THE NAME's FAMILIAR (Pronounced Rud-^Rtlunny) Castle, Him Over to Japan for Trial

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THE NAME's FAMILIAR (Pronounced Rud-^Rtlunny) Castle, Him Over to Japan for Trial tn PAGE TWENTy.POUB iSattrlriPBtrr lEuftting IS^ralb THURSDAY, Jm ,T 11, 198T Tomorrow Last Chance to Take Advantage of Manchester Days E U in g t t m Mias Aiidrewb was given ual M otb ^. Bahtina Dr.; a son to BMucation o f $87,840 reoelved warning for failure to grant right Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hickey, -43 from tha State In addition to esti­ McConnell Better, The Weather About Town of way at an intersection. Schoolltems GENERAL Avenge Daily Net Frees Ron Sanford Rd.; and a daughter to mated funds. The Board wants to Fereeast ef U. •. Waathor B>OtM^ Women Injured Stats Trooper William J. Doyle ker the Week Ended Klnf Dhvid Lodge No. 81, use tome of the money to give Off Critical List June 8, 1887 of the Stafford Springs barracks Mr. and Mrs. Ftancis Palfrey Jr.‘, merit Increaees to teachers ot long TV SERVICE lOOF, will hftve a picnio tomor' Sduth Windsor. Dot BoariTsi Fhlr, not m eool tonight. investigated the case. service. Days C4 AE A ObU row at Leroy Atpinwall'a cottage In 2-Car Crash DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; The name of a motorist who -:r 58-fit. VCarWer Saturday, Ahowera a t Maehapaug Pond. Memberi Another matter set for pub NIghta «Ie9 3 Fhia Farts Irvin g BUas, East HarUord: Mrs. ■truck a trea June 10 has hkn 12,540 dOveloplBg Isle hi day. High wlahing tranaportatlon ahould Bilingtoh, July 11 (Special) Am elia Blanchard, 159 B. Wads­ Next Agenda hearing la appropriation of |30,300 TEL. m 8-S«8S taken off the critical list today at Member e f the yUidit U-88. , meet at the Center at 5:45 p.m. Two woman drivers met at an worth «t.; Roy Keith, 33 Hollister for repairs and remodeling at the Buienu e l drenlatleB Hospital Notes annex and West Side Recreation Manchester Mwnoriai Hospital. intersection here yesterday. The St.; Jill Keeton, West WiUington; School business, including an Manchester—-A City of Village Charm, The Salvation Army will hold MVs, Dirce UrbanetU, 178’i Spruce Building for the Washington David R. McConnell. 33, of 93 result was an accident that dam­ appraisal ot land for a new junior a gofpel eervlce tonight on Main Patients Today: 193 St.; Miss Helen Slbrlns*, 37 high school, will occupy much of School. A 'decision Is also to be Bissell St., has been in critical con­ 8 t The bandamen and aoldiera ara aged both cars extensively and ADMITTED YESTERDAY: Carl Wetherell St; Mrs. Winifred-Ris- the Board of Directors' time at a made on whether contract draw­ dition suffering from a compound MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY. JULY 12, 1957 (OlaeMfled AivertAelng en Fsge 14) PRICE nVE CENTS reminded to be present at 7:30. VOL. LXXVii NO. 240 (SIXTEEN PAGES) sent two people to the hospital. M cAllister Jr., 143 (Jampfield Rd.; ley. Lake St.; Mrs. Jessie Sweet. meeting Tuesday night. ings and specifications will be fracture of the left leg and unde­ Gertrude O. Andrews, 33, - of Mrs. Myrtle LaRiviere, 190 Maple 40 N. School St.; Cecile Begin, 943 The Board is scheduled to act drawn for an addition to the termined head injuries alnce hla i) T h t Poliah American Club will West Hartford, driver of one of St.; Victoria Hunt, 54 Jarvis Rd.; E. Middle Tpke.; Ro^lert Parmer, on an appropriation of- additional school. accident, McConnell's car left meet at 8 o'clock Saturday night the cars, was checked and dis­ John Shuteran. Wapping; Richard. 47 Bunce Dr.; Stanley Dembek, money to the Board of Education The public will be heard also the road -on E. Center St. and col­ at the elubhouae. Members are' charged nt Rockville City Hospi­ Hannah, and Roberta Klngkbury, RPD 1, Rockville; Lawrence Moo- and Improvements to the Washing­ on an appropriation of $13,500 for lided with the tree. urged to attend as a new permit­ tal yesterday. Coventry; Mrs. Cecilia Dagie, Hart­ nan, 146 Hollister St.; Melvin ton School, the Barnard Junior alterations to the Orford Village He ia reported in “ good condi­ Nikita for Loveless G I P e n ie s tee will be elected. A passenger ini her car, Mrs. ford; Melvin B^ner, Eut Hart­ Stead, Wapping; Mrs. Vivian C3iar- High School, and the Orford Vil­ Community House for school use. tion" by hospital authorities today. 4 ■ _ ■ . Fred Cowell, 41, of East Hartford, ford: Leonid Gagnon. 