War Speeches 048
|00 iCO = CM I CD CO HIS HONOUR SIR MICHAEL O'DWYER, G.C.I.E., K.C.S.I., Lieutenant-Governor of the Punjab. Lahore : PRINTED BY THE SUPERINTENDENT GOVERNMENT PRINTING, PUNJAB. 1918. .D " Revised List of Agents for the Sale of Puniab Govern- ment Publications. THI UNITED KINGDOM. ON THE CONTINENT. EBNBST LEROUX, 28, Rue CONSTABLE A Co., 10, Orange Bonaparte, Paris, Prance. Street, Leicester Square, London W.C. MARTINUS NIJHOFF, The Hague, KBOAN PAUL, TRENCH, TBOBNBB Holland. <fe Co., Limited, 68-74, Carter IN INDIA. Lane, B.C., and 26, Museum The Street, London, W.C. Manager, Imperial Book Depdt, Delhi. BBBNABD QITABITOH, 11, Grafton GULAB SINGH & SONS, Mufid-i-'Am Street, New Bond Street, London, W. Press, Lahore. Manager, Punjab Law Book T. FISHBB Depdt, UNWIN, Limited, No. 1, Anarkali Bazar, Lahore. Adelphi Terrace, London, W.C. RAMA KBISHNA & SONS, Book-sellers P. S. and KINO & SON, 2 & 4, Great News Agents, Anarkali Street, Smith Street, Westminster, Lon- Lahore. don, S.W. Honorary Secretary, Punjab Religi- H. S. ous Book KINO & Co., 66, Cornhill, Society, Anarkali, Lahore. and 9, Pall Mall, London. N. B. MATHOB, Superintendent and GBIBDLAY & Co., 64, Parliament Proprietor, Nazir Kanun Hind Street, London, S.W. Press, Allahabad. W. THACKBR & Co., 2, Creed Lane, D. B. TABAPOBKVALA, SONS & Co^ London, E.G. Bombay. LUZAC & Co., 46, Great Russell THAOKBB SPINK & Co., Calcutta ami Street, London, W.C. Simla. NEWMAN & Co., Calcutta. B. H. BLACKWBLL, 50 and 51, Broad Street, Oxford. R. CAMBBAY ^Co., Calcutta. THICKER & DRIOHTON BBLL A Co., Limited, Co., Bombay Cambridge.
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