A History of the Criminal Law of England
ajnrn^U Slaui i>rl|onI Hibtary CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 1924 069 583 767 Cornell University Library The original of tliis book is in tine Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924069583767 A HISTORY OF THE CRIMINAL LAW OF ENGLAND. VOL. I. : A HISTORY OF THE CEIMINAL LAW OF ENGLAND. BY SIR JAMES FITZJAMES STEPHEN, K.C.S.L, D.C.L., A JUDGE OF THE HIGH COtIRT OF JUSTICE, QTJEEN'S BENCH DIVISION. IN THEEE YOLUMES. VOL, L Ifonlron MACMILLAN AND 00. 1883. The Right of Translaiion and Bejiroduclion is Beaerved. : LONDON R Cti-T, Sons, and Taylor, BREAD STREET HILL. PEEFACE. This work, which attempts to relate the history of the Criminal Law of England, has a history of its own. In 1863 I published what in one sense may be called the first edition of this work under the title of A General View of the Criminal Lofw.^^ln 18jp9 I became Legal Member of the Council of the Vicerpy in India, and held that office for about two years and a half, during which time my attention was strongly directed, from the legislative point of view, to the subject of Criminal Law, and particularly to its codification. Amongst other things, I drew and carried through the Legislative Council the Code of Criminal Procedure, Act X. of 1872, which, with some slight alterations and variations has just been reenacted and extended to the High Courts by Act X.
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