sister-in-law, Mr*. M. E. Moore came had an enjoyable time and and ail had xupper on the beach. dren, from tho*« who will start IN MKMORIAM at the Probate office In the city the dance following the business Mr. Green. Sr.. Is rapidly recover- Saturday they visited relatives and school thl* fall through high school KKAt'SE—In loving memory of of Grand Rapids. In said county. meeting- was attended by about ing from hi* recent serious Illness. friends a' c.rant and Bailey. are Invited to attend. The le-won our dear wife and mother. Hilda on the 20th day of May. A.D. 1955. 10«. The officers elected for next Mr. and Mrs. Carl Waldheer are course ia to be "Heroes of the Mr. and Mrs. Orval Emmorey Krause. who passed away six year* Present, Hon. JOHN DALTON. spent Sunday afternoon with their year were: President, Oscar Ander- the parents of a baby girl, Sandra Crow." Jsdge of Probata. who weighed over nine pounds. ago. May 27. 1949. son. orvin K ram ore y and family of son: Vice President. Cuy Curtiss; The Young People ..f the Ballard IN THE MATTER OF THE Mother and daughter are getting —Charles Krause Cedar Springs. Secretary. Florence Spees«_» and Church were hosts for a Youth ESTATE OF Bessie Holly. IV. along nicely at St. Mary's Hos- Mr. and Mr*. Charles tfipH Treasurer. Mrs. George Hanson. It Rally at the church on Monday ceased. Mrs. Ruth Tel lick returned home was decided to have a banquet next pital. Uttle Sandra waa born Sat- evening. Toung people attended Krause, Jr. rsrsm Monday from the hospital, where urday, May 21. Philip L. Hogan. having filed year. from Franklin Street Church of Mr. and Mr*. Pete Wolter. she had been for surgery. in *ald court his final adminis- Mr. and Mrs. Orval Emmorey Mrs. Josephine Cook and Mr. Christ in Grand Rapids. Balley 5-25-p Mr. and Mr*. Mentor Johnson tration account, and hi* petition visited friends at Maple Grove and Mrs. Georve Cook and family Church of Christ, Asland Center are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- praying for the allowance thereof Over the years, and the infulder Cass Michaels (out this ho ne Friday, and later had dlnn. : of Crand Rapids, attended the fun- Church and Mu^kem.n t'hurch of ton Beuachel at the farm while CARD OF THANKS and for the assignment and distri- state of Michigan have been highly year with a head injury), born in wl'h their sdn and daughter-in- eral of Mr*. Sarah A. Ro*e last Christ. Mrs. Beuschel is unable to be on We sincerely wish to thank rela- bution of the residue of said estate, productive sources of talent for Detroit and now residing in Grosse law, Mr. and Mr*. Paul Emmorey. Tuesday. She had been confined to Paul Bajko, of Eastern Christian her feet on account of a broken tive*. friends, neighbors. American for the allowance of fees, and for major league ball clubs. Old Diz Pointe Woods. Clarence Johnson ha* returned her l»-d and wheel-chair for over Institute, Orange, New Jersey, was bone in one ot her fe«*t as the re- Auto Felt employees of Grand Rap- the allowance of all things therein wouldn't be surprised to see Michi- from the hospital. four years, when she fractured her guest speaker at Ballard Church The Phils boast Detroit-born sult of an accident! ids, Rev. II. A. Knickerbocker and contained. gan near the top of the list as a Bob Miller, who still lives Mrs. Leona Gulllford and her hip In a fall. Sunday evening. courtesy of the Kent City Baptist It is Ordcrvd. That the 21st day Mrs. Harry Peterson entertained supplier of big leaguers. h$re; Stan Lopata, born in dauirhter of Grand Rapids, called Mr. and Mr*. Homer Glllett and Church, also bearers for kindness of June A.D. I95r>. at ten o'clock in Saturday with a stork shower, hon- Detroit and now living in Allen on Mrs. Manyfield Sunday. girls were Sunday dinner guests and sympathy extended with beau- the forenoon, at said probate office, Consider the Tigers' roster alone. „ oring Mrs. Robert K«olf. Assisting Park; , now Mrs. Maud Power is spending a of Mr. and Mrs. Alden Adams and tiful florals offerings at the passing be and is hereby appointed for ex- Seven players are of Michigan the hostess were Mrs. Deward Rei- a Detroiter but born in Ham- couple of weeks with relatives in sons of Lansing. May 7. of our