THE REPUBLIC OF AMBAZONIA ~UNITED NATIONS TRUST TERRITORY OF THE SOUTHERN CAMEROONS UNDER UNITED KINGDOM (UK ) ADMINISTRATION, 1946-1961; ~LEAGUE OF NATIONS MANDATED TERRITORY UNDER UK ADMINISTRATION, 1922-1945; ~BRITISH CAPTURED TERRITORY AFTER THE DEFEAT OF GERMANY IN WORLD WAR I, 1916-1922; ~AMBAS BAY COLONY, FOUNDED BY ALFRED SAKAR WITH CAPITAL AS VICTORIA, FIRST WESPHALIA STATE IN THE GULF OF GUINEA, 1843-1884. ……………………………………………………………………. From the desk of the Head of State Government Notice 2015/07 I Fon Fongum Gorji-Dinka, Head of State of Ambazonia, in exercise of the powers vested in me by the Ambazonian Constitution, do hereby place Ambazonia in a State of Red Alert and issue the following ordinance. Citation: This ordinance may be cited as Ambazonia Civil Defence Force Ordinance. Article 1 An Ambazonian Civil Defence Force (ACDeForce) is hereby created consisting of an Army, a Navy, an Air force, a Gendarmerie, a Police Force, and a Customs & Excise force Article 2 The Ambazonian Civil Defence Force has three categories:- (i) PATRIANS: Ambazonians quitting active Cameroun service to join ACDeForce (ii) RECALLS: able bodied ex-service men returning into ACDeForce. (iii) FRESHMEN: persons enrolling for training in the ACDeForce Article 3 ENROLMENT PROCEDURE (i) Patrian or Recall shall paste his/her national ID & Service ID on the form scan it and email it to
[email protected] (ii) (ii) Freshman shall paste his/her national ID & state educational certificate on the form; scan &email to
[email protected] Article 3 WAR FRONTS Designated WAR FRONTS include; (i) All Fako (ii) All Mezam (iii) All Ndian except Dekume Balue & Toko (iv) All Manyu except Akwaya & Upper Banyang (iv) All Meme except Mbonge & Konye (v) Kumbo & Jakiri.