Patrick Chan was born in , on December 31, 1990. The twenty-three year old, two-time Olympic Silver medalist, three-time World Champion and seven-time National Champion grew up on the ski hill at the Mont Tremblant Day Care. As many young Canadians do, Patrick wanted to play hockey from an early age. It was Patrick’s mother who enrolled him in classes to teach Patrick how to skate; the rest is history.

As Patrick began Figure Skating lessons he instantly fell in love with the sport and noticed he was progressing quicker than most individuals. Figure Skating became very appealing to Patrick.

Patrick was educated at École secondaire Étienne-Brûlé, a French-language school in . He has also been accepted to the and plans on attending in the near future.

Since becoming a member of the Canadian National Team, Patrick has been heavily involved with a number of organizations including the Canadian Olympic Committee’s Adopt-an-Athlete Program; he is an ambassador for the Ronald McDonald House of Charities of and Right to Play Canada.

Patrick has received a number of awards in recognition of his accomplishments both on the ice and within the community as a leader and ambassador. In 2012, Patrick received the John Ralston Saul Award, the Jean Lumb Award, and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal. One of Patrick’s most notable and proudest accomplishments was in 2011 when he received the Lou Marsh Award as Canada’s Athlete of the Year and was awarded the Lou Conacher Award as Canada’s Male Athlete of the Year.

Patrick encourages all Canadians to follow their dreams and if you believe and work hard enough, anything is possible.