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AMERICAN ARCHITECTS DIRECTORY Mcbryde AMERICAN ARCHITECTS DIRECTORY McBRYDE Chf. Dftsmn, Charles R. EUis, 36-41; Admin, U.S. Engrs, 42-44; Desr, Walter AA A. Taylor, 44-45. Present Firm: Hawley E. McAfee, org. 45. Reg: N.Y. Gen. Types: 1,2,3,5,7,9,16. Prin. Wks: Farmer Res, Fayetteville, 51; McGraw MAACK, ALBERT C(ARL). AIA 50. St. Louts Chapter Res. Si Skaneateles Co. Club, S, 54; Seneca Co. Trust Co, S. Falls, 54; 1st Froese, Maack 6 Becker, 705 Olive St, St. Louis 1, Mo. Trust St Deposit Co, Brs, 54 Si 55; Marine Midland Trust Co, Manlius, 55; b. St Louis, July 31, 94. Educ: Wash. Univ, B.S. Arch, 17. Prev. Firms: John­ :il) N.Y. son & Maack, 29; Johnson & Maack Si Saunders, 37. Present Firm: Froese, Maack & Becker, Archts, org. 46. Reg: HI, Ind, Iowa, Kan, Mo, Tex, Wise. Gen. MCALLISTER, LOUIS ERHARDT. AIA 36. Philadelphia Chapter Types: 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,12,16. Gov. Serv: U.S.A, Inf, 1st Lt, 17-19. t Louis E. McAllister, Penn Sq. Bldg, Philadelphia 7, Pa. b. Millvllle, N.J, Jan. 21, 97. Educ: Drexel Inst, (evening), 16 & 13; Indust. MAAS, HENDRK PIETER. AU 49. Toledo, Ohio Chapter Art Sch, (evening), 17 & 18; Univ. of Penn, 20 Si 21. Univ. of Penn. Arch. Soc, Owens -HI. Glass Co, Toledo 1, Ohio. 21. Drftsmn, Paul P. Cret, 21-22; G. Edwin Brumbaugh, 22; Mellor, Meigs & b. Jersey City, N.J, Apr. 7, 01. Educ: Col. Univ, A.B, 26; Sch. of Arch, B. Arch, Howe, 23-28; Drftsmn & Assoc, George Howe, 28-42. Prev. Firma: Assocd w 28. Appr, McKim, Mead & White, N.Y.C, 24-25; Chi. Archt, Aymar Embury n, George Howe; Partnership w Douglas G. Bralk, 46-50; Present Firm: Louis E. N.Y.C, 28-31; Archt, Howe & Lescaze, N.Y.C, 31-34. Prev. Firms: Taylor & McAllister, Archt, Reg: N.J, Pa. Gen. Types: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,13,14,19,20. Maas, Stevens Pt, Wise, 34-37; Hendrik Pieter Maas, Rockford, m, 46-52. Prin. Wks: TV Transmitter & Studios, 50-52, D.G. Braik, part; Mill Creek Hsg, Pres. Occup: Archt, Owens -111. Glass Co, since 52. Reg: 111, N.Y, Ohio, Wise. 52-55, Archts. Assocd, Louis I. Kahn, & Kenneth Day; Free Lib, Frankford Br. Gen. Types: 1,2,3,4,7,9,14,17,18. Prin. Wka: U.S. Embassy, Lima, Peru, 43, Off, 59; Free Lib, Central Lib, & Res, Donald McLean, Esq, 60; R-s, Robert For. Bldg. Off, State Dept; Res, Robert M. Gaylord, Jr, & Ch. of Christ, Rock- McLean, Esq, for his Daughter, Mrs. Edw. J. Kelly, Jr, 61. Pub. Serv: Zon­ ford, 111, 52; Owena-Hl. Glass Plant, Cuba, 57; Owens-Hi, Tech. Ctr, Toledo, ing Commn. & 1st Chmn. of Zoning Bd, Jenkintown, Pa, since 41. "Profl. Ohio, 52-55. Gov. Serv: Conslt. Archt, Pub. Bldgs. Admin, Wash, D.C, 37-40; Adviser For 2 Compets, For City of Phila, 53." Jenkintown Boro Plan. Commn, State Dept. For. Bldgs, Off, 40-42; Air Corps, 42-46. since 57. Gov. Serv: Mil. Intel, U.S.A. Signal Corps 1st WW. AIA Act: Phila, Chapt, Sec, V.P, Pres, 42-50. Dir. of Pa. Soc. of Archts, 50-54, !