husband, father and amining and allowing --aid account origin and still live here. Curiously, rhelt and Mrs. Jack Johnson. Mrs. Battle Creek. ^ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs grandfather, Ray Keinick of Kent and hearing said petition: all but two are . tramck, and outfielder Danny Kgolf received many beautiful Schell, who was born and still Mrs. Simeon Peterson entertain- BALLARD I** Glllett on the arrival of their City. It is Further Ordered. That pub- The hurlers include Steve Gro- gifts. ed at a joint birthday dinner Sun by Mrs. Ituth Warner Ph. SMS son on Sunday afternoon at the mek, born in Hamtramck and now lives in Fostoria. —Mrs. Ray Kernlck and family lic notice thereof be given by- Mrs. Robert Kgolf is spending a day for Mrs. Harry Peterson and Osteopathic Hospital of Grand 5-25-c publication of a copy of this order, living in Detroit; George Zuverink, With the are week vacation with her parent*, Mrs. Robert Egolf. The children of the Ballard Rapids. He weighed seven pounds, 0 — for three successive weeks pre- born and still living in Holland; pitchers and Art Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Berry of Schcol were dismissed for their 14 ounces and is named Edward vious to said day of hearing, in R*> Herbert, whose birthplace is Houtteman, both born in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saur left Grand Rapids, spent Sunday with summer vacation on Tti<"*day. On Lee. the Sentinel-Leader, a newspaper Battle Creek but now calls Detroit the former living in Franklin Hills, by plane Sunday evening for Puer- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hawkins. Wednesday, the children and their Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lentz and printed and circulated in said his home: Leo Cristante, born and the latter in Birmingham. Infielder to Rico where they will spend a Mrs. Edwin Hawkins and Mrs. mother.- arid friends went to Fre- family spent Sunday afternoon Legal Notice county. Ted Johnson attended a Pink and mont to the Gerber Factory, where with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. El- still living in Detroit, and Duane Joe Altobelli was born and still week with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel JOHN DALTON. Blue shower Friday for Mrs. Nancy they had their dinner and toured mer Dell of Way land. Maas, born in Utica and still re- lives in Detroit. del Valle at Cagua. On the return ORDER FOR PUBLICATION Judge of Probate. Northrup at her mother's home at the plant. 0 _ siding there. On the Baltimore Oriole roster trip they plan to stop at Port-au- Final Administration Account A true Copy. Sand Lake. The Ballard Church will have a this spring were pitchers Dunne Prince. Haiti, Havanna. Cuba and Soup! It's the way we make It. STATE OF MICHIGAN C. R. LAWTON. The exceptions are Detro'.t-born Mr. and Mrs. Edd Green accom- Vacation Bible School, beginning Miami. Florida. If* what we put Into it. It's the Register of Probate. outfielder Steve Souchock, who Pillette and , born and panied Mr. and Mrs. Carl Green to June « at 9:00 a.m. and will close still living in, respectively, Detroit TIES—Ties for Father's Day. now lives in Dearborn, and new Grand Haven, Saturday afternoon -with a program June 19. All chil- At a session of said court, held outfielder Charlie Maxwell, ob- and Wyandotte. Catcher Hal Smith Hand made using the slip stitch, 0- winters in Lincoln Park, while out- a nice variety of colors, patterns tained from Baltimore, who was and materials to choose from, born in Lawton and now lives in fielder Chuck Oertel spends his winters in Pontiac. eat-h In a gift box. Get them at Paw Paw. the West Apartment over the Of the 16 teams in the two major For the . pitcher Kent City State Bank. —Kriger. leagues, only four—the two New- Ivan Delock was born in Highland adv. CHILI HAMBURGER SNACKS (Mato$ t HTungi) York clubs, Kansas City and Wash- Park and now lives in Detroit, Mrs. (ieorge Wilkerson returned ington—are without Michigan rep while infielder Norman Zauchin home from Orand Rapids Friday, resentatives. was born in Detroit and now lives "where she had been most of the On the other hand, the in Royal Oak. time for three weeks, with her son- White Sox, Ctattland