Popular Rhymes of Scotland : Original Poems
POPULAR EHYMES OF SCOTLAND. RHYMES ON PLACES. Natural objects of a conspicuous kind, as mountains and rivers, attract the attention of the rudest people, and pro- bably are the lirst which receive names in the infancy of a newly-settled country. There is a disposition in Scotland, and probably in other countries, to work up the names of such objects in verse, sometimes with associated circum- stances, but often with little besides a bare enumeration or list. Thus arises a large class of what may be called Topo- graphical Rhymes. In some instances the ideas introduced are of a striking- and poetical nature ; and it is worthy of remark, that, even where the names alone are given in the versified list, there is usually a euphony in the structure of the verse, which makes it tell on the simple ear like a strain of one of our pastoral melodies. In other instances, these rhymes are curious on account of the grotesque words which they introduce to notice. It would almost appear as if the composers of such verses had addressed themselves on some occasions to select a set of the most whimsical names of places and men in their vicinity, for the amuse- ment of strangers. Another section of our topographical rhymes contain allusions to events of a public or private nature, or pre- dictions of events expected yet to come. Others relate to things for which the places were remarkable. ' ! — —— — POPULAR RHYMES OF SCOTLAND. BERWICKSHIRE. TWEED AXD TILL, The Tweed is, in g-eneral, a broad, shallow, clear, and rapid river, not ill-provided with fords.
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