TRAFFIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT Lot 1665, Wanneroo Road, Sinagra Local Structure Plan - Transport Impact Assessment
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APPENDIX F TRAFFIC IMPACT ASSESSMENT Lot 1665, Wanneroo Road, Sinagra Local Structure Plan - Transport Impact Assessment Lot 1665, Wanneroo Road, Sinagra Local Structure Plan - Transport Impact Assessment CW1011200 Prepared for Stockland 9 July 2019 9 July 2019 Cardno i Lot 1665, Wanneroo Road, Sinagra Local Structure Plan - Transport Impact Assessment Contact Information Document Information Cardno (WA) Pty Ltd Prepared for Stockland ABN 77 009 119 000 Project Name Local Structure Plan - Transport Impact 11 Harvest Terrace Assessment West Perth WA 6005 Australia File Reference CW1011200-TR-R001-D- TIA-V2BS-SJL.docx Phone +61 8 9273 3888 Job Reference CW1011200 Fax +61 8 9486 8664 Date 9 July 2019 Version Number D Author(s): Nuzra Davahir Effective Date 9/07/2019 Graduate Traffic Engineer Approved By: Ray Cook Date Approved 9/07/2019 Manager – Traffic and Transport Document History Version Effective Date Description of Revision Prepared by Reviewed by A 29/03/19 Structure Plan Upgrade ND SJL B 18/04/19 For Issue BS SJL C 06/05/19 For Issue - Final BS SJL D 09/07/19 For Issue BS SJL © Cardno. Copyright in the whole and every part of this document belongs to Cardno and may not be used, sold, transferred, copied or reproduced in whole or in part in any manner or form or in or on any media to any person other than by agreement with Cardno. This document is produced by Cardno solely for the benefit and use by the client in accordance with the terms of the engagement. Cardno does not and shall not assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever to any third party arising out of any use or reliance by any third party on the content of this document. CW1011200 | 9 July 2019 | ii Lot 1665, Wanneroo Road, Sinagra Local Structure Plan - Transport Impact Assessment Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 2 Existing Situation 2 2.1 Existing Site Context and Land Use 2 2.2 Existing Road Network 4 2.3 Existing Key Intersections 6 2.4 Existing Traffic Volumes 7 2.5 Existing Pedestrian/Cycle Networks 8 2.6 Existing Public Transport Facilities 9 2.7 Crash Assessment 10 3 Changes to Surrounding Transport Network 12 3.1 Wanneroo Road 12 3.2 Local Road Network 12 3.3 Pedestrian / Cycle Networks 13 3.4 Public Transport Services 13 4 Integration with Surrounding Area 14 4.1 Surrounding Attractors/Generators 14 4.2 Proposed Changes to Surrounding Land Uses 14 4.3 Level of Accessibility 15 5 Development Proposal 16 5.1 Proposed Development 16 5.2 Vehicular Access Arrangements 16 5.3 Pedestrian and Cyclist Access 17 6 Analysis of Transport Network 18 6.1 Assessment Years and Time Period 18 6.2 Background Traffic 18 6.3 Traffic Generation 19 6.4 Future Year Traffic Growth 19 6.5 Traffic Distribution and Assignment 20 6.6 Intersection Performance 22 7 Summary and Conclusions 25 CW1011200 | 9 July 2019 | iii Lot 1665, Wanneroo Road, Sinagra Local Structure Plan - Transport Impact Assessment Appendices Appendix A WAPC Transport Impact Assessment Checklist Appendix B Site Plan Appendix C Road Cross Sections Tables Road Network Description 5 Existing Mid-block Traffic Volumes (Two-way) 7 Bus Services within the Vicinity of the Site 9 Crash Data of Wanneroo Road between Pinjar Road and Dundebar Road (Midblock Section) 10 Pinjar Road between Wanneroo Road and Carosa Road (Midblock Section) 10 Dundebar Road between Wanneroo Road and Civic Drive (Midblock Section) 10 Wanneroo Road/Pinjar Road Intersection 11 Wanneroo Road/Dundebar Road Intersection 11 Proposed Development Summary 16 WAPC Trip Generation Rates 19 Summary of Estimated Trip Generations 19 Summary of Estimated Trip Generations 19 Level of Service (LOS) Performance Criteria 22 Scenario 1 - SIDRA Results – Wanneroo Road and Site Access Road Intersection 23 Scenario 2 - SIDRA Results – Wanneroo Road and Site Access Road Intersection 24 CW1011200 | 9 July 2019 | iv Lot 1665, Wanneroo Road, Sinagra Local Structure Plan - Transport Impact Assessment Figures Site Location 2 East Wanneroo Cell 2 Structure Plan No. 4 3 Existing Road Network Surrounding the Site 5 Existing Intersection of Wanneroo Road/Pinjar Road 6 Existing Intersection of Wanneroo Road/Dundebar Road 7 Pedestrian/Cyclist Facilities in the Area Surrounding the Site 8 Public Transport Routes Vicinity of the Site 9 Proposed Structure Plan 12 Wanneroo Town Centre Activity Centre Plan No.90 15 Site Access Location 16 Future Connecting Roads 17 Background Traffic 2019 18 Development Traffic Distribution 20 Existing Traffic with 33% of Residential Development 21 Future Traffic with 100% Completion 21 SIDRA Layout - Wanneroo Road and Site Access Road Intersection 23 CW1011200 | 9 July 2019 | v Lot 1665, Wanneroo Road, Sinagra Local Structure Plan - Transport Impact Assessment 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Cardno has been commissioned by Stockland to prepare a Transport