>8-60. MAAS, MICHAEL. AIA 60. New York Chapter Voorhees, Walker, Smith, Smith & Haines, 101 Park Ave, New York 17, New York, McALPlNE, CHARLES F(REDERICK) JR. AIA 58. Broward County Chapter b. N.Y, 31. Educ: Rensselaer Poly. Inst, B. Arch, 54. Dftemn, Fellheimer & t Charles F. McAlplne, Bldg "L", Times Square, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Wagner. Present Firm: Voorhees, Walker, Smith, Smith & Haines, Proj. Archt, to. Buffalo, N.Y, Aug. 6, 23. Educ: Univ. of Notre Dame, B. Arch, 50. Chf. joined firm 59. Reg: N.Y; NCARB Cert. Dftsmn, C. F. McKirahan, 53-57. Prev. Firms: Johnson & McAlp ne, 57-60. Pres. Firm: Charles F. McAlplne, AIA, org. 61. Reg: Fla; NCARB Cert. MAASS, GUSTAVA. AIA 45. Palm Beach Chapter Gen. Types: 1,2,3,4,5. Prln. Wks: Ft. Lauderdale Christian Reformed Ch, Ft t Gustav A. Maass, 200 Phipps Plaza, Palm Beach, Fla. Lauderdale, & Peters Elem. Sch, Plantation, 58; Meadowbrook Elem. Sch, Ft b. New Orleans, La, Dec. 27, 93. Educ: Univ. of Pa, B.S, 17. Present Firm: L, 59; Wlngate Elem. Sch, Ft. L, 60; all Fla. AIA Act: Chapt Dir, 59-60; Fla. Gustav A. Maass, AIA, org. 35. Reg: Fla. Gen. Types: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,12. Prln. Assoc, of Arch, Dir, 61-62. Wks: Plumosa Elem. Sch, Delray Beach, 56; Carver Jr. HS, D.B, 57; Boynton Beach Jr. HS, B.B, 58; Palm Beach Elem. Sch. L P.B. Jr. HS, P.B, 59; Riviera McANINCH & MAHNKER.* Beach HS, Add, R.B, 60; Jr. HS, "T" Palm Beach Gardens, 61; all Fla. AIA t 217 National Old Lines Building, Little Rock, Arkansas. Act: Palm Beach Chapt; Sec-Treas, 48; V.P, 49; Pres, 50. McARTHUH, FRANK P(OOLE). AIA 42. Kansas City Chapter MAASSEN, ROBERT JOHN. AIA 62. Southern Arizona Chapter Tanner, Linscott & Associates, Inc. 310 Ward Parkway, Kansai; City, 12, 6931 East Fourth Street, Tucson, Arizona. Mo. b. Kansas City, Oct. 21, 04. Educ: Univ. of Kans, B.S. In Arch, 26. Dftsmn, MABBETT, FRANKLIN DEAN.* AIA 56. Wisconsin Chapter J. C. Nichols Co, 28-33, 35-41; Specif. Writer, Tanner & Mitchell. 41-47. 199 E. Washington Ave, Madison 3, Wis. Prev. Firm: Edward W. Tanner & Assocs, 47-61. Present Firm: Tanner, Linscott & Assoc, Inc, org. 61. Reg: Kans. Mo. Gen. Types: 1,2,';,5,9,12. MABREY, LESLIE B(RUCE). AIA 58. Texas Coastal Bend Chapter Prin. Wks: Linda Hall Lib, 56, & Kan. City Pub Lib Si Sch Bd Admin Bldg, 60, Brock, Mabrey & Assocs, 210 Jones Bldg, Corpus Christi, Texas, ICC Mo Nallwood Jr High School 61, Overland Park, Ks; 4601 Madison Ave, b. Beaumont, Tex, May 19, 27. Educ: Tex. A & M, B. Arch, 53. Assoc, Dickson, Bldg, 61-K.C. Mo; First Lutheran Church, K.C, Mo, 58; The Village Ch, Dickson & Assoc; Proj. Arch, Wade, Gibson & Martin. Prev. Firms: Leslie B. Prairie Vil, Kans, 55. Mem: A.A.O.N.M.S. (Shrine), Ararat Shrink, K.C, Mo; Mabrey. Present Firm: Brock, Mabrey & Assocs, Archts, org. 35, joined firm Mo. State Assn. of Reg. Archts. AIA Act: Kans. City Chapt Treas. 42-46. 