The Semiaquatic Hemiptera of Minnesota (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) Donald V
The Semiaquatic Hemiptera of Minnesota (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) Donald V. Bennett Edwin F. Cook Technical Bulletin 332-1981 Agricultural Experiment Station University of Minnesota St. Paul, Minnesota 55108 CONTENTS PAGE Introduction ...................................3 Key to Adults of Nearctic Families of Semiaquatic Hemiptera ................... 6 Family Saldidae-Shore Bugs ............... 7 Family Mesoveliidae-Water Treaders .......18 Family Hebridae-Velvet Water Bugs .......20 Family Hydrometridae-Marsh Treaders, Water Measurers ...22 Family Veliidae-Small Water striders, Rime bugs ................24 Family Gerridae-Water striders, Pond skaters, Wherry men .....29 Family Ochteridae-Velvety Shore Bugs ....35 Family Gelastocoridae-Toad Bugs ..........36 Literature Cited ..............................37 Figures ......................................44 Maps .........................................55 Index to Scientific Names ....................59 Acknowledgement Sincere appreciation is expressed to the following individuals: R. T. Schuh, for being extremely helpful in reviewing the section on Saldidae, lending specimens, and allowing use of his illustrations of Saldidae; C. L. Smith for reading the section on Veliidae, checking identifications, and advising on problems in the taxon omy ofthe Veliidae; D. M. Calabrese, for reviewing the section on the Gerridae and making helpful sugges tions; J. T. Polhemus, for advising on taxonomic prob lems and checking identifications for several families; C. W. Schaefer, for providing advice and editorial com ment; Y. A. Popov, for sending a copy ofhis book on the Nepomorpha; and M. C. Parsons, for supplying its English translation. The University of Minnesota, including the Agricultural Experi ment Station, is committed to the policy that all persons shall have equal access to its programs, facilities, and employment without regard to race, creed, color, sex, national origin, or handicap. The information given in this publication is for educational purposes only.
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