Wednesday 7 October 2020 CLEAN MACHINES The lowdown on air purifiers: Page 18 Join the creatives moving west Europe’s biggest regeneration scheme with 45,000 new homes PAGES 16 & 17 ADRIAN LOURIE BEST LIFESTYLE NEWS SITE Winner 2020 16 WEDNESDAY 7 OCTOBER 2020 EVENING STANDARD Homes Property | New homes Be part of the future of west London The biggest regeneration zone in Europe is being powered by the transport superhub where Crossrail will connect to HS2. Anna White reports on the Old Oak Common and Park Royal plan UROPE’S largest Notting Hill Genesis and Queens Park Rang- regeneration zone, ers Football Club, is under construction Old Oak Common between Willesden Junction and North and Park Royal in Acton. The £175 million mixed-use scheme west London will see will deliver 600 homes, including 40 per the transformation cent at lower cost. To register interest email E of an industrial
[email protected] wasteland of old logisitics sheds, goods yards and piecemeal WHERE ART, EDUCATION buildings into new neighbourhoods with up AND INDUSTRY MEET to 45,000 new homes. This challenging Hidden in the 1,100-acre Park Royal indus- placemaking project is being powered by trial estate in North Acton is a rapidly the promise of Crossrail. expanding bank of affordable studios, teem- This is where the Elizabeth line will con- ing with young creatives. Row upon row of nect to HS2 at the beginning of a 15-mile workshops form part of the Republic of Park development corridor that leads out to Royal, run by architect Johnny Brewin.