter, to partner of life; how a woman is continue his education, Coleridge weak, an attractive creature that was enrolled at Christ's Hospital in could make a man as the dominant London. After ten years there, he gender who falls down for her; and matriculated in Jesus how love can be the answer for the College, Cambridge, where he was question of human existence. known for his wide reading and Based on some impressive persuasiveness. In 1795, considerations, the writer is Coleridge married Sara Fricker, and interested in analyzing love in a their first son, Hartley, was born the human life as represented in Samuel following year. Taylor Coleridge‘s —Desire“ and In the Beginning of 1815, Percy Bysshe Shelley‘s —Love‘s Coleridge wanted to consolidate his Philosophy“. In this thesis, the author literary reputation. He continued to would like to analyze and to describe involve himself in essentially minor love as human‘s aspect of life based original projects, such as his on these two poems. These poems play (which appeared 4

in 1817). Coleridge's major endeavor schoolteacher who inspired him to at this time was to restore his create his first major poem, Queen reputation as a significant of the Mab. The poem‘s title character, a age. He accomplished through fairy originally invented by publishing two successive volumes Shakespeare and described in Romeo of verse, ; , a and Juliet, describes what a utopian Vision; The Pains of in1816, society on earth would be like. and Sibylline Leaves: A Collection of Around 1817, he wrote Laon and Poems in 1817. Meanwhile, the Cythna; or, The Revolution of the biographical preface he had Golden city. His publishers balked at contemplated for the latter volume so the main storyline, which centers on grew under his retrospective thinking incestuous lovers. He was asked to called , which edit it and to find a new title for the was published in tandem with work. In 1818, he reissued it as The Sybilline Leaves. Revolt of Islam. Though the title Coleridge‘s work of criticism, suggested the subject of Islam, the Aids to Reflection, was appeared poem‘s focus was religion in general in 1825. His last prose work, On the and featured socialist, political Constitution of the Church and State themes. apparently a contribution to the Shortly after the publication debate over Catholic Emancipation, of The Revolt of Islam, Shelley left appeared in 1830, a year after the law for . Around this time, Shelley was enacted. A third edition of his wrote Unbound. During Poetical Works appeared their residency in , in 1819, in 1834 shortly before his death on he wrote and The Masque 25 July. of Anarchy and Men of , a C. Percy Bysshe Shelley response to the Peterloo Massacre in Biography England. After moving to Italy, Percy Bysshe Shelley was Shelley continued to venture on born in Broadbridge Heath, England, sailing trips on his schooner ”Don on August 4, 1792. His parents were Juan‘. It sank on 8 July 1822 in a , a squire and a storm and Shelley drowned, at the Member of Parliament. Shelley left age of twenty-nine. His body washed home at age of 10 to study at Syon ashore and he was cremated on the House Academy. In the fall of 1810, beach near Viareggio. His ashes were Shelly entered University College, buried in the Protestant Cementery in Oxford. It seemed a better academic Rome, Italy. environment for him than Eton, but after a few months, a dean demanded D. Theory of The Organization that Shelley had to visit his office. of Personality Shelley and his friend Thomas Freud writes that part of the Jefferson Hogg had co-authored a human mind exists in which the pamphlet titled The Necessity of individual is not aware of it. This Atheism. mind part is called the unconscious. Shelley was interested in a The unconscious part forces to woman named Elizabeth Hitchener, a operate and dominate the human‘s 5