Indians and Pitcher Charley Templeton of in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Philadelphtaf Phils boast almost as the Brooklyn Dodgers was born in Robert McGinn is, in order to go to I labi****** XV* many Michiganders as Ihe Tigers Detroit and now lives in Wayne. the hospital every day to «ee her mutiard daughter, Mable Scoby. J iupi (2 I do. Pitcher Bob Rush of the Chicago ) kidney Ralph Ing*»rson. who was seri- H (»p coarsely On the White Sox squad are Cubs still lives in Battle Creek. ously injured in an auto accident t!uUJ f»/i )uu: La.'Su-l autl priced .special. t' f in hot shortening. To serve, place meat cake on still living in Kalamazoo; out- Hobie Landrith resides in Allen who ha* been so seriously II!, Is plate, heap with hot bes-is. top with second meat fielder John Golich. Detroit-born Park when he's not playing the niu<'h improved and has now re- cake then with fc cup chopped onu.n and but now living in Dearborn, anil Hickory and Horsehide game. turned to her work. a • a ted cheeie. Memorial Day services will be » MY lATfST RfCIPf SOOlfllT S,»d /or your held In the Auditorium. Monday, ! «•>•* '• Blakt, Dipt. GS-tU. May 30 at 8:30 a m. with Rev. Ar- Carnation Company, Lot AnjtUt 36. thur Buege as speaker. The h'gh school band will furnish nruslc. K Mr. and Mrs. Barton Stevenson KENT CITY of Muskegon called on Mrs. Ful- We Cash Pay Checks kerson. Saturday evening. Mrs. 6ROU by Mix C. W. Fiilkcr»oii Stevenson Is the former Aura Me- Brlde, who was a high school teacher here several years ago and FRESH CREAMERY LB. Miv. Prenti* WmidnII wan called with Mrs. Hocpis And her mother stayed nt 'he Fulkorson home. BEE IF 3 to Nortbvllle Monday to attend tho Mrs. Oeorge Wllkerson. Mrs. M. K. Moore was enter- Extra Lean funeral of « relative. She went via Mrs. Ix>ttle Wrlnht has recently tained Sunday nt a birthday dinner Ann Arbor and «pent the night had two light stroke* and Is now in her honor, at the home of Mr. None Finer with their aon and family returnlnn at Bailey with her niece. She is 57c and Mrs. . Ralph Turner of Kala- home Wednesday. not wholly Incapacitated hut in not mazoo. Mrs. Arthur Potter I* spending aide to be alone at present. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Anderson were FRESH WRAP 2 ROLLS the week in Alhlon with th«-ir won, Mr. t^id Mrs. Clyde Austin, spent Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Ri.ttseil Potter and family. the week-end in t?larksvlli» with Mrs. Elof Johnson of Sparta. All Cuts Mrs. Mali!? »Wilkfi-Kon i Scoby, Mr. and M.-s. Brink Bolthnuse and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Johnson and who came to (Srand Rapid* from j family. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson hud Alaska gneveral w.-eks ago for «ur- Cathy and Cindy Waldheer are Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. your Wax Paper 43c K«-r>*. wii.s able to leave the hospital I staying with their grand pa'rent*, l^-onard Johnson of Fremont. Friday ami l« now with her hun- j Mr. an,i Mrs. Advil Swanson, while The Alumni Association meeting BOND WARE 10 PLATES hand'* slater, Mrs. Charles Rogers, their mother Is in the hospital. which met at tne Auditorium Sat- Beef Roast choice and Mr. Rogers. During the time | Mrs. Kilpha Walk ley «*f Parch- urday evening, was not as well of her convalene«-nee, she will he ment, spent Friday nlsht with her attended .t« last year. Those who Paper Plate:5 45c Grade \, The Very Best QP ^ BOND WARE PKG. OF 25 CUPS Every Customer Of The Skinless Franks Juib. Cold Cups 25c BE MO FULL POUND Sparta State Bank Morrell Pride Ready To Eat Potato Chip s 69c 3i lb. PAW PAW QUART JAR • IS MORE THAN A NAME ON OUR RECORDS. Each customer is a flesh and blood man or woman with human can emotions, personal problems, individual hopes and plans. Canned Picnics 2.29 Dill Pickles 25c • IS MORE THAN A VOICE ON THE TELEPHONE. A customer's call is our signal for action, an opportunity to Extra Lean No Limit €\ H ASSORTED FLAVORS 6 PKGS. serve, our chance to make a friend for the bank. • IS MORE THAN A SIGNATURE ON A LETTER. Kool Aid 25c Each letter we receive, no matter how minor it may seem, is Sliced Bacon jjC important to the customer and merits our full attention. GOLDEN RIPE 