A U G U S T / S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 0 Association for PPerspectiveerspective Humanistic Psychology ahpweb.org HUMANISTIC/TRANSPERSONAL/INTEGRAL HUMANISTIC OR TRANSPERSONAL? MISSING LINK IN WILBER’S INTEGRAL THEORY TRANSITIONS Transpersonal Psychology Newsletter — pp. 17–21 Poems: True Rocks; Annan Water Reviews: Essay Review on “A guide to integral psychology” “Secrets of Great Marriages” by the Blooms New Foreword by Stanley Krippner to “Awakening of Intelligence” AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2010 ahp PERSPECTIVE 1 ASSOCIATION for HUMANISTIC AHP Board Meeting in Chicago, PSYCHOLOGY August 2009: FRONT: Co-Presidents . since 1962, kindred spirits on the edge, Chip Baggett and Cuf Ferguson, where human potential and evolving BACK: Membership Director Ron consciousness meet Maier, Secretary Bob McGarey, AHP principles include integrity in personal and profes- sional interactions, authenticity, and trust in human Treasurer MA Bjarkman, Board relationships, compassion and deep listening skills, and Members-At-Large Stan Char- respect for the uniqueness, value, independence, interdependence, and essential oneness of all beings. nofsky and Ken Ehrlich, CEC Coordinator Deb Oberg PAST PRESIDENTS JAMES F. T. BUGENTAL AHP OFFICE & PERSONNEL SIDNEY M. JOURARD
[email protected], P.O. Box 1190, Tiburon, CA 94920 E. J. SHOBEN, JR. Member Services: Ron Maier, 309/828-2965, fax 309/828-2965 PHOTO: KEN EHRLICH CHARLOTTE BÜHLER Web Producer: John Harnish,
[email protected] CEC Coordinator: Deb Oberg,
[email protected] S. STANSFELD SARGENT AHP Perspective Editor: Kathleen Erickson,
[email protected] AHP MEMBERSHIP JACK R. GIBB Journal of Humanistic Psychology Editor: Kirk Schneider connect with conscious community, GERARD V.