life. Freud divides the human mind of energy until the actual object that into three different parts, but it will reduce the tension is discovered. relates to each other. His theory of Ego uses reality principle to fulfill personality states that the mind is the need, and then takes some actions composed by three different to find out something whether it is functions, namely: id, ego, and suitable or not. superego. The transactions between the person Id is called as the life and the world require the formation instincts. It gives the motives to of a new psychological system, the survive in life, such as hunger, self- ego. The ego is governed by the protection, and sexual desire. —The Id reality principle. The aim of the consists of all of the primitive, reality principle is to postpone the biologically derived drives and discharge of energy until the actual impulses with which we start life. object that will satisfy the need has This primitive component called been discovered or produced. The instincts.“ (Wittels,1950:357). reality principle is served by a The process of unconscious are just process which freud called the as a little related to reality. They are secondary process because it is subject to pleasure principle; their develop after and overays the fate depends anly upon the degree of primary process of the Id. their strength and upon their (Hall,1956:28-29). comformity to regulation by pleasure The third is moral aspect usually and pain. (Wittles, 1950:151) called superego. Id and ego have no The aim of the pleasure principle is moral and only seek for satisfication to get rid off the human tension or to motives without regarding the other reduce the amount of tension to a humans. Therefore, superego low level and to keep it as constant opposes the desires of id by as possible. It is because tension enforcing moral restrictions and then itself is experienced by the human striving to reach the ideal perfection. body as pain or discomfort. Superego is the representative in the Therefore, relief from this tension is personality of the values and ideals experienced as pleasure or from the society. satisfaction. In Freud‘s point of view, The superego is the moral or judicial love is an expression of sexual branch of personality. It represents desire, an effort to relieve sexual the ideal rather than the real, and it tension. Overall, the aim of the strives for perfection rather than for pleasure principle consists of reality or pleasure. The superego is avoiding pain and finding pleasure. the person‘s moral code. It develops out of the ego as a consequence of Next aspect is ego. Ego is the the child‘s assimilation of his executive of the personality that parents‘ standards regarding what is controls the human body. It is good and virtuous and what is bad different from id‘s pleasure principle, and sinful. (Hall,1956:31) in which ego is concerned by reality E. Theory of Love principle. The aim of the reality Love is a feeling that exists in principle is to postpone the discharge human being. It is about expression, 6

emotion and idea in people‘s lives. strong notion that the feeling of love Love is an emotional experience that exists in every human being. In is felt by a person toward another explaining the perception of love, the person. It is a more powerful feeling writer will analyze the than person who like or attracted to psychoanalysis in human being as another. The perspectives of love reflected on the both poems discover how people feel about discussed previously. The writer will falling in love one to another. Love is discuss the extrinsic aspect by using an emotion that makes people want Sigmund Freud‘s psychoanalysis to share experiences, joining theory. Psychoanalysis that will be emotional senses and getting in discussed is the theory is the aspect physical contact. of id, ego, and superego. First, the There are two basic types of writer will discuss id, ego, and love: passionate love and superego in poetry Desire. companionate love. Passionate love Id in Samuel Taylor Coleridge‘s is characterized by intense emotions, Desire sexual attraction, and Where true love burns Desire affection. According to Hatfield and is Love‘s pure flame line 1 Rapson, passionate love is; It is the reflex of our earthly A state of intense longing for union frame line 2 with another. Passionate love is a Id on the poem Desire is shown in complex functional whole including the phrase —the reflex of our Earthly appraisals or appreciations, action frame“. As explained in the intrinsic tendencies, and instrumental aspect discussion, —the reflex of our behaviors. Reciprocated love (union Earthly frame“ is a reflex caused by with the other) is associated with the human body system. The author fulfillment and ecstasy. Unrequited shows to the reader about human love (separation) with emptiness, being that has a physical form. The anxiety, or despair. (1993:5) physical form of human body is a Companionate love is tool to live on earth. The human characterized by mutual respect, body has a working system that attachment, affection and trust. automatically activates in order to Companionate love is a feeling of survive. This working system of the mutual understanding and respect for human body has the needs that must one another. Hatfield also says that be fulfilled to keep it working well. passionate love appears when the When these needs arise, the human person meets an ideal love, and he or body will cause tension that must be she experiences sensitive reduced by fulfilling the needs. —The physiological stimulation in the reflex“ on the second line of the presence of the other person. poem is the impact of the tension that Passionate love is what person feels occurs in the human body. This when in love with another person. tension is suddenly show up when F. Love in Samuel Taylor the system inside the human body Coleridge‘s —Desire“ needs something to keep working As can be observed from the and surviving. As Freud said, the previous discussion, the writer has principle of the id is to reduce the 7