2 LBS. • IS NEVER AN IMPOSITION ON OUR TIME. "Our time is your time" should be our attitude toward every Cello Package customer, because that is why we are here ... to serve. Bananas 29c lbs. • IS NOT AN OUTSIDER. The customer is truly an "insider" . . . our reason for existence Pure Lard 2 tor -IT'S PICNIC TIME! .... our "boss" ... a highly important part of our bank. 29c MULLER'S "FRESH' Pkg. of 8 large sliced buns • IS NOT A FAVOR-SEEKER. BORDEN'S GLACIER CLUB Assorted Flavors GALLON Hot Dog & Hamburg Buns 22c We do not confer a favor when we serve a customer . . . instead FOR TASTY SANDWICHES TRY MULLER'S ASSORTED the customer does us a favor by doing business with us. §1.39 RYE BREADS • IS NOT DEPENDENT ON US. Ice Cream Caraway - Pumpernickel - Plain - and Party Snack We depend on the customer. Without his support there would . AN EASY PICNIC DESSERT! be no deposits, no loans, no profits . . . and no Sparta State RED RIPE TUBE HOME-GROWN Bank. 3 BUNCHES MULLER'S "DUTCH KITCHEN' As our two local banks consolidate into one much larger bank, it is ALMOND FINGERS 33c our desire that every person in this community know our standard of bank- 29c Radishes 19c Pkff. of 12 Cookies ing. It is our firm belief that a bank customer is a friend whose confi- dence and good will form our most priceless assets. It is our aim to be friendly and to justify this confidence by serving this community effic- iently. Entrance and Large Parking Loft in Rear ol Store.


^rtaria EMMONS MARKET PHONE 1271 SHOP-SAY E— THE EMMONS WAY - DOWNTOWN SPARTA kLJLMs STATE liVMx AM, DEPOSITS F.D.I.O. INSURED THI MIINDIY RANK ON TNI I P TO tlO.OOO. YOUR DOWNTOWN SPARTA SPARTAN STORE THE SENTINEL-LEADER — SPARTA. MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1955 meaningful point in world rela- — ed an honorary life membership one-half year period This would Involve weekly drills and yearly tions with Austrian freedom a real- HEINZELMAN in apperflation of his Ions *rvic« A SALUTE TO ROTARY two-Week concentrated ity. a bljt power conference In the OBSERVES 40TH lo that organization. He also In a NEXT SUNDAY periods. Furthermore the propoeal making and the fruitful rewards we ANNIVERSARY member of the Ti-lephone Plokeen offer* several alternatives to fit hope will unterialize from Harold KlU ( A If , DAY of America. A tribute to Rotary International special individual jaws such as for Sta.s*en's work as newly appointed >: i/i young men who live in remote ••Secretary of Peace." But to make will be dramatized by the Hall- ~Willi. I*. Helnaeluian, manner j *'• «•"» M»- "einzelman and mark Hall of Fame on Sunday, areas some distance from an or- peace a reality we must work to- hrrv for the Mtchlsan Bell TWe- j daughter, Del ore*. live ut I^SIG May 29. In a half-hour program ganized reserve unit. ward It from a position of strength 1 p phone Ctimp«ny. this week ceie- Pine, Spring Lake. of which the National Reserve >ht w on WOOD-TV (Channel »>, at 4:»'« Should a young man not wish to >1 rated his 40th service anniversary 0 p.m.. E.S.T. fulfill his military obligation in Plan is a crucial part. in the telephone business. - Joe Brooks, President of the Ro- this manner he may choose to en- Since this Issue has not been A* . he haa had general tary Club of Sparta, said that the list for a regular Kirch «n any fully resolved in the Congress. If supervision over the company's | Sparta Locals show will coincide with the open- branch of the armed forces. Or he you have any specific questions business dealings with the public ing date of the 5-day Rotary In- may take the selective service about this National Reserve Plan route for two years of active duty in a territory that includes Sparta. Mrs. C. K. Wilson. Sr.. and Mrs. ternational convention in Chicago and the many complications con- as a draftee. Orand Haven. Casnovia Kent City. M ,, CuIver> Hpent Wednesday at to be attended by 20.00« Rotarians cerned. 1 would be happy to answer and Marne. He came here In 19oJ Mf.wU.k ,he KUesta of Mr. un,l Mrs. and members of their families It Is unfortunate that our young them. • • • sKg&sasg:rss»-.