Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC August 1967 Daily Egyptian 1967 8-11-1967 The aiD ly Egyptian, August 11, 1967 The aiD ly Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_August1967 Volume 48, Issue 198 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, August 11, 1967." (Aug 1967). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1967 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in August 1967 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Student Response Computer System - ~ Installed in Lawson Students taking classes in could by used In a lecture when Lawson 121 tbis fall will find a test is not being given, a unique ~l of seven buttons Winsor said. at eacb seat-- all pan of a The system at SID, called sop histlcated computer tbe Student Responder System, response s ystem being com­ is one ot only a few In tbe pleted tbls week. country, Winsor said. Unlque The seven button panel will features of SID's system w!ll have three basic functions witb many variations, said Donald :e t~~o~;~~~~Ho~~:t~~~~~ 1- L. Winsor, assistant pro­ cbange answers. fessor in audio-visual ser­ vices and 'director of the pro­ Cost of tbe project was est­ ject. imated at between $30,000 and $40,000, Winsor said. The A student will be able to unit Is bUit by General El­ answer test questions by push­ ectric and Is be!t}g-thstalled ing one of tbe numbered buttons by Goldberg....K O'Brien· and change his answer by Electrical/ Co mpa n y of simply pushing a Sf correct" C bicago. c..--- button and another number, Winsor said. Thus tbe student Funds for tbe project came COMPUTERIZED CLASS-A sophisticated during lectures. Assi·stant Professor Donald will be able to take a test from a Title 6 federal grant, computer student-response system is being in· L . Winsor, standing at the tectum, is the direc· without using either a pencil Wlnsor...said. stalled in Lawson 121. The system may be tor for the project. or worrying about making er - "There are few opport­ used for tests and for questions and answers asures. unities for a student to show Another feature of the a response to the lecturer,' Student Responder System is Winsor said. Particularly tbis SIUChanges a "question" button pushed is true in a large lecture during lecture if the student area. With the response ~ does not understand what the system tbe lecturer will have lecturer Is presenting. By available a metbod of finding Graduation thiS method tbe student will what percentage of students register a question Without have correctly answered each disturbing the class. Also question and what questions Procedures the percentage of students students have questions about. not understandlng the ~uestion It will all be handled by by pushing the button will be computer. EGYPTIAN 6a~~lor~a~~at::SO:i~~IVJ~! ~:de le=:rel~~~i~~Ju~ Students are not tbe only grees will not receive dip- Immediately. benefactores of the project. · S~l.tlUl IJttUuJi4 1ilfiq.l,,~ lorna covers from the com- Lecturers will be able to pr o­ Carbondale, IJli na i. mencement platform on Sept. A third feature of the panel gram lectures =mblnlng tape 2. is that teachers may ask recordings, slides, motion Friday, Augu;.-11, 1967 pictures, records and many Number 198 Traditionally, all degree students questions and have Volume 48 candidates at sru have been tbem select a numbered other lecturing aids; Winsor h eli I answer on the panel . Within said. personally handed t eir p 0 - a few seconds, the panel will Tbe lecturer's podium Menard Reha1tilitation mas, or diploma covers, as indicate tbe correct answer they filed across the platform. _by a flashing light at the will be eqUipped With an elec- correct button. This method (Continued on,Page 2) A special bulletin to degree Ex-Cons Attend SIU candidates indicateS that bachelor's and associate de­ gree candidates will receive diploma covers from the Two Streets to Carry Like Other Students' various academic deans at lo­ cations on the floor of the SIU Arena. By Wbit Bush lease from prison is consid­ ered by criminologists to be In addition, these candidates 'Only One-Way Traffic Upon release from prison a the most critical. During this wi 11 not participate in the pro­ cessional as they have done man receives from the state period most parole violations Carbondale's new system of Southbound drivers entering of Winois, a suit of clothes and new crimes occur. in tbe past. Only the doc­ toral and certificate of one-way traffic on two key Carbondale on U.S. 51 will (m ade in Stateville P eniten­ Roben Brooks, who is a streets leading to campus