Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1957-12-28
• 195'7 Tetmed A Year 01 Notable 'Achievements At SUI Active In Varied Fieids Of Sports, Science, Culture Witlj its football team, winning a decisive Rose 'Bowl victory before the eyes of some 75 million viewers, SUI ushered 1957 in with a flourish last New Year's Day. oi owan In the 12 months following, University individuals scored a, number Servitw The State Universit y of Iowa and the People of Iowa City of other achievements which, while less spectacular, perhaps, were lember oC Associat8(l Pre - AP Lea~ Wire a nd Photo Se1'\1~ Iowa City, Iowa, aturday. Deeember 21, 1957 no less notable. ~----~~~~------------~.----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ College SUI physicists, for instance. re· presented the stale in a vast pro· Detroit Lio ject involving scientists of 60 na· rhursday on Enrollment tions, the International Geophys ical -e they wi. Year. With balloons I rockets and Browns Sun. ·ng test instruments the Iowans made nship oC tilt On Upsw, scientific news near both poles, at Igue. Mine . the equator and at the IGY base at ." Coal• Explosion ~ away ' the WASHINGTON (A'I - A record 3,· Fort Churchill on Hudson Bay. damp an~ 068.000 stud~nts .e ~rolled i~ col· From the decks of U.S. naval ~emperature. leges and uDlversltl~s early 10 the vessels, James Van Allen, Profes. : to buy tic, fall and the total IS expected to sor and head of physics, Laurence swell to 3,460,000. , . Cahill. research assistant. launched a blue sul Reportin? this rrlday, the OffIce a total of 54 "rockoon~," reaching I the 2·block of Education said an enrollment a record altitude of 82 miles for Traps' ,U'nderground record has been set annually for the small balloon.
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