Celebrating the Seasonal Holy-Days Waverly Fitzgerald 1 Copyright © 1991 by Waverly Fitzgerald Published by Priestess of Swords Press Contact:
[email protected] Priestess of Swords Press 1463 E Republican #187 Seattle WA 98112 2 3 Celebrating Candlemas February 2 is one of the great cross-quarter days which make up the wheel of the year. It falls midway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox and in many traditions is considered the beginning of spring. Awakening the Ground In Western Europe, this was the time for preparing the fields for the first planting. Even in Seattle, you can begin turning over and enriching the soil in anticipation of the first sowing in March. Pamela Berger has written a book, The Goddess Obscured: Transformation of the Grain Protectress from Goddess to Saint about the rituals celebrated at this time of year, when the ground is first awakened and the seed placed in the belly of the earth. This is a significant moment in a community which depends on the earth for sustenance. The fields were purified and offerings were made to the goddess. This medieval Anglo-Saxon plowing charm, recorded by Berger, was said by the farmer while cutting the first furrow: Whole be thou Earth Mother of men. In the lap of God, Be thou as-growing. Be filled with fodder For fare-need of men. The farmer then took a loaf of bread, kneaded it with milk and holy water and laid it under the first furrow, saying: Acre full fed, Bring forth fodder for men! Blossoming brightly, Blessed become; And the God who wrought the ground, Grant us the gifts of growing, That the corn, all the corn, May come unto our need.