-~ v hen the Grand Haven area was x j j0j,n!M)n men are faced with problem* «-ueh from 65 countries. atomavh _ d South. so»« for n established, from Benton Harbor ' ^ „f (;rand Rapldl,t Edward Arnold will narrate the as these. Although I have always Last week I was on the short r doubted the advisability of the end of a 218-1 TO House vote which the food b»con. veteran®. ^° fast where he had served in the same f|.„rm.r ^dent of Sparta, was a Rotary story, whir-h will be pre- position for over ten years. Sparta caller tWs past week. Mr. sented in two acts. First act will European type t'MT legislation. I once again smothered any chance wck 1868 iu do favor the provisions of the Na- All of his telephone years hav* Culp worked for the Welch Plant dramatize the founding of Rotary of statehood for Alaska or Hawaii tional Reserve Plan. It seems to been spent In western Michigan. many years and was a member of by Paul P. Harris. The second act in the 84th Congress. rr£~- -^zr- °°» offer the best solution to a diffi- He was born and educated in Beneath the surface of the pro the Sparta Band at that time. He will tell the story of some of Ro- cult and costly problem involving But by the »P uve. or ung to re C.rand Rapid*. There he began his and con statements on this ques- old coD j- aJso a cousin of Mrs. Walter tary V major activities In 90 coun- our national security. By allow- ww career as a messenger boy in the tion. I believe two facts are essen- Bright. tries of the free world. ing each young man to make his ^ r« ^ ' ^ «v«r> *-«- accounting department when he i - tially responsible for holding up own choice as to several alterna- favorable action on statehood for 0 was only 16 years old. tives. he is thereby able to select And f"h"*> U tbeB*d«''»r »lrewinI these territories. For one thing, ! hl°®l''- Helnzelmann left work two years i - . jj/ y / ^ ^ that plan which will mean the least a the Southern voting block in Con- field, eve" , o{ the ^| g May 3° •» Uves fo. «*» later to serv disruption to his life. And still the r gress fears that these new states order d~«^h„ bad given moved rlor.**' as he National Reserve Plan guarantees Tn ,; ifm might, not only send an oriental Mlebr.«d «e« o[ the®» proceB1on» Telephone anid Telesraph Battalion f (jy' a strong standing force which pro- representative to Washington, but ao e of the Signal Corps during the first vides a manpower pool of men wit" " r'f^«eeV-l»"'-^ceS „f the dead. ddecor»wd Congressman reasonably ready, trained and call- will eventually produce new tie war. country- the reaUng I c0m»^ "custom able. strength for civil rights legislation He returned to Michigan Bell JERRY FORD \» hich Southerners so violently op- after his discharge and began ad- I earnestly hope that this plan pose. Secondly, representatives W.tb^ ** tot umberotSoutherx,co ^ Noxib, ^ slift vancing. serving successively as Con.eae«« ^^h does not have to become a perman- from the more populace states such switchboard repairman, chief col- ent element in our national way New York fear that their rela- EVenb d 8001 ^Tf Confederate ^ ^oUgh *>«* * lector. and as assistant manager Despite the better atmosphere for | functions as Universal Military of life. However, we must main* tive voting strength, particularly In In charge of the dial office at world peace let no one underesti-1 Trainlnc. Representative Dewey the , pernianen . ^ y 30. ^tural that tain an adequate national defense • he Senate will be dimlslied should bectfn Mft flrand Rapids at the time the prop- mate the need for our nation to re- Short, of Missouri, an outspoken In liKht of present world conditions. spread d on d»tea o . \ed und, »t ™ ^ ,efi at these lightly populated areas be deB a w0 arTn erties of Michigan Bell and the main militarily powerful. Our mil- opponent of such legislation stated RlKht now we seem to be at a very admitted. honor their . j an unheal valor of n»ch year Citizens Telephone Company were itary tools must be ready and yet during debate on the House floor. combined in the late nineteen ever subject to reappraisal if we "This present b'.ll is not I'.M.T.. «*»'Z£i~» "$£>»• », twenties. are to keep pace with those who granted.