British Columbia Geological Survey Geological Fieldwork 1987
GEOLOGY OF THE NOAXE CREEK MAP AREA* (920/02) By J. K. Glover, P. Schiarizza and J. I. Garver KEYWORDS: Regional geology, Noaxe Creek, Warner Pass, The '&aughton 'kough: Marine sedimentary strata of he BridgeRiver terrane, Cadwallader terrane, Tyaughton Middle Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Relay Mountain GrrNugl trough. Yalakom fault, Shulaps ultramafic complex, wrench and the mid-Cretaceous Taqlor Creek and Jackass Mountain faults. groups (Jeletzky and Tipper, 1968). An Upper Cretaceous succession, which comprises her- INTRODUCTION ally discontinuous, nonmarine basinal deposits that grade up into continental volcanicarcrelated rocks, overlies theo13e: The Noaxe Creek map area lies 200 kilometres north of marine strata of the the Tyaughton trough with local pro- Vancouver on the eastern margin of the Coast Mountains, nounced angular unconformity (Glover and Schiarizra, and covers an area of 1000 squarekilometres within the 1987). Chilcotin Range. The topography and vegetation vary from The BridgeRiver terraneand Tyaughton trough are alpine tosubalpine in thewest, southeast and northeast, thought to have been offset from their correlatives to thc: where elevations range up to 2850 metres, to rolling tree- south, the tiozameen Group andMethow basin, by at leas170 covered ridges with intervening broad river valleys in the kilometres of right-lateral strike-slip movement along the central part of the area. north-trending Fraser - Straight Creek fanlt system during Approximately 70 per cent of the area, mostly north of Late Cretaceous (?) and Early Tertiary time (Monger, 19U). Tyaughton and Noaxe creeks, was mapped at ascale of Earlier, post-Albian fragmentation of the Tyaughton-Methow 120 000 by a four-person field crew duringthe 1987 season.
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