THE SENTINEL-LEADER — SPARTA, MICHIGAN WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1955 sister-in-law, Mr*. M. E. Moore came had an enjoyable time and and ail had xupper on the beach. dren, from tho*« who will start IN MKMORIAM at the Probate office In the city the dance following the business Mr. Green. Sr.. Is rapidly recover- Saturday they visited relatives and school thl* fall through high school KKAt'SE—In loving memory of of Grand Rapids. In said county. meeting- was attended by about ing from hi* recent serious Illness. friends a' c.rant and Bailey. are Invited to attend. The le-won our dear wife and mother. Hilda on the 20th day of May. A.D. 1955. 10«. The officers elected for next Mr. and Mrs. Carl Waldheer are course ia to be "Heroes of the Mr. and Mrs. Orval Emmorey Krause. who passed away six year* Present, Hon. JOHN DALTON. spent Sunday afternoon with their year were: President, Oscar Ander- the parents of a baby girl, Sandra Crow." Jsdge of Probata. who weighed over nine pounds. ago. May 27. 1949. son. orvin K ram ore y and family of son: Vice President. Cuy Curtiss; The Young People ..f the Ballard IN THE MATTER OF THE Mother and daughter are getting —Charles Krause Cedar Springs. Secretary. Florence Spees«_» and Church were hosts for a Youth ESTATE OF Bessie Holly. IV. along nicely at St. Mary's Hos- Mr. and Mr*. Charles tfipH Treasurer. Mrs. George Hanson. It Rally at the church on Monday ceased. Mrs. Ruth Tel lick returned home was decided to have a banquet next pital. Uttle Sandra waa born Sat- evening. Toung people attended Krause, Jr. rsrsm Monday from the hospital, where urday, May 21. Philip L. Hogan. having filed year. from Franklin Street Church of Mr. and Mr*. Pete Wolter. she had been for surgery. in *ald court his final adminis- Mr. and Mrs. Orval Emmorey Mrs. Josephine Cook and Mr. Christ in Grand Rapids. Balley 5-25-p Mr. and Mr*. Mentor Johnson tration account, and hi* petition visited friends at Maple Grove and Mrs. Georve Cook and family Church of Christ, Asland Center are staying with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- praying for the allowance thereof Over the years, Detroit and the infulder Cass Michaels (out this ho ne Friday, and later had dlnn. : of Crand Rapids, attended the fun- Church and Mu^kem.n t'hurch of ton Beuachel at the farm while CARD OF THANKS and for the assignment and distri- state of Michigan have been highly year with a head injury), born in wl'h their sdn and daughter-in- eral of Mr*. Sarah A. Ro*e last Christ. Mrs. Beuschel is unable to be on We sincerely wish to thank rela- bution of the residue of said estate, productive sources of talent for Detroit and now residing in Grosse law, Mr. and Mr*. Paul Emmorey. Tuesday. She had been confined to Paul Bajko, of Eastern Christian her feet on account of a broken tive*. friends, neighbors. American for the allowance of fees, and for major league ball clubs. Old Diz Pointe Woods. Clarence Johnson ha* returned her l»-d and wheel-chair for over Institute, Orange, New Jersey, was bone in one ot her fe«*t as the re- Auto Felt employees of Grand Rap- the allowance of all things therein wouldn't be surprised to see Michi- from the hospital. four years, when she fractured her guest speaker at Ballard Church The Phils boast Detroit-born sult of an accident! ids, Rev. II. A. Knickerbocker and contained. gan near the top of the list as a pitcher Bob Miller, who still lives Mrs. Leona Gulllford and her hip In a fall. Sunday evening. courtesy of the Kent City Baptist It is Ordcrvd. That the 21st day Mrs. Harry Peterson entertained supplier of big leaguers. h$re; catcher Stan Lopata, born in dauirhter of Grand Rapids, called Mr. and Mr*. Homer Glllett and Church, also bearers for kindness of June A.D. I95r>. at ten o'clock in Saturday with a stork shower, hon- Detroit and now living in Allen on Mrs. Manyfield Sunday. girls were Sunday dinner guests and sympathy extended with beau- the forenoon, at said probate office, Consider the Tigers' roster alone. „ oring Mrs. Robert K«olf. Assisting Park; infielder Ted Kazanski, now Mrs. Maud Power is spending a of Mr. and Mrs. Alden Adams and tiful florals offerings at the passing be and is hereby appointed for ex- Seven players are of Michigan the hostess were Mrs. Deward Rei- a Detroiter but born in Ham- couple of weeks with relatives in sons of Lansing. May 7. of our husband, father and amining and allowing --aid account origin and still live here. Curiously, rhelt and Mrs. Jack Johnson. Mrs. Battle Creek. ^ Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs grandfather, Ray Keinick of Kent and hearing