The Westfield Leader

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The Westfield Leader THE WESTFIELD LEADER Circulated Weekly Nempaper In Union County Batai'td'aa Sacsnd Clu* Matter Poit Offlc W«.UI.Ii, K.i _ Publlahtd WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1958 •v*rr TaurMay 33 ?•!••—10 CM* immunity Concerts College Women $100,000 Goal Set For School Board Council Adopts ;* plan Membership Week Offer 4-Year Propose^ Science Center Changes Set-tip $500 Scholarship Of Committees Council The Trailside Museum Associa" announced in the near future when Sale To tlon and the Amateur Astronome»s the campaign gets underway. Municipal Budget Plans Annual Dance WHS Senior Girls Inc. have set a goal of $100,000 Dr. Ralph Hall of Westfield and All Members To for the proposed Trailside Sci- 1 Eligible; Blanks Mark H. C. Spiers of Cianford, Positions Often In The' GirU Sports Council of ence Center in the Watchung Res- presidents of the Trailside Muse- Meet Bi-monthly Westfield High School will hold its Available Now ervation. ' um Association and the Amateur To Handle Items Playground Program Lindsay Collins annual "Country Dance" Saturday The announcement was made at Astronomers Inc., Respectively, an- Series night in the WHS gymnasium. Dr, The College Woman's Club of a joint meeting of the two organ- nounced that with the new facili- A change in the set-up of Board Joseph E. Coleman, director of Named Acting ^ Richard "Klaus will be the caller Westfleld will again offer a four izations last week in Grant School. ties, the association hopes to sup- of Education committees was an recreation, announced today tha' ,„„ for'the 1958-59 West- for the girl-ask-boy square dance year scholarship of f500 a year Flans for the new observatory and plement the present educational nounccd today by H. D, Merrili applications for employment at thi Community Concerts season Heading the committees are the to" a qualified girl graduating in planetarium were presented. science programs and stimulate Jr., board president. Westfieid summer playgrounds are Town Engineer ,on nl« at the final concert following: Karen Thorsen, chaper- June from Westfield Senior High Of the amount set, it was re- the children's interest in nature 'In the organization of thi now available. There are openings currtnt season at the West- ones; Lorraine May, coatroom; School. Application blanks are vealed that about $70,000 would and science. for male and female leaders, as- Mary Ellen List, decorations; Dor- available in the school guidance Board of Education for,the com The Town Council Monday nlgh,t or High School nejet be used for the construction of the The association plans to locati Ing year," said Mr. Merrill, "w< sistant leaders and-junior assist- idopted its 1958 municipal bud(*t „ evening, March 6, B, Is Thomas, door; Barbi Lincoln office and.must ibe -filled out and buildings and $30,000 for equip- thc new buildings adjacent to thi ant leaders for the eight week pro- posters; Brina Coffey, publicity; returned to the scholarship chair- are trying out a somewhat differ- if 12,079,75? with no comment o* fttton, president of West- ment, including a telescope. Trailside Museum and it would be ent arrangement than that for- gram, June 23 to Aug. 15. March, question from thc audience during MBunity Concerts Associa- Lynn Fisher, refreshments; Sue man, , Mrs. Clinton Seaman, on or before March 11. , The name, Trailside Science Cen- the first step in a planned Science merly used. Rather than having 17 is the last day applications wll the public hearing. nounced today. The per- Jacoubus, social; and Jane Robb, ter, officially was adopted. Cam- Center for Union County, be accepted. Applications may be the usual four standing commit- Of the total amount, 11,014,838 artists at the final con- tickets. Applicants will be judged on paign committee chairmen will be The Amateur Astronomers Inc. tees with their monthly meetings, obtained by writing to Mr. Cole- scholastic ability, character, all- is to be raised through local tax** ii««»«in win-be List and la the first scientific group to be- we have decided to meet as a 'com man at the Municipal Building. around activities and personality, come associated with the Trallsid Jon. It is estimated that the com* ^ duo-piano team, as well as need* Only girls who tnittee of the whole' perhaps twice bined municipal and school bud- •tad on past experience," Mr. County GOP have attended Wesflield iSenior BorotoNote unit, Hall said. It is expected monthly." There will be no change gets will boost the tax rate 26 u taid, "we know that most High School for more than one that many more will become allied. In the board's regular monthly points from 17.79 to |8.05 per $100 The Trailside Association is meeting. • Expert to Give w«iwent subscribers will pur- year are considered eligible. isscssed valuation. Of this amount, composed of retired professional w flieir tickets for. the next Council Formed Winners of the scholarship Red Cross Month "The standing committees wll .11 points will go to the school! J, it next week's concert, but award who are now in college educators, industrial leaders, busl still be in existence, however," Mr. Fencing Exhibit nd 2.94 for county and municipal » nitons reasons some "will not, are: Elite Fortenbaugh, Colby Col- ness leaders, physicians, dentists, Merrill continued, "with only two urpojes. {there, will be a goodly nunv Plan Pre-Primary Annual Fund Drive laborers, hobbyists, collectors, con- people assigned to each. The lege, • '58; Zilpha Bentley, Mt. The council adopted a rentuttoB ackets leftifor new sub; Candidates Night Holyoke, '60; and Shirley Doug- sultants, advisors, Clubs allied chairmen may call upon other Y to Sponsor Im who did not have the tas, MacMurray College, '61. In To Begin Sunday with thc group include nature, board members, when necessary, if sympathy on the death of Joha dtp at enjoying the magrnfl 