Impact Assessment (TIA) for the proposed redevelopment of Lot 1665 (1040) Wanneroo Road, located in the suburb of Sinagra, City of Wanneroo. Specifically, this report aims to assess the impacts of the proposed development upon the adjacent road network, with a focus on access requirements to/from Wanneroo Road and the surrounding local road network. This report has been prepared in accordance with the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) Transport Impact Assessment Guidelines Volume 2 – Planning Schemes, Structure Plans & Activity Centre Plans (2016). The checklist form, included in these guidelines is enclosed in Appendix A. CW1011200 | 9 July 2019 | 1 Lot 1665, Wanneroo Road, Sinagra Local Structure Plan - Transport Impact Assessment 2 Existing Situation 2.1 Existing Site Context and Land Use The proposed development site (the Site) is located on the eastern side of Wanneroo Road, north of Wanneroo Town Centre. The Site currently operates as an Ingham chicken farm, with access via a full movement priority-controlled intersection on Wanneroo Road. The Site is bounded by Wanneroo Road to the west, vacant bushland to the south, vacant lots and residential dwellings to the north and a nursery to the east. The location of the Site is illustrated in Figure 2-1. Site Location Site Dundebar Road Source: Nearmap (2019) As shown in Figure 2-2 below, the Site sits within the East Wanneroo Cell 2 Structure Plan area, on the northern boundary of Wanneroo Town Centre. CW1011200 | 9 July 2019 | 2 Lot 1665, Wanneroo Road, Sinagra Local Structure Plan - Transport Impact Assessment East Wanneroo Cell 2 Structure Plan No. 4 Site Source: East Wanneroo Cell 2 (Sinagra) Structure Plan No. 4 (2017) CW1011200 | 9 July 2019 | 3 Lot 1665, Wanneroo Road, Sinagra Local Structure Plan - Transport Impact Assessment 2.2 Existing Road Network Figure 2-3 shows the layout and classification of the roads surrounding the Site. Road classifications are defined in the Main Roads Functional Hierarchy as follows: Primary Distributors (light blue): Form the regional and inter-regional grid of MRWA traffic routes and carry large volumes of fast-moving traffic. Some are strategic freight routes, and all are National or State roads. They are managed by Main Roads. Regional Distributors (red): Roads that are not Primary Distributors, but which link significant destinations and are designed for efficient movement of people and goods within and beyond regional areas. They are managed by Local Government. District Distributor A (green): These carry traffic between industrial, commercial, and residential areas and connect to Primary Distributors. These are likely to be truck routes and provide only limited access to adjoining property. They are managed by Local Government. District Distributor B (dark blue): Perform a similar function to “District Distributor A” but with reduced capacity due to flow restrictions from access to and roadside parking alongside adjoining property. These are often older roads with traffic demand in excess of that originally intended. District Distributor A and B roads run between land-use cells and not through them, forming a grid that would ideally be around 1.5 kilometres apart. They are managed by Local Government. Local Distributors (orange): Carry traffic within a cell and link District Distributors at the boundary to access roads. The route of the Local Distributor discourages through traffic so that the cell formed by the grid of District Distributors only carries traffic belonging to or serving the area. These roads should accommodate buses but discourage trucks. They are managed by Local Government. Access Roads (grey): Provide access to abutting properties with amenity, safety and aesthetic aspects having priority over the vehicle movement function. These roads are bicycle and pedestrian friendly. They are managed by Local Government. CW1011200 | 9 July 2019 | 4 Lot 1665, Wanneroo Road, Sinagra Local Structure Plan - Transport Impact Assessment Existing Road Network Surrounding the Site Site Source: Main Roads Mapping Information Centre (2019) The characteristics of the surrounding road network are further described in Table 2-1. Road Network Description Road Name Road Hierarchy Jurisdiction No. of No. of Pavement Posted Speed Lanes Footpaths Width (m) Limit (km/h) Wanneroo Road Primary Distributor MRWA 4 2 2 x 7.4 60 Dundebar Road Local Distributor Local govt. 2 2 2 x 4 50 Pinjar Road Distributor B Local govt. 2 1 2 x 7 60 CW1011200 | 9 July 2019 | 5 Lot 1665, Wanneroo Road, Sinagra Local Structure Plan - Transport Impact Assessment 2.3 Existing Key Intersections The following key intersections are located within 1km of the site. > Wanneroo Road/Pinjar Road – Located north of the Site. This intersection is a 3-way signal-controlled intersection. At the intersection, the northern approach provides an 80m left turn pocket (give way controlled) and the southern approach provides a 135m right turn pocket (signal controlled). Figure 2-4 shows the existing geometry of the intersection.