said petition: all but two are pitchers. tramck, and outfielder Danny Kgolf received many beautiful Schell, who was born and still Mrs. Simeon Peterson entertain- BALLARD I** Glllett on the arrival of their City. It is Further Ordered. That pub- The hurlers include Steve Gro- gifts. ed at a joint birthday dinner Sun by Mrs. Ituth Warner Ph. SMS son on Sunday afternoon at the mek, born in Hamtramck and now lives in Fostoria. —Mrs. Ray Kernlck and family lic notice thereof be given by- Mrs. Robert Kgolf is spending a day for Mrs. Harry Peterson and Osteopathic Hospital of Grand 5-25-c publication of a copy of this order, living in Detroit; George Zuverink, With the Cleveland Indians are week vacation with her parent*, Mrs. Robert Egolf. The children of the Ballard Rapids. He weighed seven pounds, 0 — for three successive weeks pre- born and still living in Holland; pitchers Hal Newhouser and Art Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Berry of Schcol were dismissed for their 14 ounces and is named Edward vious to said day of hearing, in R*> Herbert, whose birthplace is Houtteman, both born in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Saur left Grand Rapids, spent Sunday with summer vacation on Tti<"*day. On Lee. the Sentinel-Leader, a newspaper Battle Creek but now calls Detroit the former living in Franklin Hills, by plane Sunday evening for Puer- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hawkins. Wednesday, the children and their Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lentz and printed and circulated in said his home: Leo Cristante, born and the latter in Birmingham. Infielder to Rico where they will spend a Mrs. Edwin Hawkins and Mrs. mother.- arid friends went to Fre- family spent Sunday afternoon Legal Notice county. Ted Johnson attended a Pink and mont to the Gerber Factory, where with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. El- still living in Detroit, and Duane Joe Altobelli was born and still week with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel JOHN DALTON. Blue shower Friday for Mrs. Nancy they had their dinner and toured mer Dell of Way land. Maas, born in Utica and still re- lives in Detroit. del Valle at Cagua. On the return ORDER FOR PUBLICATION Judge of Probate. Northrup at her mother's home at the plant. 0 _ siding there. On the Baltimore Oriole roster trip they plan to stop at Port-au- Final Administration Account A true Copy. Sand Lake. The Ballard Church will have a this spring were pitchers Dunne Prince. Haiti, Havanna. Cuba and Soup! It's the way we make It. STATE OF MICHIGAN C. R. LAWTON. The exceptions are Detro'.t-born Mr. and Mrs. Edd Green accom- Vacation Bible School, beginning Miami. Florida. If* what we put Into it. It's the Register of Probate. outfielder Steve Souchock, who Pillette and Bob Kuzava, born and panied Mr. and Mrs. Carl Green to June « at 9:00 a.m. and will close still living in, respectively, Detroit TIES—Ties for Father's Day. now lives in Dearborn, and new Grand Haven, Saturday afternoon -with a program June 19. All chil- At a session of said court, held outfielder Charlie Maxwell, ob- and Wyandotte. Catcher Hal Smith Hand made using the slip stitch, 0- winters in Lincoln Park, while out- a nice variety of colors, patterns tained from Baltimore, who was and materials to choose from, born in Lawton and now lives in fielder Chuck Oertel spends his winters in Pontiac. eat-h In a gift box. Get them at Paw Paw. the West Apartment over the Of the 16 teams in the two major For the Boston Red Sox. pitcher Kent City State Bank. —Kriger. leagues, only four—the two New- Ivan Delock was born in Highland adv. CHILI HAMBURGER SNACKS (Mato$ t HTungi) York clubs, Kansas City and Wash- Park and now lives in Detroit, Mrs. (ieorge Wilkerson returned ington—are without Michigan rep while infielder Norman Zauchin home from Orand Rapids Friday, resentatives. was born in Detroit and now lives "where she had been most of the On the other hand, the Chicago in Royal Oak. time for three weeks, with her son- White Sox, Ctattland Indians and Pitcher Charley Templeton of in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Philadelphtaf Phils boast almost as the Brooklyn Dodgers was born in Robert McGinn is, in order to go to I labi****** XV* many Michiganders as Ihe Tigers Detroit and now lives in Wayne. the hospital every day to «ee her mutiard daughter, Mable Scoby. J iupi (2 I do. Pitcher Bob Rush of the Chicago ) kidney Ralph Ing*»rson. who was seri- H (»p coarsely On the White Sox squad are Cubs still lives in Battle Creek.
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