1957, five additional freshmen garden, hiking and the astrono- for help in working on a specific Program at RJHS P. Hopkins Sr., town engineer and A Council of Republican Organ MOUNTAINSIDE — Mayor Jo- executive to the mayor and council. t we have had here iiation» in Union County has .been scholarships were awarded to mers clubs. problem. In addition, special 'task i attMn. for tjieir benefit, Carol DeOhellis, Chatham College; seph A. C. Komich has issued 'a More than 107,000 persons par- force' committees with a definite (Pictvra •• p*t« It) Mayor H. Emerson Thomal i0h" formed for the purpose of combfti- proclamation to the residents of clared that Hopkins wai "one of iti will tie on sale at the Asso- ing for candidates meetings at fed- Barbara Kelso, Dickinson College; ticipated in Trailside Museum pro- assignment will be set up from The WeatfleW YMCA will spon- IO headquarters in the Gas Adrienne Piserchia, Smith Col- the borough, setting aside Sunday grams last season from May 1 to time to time, such committee!) to be lor a fencing exhibition tomorrow he finest and most dedicated Mlt eral and county levels, and plans as "Red Crbss Sunday" and thc t 8 .p.m. at the Roosevelt Junior Set during Membership for a pie-primary candidates night lege; Melinda Scott, Chatham Col- October, Hall said. terminated when the assignment is 'ants a municipality could cv«r j, Hitch 10 to 15. lege, and Inge Stoffers, Trenton entire month of March as "Red The group heard a talk on the tulfilled." High School featuring Georgio ope to have." The flag at the Friday, March 21, at the Westfleld Cross Month." In commenting on Santelli, U. 5. Olympic fencing Munition this," he continued, "Vanguard Satellite" by Walter The committee organization has unicipal Building will be Howl High School arc being finalized State Teachers College. his proclamation, Mayor Komich oach. Admission is free and the t half aiast until March 16. Hieit his come to our atten- this morning at a meeting at the The funds to support these A. Munn, vice president of tine been established as follows: ijat'sonie Westficld people stressed "the great volunteer work astronomers group, ubllc is invited to attend. Lindsay Collins of 722 Colemat! home of Mrs. Charles E. McCul- scholarship awards are derived in of the American Red Cross thru- Finance and budget, chairman, Featured along with Mr. San- 'j]y believe that our Com loch, president of the Westfield a large part 'from thc profits of Robert H. Mulreany, and vice elli will be John Pope of Sunny- ace, who served as Mr. Hopklnt* Concerts Association is L out the world in the time of great aslstant, was appointed acting Women's Republican Club, 825 the biennial play (riven by the or small disasters," and urged par- chairman, Ernest A. Carlson; in- wood drive, ex-coach of the John ihop,' with membership Highland avenue. College Woman's Club. struction and health, chairman, Hopkins University fencing squad, >wn- engineer. Mr. Colllm hut onlj by invitation. On ticipation In the 1968 Red Cross Teddi King To een a resident of Westfleld since The council is composed of rep- fund drive. Bradford N. Craver, MD, and vico who is presently the Instructor of (ontrary, there will he plenty chairman, Marguerite B, Klmball; the local YMCA fencing program. .931 and attended local schools. titkrts for both 'newcomers' resentatives from the following or- Last Thursday evening, George Ic received his bachelor's degree ganizations: Young Republicans of Star In Concert operation and maintenance, chair- Mr. Pope will serve as master of |presidents' who just have. Jewish Holiday W. Pakenham, general chairman man, Louis J. Dughi and vice ceremonies, Introducing anemfoers n civil engineering from Rensne- ptten around to taking ad- Cianford; Crariford Women's of the 1958 drive, addressed all laer Polytechnic Institute and hii Republican Club, Cianford Repub- chairman, Warren T.
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    Volume 8 Issue 6 DECEMBER 2 0 1 TIME 8 PUBLICATION OF THE FRANKLIN BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL Franklin Business and Professional Women Women Franklin Business and Professional WOMEN’S ORGANIZATION Page December 2018 2 Franklin BPW P.O. Box 155 Franklin, KY 42135 LIKE us on Facebook Inside this issue Franklin Business and Inside Cover Page/Inside this issue……........2 Lines From President Laura ..........................3 Professional Women Nov. Meeting Photos………………………....4 Nov. Meeting minutes ...…..….........….….....5 BPW Members ……..... …...……..….….6 2018-19 BPW Officers Things about December …..…..…………….7 November Happenings….……...…….……8-9 December activities………………...……10-12 Now THAT’s FUNNY!...................................13 Laura Tyree, President Committee Reports …...………..……….…14 [email protected] Kid Friendly in Franklin and Misc. …..…..15 Elf Connection Info…………. .….………...16 Stephanie Downey, President Elect Christmas Party Invite…...……..………….17 [email protected] Women Helping Women Ads. ………….18-24 FamilyCare Wellness Center …… …... .…..25 4-Soils……………...….. …………………....26 Kristin Crafton, Vice President In Search Of Page ……………………….….27 [email protected], Elected Candidates ……………….……...…28 KFBPW Information ……....……………... 29 Amy Smith, Secretary KY Legislation to Know….…..….….….…..30 December Meeting & Calendar....................31 [email protected] Michelle Webb, Treasurer [email protected] Sharon Taylor-Carrillo, Exec. Assist. [email protected] Mary Thomas Vincent, Parliamentarian [email protected] If you would like to include something in the monthly news letter, please submit articles or photos by the 20th of each month to Sharon By Text: 615-319-6531 or Email: [email protected] TIME for Page 3 Lines from Laura The season of giving is upon us. The holidays bring such joy to many of us as we spend time with family and friends going from one gathering to the next.
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