4N30 Quarry House Leeds LS2 7UE

4th February 2014

Ms Kathy Headdon NHS North CCG Castlewood Tickenham Road BS21 9AX

Dear Ms Headdon,


I am writing to notify you of NHS ’s decision on 17 January 2014 in relation to the third review of the conditions applied to NHS North Somerset CCG at authorisation.

NHS England will regularly review the progress of CCGs in relation to the discharge of conditions applied at authorisation. This process also involves a review of support levels applied to conditions.


Following the NHS England CCG authorisation and assurance committee meeting on 17 January 2014, NHS England has agreed that none of the conditions should be removed leaving 2 conditions remaining, of which none have amended support levels.

Accordingly, NHS North Somerset CCG remains authorised with conditions.

The outcome of the conditions review is set out in the attached conditions review report at Annex A.

As you are aware, the conditions imposed are designed to address the respects in which NHS England was not satisfied as to the matters set out in section 14C(2) of the NHS Act 2006 (as amended). In coming to its decision, NHS England took into account all relevant information, including the factors set out in Schedule 1(2) of the National Health Service (Clinical Commissioning Group) Regulations 2012.

Your CCG’s remaining outstanding conditions will continue to be reviewed on a quarterly basis. Please note the next review of conditions will be in March 2014.

NHS England will not review this decision and neither the National Health Service Act 2006 (as amended) or the Health and Social Care Act 2012 provides for any appeal against NHS England’s decision.

What do you need to do next?

I know that you will want to continue to make progress towards full authorisation as soon as possible and develop the full potential of the clinical leadership of commissioning for the benefit of your local community.

You now need to revise your rectification plan in response to this decision and ensure that that sets out how your CCG intends to discharge its remaining conditions. You NHS England area team will work with you to achieve this.


On behalf of NHS England, I would like to acknowledge the progress you are continuing to make towards full authorisation through the hard work and commitment of you and your CCG staff, and to encourage you to remain focussed on developing your organisation beyond the requirements of authorisation.

Should you require any assistance in understanding this decision, please contact your area team Director of Operations and Delivery in the first instance.

Yours sincerely,

Dame Barbara Hakin Chief Operating Officer/ Deputy Chief Executive

Enc: Annex A – Post authorisation December 2013 conditions report for NHS North Somerset CCG