a " ^ E M Ai U E . Montana Winter Fair
PAGE TWO THE DILLON DAILY TRIBUNE THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 1966 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Mrs, Dick Dale and Tad, Mrs, The DILLON DAILY TRIBUNE W. B. Seyler, Mrs. John Seyler Name of Corporation: Water and Mrs. Charles Bridges attend —Published B y - ed the funeral of Mrs. George P. Users Irrigation Company. EXPERT REPAIRS! Smith which was held In Christ's Tribune Publishing Co. Location of principal place of Episcopal Church in Sheridan on 9 RANGES E. C. Townsend ............ E ditor business: 30 South Montana St., Thursday of last week. t Dillon, Montana. REFRIGERATORS PH O N E 66 Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Hull and family spent Sunday visiting in (Subscription Rates in Advance) Notice is hereby given, that at Melrose with Mrs. Hull’s mother, SMALL APPLIANCES Montana Rates: a meeting of the directors, held on Mrs. Hazel Olson, and her sister Per Year _____ *4,00 the 18th day of February, 1956, an Mrs. Claud Dodgson. 6-Months 2.25 3-Months ............ ...................1 1.25 assessment of twelve and one-half Claud O. Dale returned Sunday Electric & Variety 1-Month : ,B0 cents (12%c) per share was levied from Missoula where he had visit PHONE 100 Out ot Montana: upon the capital stock of the cor ed several days with his son Hal Per Year -36.00 6-Months .... ..... - 3.25 poration, payable on'or before th# Dale and family, , 3-Months - ■ ________ _ _ 1.75 13th day of April, 1956, to the 1-Month ______________ - 1.00 Treasurer of said corporation ht Entered as second class matter 30 South Montana Street, Dillon, June 12, 1896, at the postofilce at TABLE OF EVENTS DUlon, Montana, , under the Act of Montana.
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