will turn west on Oak Street and tiary at JOliet), the price of specialist candidates will par­ lecturer at SlU's Center for ticipate in the processional go into effect the latter pan proceed west to University a bus ticket to the place where the Study of Crime Delinquen­ of next week, according to a Avenue. They will then pro­ he was conVicted, and $25. With the platform party and cy and Corrections, believes faculty. DiviSion of Highways spokes­ ceed south on University to T b e attitudes, intentions, half-way houses are one of man. Mill Street. and Mill Street knowledge or vocational skills the answers to the critical A spokesman for the Com­ between University Aven ue and gained during his prison years Alex Zedlalls, division tral­ period during social adjust­ mencement committee said fic engineer, said. "If every­ IllinoiS A"e nue will be one­ that also go with him will ment. the change Is designed to re­ way only, eastbound, Newton vary . with the mdlvldual, but thing SO!'s according to plan. .4There's a tremendous duce tbe length of tbe cere­ the one-way couple will open explained. to all men tbe main problem monies. Drivers entering Carbon- Is the same--adjusting to the backlog of tension and frus­ Thursday or Friday of next tration in these men. They week. II He added that the new world outside prison walls . Candidates for bachelor's (Continued on Poge 2) Many sociologists contend have been deprived of normal and associate degrees will system will open fo llowing "",; the worst thing an ex-con­ social communication, heter­ receive seating assignments installation of left turn sig­ vict can do is to return to osexual relationships and li­ in tbe South Lobby as tbey nals on Main Street at Uni­ Gus Bode his previous environment. quor for years. And, then in e nter the Arena. They will versity Avenue and Illinois This is particularly true for a matter of hours all of tbis be seated on the Arena floor. Avenue. a former narcotics addict. is available to the man and In the new system, Illinois They say an ex-convict has some can't handle it," Brooks Doctoral. cenificate of Avenue (U.S. 51) w!ll carry enough problems without being said. speCialist, and master's de­ only northbound traffic in the confronted dallyby people with For the former inmates gree candidates will receive section of the street between lcnowledge ofbis criminal rec­ from Menard who come to SIU the diploma and/or cover on M III Street (the northern ord. a s students t his transition tbe speaker's platform. boundary of tbe campus ) and The trend in penology in period _Is easier. Oak Street. years in Ulinols Is to reha­ Charles Helwig, who Is the The gradu'Ites who receive Oak Street parallels Main bUitate the individual rather SIU college extension program only diploma <;overs will re­ Street Gllinois 13) and is two ceive tbelr diplomas by mail. than to m~tain prisons coordinator for Menard, Mar­ blocks north. merely as places for confine­ ion, and Vienna prisons, thinks The mailing is expected by The system, as explained ment. With this concept in this Is true. Sept. 15. by James Newton, assistant mind the Dllnols legislature 141 don't think any unit in Measurements for caps and engineer at the DivisiC\n of passed a bill last May for the the world would'assimilate the Highways office in Carbon- Gus says he does not agree construction and maintenance gowns should be taken at tbe men as fast as an academic University Center Bookstore dale. will use much of Unl- with his friends who think stu­ of two transitional halfway unit." says Helwig. "There's versity Avenue for southbound dent wages should be at the houses in Cbicago and East no later than Aug. 15, the bul- a much less severe SOCial letin stated. only traffic. Tbis will ht. that same rate as faculty pay. but St. Louis. part of Unlversity be~en he does tblnlt the students The t ransitional period of The exerciSe are sched­ (Continued an Pave 10) Oak Street on the .north and ' s~uld have just as n:lUch right the fir~ 90 days after re- uled for 7:30 p.m. Sept. 2. Mill S~.':et . on the 8Oufh ............ ~•. ~ a~ . horn~ ~~~.':' . ~~~t~lsh~ '- ' -~7 , ·: P,..2 ..: ."'u".~ .0 • .1967 'Free Money' Due One-Way St~.eis to' Open (Continued ~ Pag. 1) . traffic through Carbondale, A.t Calilw Night Newton explained. dale on U.S. 51 from the He said the new tra1f1c ar­ south will remain on illinois rangement was based on' an A.cti"ity Saturday Avenue througbout their north­ agreement between the city SID's version of a Las Ve­ bound trip through Carbondale.
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