Results Chapter 3 A
RESULTS CHAPTER 3 A RESULTS INTRODUCTION, IDENTIFICATION AND MORPHOMETRY 3A.1 VEGETATION IN THE STUDY AREA The trees found in the habitats occupied by the owl vary with geographical locality and distribution range. In the study area, which is located on the Deccan plateau, I recorded following scrub vegetation in the areas occupied by the owl: Acacia nilotica, A. polyacantha, A. catechu, A. chundra, A. auriculiformes, A. tomentosa, Ziziphus sp., Holoptelea integrifolia, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Phyllanthus emblica and P. distichus, Bombax ceiba, Sterculia urens, Ailanthus excelsa, etc. Cropland is often interspersed with Azadirachta indica, Syzygium cumini, Mangifera indica, Tamarindus indica, Annona squamosa, A. reticulata, Achras sapota, Eucalyptus sp., Michelia champaca, Grewia tiliifolia, Aegel marmelos, Feronia elephantum, Melia azederach, Sapindus laurifolius. Cassia sp., Dalbergia latifolia, Memecylon umbellatum, Lagerstroemia sp. Millingtonia hortensis, Tectona grandis, Santalum album, Jatropha curcas, Bambusa arundinaceae, Dendrocalamus strictus, Asclepiadaceae sp. On coastal areas, Anacardium occidentale, Garcinia indica, Albizia lebbeck, Artocarpus heterophyllus, Cassurina litorea, Borassus flabellifer, Caryota sp. Pandanus tectorius, Cocos sp. etc. were seen. In the Indian Eagle Owl's Deccan plateau habitat, the xerophilous grasslands are composed of grasses belonging to species of Eragrosits, Aristida, Heteropogon, Apluda, Chloris, etc. Owls were seen frequenting suitable habitats with mesophilous grasses like Andropogon, Digitaria. Pennisetum, Themeda, Pancium, Setaria and to some extent hygrophilus grasses like Arundo, Hygrorhyza, Saccharum, Erianthus and Phragmites sp. In coastal areas the Indian Eagle-Owl was rarely seen on hilly coastlines near littoral vegetation like Rhizophora, Sonneratia, Avicena, sp. where the trees are sparse. On the coasts it sheltered under Spinifex squamosus, a gregarious sand binding grass or on Casuarina equisetifolia trees.
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