[email protected] DraftIDYVPilotDocument Spring2011 Discover Your Voice International Resources for teaching speech and debate in schools About this guide This guide is for people working with pupils aged between 11 and 18 who want to get them speaking persuasively and debating issues. - This guide is for beginners-----you do not need to have seen a public speech or debate before to use it. - You do not need to read the whole guide. It is designed so you can start at the beginning, with some simple ideas to start pupils talking, and then progress through as many sections as you want. - The beginning of the is devoted to teaching very basic speaking skills, as the guide progresses it divides guide into more specific sections on debating and public speaking. - Some pages of this guide will have a large (Photocopy Symbol) at the top, indicating their suitability to photocopy and distribute to your students. - This guide is produced by the English-Speaking Union, a registered charity which also runs the website www.esu.org where you can find more resources to help you and information about our other programmes. 1
[email protected] DraftIDYVPilotDocument Spring2011 Contents A: An introduction to speech and debate (5-18) Why should you introduce debating to your students? How to get students speaking and debating. - Why debate? (Senior management, teachers and pupils) - Ways to use speech and debate (Parliamentary debates, public speaking, balloon debates, role play and mock government exercises). - Frequently asked questions. - What makes a speaker persuasive? B: Exercises to get pupils speaking (19-40) A range of games, exercises and resource sheets to improve persuasive speaking skills.