NEWSLETTER August 2021 NUMBER 54 Officers: Other Trustees: Roger Williams Chairman John Pullen Vice Chairman Tony Butt Secretary Peter Almond Jon Matthews Richard Day Treasurer Barry Sowerby Stella Watling Registered Charity no: 1180926 Please address all enquiries to: The Secretary, Friends of Northwood Cemetery, 16 Church Road, Gurnard, Isle of Wight PO31 8JP; Tel: (01983) 295807 Email:
[email protected] Website: Chairman’s Report At last, with restrictions easing, on Friday 4th June we were able to hold our TARGET £12,000 first themed Coffee Morning since March of last year, and together with a £12,000 plant sale, raised over £400 towards the restoration costs of the Civilian £10,000 War Grave, which combined with other donations means we have now raised just over £9,000 in total. We are still some £3,000 short of our target £8,000 and whilst we are seeking sources of grant funding, your donation, no matter how small or large, would be most welcome. You can donate online £6,000 by visiting our website, send a cheque to our treasurer or give cash to any one of our trustees who are usually working in the Cemetery on Wednesday £4,000 and Saturday mornings. £2,000 Work on restoring the kerb stones is expected to start in early August and will likely take about 4 – 6 weeks. Please be mindful of contractor’s vehicles £0 and equipment when visiting the Cemetery during this period. On 2nd July we had a book sale in brilliant sunshine outside the Heritage Resource Centre.