*' Four years later, he was named are attempting to stuck world pow- One major difference is that this manager at Ionia, transferring to er agains' us. This past week the reserve plan has none of t*ie com- pulsary features of a Europeanlzed sSSsrsSssgs" * Benton Harbor In 1941. House considered the National Re- Owl Session^ UMT program. The new reserve Many telephone changes have serve Plan, which concerns an Im- wa plan simply recognizes the need bitterne* ° grBphy c0untry » f r those come about in his 40-year career portant aspect of our national de- SKATE TILL MIDNIGHT AT for a trained pool of manpower to i.'nd he comments. "Never a dull fense. that of building the maxi- H I - WAY ROLLER RINK back up the regular armed forces moment in this telephone business; mum military strength through the In case of an emergency. No youth -- SATURDAY, MAY 28 — -jxztr- • --irr---. something new all the time." Just most effective reserve organiza- tions. would be forced to enter any par- Skating cm Wednesday. Friday and Saturdays who never.a ^ with hurlf t wo ****.'&problem", an a few samples of what he means lha ticular reserve program against are dial service, direct distance As the National Reserve Plan was 7:30 P.M. Till 10:30 P.M. his will. In fact, if anything, this dialing, network television across repor'ed out "f committee it would proposed legislation widens the the country, telephones in automo- provide for a 2.900,000 reserve Tuesday and Thursday open for Parties scope of individual choice by pro- biles. hands-free telephones, out- ioree t.. aceompany the i-egular viding several alternatives to the For rwrtation« call Cli trim Trnte. Mill Ravenna door telephone booths and auto- military establishment with person- present two-year draft. matic answering devices. nel totallna 2.850.000, In the National Reserve Plan, Heinzelman is on Ihe board of Many persons have the miscon- the six-month trainees receive Hi-Way Roller Rink Wri directors of the Rotary Club and ception that the National Reserve ""laLM ANGtS ^"^Sgi training as members of the armed the Ottawa County Red Cross. He Plan Is identical to t'MT. The Miles North of Ratcmia on M-IH By P H forces and then revert I" civilian- AZr««» ''rrr- /JGi is a past Exalted Ruler of the National Reserve Plan Is not UMT I reservist status for a seven and gminen' tincol" "™n^um»n« Ionia Elks Lodge and was award- nor is It Intended to fulfill the same Ei"^J^Worf. Gr The High Compression

some. I lis Injury from guns of fanatics In the Capitol attack Gasolene of the Year! MICHIGAN MIRROR makes him even better known A third group is reviving the campaign lo get Detroit's M. .vor TOMUSTN AltfC llETl R.MXti to A special 30-day license is sold Coho as the Republican candidate. * • • Michigan this summer to bring the the buyer—with lawmakers figur- Industry back to lis S50rt.000.000 a ing be will spend part of the extra They know him as a top-flight year heritage. time in the state. Dollar volume slipped eight per • • • organizer and a man who gets cent last year when other states REPUBLICANS. YOUNG AND things done, '-ut they're wondering de> "lope.l elaborate programs tn Ol.!! are making plans for 1956 as his pull at the polls after compete more strongly for the va- the end 'of the legislative sessions years of non-partisan municipal New 50 cationer's dollar. end. leadership. Robert J Furlong, executive A group of younger House mem- "Success in a city election doesn't secretary of the Michigan Tourist bers are working for a fresh re- Coui: ii is .-. king additional funds vival of the party following near- always mean success In a statewide to advertise the state as costs con- disasterous defeats In 1954 and the election."' said one Republican Sen- Gasolene Provides ator. tinue an upward spiral. 1955 spring election. • • • • • • Rep. Richard Smith of Bay City, Republicans in the legislature But it's encouraging, the number and Rep. Torn Burns, of Saginaw, are pulling In different directions of out-of-state people have In- are key figures in the group. Maximum Performance • • • though the splits appear to be min- quired through our office about or at present. facilities here." he said. TIkoy already sounded out Rep- In the Senate, there have been Kacli Inquiry gets back pha.n- G era Id R. Ford, of Orand Baplds, a number of defeats on the floor plets extolling the vacation spots as a possibility to leave Congress for the leadership