130 Bissell boneau. S3 West St.; Mrs. R c l • lage Community House. ' The Board Is to fix a date for a PINE Kenneth W, Bennett, 88 Baldwin was reported in good condition at St.; Mrs. Maidae Wheeler, South mary Fahey and daughter, Oystai . Appraisal of property west of Rd., was among those named to hearing on an appropriation for the hospital today with body Coventry: Joseph Peck. Blast H art­ Lake Rd.; Rockville; Mrs. Marjorie the Greenhaven project .will be preliminary plans fo do the third H__ t* e F e a r s the dean's list for high scholastic PHARMACY Marriage by East, bruises and chest -injuries. ford; Mary Ellen Grzejka, Tolland; McCavanagh and daughter, 55 conaidered to help the Board de­ stage -of work on alteration at Public Records standing at Wentworth Institute, M4 Oeflter St,— TeL M l B-M18 Police said the accident oc­ Mias Ardls Higpns, Thrall Rd.. W ells St.; Mrs. Edda White and cide what property must be bought Bariiard Junior High Scgiool. The Boston, for the second semester." curred at 5:30 p.m. when Miss Rockville; MrC. May Pacak, 819 daughter, 74 Drive B; Mra Lucille for a North End junior high echool. first stage has been completed and Andrews and the other driver, Center St.; Laurent Doyon, Willi- Warrantee Deeds J a p C o u r t McPherson and daughter, 343 Mc­ The amount o f land to ^ bought $30,000 has been approved for Lawrence A. Converse and Julia PINE LENOX Sylvia R. Girshick, 47, of Somers, mantle. Kee St. would depend partly on whether second stage to be completed next West to Avert War both approached the intersection ADMITTED TODAY: Mrs, Mari­ Converse Wrubel to Mae C. Pearl an extension o f Brookfield St. to yes®. and Ronald A. Pearl, proparty on i Personal Notices of Rt. 140 and Job's Hill Rd. at lyn Gardiner, 54 Seaman Circle; PHARMACY C*mp;, Whittington, Jgpan, Press th i breast bocw If you want N. Elm St. Is approved. The Directors wm meet at 8 Pearl St. the same time. Edward VIckerraan, 20 Roosevelt to determine the age of a chicken A public hearing is scheduled on 899 E. Center S t— M l B418N ily 12 (JP)— WiTliara Girgrd Neither of them stopped, police p. m. (n the Municipal Building Patrick F. Gilroy to .Madlyn F. P r a g u e, C8echo8lovakia.|-jta^ In Memoriam St.. before buying it T ha bone of a an appropriation to the Board of and try and get on. I believe there indicated today he doesn’t said, and the front ends of the hearing room. ,? ■ > Gilroy, property at 79 Olcott St. b loving msmory of Joseph J,abea- B IR TH S Y E S TE R D A Y; A son young bird will be soft and pliable; July 12 (/P)-^Nikita Khrush­ la no other w ay.". dread a Japanese trial as much sky who psMee away July l!7 11S4. two cars collided. Both autos had to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dodd, Whp- t becomes firm and bard as the chev last night proposed a Khruahehev boasted that Sovlat as members of his family back . Tbs MacDonald family. to be towed away from the scene. ping; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Bknan- bird ages. marriage of convenience be­ relations with this Communist na­ home in Ottawa,. 111. « tween the CommunisJ; and tion are ao good they cannot be .Girard expressed confidence a improved upon. Japanese court would acquit him Homes BiU Eisenhower capitalist worlds to avert war. “But w# want Improved rela­ on charges of causing the death H « also claimed Yugoslavia ^ tions with other countries — with of a Japanese .woman on a mili­ a loyal member of the Socialist the United Statca,” he said. "The ( Comm uniat), camp. tary firing range. 'United States la's strong and big Signed by Still Backs ,,Ths stocky Soviet Ck)mmuniat country. W e also think that wd'are ■ The 2t-year-old Ai-my apecialist party chief put forward hia sug­ not a amall, weak coimtry. I think issued a statement to bewamen's gestion of marriage without love we can be conaidered equals.” -few hours after the U. S. 8U- in the glittering ballroomt of He said the Soviet Union wanted preme Court upheld the American Eisenhower House Bill Prague's 14th centqry Hradcany an end to the atms race because government's decision to turn THE NAME'S FAMILIAR (pronounced rud-^rtlunny) castle, him over to Japan for trial. "with modem developments of once the home o f Bohemia's kings. Asked whether he had any ! Washington, 12.(/P)— . Washington, July 12 (/F)— arms this race could become catas­ . President Eisenhower today Southera D«mocnitic S«hg- And a» k the face, when yon shop at PINEHURST. Turning • to the envoys . of trophic.” difference of opinion with His Capitalist countries attending tha brother. Louts, in Ottawa on the signed a. housing bill author­ tors tentatively agreed todfiy Yon win femgnicex^all the bbeb ot the famous reception given by Catch Pres­ “Either we fight for.peace;or jurl^icUonal fight-waged in the we have war,'' the Krhman iriader izin g lower down payments on to permit a vote the middle.of brands, backed by the honesty and integrity o f their ident Antonin Sapotocky lo r the case, William replied: "1 don't I FHA-insured homes and the next week on a motion to Kremlin leaden.
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