60. Reg: Tex. Gen. Types: 1,2,4,5,9. Prin. Wks: United Savings Assn, Shop. Ctr, Corpus Christi, 56, AA, Wade, Gibson & Martin; Dr. Res, C.C, 57; Band McARTHUR, PAUL HARRISON, JR. AIA 59. North Carolina Chapter Rm. for "Duff Hall," Calallen Ind. Sch. Dist, C, & Annaville Elem. Sch, for A. C. Jenkins, Jr, 118 Mason St, Fayetteville, N.C. Calallen Ind. Sch. Dist, & 1st Savings Assn, "Downtown Off," C.C, 60; The b. Fayetteville, N.C, Mar. 29, 32. Educ: N.C. State Col, B. Arch, 56. Des- Drug Shoppe, C.C, 61; all Tex. Gov. Serv: A.A.C, Pfc, 44-46; U.S.A.F. Drafting, Higgins Si Ferebee; Drafting-Supervision, J. N. Pease & Co; Drafting, Sgt, 50-51. AIA Act: Tex. Coastal Bend Chapt; Treas, 61; V. Pres, 62. A. G. Odell, Jr; Des-Drafting, A. C. Jenkins, Jr. Present Firm: Participating Assoc, A. C. Jenkins, Jr, AIA, joined firm 60. Reg: N.C. McADAMS, A(LBERT) C(ARLTON).* AIA 54. Fort Worth Chapter t A. C. McAdams, Majestic Bldg, Fort Worth, Texas. McARTHUR, WILLIAM J.* AIA 48. Chicago Chapter b. Gordonville, Tex, Feb. 4, 08. Educ: Tex. Tech. Col, Lubbock, Tex, B.S, 33. Loebl, Scnlossman & Bennett, 333 Michigan Ave, Chicago, Hlirois. Highest Scholastic Average in Col, 29-30. Dftsmn, Engr. & Spec. Writer, b. Chicago, Feb. 20, 13. Educ: Armour Inst, Arch. Dftsmn, Holabird & Root, O. R. Walker, Archt, 33-37; Dftsmn & Structural Engr, David S, Castle Co, 37- 30-41; Archt, Feb. Pub. Hsg. Auth, 42-43; Loebl & Scnlossman, 4 3-46. 38; Chf. Dftsmn, Spec. Writer, Str. Engr, Townes & Funk, Archts, 38-41; Chf. Present Firm: Loebl, Schlossman & Bennett, org. 46. Reg: HI; L c. Engr. Struct. Engr, Wilson & Patterson, 45-47. Prev. Firms: A. C. MaAdams, Struct. Engr. (Conslt.), 46-52. Present Firm: A. C. McAdams, Archt. & Engr, org. McAULIFFE, JOHN H, JR.* AIA 50. Hawaii Chapter 52. Reg: Tex; Lie. Engr. Gen. Types: 1,2,4,5,6,7,9,11,12,13,14. Prin. WkB: McAullffe, Young Si Assocs, 931 University Ave, Honolulu 14, Hawaii, Band Si Athletic Bldg, Ft. Worth, Tex, 53; W. Handley Sch, F.W, 54; Youth b. Chicago, May 12, 16. Educ: Univ. of Notre Dame, B.S.A.E, 37; Grad. Sch. Bldg, 1st Meth. Ch, F.W, 55. Gov. Serv: U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 41; U.S. of Des, Harvard Univ, 37-38. Kervick Gold Medal, Univ. of Notre Dame, L Engr, 42; Fed. Pub. Hsg. Auth, 43. AU Act: Ft. Worth Chapt; Sec, 55. Magna Cum Laude, 37. Chf. Desr, City Arch, Chicago, 38-41. Prev. Firm: John H. McAuliffe, Jr, AIA, org. 48. Present Firm: McAuliffe, Young Si McADAMS, JAMES EDWIN.* AIA 56. Mississippi Chapter Assocs. Reg: Hawaii. Gen. Types: 1,2,4,5,8,11,12,14,15. Prin. Vrtcs: Dinmore 507 Grand Blvd, Greenwood, Miss. Res, Wailupe, 49; Engle Res, Lanikai, 52; Craig Res, Si St. Anthony's Sch. Si Convent, Kailua, 53; Kainalu Elem. Sch, 54, AA, Oscipoff, Dennis, Fisk; Hanson KELLY R. McADAMS, Res, Wailaie, 54. Educ. Act: Guest Lectr, F.A. Class, 43, N.W. Univ. Gov. t 2418 San Antonio St, Austin 5, Tex.
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