tension that appears on the human It is the reflex of our earthly body. Therefore, in this poem, the id frame line 2 is shown in the phrase —the reflex of In the sentence above, the our Earthly frame“. Therefore, what words in bold printed indicate that is the tension from the needs that is the —desire“ is ego which indicated in —the reflex of our earthly automatically appears because of frame“? tension from the human body. In the Based on Freud‘s previous intrinsic discussion, the psychoanalysis theory, the sexual writer suggests that —desire“ is the tension is one of the factors that human mind, which has the purpose affect human lives. According to to fulfill the needs of the body. The Freud, sexual tension arises because meaning of —desire“ is a state of living things have the instinct to feeling to have someone or breed. It is the law of nature that something. As seen in the poem, every species always tries to —where true Love burns Desire is maintain the continuity of each Love's pure flame“ indicates that the species. Then, how can the tension or longing to have someone bring up the reflex described in the poem is feelings of love. According to the considered as sexual tension? The theory of psychoanalysis by Freud, answer is in the following analysis, love and state of longing to have which is the role of ego and superego someone comes from human body in the human body in accordance that needs to release sexual tension. with the description of Desire poem. Through love, humans can mutually Ego in Samuel Taylor Coleridge‘s release sexual tension and fulfill the Desire desire to breed. By applying Freud's In this poem, —desire“ is theory of psychoanalysis, the writer described as ego that becomes the decides that love and feeling of subject of the poem. Freud's theory longing to have someone, which is of psychoanalysis explains that ego shown in the poem, comes from id‘s is a system that works to fulfill the need to release sexual tension. In this needs from id. As already explained, poem, the author shows that —desire“ the reason for ego works in the is ego of man. The second line in the human body is by the fact that id poem indicates ego, which is —It is cannot fulfill its own needs. When id the reflex of our Earthly frame“. Ego shows the need by issuing the tension is the conscious human mind that or the reflex that must be reduced, tries to fulfill the needs of id. When ego will catch the signal of the id requires releasing sexual tension, tension and then try to fulfill the ego tries to fulfill it by creates need. The poem indicates that the —desire“ on human being. Attraction —desire“ comes up due to the reaction to another person has a purpose to of the human body. This can be get in sexual relationship. This is the proved on line 1 and line 2 from the working principle of ego to fulfill the poem Desire. need of id. Where true love burns Desire Superego in Samuel Taylor is Love‘s pure flame; line 1 Coleridge‘s Desire 8

The poem shows superego in the needs of human body despite by the third line that is the word —the taking the moral values from nobler part“. Analysis superego in superego. the poem will be shown below. G. Love in Percy Byshee Where true love burns Shelley‘s Love‘s Philosophy Desire is love‘s pure flame; Id, Ego and Superego in Love‘s line 1 Philosophy It is the reflex reflex of our In this poem, the first id is earthly frame line 2 shown in the title poem "Love's That takes its meaning from Philosophy." As explained in the the nobler part discussion of intrinsic aspect, "Love's line 3 Philosophy" has meaning that is the As discussed in the previous intrinsic real basic condition of love. This analysis, the word "the nobler part" indicates that the title of this poem suggests spiritual element or moral could be interpreted as the main values that exist in human beings. principle of logical thought Humans have spiritual values and underlying of love. According to moral kindness in their life. In this Freud's psychoanalysis theory, love poem, the writer believes that —the is basically a manifestation of the nobler part“ is element of the human human‘s desire to release sexual life system, which is considered as tension or called the human‘s id. superego. Therefore, the title Love's Philosophy In this poem, the author is a form of id that exist in human shows that when —desire“ tries to beings because it refers to the fulfill the needs of —earthly frame“ or human‘s basic need. the id, —desire“ as ego takes moral Nothing in the world is values from —the nobler part“ or single; line 5 superego. It is on the third line of the All things by a law divine poem —that takes its meaning from line 6 the nobler part“. The main task of In line 5 and line 6 above, "Nothing superego is to press the reaction that in the world is single, all things by a is released by id. When the ego tries law divine" indicate the state of ego to fulfill the needs of id, the superego that pushed by id to fulfill the sexual will appear with moral values of needs. When id wants to release human beings. sexual tension, then ego attempts to Although the —desire“ does fulfill that sexual desire. These not strictly lead human into sexual sentence illustrate that ego must meet relationship since of moral values the needs of id because the character from —the nobler part“, —desire“ sees that everything in this world in keeps on trying to fulfill the needs of pairs, so id encourage ego to have —earthly frame“ but in an appropriate relationship with her partner. manner and considers to the moral In another‘s being mingle-- values. It is shown in the last line of line 7 poem that is —and but translate the Why not I with thine? language of the heart“. The sentence line 8 illustrates that ego still tries fulfilling 9