of Senator Right in the in Michigan, developed coopera- and for Governor n- a standard Crelghton It. Coleman, of Batth tively by the four regional tourist bearer against Gov. Williams or his Creek, and his lieutenants Senators associations. successor Democrat Carlton II. Morris of Kalamazoo Furlong said the Inquiries have Ford, remembering the primary and Edward Hutchinson of Fenn- Increased over last year, a har- fights which split the party In the vi He. binger of a dollar volume come- past, is reluctant to mix it up He • • • back. because a large percentage said he would get Into the state The 11 -member Democratic del- of those who take the trouble to picture If the party would unite egation sits quietly, feeding what- check Michigan come here for their behind one man. ever flames of dissentlon that may vacations. • • • arise." • • • These are conditions th it may When it looks like a wide enough Another Item that will help is » -II the story In XtSV. split, the Democrats toss their the new legislative act which en- Others are taking a close look votes where they will do the most ables an out-of-state car buyer to at Rep. Alvin M. Bentley, of Owos- good. pick up his new car here and drive so, the young millionaire congress- The Coleman group lost on a fight it back home without paying Mich- man. whose popularity and finan- to raise the salary of I»r. Albert K. igan sales and use taxes. cial Independence are attractive to Ileustis, state health commissioner, 7 7. A t r from $ I '-.fain to only $16,500 a year. After a fight the figure was fixed 4»t $18,000. Whether the accumulation of We Quote the minor set back > means new leader- ship in the future will have to wait until next year, but »t appears that Following Prices Paid C-deinan's group has lost important majority votes. at Our Sale Monday, • • • Right in the Combustion I.XBOIS l.l.\DI Its were shocked when Republican party bellweth- MAY 23 ers denounced a Republican-spon- Chamber...the Business End sored "right to work" bill. sold up t« 2".r»o |H-r n»l. They arrived at a public hearing. 5cr cwt. Versed in opposing the legislation of Your Car's Engine!

u lo ,4 HO r , 1 which they feared would outlaw BEEF COWS '•"M '' - l*' '" ' the closed shop. BEEF BULLS *"»«« ul» «" ,VM *" r ^ The bill would hale given a man 11 FEEDER CATTLE - *old » .*»« to 17AO per cwt. the right to work without Joining i labor union "or any Mher asso- UNNFL >old up to I».HO I»er IKI. ciation." Everybody recognized EXTRA-HIGH OCTANE SOWS - sold up to I»er «wt. that it was aimed at the unions. August Schoiie. president of the FEEDER PIGS >old ».50 to 2 LAO each MlchigHn CIO council, said the HORSES sold 57.00 to H7.AO each bill was "anti-labor" and charged 7^e enfy*>ld up to lH each to their policy of being agmnst the •rkl'ig man." HENS xild up to !.«& each • • • A NT I - STALLING RABBITS _... Mild up to 2.0® MM "la i nlior- were cheered by tbe t• i EKE sold up to l.3« nu ll packed gallery when they made sold up to 3.2A wii li similar statements. 7fieyjiyuwzuce, TURKEYS . The payoff came when Senator HAY •»ol<| up to Ale bale Roberi E. Faulkner. Republican CITIES SERVICE chairman of the Senate labor com- 1312 HEAD OF MYEHTtX'K — 70 CONSIGNMENTS «•» POtJI/TRY mittee. read a letter from State featwiet/ NO SALE MONDAY. MAY 341 t'halrmsn John Felken* Boiled UPPER-CYLINDER LUBRICANT down, it denounced the bill and The Indies of tlw llol, Family Church of Kparta said: The 'right to work" bill is not with have charge at the re»tauraut on June a. R* ouhlicitn party policy. The Re- publican i- not now and never has Meets Requirements of 1955 High Compression Engines The Sn'- lis- lite largest number of buyer* paying tlie liigliesl be, n In opposition to the working market prices for your livestock Valuable Free Gift given away at • OO P.M. every Monday night. CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTORS: Most be peasant to win. IN MEMORIAM The flowers In the Memorial - RAVENNA LIVESTOCK SALES Window are in loving memory of Stout & Ucbele Archie It. Inner sol I and l-'rank J Matt Kik J. PAUL HEP MAN. Mgr PHONK 123-113 Sparta Oil Company Blank. S P A R T A KENT CITY CEDAR SPRINGS AUCTION EVERY MONDAY AT 3:00 P.M.. RAVENNA, MICHIGAN — Hessel Chap*).