Hub 4W: Health Cluster Partners DRAFT December 2020

To visit online Health Cluster Interactive 4W Saudi Arabia Click Here Oman Raymah HEALTH CLUSTER PARTNERS AND HEALTH FACILITIES Yemen 2 UN Agencies 37 Hospitals Eritrea Al Bayda 5 NNGOs 52 Health Centers Djibouti Al Qafr Somalia Dhamar 9 INGOs 29 Health Units

16 118 Ar Radmah Active Health Al Qafr Hazm Al Udayn As Saddah Partners Facilities Al Makhadir Hubaysh Number of Health Partner provinding Health Services Partner Mental An Nadirah Medical Reproductive Child H Capacity Medical Pharmac Operationa Ibb organization by NCD Health Ash Sha'ir Consultations Health Services Building Support euticals l Support Services Ba'dan Ibb Al Dhihar Al Udayn BFD l l l Far Al Udayn Al Mashannah Jiblah INTERSOS l l l l l l l l Mudhaykhirah MSI l l Mudhaykhirah As Sabrah Al Dhale'e As Sayyani MdM l l l l l l l l Dhi As Sufal Shara'b As Salam UNFPA l l Shara'b Ar Rawnah WHO l l l l YFCA l At Ta'iziyah

Selah l l Maqbanah Taizz Al Qahirah Taizz Al Mudhaffar Mawiyah l l l l Salh ADD Sabir Al Mawadim BFD l l l Sabir Al Mawadim Al Misrakh Al Mukha Human Access l Mawza Jabal Habashy DEEM l l l l l l l Al Misrakh Dimnat Khadir FHI360 l l l l l Sama HI l As Silw Al Ma'afer MSI l l Al Mawasit PU-AMI l l l l l l l Hayfan QRCS l l l l l l l SCI l l l l l l l l Ash Shamayatayn UNFPA l l Al Wazi'iyah WHO l l l l Selah l l Dhubab

Lahj Partners per District ≥ 6 5

Eritrea 0 10 20 KM 4 3 Djibouti 2 1

Product Name: Health Cluster Partners per Governorate December 2020 Disclaimer: The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Production Date: 24/01/2021 Data source: The Dashboard reflects health cluster partners as reported in DHIS2 Print Size: A3