The character —I“ in the poem suppressed by moral values of the feels the desire to live with someone superego. When the ego fulfills the he already knows (ego). Ego tries to needs of id by taking the moral fulfill the sexual need of id by values from the superego, it will bringing his beloved to establish produce feelings of ideal love. The connection with him. Ego is shown author illustrates that nature also on line 7 and line 8, —In another interacts with each partner. He wants being mingle, why not I with thine?“. to describe about physical contact, He invites his beloved to live with which is supposed to happen in any him by explaining that everything in couple. the world is in pair, and it is the law H. Passionate love reflected in of nature to complete each other (id). Samuel Taylor Coleridge‘s Desire The character —I“ in the poem Where true love burns Desire expresses his love toward someone is Love‘s pure flame; line 1 he puts heart on. Then, he gives the In the first line of the poem question to his beloved that he wants Desire above, shows that true love to live with her, —why not I with appears because of human desire. thine?" (ego). His superego urges Desire is a powerful feeling to have ego to tell to his beloved about how something or someone. This feeling the sun clasps the earth and the moon is caused by the interest in something kisses the sea in order to fulfill the of the human mind. Desire is a need of id. Explanation of natural psychical phenomenon that has phenomenon is the superego's purpose to satisfy and fulfill the attempt in order to suppress the ego person‘s wishes (passionate love). when trying to fulfill the needs of id. The desire to share a love with Id in that sentence is indicated by the someone appears from the natural word "clasps" and "kiss", that is instinct of human life. Instinct to attempt to fulfill the sexual need. continue the species encourages Therefore Ego tries to fulfill people to have sex. After the the need of id. This state is shown in establishment of moral values in line 7 and line 8, —In another‘s being social life, the desire to release mingle, why not I with thine?“. He sexual tension is turned into a gives the explanation about passion and love (passionate love). everything in this world, which is I. Passionate love reflected in related to each other. All the Percy Byshee Shelley‘s Love‘s relations that exist in the world are Philosophy natural. Along with that explanation, Nothing in the world is he asks the person that he loves to singgle; line 5 be in a relationship with him (ego). All things by law divine . In the poem, it is shown that line 6 the character —I“ wants his beloved to In another“s being mingle get in touch with him (id). Desire line 7 that is held by the character —I“ Why not I with thine? makes him asks his beloved nicely to line 8 give each other‘s love (ego). Id needs to release sexual tension but 10

Furthermore, in Love's the influence of the unconscious Philosophy, the author describes the mind in every human being behavior. feelings of love for someone. The Samuel Taylor Coleridge‘s feeling of love that exists in this —Desire“ describes how the poem shows the situation of the emergence of love occurs. The character —I“, or the author, when in process of the emergence of that love state of intense longing for union comes from the reactions in the with somebody (passionate love). He human body when he is alive. The gives the explanation about human body has a working system everything in this world, which is that is automatically active to related to each other. All the survive. Based on Freud‘s relations that exist in the world are psychoanalysis theory, the sexual natural. Along with that explanation, tension is one of the factors that he asks the person that he loves to be affect human life. Once, the system in a relationship with him. raises a sexual tension in the body The author shows about this and then needs to be fulfilled, desire phenomenon intends to explain that appears to oblige. Desire is ego that he is also supposed to get hug and has the objective to meet the needs of kiss from his beloved (passionate id. In order to meet the needs, desire love). The author shows the takes moral values and kindness of phenomena of nature to illustrate that superego. Then, with desire, the mutual love is the law of nature. In feeling of love in human life the last sentence —if thou kiss not emerges. Humans have a desire to me?“ explains that the author wants live with his loved ones. It is the the person he is in love with to give human‘s ego in meeting the personal the same interaction to him needs. In fulfilling personal needs, (passionate love). The author shows ego must see the values of superego his intense longing to make in order not to harm others. Superego relationship toward person that he has moral kindness values that exist loves. A strong desire that raises in a social environment. Kindness feelings of love, and a desire to value teaches people to live well for create a relationship is an aspect of the sake of society. When desire tries passionate love. to release the sexual tension by J. CONCLUSION meeting the value of moral kindness, Samuel Taylor Coleridge‘s and then love will appear. —Desire“ and Percy Byshee Shelley‘s Furthermore, Percy Byshee —Love's Philosophy“ poems describe Shelley‘s —Love's Philosophy“ human‘s feeling of love. Love is an explains the feeling of love that abstract concept derived from the appears in someone. Feeling of love value of virtue, an idea in human towards others makes him want a mind, and can be felt easily rather relationship and share love with a than to be understood. Love is an person. The author gives an image emotion felt by humans. Moreover, that nature interacts with its these poems not only have the power companion. He wants to explain that of telling about romance, love, and physical contact is supposed to desire, but also have explanation of happen in any couples. He 11

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